Is Second Chance Financial Group a legal loan company?

23 min readMar 21, 2019

Is Second Chance Financial Group a legal loan company?

Answer : I would recommend one to visit this web site where you can compare from different companies: .

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“”Zip Code”””” for credit card security?””””””
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If my credit card application gets rejected by one credit card company, how long should I wait before applying for a CC with another credit card company without affecting my credit history?””

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A. 30% B. 300% C. 3% D. 3000%””
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“Is Second Chance Financial Group a legal loan company?

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Being sued by bank where I got a signature loan?
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Verification process for auto loan?
I am a first time buyer with a credit score of 550, 631 and 640. I have alot of student loan debt, but recently applied for a car loan. The dealer told me that every other lenders need me to have a co-signer. I dont want a co-signer, I am working on my credit history. They asked me for my apartment address and phone number. What are they going to do? verify my address information? dont I need to give them permission to check that first? are they going to inquire about my payment history or just verify that my lease is in my name? Why is it so hard for me to get approved? Is my score really that bad? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated””
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“”I have no credit, and just got my first credit card with a $600 limit, what’s the best way to build credit?””
So I’ve never had a credit card before and I think either I have no credit or bad credit due to missing utilities bills a couple years ago, but I wanted to get one to build my credit. I got approved today, and it has a $600 limit. What’s the best way to build credit? Would it be like: 1) spend a lot (like $400 or $500) and then pay it back slowly, so I’m doing monthly payments, or 2) spend a lot and pay it back really quickly, like in a month or two, or 3) spend a little bit like $100 or $200 and pay it black slowly, or 4) spend a little bit and pay it all back immediately? …or any variations of the above, because I have no idea. My friend said it doesn’t matter how much you spend, as long as you’re paying it back monthly- whether you’re working on paying back $1000 or $100 doesn’t matter, and he also said that it’s better to pay it back slowly over a long time period, that’s better to build credit. I just want a second opinion. Thank so much for your help!””
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What’s your favorite commercial? Here’s mine……?
I typically don’t like commercials either when I am trying to watch a television program. So I’m with you on that one. ; )
When does a cash advance get paid off (Before or after credit card transactions)?
Cash advances on credit cards usually have higher interest rates. So when you make a cash advance and pay your credit card your minimum payment for instance, does the cash advance get paid off first or do the credit transactions get paid off. Or does the credit card company make it so you pay the cash advances last when you are about to pay off your entire cc balance?””
What are my rights and options when my business landlord declared bankruptcy and now I have a new landlord?
I am in California. I have a laundromat, and out of no where we find out the building owner have declared bankruptcy and now we have a new building owner. The new building owner sent all the businesses in the plaza warning letters 30 days to vacate. I don’t want to lose my business. What are my rights and choices? I still have 2 years of contract with the previous owner. Thanks.””
Can you conslidate payday loans someone help?

Can i have my bankruptcy dismissed if i have paid the secure portion and my wife is pregnant with complication


Should I file for bankruptcy or let things play out?
I have outstanding credit card debt of roughly $20,000 or so and it’s been 2 years since they have been in collections. One of the 2 CC companies is now suing me for $13,000. I have a part-time job making $8/hr and my yearly income is roughly $12,000/yr, so I’m already quite limited financially. The only significant asset I own is a 1999 Mercury Sable (paid for), as I rent. It seems my biggest concern should be wage garnishment, I think. Is that a big risk making only $12k/year? Or maybe I should just file bankruptcy? I live in Ohio, if that helps.””
Please explain our auto loan to us?
Our monthly payment is 549.10 (yes ouch). As I’m looking on the statement, it shows the following, which I don’t understand: Principal Balance is 15,921.93, Principal Payment is 327.72, Interest Payment is 221.38, ending principal balance of 15,594.21. The interest rate is 14.5%. There is a Late and other charges”””” of 125.13. (husband will have to call to see what that’s for) This was supposed to be a five year contract. We have made a total of 40 payments… but the maturity date isn’t until 1/21/12. (The truck was purchased in Oct of 05) !?!?! Thats 7 years.. Yes we have missed a few payments””
Can filing bankruptcy stop a wage garnishment in Virginia?
The wage garnishment is for an unpaid debt (car loan).
Should I get a student loan even if I don’t technically need it?
I’ve saved up so much money in my first year from working, that I could technically get through next year, even if I didn’t have a job (even though it’s likely that I will still have it). Should I just not apply for a loan? The only reason why i’m thinking about getting it still, is from how much everyone is preaching that it is so affordable, and that it could get wiped off in 30 years. I could just use the extra money to ‘invest’ in something. What do you guys think?””
Experian score of 755 cant get credit?
21k earnings only debt is sofa with 8 months left to pay. Had loans in past. Never missed a payment. Can’t get loan or credit card but offered 1600 overdraft! Even chap in bank surprised! Updated my previous addresses, closed inactive bank accounts. Baffled!””


Iss cash flow loans meant only for business finance?
are cash flow loans meant only for business finance?or are they also available for personal finance?what are the loan amounts and repayment periods?
“”I have a $25,000 salary and good credit. Can I possibly qualify for a home loan?
Or should I just give up and live in a van down by the river?
How long do you have to pay back a payday loan?
if i get a payday loan how long do i have to pay it back? do i have to pay it all off my next paycheck?
“Is Second Chance Financial Group a legal loan company?

“”What does Payment refused by the acquirer”””” mean?””””
How can i get free access to xxx site with no credit card?
i don’t want to pay for xxx but i want high quailty stuff, thanks.””

Is 700 Cash Advance Payday loan real ?
I applied payday loans at I would like to get $1500 within tomorrow for my mother in the hospital. I found this payday loan on Is this real and good payday cash advance? Is this scam? I worry about the scam, and finance fees. Help me review Please. If you have other legitimate payday loans, please kindly tell me. i think Online payday loans $100 to $1000 99% Guarantee Approval. No Faxing & Bad Credit OK.””
Auto Loan Or General Loan?
I’m looking to buy a used car within the price range of 1,500–3,000. I’m most likely looking to buy from a privet seller or a ‘buy here pay here’ dealer. I was wondering, since the price range of the kind of car I’m looking for is so low if I should look into car loans, or just take out a general bank loan ahead of time and combine that with the little bit of money I have already saved up to buy this car. Also, what does it mean when a car dealership says that they finance””””?””””””
“”What are some LEGITIMATE bad credit, no ccollateral loan companies?””
I URGENTLY NEED 15K for my business to get started. A line of credit would be an option and is actually what I would prefer…. I was counting on a family member who had a stroke, is paralyzed and therefore no longer an option.There is a potential cosigner with great credit, but them being retired will no income (aside from retirement benefits), I am not sure is this would be effective or not…. I am so certain that my business will be a huge success, I do not care if the interest rates are very high (as they would be anyway with bad credit and no collateral).. DO REPLY WITH YOUR SCAM WEB SERVICE””””!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DO SO I WILL UNDOUBTEDLY FIGURE OUT IF IT IS LEGITIMATE AND IF NOT””
“”All things being equal, which percentage rate would be lower, a new auto loan or a mortgage loan?

Where do I get a free credit report?
Does anybody know?
I need to see if i can get a school loan to cover school and also pick up my auto loan?
Ok Im moving back home to arizona and Im wanting to attend UTI. The automotive school and I have a car payment of 367 a month and I was wanting to know if there are any school loans out there that you can combine your auto loan and school loan. My school will cost around 17000 to23000 and my pay off on my suv is 14900 left. And if I was able to accomplish this I would be able to consentrate on school instead of worrying about bills and just work part time. If anyone out there can help me I would greatly appreciate the help thank you…
How can i boost my credit score? I Have 0 Credit History and no card will approve?
I Am 19 And Wanted To start my credit, i cant find any card that will approve me. My Mom Approved Of Keeping The Card & Using It Once A Month Just To Keep It Active. Does Anyone Know ANY Website??””
Short sale or forclosure or bankruptcy whats better?

Bank Loan for purchasing a plot — doubts?
Hi, I wanted to buy a plot worth around 8 lakhs and want to take a loan for 5 to 6 lakhs. When i approached banks, they say that you can take a home loan and construct a house within two years. The interest rate for that is around 8 to 10 %. But most probably i won’t be able to construct a house within 5 years or so. — Do banks do stringent checking and follow up for these kind of loans even if i pay the loan without defaulting? — What could be the issues i face if bank checks and finds out that i haven’t constructed the house yet? Will they charge the interest of mortgage loans (15% or so) from the date i have taken the loan? Will there be any other fines? — What if i can finish the loan within 2 years? — What are the other options available for me? Kindly advice””
Advanced BAH for renting a new house?? ?
is there a such thing? we need money to put a security deposit and first months rent…someone told me we could do an advanced bah loan is this possible??? we are desperately looking for a loan or something we have until the first of the month to do something or we are basically homeless…my husband is military (e5)
Will I qualify for a $15000 auto loan through chase?
I applied for a auto loan at Chase this morning, for a brand new truck. The woman said to call her back to check the status this afternoon, she didn’t return my call. I work part time, making around $14000 a year. I would need to finance about $15000, the truck msrp is $21,165. I live with my parents and I am still going to college, no rent or major bills. My credit score across the three agencies is 727, and on my credit cards (5), the most im using is 33% of the limits. The waiting is killing me, is there anyone who is familiar with autos loan through chase? Please do not tell me to save for years and then pay cash. My current truck is starting to have major problems its 12 years old, which i refuse to drop 3k in a car that old. With all the incentives and rebates now looks like a good time for me, especially with the Cash for clunkers.””
What do I lose in bankruptcy?
I’m just 24 years old and I’ve accumulated over 30,000$ in debt that I can not afford to pay at all…I miss payments on everything and it usually takes me until the end of the month to come up with rent. I don’t many other alternatives other than filing bankruptcy.. I’ve sold most of my things..all I have left is my computer and my car…but I use my car to go to work..but I can’t even afford to pay that anymore..but what is owing on it is more than it’s worth..””
Will filing bankruptcy stop wage garnishments for unpaid taxes?
Anyone who has any knowledge to assist me, you have no idea how much your info will be appreciated. Currently, my wages are being garnished for 3 things. First, my wages are being garnished for child support. I know that there is nothing I can do about this. I’m ok with this. 2nd, my wages are being garnished for defaulted student loans. I am currently in the process of loan rehabilitation for my student loans, so in January that garnishment should stop. 3rd, I owe back unpaid state taxes for North Carolina. They are now garnishing my wages as well. My question is, if I declare bankruptcy, will the garnishments for the unpaid taxes be stopped? I know that declaring bankruptcy will stop garnishments for credit card debt and things like that, but am unsure about what it will do as far as my unpaid taxes. Again, any help anyone can give will be greatly appreciated!””
Would this method affect the interest rate on my credit card?
I have two credit cards. One has a higher interest rate than the other, plus I would just like to have the balance on the larger card combined on a single card to make larger payments on. I do not care about the credit score nonsense at this time, but still have a fairly decent credit score regardless. I’m aware of the transfer fee amounts. I’m aware that combining on a single card takes up the available credit and might temporarily look bad”””” as far as utilization goes””
What is the average interest auto loan rate these days?
What is a good or average interest rate on an auto loan? For a brand new car that is. I know it depends on your credit, so please don’t give me that answer. Still, even with good credit or average credit, how do I know the average interest rate for auto loan unless someone tells me please.””


“”If I consigned on a auto loan, will that be part of my debt to income ratio when applying for a mortgage?””
From another Q&A site: If the other party can prove via cancelled checks that they have made every payment from their own money then no.”””” Any insight?””””””
Need a bad credit loan?
I’m tired of people calling irresponsable because I have bad credit that don’t necesary have to be the case. I’m looking for a 4000 loan and I haven’t find it yet I even tried prosper but it didn’t work either, I will repay every penny of it with high interest if I have too, I’m not asking for anybody just to give the money I just want to borrow it. Things happened a lot of times and some of us don’t have any family to turn to and ask for help. If anybody knows about a site or a firm that are not scams, pleas let me know. Thanks””


Where can I watch movies online no donwload no credit card where can I watch like that?
Withou credit card and downloading where can I watch?
“Is Second Chance Financial Group a legal loan company?


Do you work at home for Jetblue?
I am going through a divorce and need a second job in the evenings while my baby sleeps. Anyone know what a part time booking agent for JetBlue makes?
Im stuck in payday loans and have no way out . I live pay day to payday as it is .?
I I have taken 4 paydays loans out and im unable to pay them off . They call my job and harress me everyday . I dont have any money to pay them off . They keep reminding me that i have sign a legal binding document can someone please give me some advice on how to handle this situation.
Does minimum payment on credit card cause bad credit?
Ok I was wondering if I pay a little more than my minimum payment or just the minimum will it give me bad credit later on? Thanks ahead of time.
If you get married is your credit fixed?
or is her credit going to be fixed if she has a diffrent last name
Can we shop internationally by our icici bank credit card of india?
what about the currency?or there are 2 types national and international credit card
In debt really bad…considering filing bankruptcy..?
Okay, so I’m about 12,000 in debt. I have three credit cards I’m currently paying on. I called a debt counselor and was hoping they could lower my monthly payments. I pay roughly 300 dollars a month to all 3 credit cards. I only get 900 dollars a month, so 300 dollars is a big chunk to have to pay :( So any how, when I talked to the lady she said I would be paying anywhere from 300 a month to 350! That’s already what I pay now! I just thought that debt counseling or management was suppose to help people lower their payments! I’m just confused as to what I should do. Should I just file bankruptcy? Thanks Kim””
Filing bankruptcy (lawyer or paralegal?)?
I am trying to figure out which route to go. I owe over 30 Thousand in debt and at the moment I don’t own any property besides a car I bought for $1,000 a year ago (1997 Chevy) I don’t have a job currently due to be laid off and on unemployment. I due have income tax which is about 2000 (The lawyer I talked to is charging 1000 + 300 in court fees) so that would be all my money… How hard is it going the paralegal way? Is it a for sure thing my bankruptcy will go through? Is the lawyer a better choice? need help!?””
How much will I expect to pay a month for a car around 9000–13000?
My parents want to buy me a car and they gave me a higher price but I lowered it since there’s really no point. (using it to get me from home to college). Although my parents are paying I’d still like to know how much a month. Thanks in advance. G.
Is adult friend finder a fraud or is it real?
hey guys, is the website safe enough to give credit card number? Or will it turn out to be a fraud!!! im not that rich!””
Are there sharks in long island new york?
my friends are inviting me to summer house in long island new york (river head area) and i have always been afraid of sharks and i don’t know if its safe to go there to ocean or not
What do you know about Mortgage Lenders of America?
My husband and I are a young military couple looking to buy our first house. We can’t be approved for a mortgage loan through our bank because my husband has only been in the Navy for 1 year (they require 2 years in the same field). We have applied through Lending Tree and recieved a really good offer from Mortgage Lenders of America. Has anyone else worked with them? I’ve visited their website, but want to know more information from someone who has worked with them personally. This is a HUGE investment for us, and we don’t want to make a mistake. Thanks in advance!””
Where can I get a personal unsecured loan with fair credit with a low income?
I have tried prosper but I decided to pull the application. I live in PA and for some reason it won’t let me put an intrest rate higher than 5% no one will lend to me with such low rate
“”500 credit score $35,000 car can i get financed?
My three credit scores are in the 500’s one is 550+.. I am building my credit (started late last year and some bad debt hit my credit). I am curious with a large down payment can i get financed for a vehicle that price? I currently make 70–80k per year.. Thanks.
On GTA 5 online can I change my players heritage?
It’s not horrible, but I would like to change it if I can. If it is possible then how?””
Payday loans?
I Had out several payday loans and they were taking money out of my account when it was not avaialbe.So i closed my account.Can anything happen to me
“”I need a personal loan, auto loan, some kind of loan?
I am a single mother in desperate need of a car to get get around for me and my daughter…not to just joy ride but to handle business i live in paterson nj…i need a grant a loan or something but im searching hard for work and i do have about 450 of income monthly right now i have credit card but idk what my credit score..what can i do..i dont have a cosinger by the way


What is the interest rate on the American Express black card?

Best payday loans?
I need a payday loan but there are so many sites I don’t know which one is the best one. Which one has the lowest fees, no credit check and I can get at least $1000? Also, I would like to find one that doesn’t make you pay the WHOLE loan back with one paycheck. It lets you spread it out a little. Anyone have any ideas?””

Do I have bad credit?
First thing first, I am still new in this whole, credit building so, bare with me. Okay so right now I am at $600 with my credit card and the limit is $700 and I have been paying the minimum monthly payments on time for the pass.. Maybe 6 months. But then my girlfriend’s mom told me that having it close to the limit gives you bad credit. Is this true? If so, if I pay off that $600 in debt will I still have bad credit?””
Why refinance an auto loan?
Aside from lower payments how can refinancing an auto loan help you? I always thought an auto loan was set, as far as interest and principal go. Unlike a house, paying extra each month did not help you save money on interest because the total interest and principal was set at the beggining. As I’m reading auto refinanace information I’m seeing that you can save money on interest. Can someone please educate me if I have been wrong about how auto loans work? Thanks””
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“Is Second Chance Financial Group a legal loan company?

