How to create a GitHub Account

Sparisoma Viridi
4 min readJul 8, 2023


GitHub is an online software development platform, that is used to storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects (Juviler, 2022). It allows collaboration with developers from all over the world and this open-source solution, like also the others, enables potential developers to contribute and share their knowledge to benefit the global community (Gaba, 2023). GitHub has many unique features that make it extremely popular these days, since it is an entire ecosystem complete with an elaborate social networking aspect, besides simple storage, allowing individual developers to contribute to multiple teams and projects (Horst, 2023). It should be understood by knowing two connected principles, which are version control and Git (Kinsta, 2022). GitHub also a great place for conveniently hosting static websites using its feature GitHub Pages, by simply publishing static HTML, JS, and CSS files from a GitHub repository (Kharlantseva, 2023). It has emerged as a popular choice for hosting websites due its simplicity, versatility, and seamless integration with version control systems (abhishekg010, 2023). Here steps to create a GitHub account are given, hopefully, in a straightforward way.

One email for one GitHub account

A GitHub account requires one email and that email can not be used to create other GitHub account (user12449933 & Ambus, 2020) but at a time there was a way to use multiple email addresses that map to single account (Ledesma, 2018).

Sign up on GitHub


Click Sign up button.

Use email that has not been used for other GitHub account.

Type email address and click Continue.

Fill password and try until it says that Password is strong, then click Continue.

Enter a unique username and click Continue.

Choose option in receiving product updates and announcement via email, then click Continue.

Click Start puzzle to verify as a human.

Solve first puzzle.

Solve second puzzle.

Solve third puzzle.

Solve fourth puzzle.

Receive message that account is verified, then click Create account.

Check email for code from GitHub.

Enter emailed code.

Be in GitHub Dasboard and access the menu via icon at the right top corner.

Choose Your profile from the menu.

Click Edit profile if necessary.

Full name, short bio, company, location, website, and some links to social accounts can be added to user GitHub profile. After that click Save button.

In the email there is welcome message from GitHub.

Access again the menu and click Sign out.

Confirm and click Sign out.

Sign in on GitHub

Visit again and click the menu via ≡ icon.

Choose Sign in.

Provide username and password, click Sign in.

Wait for the sign in process.

Create repository or do various activities on GitHub. Read GitHub Docs for the help.

