Do you need productivity to be successful?

Joaquin Garcia Alfonso
2 min readAug 9, 2016


[Read in Spanish]

Productivity is related to finding your daily "momentum", rather than knowing how to manage your time.

When you face the daily challenge of getting things done, there are people who see it as a puzzle to be made and others as a puzzle to be “undone”. There is a big difference, the latter involves people who know what to do. The first don’t.

The variation in results, is so big that one does not understand why this is not a mandatory subject at school.

Knowing what-you-have-to-do means you’ve decided earlier, your prioriy setting, what are the right contexts to work with, what goals will reach with those tasks and what is the commitment to yourself to carry them out.

Knowing what-you-have-to-do means you’ve freed your mind of incomplete tasks wich will allocated into an organized place to come back to them when the context, the difficulty and the energy you need to carry out is the suitable.

When you organize your mind, you work smarter, not harder, and simplify your life. This allows you to merge your personal with professional life in the same flow of structured actions.

The latter is what I call "success habits" The fundamental reason why some people are successful is because they add some "special" skills into their day to day. I mean, certain right actions have been added as a daily habit. Actually, they make those actions every day and do well.

