What is Salute credit card by Visa’s phone# & email/address?

22 min readMar 22, 2019


What is Salute credit card by Visa’s phone# & email/address?

Heere is the BIG problem, since I just recently recieved my new card, I have misplaced it and that’s why I need their email or phone# to contact them on what to do now? Can’t put the card in a ATM without having the card! Please help me. Thanks, Dyann

Answer : I recommend that you try this web page where one can get from different companies: https://tinyurl.com/yxf8jqyc .

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Do I get my car back after i got pulled over for revoked plates but i bought it and paid for a engine?
I bought this car from my sis n law and i didnt get a title because they had to get it from bankruptcy and i had already paid them and i paid 700 for an engine and they wont give the money back for me buying it but they have the car because i got pulled over in it and the plates were revoked and they wont give me the car back.WHAT SHOULD I DO
Stole my credit card and bought american express gift cards.?
So someone stole my credit card number and bought $10,000 worth of American Express Gift Cards. They shipped them to my house but i guess they waited outside and when the delivery guy came, they signed the package and ran off with it. (I work during the day) Is there anyway i could find out what the numbers were of the gift cards and a store could track them down? Or if they used them at a store they could get caught? Or if i could cancel them? Do i have to pay for them since they were shipped to my house? I call Visa and they wont give me the time of thier day. Please Help.””
What income would I need to afford a 3.5 million dollar house?
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like not my report my score? or the FICO score i think its called please no spam
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A general question about Revolving Credit VS. Credit Cards on credit report.?
I read online that there is a difference between installment debt and revolving debt. On the article I read, credit cards were lumped into revolving credit and this kind of debt was the best for raising a score… Installment debt of course is monitored on the report, such as student loans, but it doesn’t raise the score tremendously even if you are paying it off early. Something interesting I found though, on my credit report there’s a section for revolving credit, and then CREDIT card debt… There’s a definition on my report but they seem to be the same to me! Obviously, somehow there is a difference… Can someone clarify if there is ANY difference between REVOLVING debt and CREDIT CARD debt?? Also bonus question: I am thinking about getting a secured credit card because of bad credit and I want to build good credit. Does a secured credit cards count as revolving credit?””
Do I claim BAH or housing allowance in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
I’m am in the military and I’m going to file bankruptcy. To qualify for chapter 7 in california I need to have a income of 48,000 or less. BAH or Housing allowance is not taxable allowance for housing. it that included in my come for that calculation?””
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Is there another way to protect yourself from identity theft besides just checking your credit report? 5 pts!?
how long does a freeze cost? Will it cost me 4 dollars each month, or is it a onetime fee?””
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I’m going to Import cars and sell them in my country.. I need money to do it. But I don’t have money. I can’t get bank loan too. I need 100 000 U.S. dollars. can some one give me 100 000 U.S. dollars for me.. I know there are lots of rich peoples out there. and some like to help to others.. so please If you like to help me please send me a email. email :- searacorner@yahoo.com
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Advice on refinancing an auto loan to lower 18 percent interest rate!?
Filed for bankruptcy over three years ago and several months later I totaled my car. Had to buy a car asap as I lived 25 miles from work. Had no savings or a car to borrow. Now stuck with a 2004 auto worth about fifty-five hundred and owe about twelve thousand on a 7-year loan! HELP please!?!
How can I get a credit report while I’m deployed?
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I need a pay day loan!?
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Finance charges on auto loans ?
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“What is Salute credit card by Visa’s phone# & email/address?

Heere is the BIG problem, since I just recently recieved my new card, I have misplaced it and that’s why I need their email or phone# to contact them on what to do now? Can’t put the card in a ATM without having the card! Please help me. Thanks, Dyann

What’s the best credit card to get as a 22 year old?
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Where can I can a free credit report?
without having to deal with the hassels of free trial subscriptions
When to submit home loan interest certificate to income tax department?
After serving in my previous company till July 2013 I left India to work abroad, I failed to submit my home loan interest and principal deduction certificate to my company’s CA and hence he has not deducted the principal (up t0 1 Lakh Rs) and interest (up to 1.5 lakh rs) from my taxable income, and hence my form 16 also doesn’t mention about it. Now while filing the tax return I want to include that exemption and retrieve that extra tax back. I want to know when and how I have to submit the interest certificate, which I obtained from bank, to the income tax department?””
Can a creditor call my employer to collect a debt?
I recently had a creditor, (General revenue corporation) Call my work to find me, Is this legal?, it really burns me that they would bother me at work to collect a debt. Can I do anything to stop them from doing this in the future?””
“”Is dresslink.com a scam or is it safe? If you’ve used it, let me know!?””
There’s a site called dresslink.com and it looks too good to be true. I just wanted to see whether or not it was a scam. Has anybody bought from this site? I want definite answers, not opinions. Sorry if that sounds rude! I was just thinking that some of the things on the site were very pretty but I’m not going to buy anything if it’s not going to get to me or be of value. So, yeah. Hope I get an answer!!!!!!!””

“”I have a credit score of 692,678 and 708. Can i get approved for an auto loan?
Im trying to get a used 2010 ford fusion for 12988 or a 2011 nissan altima 14998 well i get approved
Does anyone know of a reputable mortgage company for someone with less than perfect credit?
Ten years ago my ex and I had a business together and when we divorced, he filed for bankruptcy. I had to file with him because if not I would’ve been responsible for my personal and all”””” the business debt. I was not financially in a position to handle this. The bankruptcy is currently wreaking havoc on my credit report and is due to come off later this year. I now have a chance to buy a house and need funded. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Thank you””””””
“”Paid off my auto loan, double reimbursement. Can dealership send to collections?””
I purchased a car through a dealership and purchased GAP coverage on the loan. I ended up paying off this car in about 10 months (originally a 48 month loan) and then requested the dealer refund to me the remaining prorated amount of the GAP coverage that wasn’t used (approximately $250 or so). This was about a year ago. Now just recently the dealership notified me that they just realized they accidentally refunded me this amount twice because the payoff on the loan was reduced by the prorated amount at the time of the payoff, but they also sent me a check for the remaining funds. I obviously never noticed this, and apparently neither did they for 12 months. Although my loan is officially paid and satisfied, can they technically send this to collections if not reimbursed? Obviously this is annoying considering it took them a year to figure out their error, but I also understand that this sort of accounting mistake may happen more often than I think. What action can the dealer take? Very curious, thanks!””
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“”While my husband is deployed next year, is there anyway of loans and auto loans to stop payments while gone?

How would i take out the perkins loan?
I filed my fafsa and everything, but i heard the perkins loan was the best loan. How would i go about taking out that loan?””
Home equity loan and bad credit.?
Just inherited childhood home. There is no money owed on the house so its 100% equity. The house is worth at least $140k. My husband and I have bad credit due to medical bills because of husband’s disability. We would like to borrow $25k to clear up debt and do some repairs on house. We have steady income, same incomeb amount every month and direct deposit. How hard would it be for us to get s home equity loan for $25k with our poor credit?””
What is the best way to prevent identity theft?
There are various services (I think Lifelock is one) that supposedly make it impossible for you to be a victim in the first place. How reliable are these places? How do they prevent identity theft? What is the best service to use? Also, there is a section on the credit report, that shows all credit cards you have had going back years. Do these eventually get wiped off your record (they all have $0.00 balances)?””
What should I do with this payday loan issue?
I’m a poor college student whose fallen victim to an online payday loan scheme on a website that went out to several companies, however I put my stupid information in and got approved for one and now got some money, but now they keep calling threaten me with arrest or jail because I can’t pay it back. I didn’t sign for anything, and the company that gave me the loan is CUTTER GROUP LLC and they have an F in the BBB. I would pay, however I can’t find a job in this economy a young person like me keeps looking and I can’t find it. What should I do?””
“”I have a 547 credit score, and few collections, can i get a loan to buy a home.?

What is the car exemptions for chapter 7 bankruptcy in ohio?
What is the car exemptions for chapter 7 bankruptcy in ohio? i keep getting conflicting information. my car was paid off in full on one of the credit cards i am filing bankruptcy on. so i own it outright. it is my only car, it has a value of 7–8500 depending who you ask. if i filed 7 could i keep my car? obviously i would rather file 7 then 13.””
How much does a payday loan cost?
I need $400 until Friday, how much would it cost me?””
How can i get a 100% free credit report on line?
No credit card card needed ,no money of any kind””
Parents stealing money from me?
I have this secret place to put money in (well you know now) and i saw my mom and dad take money from it and it had about 300 dollars i was saving up from chores and stuff should i confront them or hide my money in a different place?
Who the hell is credit smart?!!!!!!!?
i am getting so ****** pissed off. im am trying to get a credit report. i been on the computer for hours trying to get one. i have credit!!!!! my mom screwed it over when i was younger. i just turned 18 and i do not have any credit card numbers. all off them ask for a credit card veriation number. anyway i can check it online with out a credit card? i need to work on ixin it cause i know it is messed up help me out. and do not say free credit report or annual credit report because they both ask for that

If i get a credit card but don’t use it will it make my credit score go up?
My biggest problem is i have pretty much no credit.
“What is Salute credit card by Visa’s phone# & email/address?

Heere is the BIG problem, since I just recently recieved my new card, I have misplaced it and that’s why I need their email or phone# to contact them on what to do now? Can’t put the card in a ATM without having the card! Please help me. Thanks, Dyann

“”Where can I find a unsecured loan/w bad credit(not Citifi.American General,prosper or paydayloan)?no-cosigner?
These lending companies say you don’t need a co-signer then turn around a say you need one.My credit is 600(bad) and I don’t have no bankrupcies and I’m just trying to clean-up my debts and buy a new house before summer/fall.I been on my job for 2 1/2yrs and I just got in trouble with my debt by helping my family and medical issue for my son.

Auto loan possible?
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Engine swap for 84 vw rabbit? what ones are best?
I know swapping is difficult, but if i swap it will be with a newer golf engine most likely because i would assume its best. Any thoughts on how i should go at the situation?””
Free credit reports without imputing credit card info

Shifting credit card balances to improve credit score?
We applied for mortgage pre-approval and when the lender pulled our credit reports they found that my husband’s mid score was 804 (great!) and mine was 701 (not as great). The only problem the lender saw in my report was that we have a credit card in my name which is near the limit. We had a bit of debt which we had transferred from husband’s cards to my card to get the lowest rate. I’m concerned that when it comes time to close on the house and they re-check our credit, my score might have gone below 700 (from the pre-approval inquiries) and that might cause a problem. We need to put most of our extra money toward a down payment so unfortunately we might not be able to pay that card down significantly between now and when we close in a couple of months. What if we paid for some of our expenses on husband’s american express card, to free up some money to pay down mine? Then my balance won’t be such a high percentage of that credit line. His”””” debt ratio will go up a bit””
18 years old auto loan
im 18 going on 19 and my credit score is 705 can i get an auto loan? i want a car for 12K would i be able to get the loan? how much cash would i have to put down? what kind of intrest might i see? and would it be better to buy the car used from the dealership (my preference so i dont get a lemon) or from a used car lot?
What is the least expensive and most effective way to protect my identitiy and credit ?
I’m not feeling comfortable to provide my SSN to any company. A friend of mine told me he has a free protection for his credit card and he didn’t provide his SSN to that company, but would be a protection for the ID ? Thanks””
How can i get a background check on some one for free?

Free credit report for credit card application rejection.?
Hi, Recently one of my credit card application got rejected. The letter from the bank states that, i am eligible to get a free credit report within next 60 days. When i called the credit reporting agency (transunion) number given on the letter, it goes to an automated number and requires me to provide ssn and address details to get a report. How do i reach out to a real person and get the free report i am eligible because of my application rejection?””
“”Best budgeting strategies while unemployed, yet receiving unemployment benefits?””
i would like as many opinions on this as possible; strategies and suggestions, and i appreciate it in advance. i *am* employed at the moment, but looking ahead not in a pessimistic way, it’s possible i might become unemployed soon. i am still sort of young i suppose lol (27), and i know there have been a lot of people out there that have been unemployed for a long time; over a year, who may have a few years on me-and those are the people i’d like to hear from. i’m not sure how much i’d expect, but i know it wouldn’t be a lot. i don’t have many bills to pay thankfully; really my credit card bill which i put most of what i earn biweekly towards, and college loans (which are really cheap). i know this doesn’t sound like much, i know there are a lot of people out there that have A LOT more to have to pay..A LOT more. i was wondering what do you do to get by; especially comfortably; well, as comfortably as possible. i’d assume you put aside enough for bills to ensure you pay those off, but lets say they’re really expensive; how do you go about putting aside money for other things-whether it’s leisure”””” activities or towards other things (gas””
Can I sue my ex for back mortgage payments?
My ex and I bought a house 2 years ago in which we both were placed on the mortgage. I ended the relationship at the end of last year; however, I have been paying all the mortgage payments since we’ve bought the house, and am still making the payments after she had moved out. I was supporting her while she was in school,and now she is threatening to sue me for money back on the house… and possibly force me to refinance. The key is… I got her to sign a quit claim””””.. in which I’ve filed through the court.. giving up all rights to the house. So my main question is… Can I possibly sue her for the last 2 years of mortgage payments and can she force me to refinance??””””””
“”Can some one file Bankruptcy on a banknote, also After filing bankruptcy can Someone buy a house?

I want to file bankruptcy but I plan on getting married soon?
I want to file bankruptcy but I also plan on getting married soon? Would it be better to file bankruptcy before I get married or because my spouse has bad credit as well get married as planned and file together? Is a spouse bankruptcy more expensive? But mostly would it be better to file together?
I am looking for the web site that doesn’t require that you have a credit card to get your credit report?
I am looking for the web site that doesn’t require that you have a credit card to get your credit report please it is from the federal buereau
What happens in the 4th season of one tree hill?

Free site to view credit report?
Anyone know a site where you can get your creedit report without paying anything????

What is a 1099-A and how does its play into tax return?

Which website can authenticate payment for internet? so many payment scams reported lately by US people?
Since 3 users below trusted paypal in yahoo it may be the technology that is trusted by the 3 users below beware of websites that have no registered telephone number advised by Thoo as they could be untracable, well it is up to the preference of the each user own believes on which website is secure for online transactions and which one is not besides the official banking payment portal recognised by their respective banks. Remember Thoo thinks to reduce inflation of any country, one has to make sure citizens of all races are not cheated by the monetary scam””
Payday loan help please?

What do you consider low-interest rates on a credit card?
I’m a college student and I’ve never had a credit card of my own and I would like to get one not to go crazy with it or anything, but to start building my credit. I don’t want to get the first credit card they offer me but I want to get one that has the lowest interest rates. What are considered low/high interest rates? Student credit cards? Any tips or a website that can tell me to easily avoid debt although I plan to have it only as an emergency card?””

How hard will it be for me to get a $7000 auto loan?
I make about 13000 a year, have a high credit scor, and am about 20 years.””
Is there a business safeco auto loans out of florida?
I guess it’s SAFCO Finance.
“What is Salute credit card by Visa’s phone# & email/address?

Heere is the BIG problem, since I just recently recieved my new card, I have misplaced it and that’s why I need their email or phone# to contact them on what to do now? Can’t put the card in a ATM without having the card! Please help me. Thanks, Dyann


Credit Card for an 18 year old student with no credit?
Hey guys, I just turned 18 a few weeks ago and I would like to get a credit card to start building credit! I was wondering if anyone had any good credit cards that are easy to get if you have no credit and no job. I do have a few thousand in the bank though (I work under the table for my dad). I am going to college this fall. I just want to build credit and maybe get some rewards too! I don’t want to pay an annual/monthly fee. The interest rate doesn’t matter because I plan to pay the full amount each month since it won’t be very much. I was also thinking of getting a card or 2 from stores I shop at, Victorias Secret and JC Penny, but the victorias secret application asked for my income so technically for tax purposes it’s $0, so I would be denied a card.. Thanks!””
How do you find your number on orange pay as u go or check your balance?
Mine is Samsung Toco lite
Why does my bank not put extra money towards principal?
I have an auto loan and I only have 3 payments left. Once in a while over the 4 years ( 48 month term) I woudl pay a little extra. Sometimes, but not always, I woudl put apply extra towards principal”””” now I ususaly drop it off in the night box but the past two times I paid in person””
Auto loan calculator?
which site has the best, most accurate auto loan calculator””
I’m having trouble checking my credit?
Every website I’ve tried asks me for a credit card number, I know it’s supposed to be a free trial and I can just cancel it but I don’t really like that. I thought I was supposed to be able to get my credit score for free? So can anyone tell me where I can go to get my score without credit card information safely? THANKS””

How do I check to see if my identity has been stolen and someone is putting me into debt?
Recently some people around the town have got their identity stolen and I am afraid I might be one of them too but I don’t know how to check if someone has my social security number or has a credit card in my name. How do I?
Can I afford a home??????????????????????????…
I make roughly $600 per month…. i know its not much, but you think its enough to buy a home? thanks.””
Paypal credit card refund?
I got a refund from an ebay purchase using a credit card through paypal. The refund was posted to my paypal account and from my paypal account it said the refund was posted to my credit card. But I don’t see it on my credit card account, or in my bank account. What happens to this money, will it be a credit towards my current balance, or will it go back into my bank, since I used my bank account to pay off the balance associated with this purchase…””
What has changed with the newer laws for bankruptcy?
I started with around $30,000 in credit card debt a few years back and decided instead of filing bankruptcy to start paying them back by settling accounts at less than the balance owed on each. Now two years later I have paid 5 cards off and still have four left with around $20,000 of debt left from 4 cards. I remember hearing the old laws used to wipe your debts clean and give you a new start. Now with the new laws, I guess they make you pay your debts back. How much do they make you pay back? Is it worth it to do this b/c of the 7 years that this mark goes on your credit report? How much does it cost to hire a lawyer in Connecticut to file for bankruptcy? Would it just be better to do what I have been doing even though it takes a while to get out of debt this way? My credit is already ruined with all these cards having a negative affect on my report, but as I am paying them off little by little the score is rising and getting better each year.””
Anyone know any good places for loans without credit/bank account?

Do you thik i’ll be able to get an auto loan? 3 years ago I pulled a 14k auto loan with a co-signer?
I had no credit. I am going to pay off the rest of the auto loan this year. And I pulled a $300 credit card from my bank as well to help build credit. No late payments on anything, nothing in collections. I make $1600 a month. I’m looking for a new auto loan in the amount of $32k.””
What is the best way to cure cold sore?

I need a free credit report without having to submit a credit card I have none?

“”Everywhere has declined my partner for a payday loan even though he paid his last one early,who will give him?””
My partner had a payday loan with capital finance one which he paid 2weeks early,they are now saying he has failed one or more of their business rules and now he cant get one anywhere. Is there anyone that will accept him?? would rather not have to post or fax anything. Thanks!!””
What is the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code on chapter 7 bankruptcy information?

Will bankruptcy affect my mortgage modification?
If I am filing bankruptcy on credit card debt and medical bill can this affect my mortgage modification? Will my mortgage company pull my modification even though I am not filing bankruptcy on my mortgage? I have had my modification for about 3 years now. I live in CA

Which american express card will I be approved for?
I have an experian score of 679 w/ no collections or late payments and 2 recent inquries (auto loan 5 months ago and CC 2 months ago). Will I quality for any amex card? Thanks.
“”Are there resources out there who give auto loans to people with bad credit. If so, what are they? TY.?””
Hello. I have a 493 credit score and my wife, a little higher but still under 600. I was wondering if there are resources available out there that would award us with a 5–10k Auto-Loan. We’re not looking for Zero down — we can put near 5k down. Just need financing help with the rest. Thanks””
How do you get a free credit report by mail?
I just want to know how to get a FREE credit report by mail only!

How long does it take for a new credit account to showup on my credit report?
I was wondering when a credit card, line of credit, personal loan, auto loan, mortgage loan, etc., show up on a credit report. Does it show up instantly, a few days, at the beginning of the next month?””
“”Any recommendations on bankruptcy lawyers in the Denver, Colorado area?
Any (relatively) positive expriences with a specific lawyer? Recommendations wityh reasonable rates? I need a good starting place.
“What is Salute credit card by Visa’s phone# & email/address?

Heere is the BIG problem, since I just recently recieved my new card, I have misplaced it and that’s why I need their email or phone# to contact them on what to do now? Can’t put the card in a ATM without having the card! Please help me. Thanks, Dyann

