Gypsies’ Life Stylin part4: Tourists' SEAs

Big Tows322, PhD
6 min readJan 7, 2017

Astrophysics is the universe’s music. Astrophysics is the applied science of everything. Everything we, humans, know about life’s building blocks came from unknown-unknowns. It literally gave me frissions teletyping the last line! 😍

Fun fact: light>=dark. As we were taught in Lucas' Star Wars, “good” and “evil” reside in all Jedi Masters. The constant struggle is what makes some of us bad and/or good humans. 😍😍

There are 3 types of general knowledge i.e. known-knowns, known-unknowns, and unknown-unknowns. Known-knowns are stuff we know we know. For example, we know we know our Earth rotates around our sun, first hypothesized by Nic Copernicus circa early 16th century; later, Galileo confirmed Copernicus' hypothesis via empirical observation.

The Copernicus Hypothesis became a theory AFTER others repeated Galileo’s empirical observations by performing similar observations and getting the same conclusion. Empirical experimentation and observation via repetition and validity, respectively, lead to theories.

One or a group of super nerds’ fairytale guesses are not theories. Here’s looking at you, Blackhole Maestro. 😘

Fun fact: The Roman Catholic Church rejected Galileo’s empirical evidence and kept the traditional false Earth-centric narrative, reminscent of climate change deniers in the 21st century. “Ironic, don’t you think?!”~not me

Next, we have known-unknowns. Known-unknowns are stuff we know we know we don’t understand. In science, magic aka what we don’t understand is wordsmyth-ed up to sound fancy, spontaneous. Spontaneous is a 10 dollar word for so-called scientific “experts” being clueless. Scientists like politicians spin everything to make themselves appear smarter. 🏄

As a youth, I worked at the friendly good good prestige university. The professors were super nerds, but couldn’t be bothered to fix their printers. A 10 member customer service team would support roughly 10000 terminal users; we’re able to handle the workload because everyone was the best of the best. 🏄

The US Air Force Academy (USAFA) is a highly selective university for its staff as well as its students. My specialty was printer support. But I dabbled in a bit of everything i.e. on-call tech support, helpdesk customer service, and IAT level 2. ☺

My first helpdesk question after salutations and the cyber-retard describing the challenge, “Is the printer securely plugged into the power outlet?” And the professors and cadets would universally react the same, “Don’t insult my intelligence; of course, it’s plugged into the outlet (without bending under the desk and crawling to verify, mind you.) I can hear if someone actually verifies checking a power source. I learned I can also hear smiles through walls today. 🙌

I’d routinely find unplugged printers and would say in a disrespectful tone with my patented “Kill em with kindness Loki smile,” “Professor, do you remember me asking you if the printer was securely plugged into the power outlet? Because look, the printer is unplugged.”

All the while thinking, “I don’t have to insult your intelligence as you do a great job of it yourself, you ignorant, lazy, piece of shit.”

Fun fact: “fast, neat, average” is how USAFA cadets rate their servants in the main chow hall. Regardless of quality of service, the cadets are forced to check off “friendly, good, good.” It’s Vader-Madonna code for remembering to treat those that help us, the less fortunate, with kindness and also remembering our humble roots.

Memory Lane

Many of my racquetball buddies are USAFA graduates. I’ve flown with them commercially, and they will write the “fast, neat, average,” on a napkin. My buddies then ask the stewardess to give the napkin to the pilot with a bit of harmless flirting. If the pilot also graduated from USAFA, they’d return an ACK with “friendly, good, good.”

If there was room, the USAFA pilot would bump us up to first class. We were bumped up twice. 1st class is night and day compared to coach; it’s Coolsville to friend all sorts! 🏄

An example of a known-unknown is our symbiotic virus esque force field protecting Earth from asteroids and the sun’s radiation. We, mad scientists, understand the logistics of how and what Earth’s natural virus like shield does. We don’t understand why. At the end of our arbitrary time value, a day, the Earth’s iron dome is a known mystery.

Fun fact: Life can be carbon-based as well as nitrogen-based sans carbon.

The most beautiful of the 3 knowledge levels is the unknown-unknowns. In literature, we call unknown-unknowns fairytales. In astrophysics, our fairytales are given grandiose titles such as String “Theory.”

Pet Peeve: If there’s no empirical evidence then it’s an educated guess aka hypothesis.

Memory Lane

While sitting at a café in Cambridge, UK circa 2009, across from Hogwarts esque square in downtown Cambridge, we, Caesar and me, shared life conversations with German tourists.

Stephen Hawking drove by on his electric scooter. The seas of tourists parted, and one could hear my voice and his scooter. My Caesar buddy gave me “the look,” like "if you knew his brain then you’d also have an awe look like the rest of the tourists." If Hawking knew how my big brain connects dots then Hawking would be in awe too, I thought to myself.

My buddy had to work, so we said adieu. I decided to experimentally observe the street performers like capoeira brazilian dancers, sitting on the ground, and laughing as a youth while people watching.

Fun fact: Capoeira is brazilian mixed martial arts (MMA). MMA was banned in Brasil, so the clever locals developed a hidden treasure. Watch capoeira at YouTube, it’s a beautiful dangerous art!

Fun fact: Damian Rice’s song, “The Blower’s Daughter,” is about a clarinet. And the etymology of clarinet is clear text.

Back to the presents (pun intended) 🏄

String Hypothesis doesn’t have the same Coolsville sound as String “Theory” and many astrophysics professors, hell, nearly all professors I personally know have narcissitic personality disorder. Readers need to feel significant, relevant. However, we know we are all insignificant in the grand scheme of everything. ☺

According to the movie K-PAX, bubbles are round because it’s the perfect configuration for the bubbles. Humans look like we do because it’s our best configuration. Every species evolved to have it’s own config based on whatevs skills the animals needed to survive.

Graphene is shaped like a honeycomb. It’s one of the strongest naturally occuring materials. The top strength honor goes to a snail.

Fairytale proposal: Two honeycombs sitting next to each other look like infinity. The keys to understanding nature is studying infinity in nature.

We began this hope journey with love and will continue Thor’s adventure with music!

Musical tribute Frozen parody,




is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to explain the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe. It has two sibling sciences, astronomy and cosmology, and the lines between them blur.

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Big Tows322, PhD

Forever Curious, Gladiators in Boardshorts, United We Walk! 🏄