Gypsies’ Life Stylin part1: 1st Sight Frissions

Big Tows322, PhD
4 min readJan 2, 2017

This blog is about past love at first conversation timings.

My persuasion psychology course Professor had her two PhD’s in philosophy and clinical psychology. She would routinely snake walk up and down the aisles while lecturing us. She was the first Professor to move around the room as a peer vs the traditional authoritative front teaching position. After chatting about the intro to persuasion psychology, she curiously stopped at my desk and asked why I construct my notes from the center of the page outward. I replied, “The simplest way to create a story is starting at the center or the tree’s roots then build out in any direction to erect a memory palace.” Her beautiful mind Loki smiled, and replied, “You remind me of my husband, a computer science 1337.” 😍😍😍

During the evolutionary biological discussion, the double PhD described how females have always relied on males as slaves for muscle and protection. Adding, today’s male slaves are financially secure. At this juncture, I raised my hand, excitedly waited for her to call on me then said, "Ok, so females have relied on males for protection all throughout history from the cavemen times to today, in terms of financial security and evolutionary survival? Using applied psychology, one could hypothesize that females are evolutionary gold diggers.” She pondered for 30 seconds-ish then responded, “Yes, that’s a valid hypothesis.” The younger independent minded ladies didn’t speak to me the rest of the term. The experienced ladies came up to me at break, thanked me for my candor, and agreed with my evolutionary gold digger hypothesis. ☺

Ladies' brains have a bigger connectome than man brains meaning ladies are more productive multi-tasking animals. Most men are shit at multi-tasking.

Six of the most coolsville people I have ever met on Earth have the multi-tasking gift. I met the 7th beautiful mind last night. She reminded me of Romeo and Juliet, exquisitely beautiful, plus she is a deaf mute!!! I recognised her beautiful mind almost immediately and fell in love at first sight.


I’ve not had 1st sight frissions, since I met the 192cm Polish Blonde Princess in Germany circa 2006. I again had circa 2007 when I first met Thor’s Mistress, a 190cm blonde goddess, also in Germany. This was the first Asian I’d meet and loved at first ‘conversation’ and dancing.


Recently, I have started believing in humanity again. I worked for Darth Vader, the USA empire’s military, so I pretty much lost faith in the humanities. However, I started traveling to emerging market countries in 2014. Emerging market countries earn about an order of magnitude less than rich nations like the USA and or western Europe. But, the emerging markets people are orders of magnitude happier. This gave me hope as I also became a minimalist, by choice not circumstance. All of my belongings now fit in 1 carry-on an airplane bag, it’s incredibly satisfying to not be a traditional materialistic garbage hoarder.


Snakes in Asia are one of the most revered members of the animal kingdom. Snakes are ancient relics of peace, but when threatened snakes won’t hesitate to strike especially when protecting the family. It’s rare to find this open secret in people. Snakes don’t like Earthquakes. Snakes prefer peace hence why snakes live underground because it’s safer and geologically quieter. If walking in the desert all alone then carry a big stone. If encountering a perceived threatened snake then the best course of action is making a miniature earthquake. In physics, we call these tremors Rayleigh and Love waves. Throw the rock near the snake making sure NOT to hit it. The snake will think there is a mini-earthquake and move somewhere quieter. ☺

Thinking more about the snake hypothesis, every number represents a snake’s resting positioning.

After playing charades with the Beautiful Mind, I asked the Princess to dance to “Twistin the Night Away” by Sam Cooke with me in the small court in the bar back. It’s my interstate love song. My two left feet accidentally stepped on her toes, and I genuinely apologised then she accepted. We shared a moment that will last to the end.~James Blunt 😍😍😍 She introduced me to her sisters and we had lunch every week thereafter much to her meth dealing father’s anger, haha!

The Universal Love symbol is Yin Yang literally translated from Mandarin to dark-bright. Coincidentally, it’s also the sexual 69 position, haha. Who knew I could find love again…Thank You, Snakes on Planes for showing me the Yang again! 😍😍😍

A fitting musical love ballad, Ring of Fire by JC.

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Big Tows322, PhD

Forever Curious, Gladiators in Boardshorts, United We Walk! 🏄