Trees.. are like humans??

Logan Kamer
3 min readJun 7, 2022


Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Look around you and just stare at a group of trees for a moment. Look at how the branches and leaves are swaying back and forth through the wind… getting pushed around solely by nature itself. Almost uncontrollable. Funny thing about trees is that they are necessary for human survivial, and most of us never spend time thinking about they’re true nature, how they came to be, or how long they’ve been around.

All types of trees, if you think about it, have similar yet differing qualities. Some tall, some short and young, some big with 12 foot diameters… yet all of them share one human function…. providing us with oxygen and clean air to breathe. Have you ever thought about how trees are similar, to us humans? Think about it! We, as humans, come in all shapes and sizes. Some tall, some short / young / inexperienced… but all sharing one human function. That is to love, respect and care for one another. I don’t know too much about the science of trees and I’m honestly not sure if trees rely on one another for survival (I might have to join an outdoor club or something and report back soon)…

But what I do know is that humans most certainly do rely on one another for human survival. A few years ago I thought that being on “a solo mission” was noble and courageous. Thinking that I didn’t need ANY support from fellow friends or family members to make my dream a reality. Boy was I wrong. You see, if you’re trying to self improve, start a business, grow an audience online, or simply grow a business to a certain number of revenue per month; you need eyes on you and attention on whatever it is that you’re pursuing. We live in an attention based economy.

The more attention and eyeballs that are focused on a certain company, event or service… typically (but not always) means the more dollar bills that will come into play. On the other hand, validation seeking is NOT what you should be seeking out. Notice the difference there and read that again. Attention seeking is valuable, but validation seeking is not. WE all depend on eachother. The sharing of goods and services, the dependance on farmers for food production and distribution, and the need for human care and love. It’s what makes the world go ‘round.

Next time you find yourself taking a stroll through the park or around your apartment complex, think about how STILL the trees are, and use that as a reminder to be STILL and reflect on your intentions for the day or the next.

Stillness is a blessing and a curse.. and those who master it….

Will master their own life.

