Hello Flax — A Reactive Architecture For Android

Cody Engel
7 min readApr 29, 2017


One of the current trends in Android is building apps expecting them to be reactive and embracing that characteristic. The first time I heard about this idea was back in October of 2016 when one of the engineers at my company gave a talk about Flux. The main concepts behind flux is you have a Dispatcher, Store, Action, and View. Through flux you are able to transform a user interaction into data which can then be transformed into information that is displayed to the user in a view. It’s sort of neat.

Then came the series of articles about Model-View-Intent by Hannes Dorfman. The premise behind this was sort-of similar to Model-View-Presenter except you allow the view to render itself with an immutable model. I then decided to give MVI a shot earlier this month which is ultimately why I started working on Flax. I’ll cover that more later though.

A few weeks ago Devoxx released a talk from Jake Wharton where he discusses managing state with RxJava. It’s a really great talk and I strongly encourage everyone to watch it, if you’ve already watched it, watch it again. My take away from this talk is it’s futile to build an app with the notion that it can modeled synchronously. You need to build your apps in such a way that you expect the data to change at any moment. So how can we achieve this?

Thanks Vittorio Zamboni and Unsplash for this awesome picture. It doesn’t have much to do with this article, although flaxseed is something birds eat, right?

Hello Flax

As I said earlier Flax was born after I tried out MVI with the stipulation that I remove the pesky presenter. In order to do this I based the architecture off of Flux, this is also where I got the incredibly unique and clever name. The idea is you should respond things happening to the UI and adding state to a model. You should observe changes on the model which can then be rendered on the view. It’s a fairly simple idea and creating the Hello Flax app was almost just as easy (spoiler, the non-hello world sample was a bit harder and exposed a lot of flaws with my original thinking).

So let’s first look at what our View exposes to other classes to get a better understanding of what this app will be doing.

interface MainView extends FlaxView {

void setText(CharSequence text);


Okay, so aside from my method naming being non-optimal (strange because I’m usually stickler for that in code reviews) this still highlights a few things, so let’s talk about them.

  1. This view will provide the ability to set text on the screen. I don’t really know where that text will be, but that’s not really my concern.
  2. This view doesn’t really let us do much with it. That’s probably a good thing, after all this is a very simple app to demonstrate how to use Flax.

With that we’ll take a look at what will be interacting with MainView, within Flax that is known as a Renderer. The Renderer is responsible for observing changes on a Model and extracting data from it to pass along to the View.

class MainRenderer extends FlaxRenderer<MainModel, MainView> {

MainRenderer(MainView view) {

protected void modelUpdated(MainModel updatedModel) {


Okay, this is arguably more simplistic than MainView is, all we are doing is overriding the abstract modelUpdated method, but still let’s dissect this.

  1. The modelUpdated method will be called whenever an update has been made to our Model.
  2. Our Renderer can then extract information from the Model and pass that information along to our view.
  3. Our Renderer can be smart if it needs to be (such as doing string formatting) or it can be fairly dumb and display the information as the Model gives it to us. In this case it knows that getValue will need to be converted to a String, so I suppose it’s somewhere in the middle of what you should do with the Renderer.

So if you are coming from Model-View-Presenter this is essentially half of your Presenter, it’s the half that is concerned with calling methods on your View. The other half is the Responder which I will get to in a minute, but first I want to talk about the Model.

public class MainModel extends FlaxModel<MainModel> {

private Integer value = 0;

public MainModel() {

void plus() {

Integer getValue() {
return value;


So you can see this Model stores an Integer and exposes two methods to other classes within the same class. We’ve already seen what getValue does from the Renderer above but the plus method is new to us, and it’s bigly important. When you call this method it will increment our value and then it calls notifyModelChanged, if this sounds similar to notifyDatasetChanged that’s because I sort of stole the naming convention from the RecyclerView, as they say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Okay let’s get back to what notifyModelChanged actually does though. On the backend it will emit an onNext event to anything subscribed to our Model. One thing that’s useful to understand is FlaxRenderer automatically subscribes to the Model for us, inheritance isn’t always a bad thing. So my general rule of thumb is any method that changes some internal value of the Model should call notifyModelChanged after it’s done updating the values. Also, it probably isn’t a good idea to call plus from MainRenderer (this is why Flax is 0.1).

Alright enough about the Model though, let’s talk about where the other half of the Presenter went. It’s time to talk about the Responder.

class MainResponder extends FlaxResponder<MainModel> {

MainResponder(Observable<FlaxAction> actions) {

protected void actionReceived(FlaxAction flaxAction) {
switch (flaxAction.getActionType()) {
case FlaxAction.CLICK:
if (flaxAction.getViewId() == R.id.button) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(Locale.US, "FlaxAction Type %s Not Supported", flaxAction.getActionType()));

protected void errorReceived(Throwable error) {
Log.e(getClass().getName(), error.getMessage());

protected void completed() {
Log.i(getClass().getName(), "Completed");


Okay so the Responder is quite a bit larger than the other classes we’ve seen so far, so I guess it must be more complex, right? Well, not really, this has a few more abstract methods to implement which for this app don’t really do much. The important method is actionReceived which will receive a FlaxAction and determine what to do with it; so let’s dissect that in isolation.

  1. Whenever we receive any FlaxAction the actionReceived method will be called.
  2. It’s important for the Responder to determine what action was actually invoked, in this situation a switch statement is probably your bestie — do people even say that anymore?
  3. Once we’ve determined which action was received we should also figure out if a view caused that action, in this case we are checking if a button was clicked.
  4. Once we’ve isolated the action down to a type and a view we can confidently respond to this action and notify the model. In this case we call the plus method.

That wasn’t so bad and now you can hopefully see that this replaces the parts of your Presenter that would respond to user input or certain lifecycle events (such as attach or detach). So with that let’s go to something more familiar, the MainActivity.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements MainView {

@BindView(R.id.button) Button button;
@BindView(R.id.text) TextView text;

private FlaxResponder flaxResponder;
private FlaxRenderer flaxRenderer;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

flaxRenderer = new MainRenderer(this);
flaxResponder = new MainResponder(new FlaxActionObservableBuilder().mapClick(button).build());

protected void onDestroy() {

public void setText(CharSequence text) {

In future versions of Flax I will most likely ship with a FlaxActivity which will handle a lot of the inner workings. In my more complex sample app I actually created a base class which simplifies this, but for now let’s discuss what’s going on.

  1. We are using ButterKnife to handle our view bindings. If you aren’t familiar with that library (you should be), it essentially replaces findViewById with annotations.
  2. We have a reference of FlaxResponder and FlaxRenderer. These allow us to call their dispose methods to avoid leaking their internal Disposables.
  3. We are implementing our MainView which saves us from creating a composite view. You’ll also probably be familiar with this if you are currently in the MVP world.
  4. We create the Renderer and Responder from the onCreate method, which can cause some issues in more complex apps so moving it to onResume wouldn’t be bad either, just make sure you only instantiate instances when there isn’t already an existing one.
  5. The Renderer requires you pass in the View while the Responder requires you pass in an Observable with the actions. I’m still trying to determine the best way to actually handle this. For now the FlaxActionObservableBuilder gets the job done.
  6. We are implementing the View’s setText method.

And really that’s it. With this app you click a FloatingActionButton and the counter will increment by one. Since the Model isn’t attached to the Activity lifecycle you can rotate your phone or emulator and the data will be restored to the last state the model was in. There is a decent amount going on behind the scenes, but I won’t go into the details in this article, for now enjoy thinking all of this is magic.

Get Building

At the time of this writing Flax is currently in the very early days. While the 0.1 version number is mostly arbitrary it’s also important to understand that none of this is finalized. While I feel the concept is fairly close to final I still need to add more test cases, ensure we aren’t leaking memory, come up with better naming conventions, and actually figure out how publishing a library to jCenter works. For now you can manually download Flax from the releases page. Oh, and of course you can view this project in its entirety (along with a terrible diagram) on GitHub. If you find any issues while testing please file an issue, it can be as small as issues with the syntax or as big as a memory leak.

I’m still getting into writing on Medium. My goal is to write at least one article per week, if you enjoy my writing style consider clicking the heart and following me.

