Hannah McBride Archive Part 3

August to December 2016

4 min readOct 11, 2017

These are stories from when I first started with 60dB. For more recent stories, see my archive in Part 1 and Part 2.

December 22, 2016

With Betsy DeVos — a staunch charter school advocate in Michigan — as the Secretary of Education, the rest of the country could be next.

December 21, 2016

Democratic mayors are spoiling for a fight with Trump over “sanctuary cities.” They might regret it.

December 19, 2016

Vox’s Julia Belluz went to one of the sickest counties in America. And she saw that for residents of Concordia Parish in Louisiana, poor health outcomes may get even worse.

December 16, 2016

A federal court in Austin ruled Thursday afternoon that the Texas Department of State Health Services would have to push back its start date requiring health providers to bury or cremate aborted fetuses.

December 15, 2016

Alarmed that decades of crucial climate measurements could vanish under a hostile Trump administration, scientists have begun a feverish attempt to copy reams of government data onto independent servers in hopes of safeguarding it from any political interference.

December 14, 2016

If confirmed, the erstwhile Trump rival will oversee American energy policy and its ramifications on the economy, environment and national security. The Texas Tribune’s Abby Livingston explains.

December 13, 2016

Climate change will bring more frequent and fierce rainstorms to cities like Houston. But unchecked development remains a priority in the famously un-zoned city, creating short-term economic gains for some while increasing flood risks for everyone. The Texas Tribune’s Neena Satija explains.

December 8, 2016

Plane spotters travel around the world in order to hang out near airport runways so that they can watch and document planes as they take off and land.

The funding will treat opioids as a public health, not criminal justice, problem. Vox’s German Lopez explains.

December 7, 2016

For 25 years, invoking this vague and ever-shifting nemesis has been a favorite tactic of the right — and Donald Trump’s victory is its greatest triumph.

December 5, 2016

He somehow ended up on a conservative nonprofit’s watchlist of college professors who “discriminate against conservative students, promote anti-American values and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.”

December 5, 2016

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers halted Dakota Access pipeline construction, denying a permit for the current route of the much-maligned oil pipeline, which has drawn thousands of protesters to Standing Rock Indian reservation in North Dakota. Mic’s Jack Smith IV gives us an update.

December 3, 2016

The video for Soul Asylum’s 1993 smash hit featured real missing kids. As writer Elon Green reports, some eventually came home; some never did.

December 1, 2016

Wired’s Peter Rubin had one shot at infamy, the O. Henry Pun-Off World Championship.

November 23, 2016

Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn’t one of them. Vox’s German Lopez explains.

November 21, 2016

She doesn’t like everything he says, but she voted for him. And she really likes Ivanka Trump — whose poise and polish artfully mask just how closely her ideologies align with her father’s. Buzzfeed’s Anne Helen Petersen explains.

November 18, 2016

Facebook is blocking fake news sites from participating its ad network but CEO Mark Zuckerberg has waved off criticism that fake news on Facebook affected the recent US election. The New York Times’ Katie Benner explains.

November 16, 2016

Katharine Hayhoe is an environmentalist and an evangelical. She argues climate scientists need to keep making the case for change.

November 10, 2016

The anti-Islam group ACT for America has a direct line to Donald Trump. Now, as Buzzfeed’s David Noreiga explains, it has seized on allegations of a hideous crime in Idaho’s Magic Valley to spread its reach to more Americans.

November 7, 2016

Who are the vendors selling unauthorized swag to the Trump faithful? Buzzfeed’s Cora Lewis explains.

November 4, 2016

Since the 1950s, presidential science advisors have juggled researchers’ and politicians’ demands — except when Nixon abolished his administration’s entire Science Advisory Committee.

November 1, 2016

So what would happen if non-Koreans attempted to break into the scene and channel that same pop aesthetic? Well, we’re about to find out.

October 31, 2016

Americans invented “y’all” for a very good reason. The real enemy: “you guys.”

October 28, 2016

Women working at the White House came up with a novel plan to make sure they received credit for their ideas. The Washington Post’s Juliet Eilperin explains.

October 26, 2016

Nikole Hannah-Jones, a New York Times magazine reporter, chooses a school for her daughter in a segregated city.

October 20, 2016

Trump supporters are not the caricatures journalists depict — and native Kansan Sarah Smarsh sets out to correct what newsrooms get wrong.

October 11, 2016

Sportswriter Jessica Luther takes apart Trump’s excuse of “locker room talk.”

October 7, 2016

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s literary censorship policy is a national disgrace.

October 5, 2016

Mollie Orshansky never intended for her work to define poverty in America for generations. Fusion’s Molly Osberg explains.

September 30, 2016

The crossover of Asian skincare and beauty aesthetics into American culture is more than a passing trend — writer Megan Reynolds describes her experiences with Korean beauty products.

September 16, 2016

Walmart’s aggressive cost cutting has unintended consequences on many communities crime statistics. Bloomberg’s Shannon Pettypiece explains.

August 29, 2016

Donald Trump is borrowing a political playbook from the 1840s. Narratively’s Brendan Spiegel explains.

August 22, 2016

Federal Courts simply don’t buy many state legislators reasons for restricting voting rights and, as Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern explains, they are citing a Supreme Court case on abortion to strike down these laws.




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