Vscode 101

2 min readMay 23, 2024


How to use Visual Studio Code

First, in first you have to go to the website of Visual Studio Code and download the program or can click on this link VScode

After that open the program on your laptop or Mac. The program must look like this picture your program will not have any extensions.

Second, you have to download the extension for your project in this case your project using vuetify so you have to import this extension. So click on the number four of the icon on the left. If you can’t see you can follow on this picture.

So I recommend downloading these extensions Prettier for formatting the code, Material Icon Theme for adding the icon to your file to look like this picture and Tabnine is an AI that helps us to develop any of your projects.

Those are the common extensions for to development of every project and you can install whatever you want in the extensions

On New file, you can select the folder for adding the new file but I recommend clicking on the open folder or the second one in the middle of the red boxes. It is easy to create a file in a project. The third one is to clone the project into your VScode and you have to select the folder to keep your project or you can clone it on your terminal using the prompt “git clone xxxx” the xxxx is an example of the URL of your projects on the Git lab and Git hub. On Recent is a shortcut for opening the project.

So before you clone the git you have to register the git into your laptop first for the prompt git config --global user.name "yourusername" and git config --global user.email "email@youremail.com" but you have to download git already if you don’t have click here to download

