Fascist Wins Election in Washington State.

2 min readNov 6, 2019


Portland, OR.

November 6th, 2019

During the most recent election in Washington state, many important issues were voted on and positions were filled. One such position was for a local school board representative in Eatonville, Washington that went to known violent militia leader Matt Marshall.

(photo credit Alycia Ramirez (@AlyciaRamirez3))

This victory for the reactionary came alongside the defeat of his fellow militia-man Chris Wisnoski, who was removed from his incumbent position by the people of Washington and replaced with Kristiana De Leon on the Seattle City Council for District 2.

Matt Marshall is a leader within the Washington State chapter of the 3%’ers and has been known on several occasions to participate in and give a voice to extremism and hatred.

For more information on Matt Marshall and the 3’ers of Washington, please check out this article by the John Brown Gun Club of the Puget Sound.


This victory will hopefully be short lived, and it is now up to the people of Eatonville to make sure this fascist has a short career in politics and is unable to harm the community. If the current swing of politics continues, and the labor strike-wave continues, this will be nothing more than a minor speed bump on the road to a progressive Pacific Northwest.

Matt won by 428 votes in his district. I can’t think of a better example to illustrate just how important voting and political work is on the local level. I recommend every take this opportunity to revitalize their commitment to political organizing and not rest on the progress we’ve already made.

For more information on voting in Washington State, please visit this website for details of how to register to vote and take action to push back against reactionaries and fascism.


