Install Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 1

Side story while installing Flutter in Windows 11

Sparisoma Viridi
4 min readJan 21, 2024

This story is about how to install Android Studio Hedgehog while I document how to install Flutter (Viridi, 2024).

Download installer


Scroll down to find section for Windows installer.

View the video if necessary then continue to

Click on the button with caption Download Android Studio Hedgehog.

Scroll down to read further.

Check I have read and agree with the above terms and conditions.

Now the button with caption Download Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 1 for Windows is enable. Click the button to proceed.

Just click Dismiss button for this time.

Wait for the installer android-studio-2023.1.1.27-windows.exe completely downloaded.

The installer android-studio-2023.1.1.27-windows.exe has been downloaded and saved to download folder, e.g. Downloads in this case. Move it to your installer folder if necessary in case it is required for reinstallation (Viridi, 2023).

In my system there is M:\Installer where I put all installers.

Perform installation

Now it is the time to do the installation. Click the icon representing the installer, android-studio-2023.1.1.27-windows.exe file.

Click Next button to proceed. Then click Yes on the appearing window.

Click the button with caption Next to continue.

Just use recommended installation location by pressing Next button.

Use suggested value and click Install button.

You can click Show details button to view the details of installation process.

Wait for the installation process.

Click Next button to proceed.

Uncheck the option Start Android Studio.

Click Finish button to end the installation of Android Studio.

Run application

Press Windows key ⊞ , type android studio .

Press Enter key.

It opens a splash screen and downloads found SDK components.

Click Cancel button to exit.

Click OK button to confirm.

Click × on the top right corner of current window to close.


After reading this story you are able to

  • download installer of Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 1,
  • move and save the installer for future use, e.g. in the case of reinstallation without internet connection,
  • perform installation, and
  • run and close the installed application.

