5B: Pre-assembled solar bridges energy gaps and challenges large-scale traditions

2 min readMar 24, 2024


5B Maverick Farm, Tiwi Islands

The latest issue 38 of PV Tech Power explored innovative solutions for overcoming energy access challenges through prefabricated solar systems. Two plug-and-play solutions are examined: The 5B Maverick and Norwegian-based Scatec’s Release system.

Highlighting the limitations of traditional large-scale PV models in under-developed regions with energy access issues, prefabricated solar systems, which are assembled off-site for quick installation and redeployment, are presented as a solution. Addressing an industry challenge, Tom Kenning, Tech Power’s editor, writes that these solutions have the potential to dominate the solar industry in the coming years due to their flexibility and cost advantages.

The 5B Maverick is a ground-mount system that focuses on rapid deployment and energy density, generating roughly twice as much energy per unit of land compared to single-axis trackers. Meanwhile, Scatec’s system features energy storage integration, transforming solar installations into versatile power plants capable of providing energy-as-a-service.

These prefabricated systems aim to democratise access to solar energy and address labour shortages in the industry while boosting the distributed generation sector with novel deployment, scaling, and financing flexibilities, including renting out solar systems on a shorter timeframe to suit off-takers with temporary power needs or emergency energy gaps.

We invite you to read more about the transformative potential of prefabricated PV systems in PV Tech Power’s latest issue.




5B's flagship technology, the 5B Maverick, is a modular, prefabricated solar system driving the rapid advancement of large-scale solar deployment.