The Crypto Apocalypse… The Voice of Reason

Faris Khasawneh
4 min readDec 19, 2017


Jean-Paul Rodrigue’s stages (or phases) of a bubble chart

No matter what everybody’s saying right now…
No matter how “bullish” the charts are looking…
No matter how much FOMO is in the air…

I understand one thing, and one thing only: Reason and Sound logic

I’m the first believer in the future of crypto, to the extent that it’ll knock FIAT, Banks, and Govs. Into oblivion… BUT!

Every 30 mins i look at the charts and see the madness, i start thinking of my two options:

  • Either To run after an oasis set by the wolfs of the crypto wild west, and just simply follow the craze like everyone else, and weep in remorse later.
  • Or to choose reason & rationale over emotions and FOMO, and feel wise and secure about making the right choice in a time of insanity and uncertainty.

I choose the latter; the voice of reason unblinded by greed, and satisfied with reasonable but steady rewards.

I know some people are going to say “Only good things come to those who take initiative and embrace risk”, true… So does gamblers !

I’m not talking about selling XRP positions you got at $0.30 or less, nor about your <$8K BTC or <$200.00 LTC investment entry prices… what I’m talking about is buying BTC for $20K and expecting to cash in a 10,000% profit in a month, Putting it nicely, that’s delusion!

Yes there are lots of huge recent game changing news like:

  • CME’s BTC futures
  • Coinbase’s exponential growth following their TV ads
  • And even more to come like XRP and a handful of other mature coins being listed on Coinbase in Jan. 2018

But still: wake up for a moment and look at the bigger picture!

Bitcoin 2013 crash: Price Index in U.S. Dollars, January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014

As i write this, the whole 2008 financial crisis scene is coming back to me, not in a sense that BTC and crypto is a bubble or fad that’ll vanish shortly thereafter, but more of a pump-and-dump game being pulled off by the governments and big wolfs of wall street and the likes. And who do you think will pay for it this time? Me, you and the rest of the working class trying to invest as much as they can as fast as they can… Just like the 1998 internet bubble, and much like the 2008 crisis.

To the Moon!

The current motto for almost every coin crowd out there seems to be “to the moon! 🚀”, heck it’s even the logo of one coin, that’s just straight out nonsense!

Yes the well established coins with real world applications and use cases like BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, IOTA, DASH (just to name a few) will survive the apocalypse with realistic valuations, but many other pointless coins would seize to exist and simply get de-listed off of exchanges.

Is this a calling for an FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)? Absolutely not! I guarantee you i have no interest in one, nor am i looking for low prices to enter the market because “i missed the train”…well I didn’t, and no, i don’t work at wall street, This is rather a simple wake up call for people to be more cautious and informed before dumping insane amounts of their hard earned money into what still seems to be uncharted territory even for the experts

I’d rather much prefer to see stable, strong, and steady growth patterns in the crypto currency world right now, than seeing extreme growth all over the place leaving big gaps that has to be filled sooner or later, and most likely causing a major state of FUD and panic sells while doing it.

I realize that swimming against the current in times like these isn’t the popular choice and would probably bring more criticism than agreement, while most people prefer to go with the flow and say what others want to hear, eventually someone just had to say it, be it me or anyone else…

I choose the voice of Reason

