The Silver Branch and the Truth Goblet: Cormac MacArt’s Journey with Manannan MacLir
When Manannan MacLir the SeaGod, and King of the Tuaithe deDanannan, and Father of Niamh met Cormac MacArt who was the wisest King of Ireland on the lawn of Tara Hill, and after the two men greeting each other, Cormac asked this tall stranger who had a silver branch strewn over his shoulder with nine red gold apples where he came from to which the stranger replied
I come from a place where there is no aging, no withering, no envy, no jealousy, no pride, no sickness, no sadness, no worries, no cares, and instead we have love, joy , peace, and energy, a place where only the truth prevails.. When Cormac heard this he said I wish it were so with us, and I could well do with your friendship, to which the stranger replied you can have it, and without hesitation Cormac asked him for his friendship together his silver branch with the nine red gold apples?
The stranger replied you have my friendship, and the silver branch with the nine red gold apples, but you must grant me three gifts in return which Cormac agreed. The stranger gave him the silver branch, and the nine red gold apples, and went away.
Cormac returned to the Hall of Kings, and went to sit on his throne, and when the people saw the silver branch with the nine red gold apples they were awestruck with its beauty, and exquisite craftsmanship, and when Cormac shook the silver branch his people’s hearts began to soften vanishing aaway all their worries, and cares, falling like feathers onto the floor slipping into a deep sleep until the same time the next day
One year later the stranger returned, and demanded his first gift, and took his daughter away to gasps of sorrow, and sadness from his people.
Another year later the stranger came back, and took Cormac’s son, and again his people’s hearts sank, and were gripped by despair.
The third year when the stranger returned Cormac, and his people’s hearts began to sink, and when the stranger demanded that he take Cormac wife, and led her away Cormac was overcome with sorrow, and followed him with his people following closely behind.
Cormac MacArt eventually caught up with Manannan MacLir in his Palace the place in space where he told Cormac when he first met him that he came from.
After Cormac knocking on his door, and was greeted by his tall beautiful Queen who invited him to stay for dinner.
After Cormac announcing to the King, and Queen that he never had a meal yet without a full table of guests attending, and so it was that Cormac’s Wife, Son, and Daughter were led into the banqueting hall by Mananan, and his wife to be reunited with her husband, and Father at the head of the table to great applause, and thanksgiving.
To reassure Cormac of his honesty The Truth Goblet was placed on the dining table by Manannan, who proceeded to tell Cormac of its power when three lies are spoken this truth goblet will break into three pies, and after manannan telling three lies TTG broke into 3 pieces, and then he said to Cormac the only way the TTG can be restored to its former beauty is by telling three truths.
Since the day I took your daughter from Tara Hill she has not seen any man, and she has been given all the secrets of eternal youth, beauty, and life.
Your son has not laid his eyes on any girl, and has been taught the secrets of self defence in all aspects of life
Your wife has not encountered any man, and has been shown the true meaning of love, and everlasting life.
With these three truths the TTG was restored to its original beauty.
So now take your wife, and family home, and this TTG with you, and give it pride of place in the Hall Of Kings as a reminder to everyone that the Truth will set you free.
When your people are in a state of geantrai, goltrai, suantrai which is the Irish for Love, Crying & Lullabye
Shake the silver branch, and the music of the Sí will envelop them in a deep sleep for one day restoring their equilibrium when these three emotions become one.