Elli Williams
2 min readNov 7, 2018



Prometheus (titan)


Prometheus was the son of Iapetus(father) Clymene(mother). Prometheus had three brothers Epimetheus, Menoetius, and Atlas.


Prometheus was given the task to make mankind from clay. During a meal at Mount Olympus Prometheus brought Zeus fat and bone instead of the best meat. Zeus was outraged and took away all the fire from humans so they would have to eat raw meat

Prometheus’s Crime:

Prometheus was upset that Zeus took away fire from the humans so he went to Mount Olympus and stole fire from Zeus and gave it to the humans. When Zeus found out about Prometheus stealing the fire he was outraged and punished Prometheus.


Prometheus was sent to a mountain and chained to the mountain. While Prometheus was chained to the mountain an eagle would come to rip out and eat his liver. His liver would regrow every day and the eagle would come again and again.






Medusa was the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. She had three dreadful beastly sisters Graeae, Echidna, and Ladon. Medusa was the expectation of the family until…


Medusa was a beautiful young girl. Her and Poseidon fancied each other but Poseidon was with Athena. Athena caught them having an affair in her temple. Out of jealousy and rage, Athena cast a terrible curse on Medusa.

The Curse:

The cruse turned Medusa’s beautiful blond locks into venomous snakes. The curse made it so whenever someone looked at Medusa they would turn to stone.

After the curse:

After the curse, Medusa’s life was completely changed. She left home and never returned. On her journeys, she was greatly feared. Medusa’s personality began to change with her new appearance. Medusa was widely feared monster throughout Greece and became a symbol that scared away evil.



