Gypsies' Life Stylin part6: Soldiers of Light

Big Tows322, PhD
7 min readJan 9, 2017

We, a nun and me, shared a Loki smile. It's rare to meet the light, a completely controlled Yang personality. However, she laughed out loud several times for the love of Loki. She saw both the Yin and Yang in my personality by mere observation, a true soldier of the light. 😍

In a recent article, I mentioned light is greater than or equal to darkness i.e. Yang>=Yin. When individuals make divine philosophical statements then we get enlightened visitors. She was my 2nd this week. Start off small then go big. ☺

In 2014, there were two hurricanes that hit the Daytona Beach area. I bodysurfed both. The 2nd one was actually scary, made me feel humble for the awesome power of astrophysics. It was my first time as an "adult" to feel fear. The 2nd hurricane reminded me I am still human. ☺

I still believe I am 18 and bulletproof. My broken index finger tells me otherwise. Getting old hurts (not so good)!

The 1st hurricane, I gingerly waded (pun intended) and bodysurfed a few wicked waves. The 2nd hurricane, I respected the beast, wow! I, now, believe the 2nd hurricane was my enlightenment quiz. The Rugby Union local boss asked if I challenged status quo chaos; he already knew.


The day I had "planned" to meet my fmr DB co-workers, I instead took the faithful walk. A jazz player stood on the corner and gave me "the look." He saw in my eyes where I wanted to go and pleaded with me against. My mind was made up; I had to face my daemons.

Faithful Walk

After crossing the Seabreeze bridge, I made a curious stop at a drive-thru liquor store and bar. I don’t remember ever coming into the store, but everyone appeared to recognize me.

After my 1st beer, a Speedway real estate lady came for a chat. All she wanted to know was, "If I was there for them?" Intriguing question I pondered, then said I wasn’t, just paying my respects. ☺

I then continued my hope crusade to Rowsie's. After a nice chat and game of darts with my gift, I black taxi-ed past my childhood "home" for the last time. The taxi driver knew my home without as much as a word. 😍

He dropped me off at Robbie’s, the beachside downtown Republican pub. In 2009, I gave Robbie my black hat. I asked if he still had it. Robbie didn’t remember, so I said the hat’s title and I could hear a pin drop in the packed bar-room, dead silence scared, my 2nd fav. I recently re-learned the light=fire aka love is #1. 😍

I had a brief chat with a Saudi Arabian national businessman and said farewell. I then ate at IHOP. Curiously, the waitress charged me for one meal even though I ate two meals. I tipped her good. 😁

I then walked back to hotel via the dark sands on a crowded beach. I don't remember ever seeing so many hand signals. I believe they knew I chose death.


I threw my handy in the ocean the next morning and taxi-ed to the greyhound bus.

On the last greyhound leg from DB to Ft Walton Beach (FWB), 2 golfers babysat me, actually they were more curious where I would go. They "correctly" guessed the Irish pub, McGuire’s. The mousetrap was set.

My first Hell 'N' Back test was with the black widow, think Hellen Mirren in the movie RED. What a stunner and she was at least 70, highly intelligent, beautiful mind! We met once a day for a week. The experience is mind blowning on deer antlers. 😍

I never had any intentions of going to the Destiny’s Irish pub because well, DB, was the trap. The rest was magic. 😘

I walked to all my favs i.e. HellNBack, Froggies, Perfect 10, and the pool hall. At the pool hall, I chatted to an LGBTQ, Q member. She was a brilliant bird. I love the fringe!!!

Hog's Breath Journey

My self-administered torture was a midday 10km, 90+% humidity and 100F+ temp scorchingly hot day, I walked to the Hog’s Breath from my resort on FWB.

Fun subjective fact: Hog’s Breath has some of the best southern food in the USA’s Southeast.

Mostly, I walked along the beach, danced with the fishes, and only one lady caller walked past. After seeing her, I saw a familiar station. I didn't know what it was, but it looked like a Great Britain thang.

I came onshore and wondered around the red zone. Curiosity settled, I continued my hope journey to the Hog's Breath Saloon.

Unsurprisingly, the USMC security detail drove by to evaluate me. I have the tourist appearance down, so they stopped. However, shortly thereafter, I couldn’t cross the bridge without a tail.

I rang up my fmr UK boss and asked for a lunch dinner. We chatted about the good ol days and he asked one pointed question. "How did you pass the psych eval?"

I Loki smiled then turned and talked to the rat. I passed the psych eval by hacking the authors' personalities.

The MMPIv2 is the military’s go to psychological challenge for military personnel deemed unfit for work. In 2009, I disobeyed a direct order and was commander mandated to a psych eval. It’s the government’s way of booting the outliers.

I learned everything about the exam i.e. history, lead scientists' personalities, and intuited how the scientists expected a sane person to answer the questions. Of course, I beat the challenge.

The clinical psychologist that reviewed my answers then interrogated me for an hour said I scored mild on histrionics and narcissitic personality but not enough to be detrimental to my unit, so she gave me a clean mental bill of health and sent me back to work. 🏄

For the next 6 months, I was on probation, one more fuck up, and Mr Smith’s would have been happy to dishonorably discharge me.

My unlikely savior was an E8 with similar personality though much more polished. Experience is a wise move!!!

I lied to myself and everyone else around me for a year before honorably separating. I obeyed the status quo, won a flight level award and was considered for the unit award, but the bird didn’t want me representing his unit, and finished a shit ton of certs. The status quo beat me into obedience. I am happy that’s over!

The exam

It was a work of art. I knew what nearly every question and which personality disorder it related. The histrionics and narcissitic personality questions Loki couldn’t help but answer honestly but not too much. Survival was more important!

The MMPI was originally designed to weed out crazies i.e. religious zealots. Anyone with zeal is in true love=fire.

The world governments hate passionate people, see Arab Spring, thus the fearmongering narrative. Fear scares most people enough to prevent passion. Unbridled passion aka fire is the only thing that scares the monsters.

Religious zealots are the most dangerous people on Earth because they don’t fear death. The world governments are afraid of people that don't subscribe to their traditional sheeple bullshit.

The clinical term for fearless folks is schizotypal personality disorder. Schizotypal people tend towards dangerous liasons and grandiose ideologies. And people that are not afraid of the most powerful entity on Earth, governments, scares the shit out of said governments hence the Bible and Koran fearmongering narrative. Either join them or die. I choose nobody. ☺

Soldiers of Light, United We Walk! 😍😍😍

Musicial tribute, Charles Daniels' The Devil went down to Georgia...

MMPIv2 history

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Big Tows322, PhD

Forever Curious, Gladiators in Boardshorts, United We Walk! 🏄