Culture Ops #1

anthony ware
3 min readNov 30, 2016


Welcome to Culture Ops. It’s part documentary and part living resource. The focus is on humans at the intersection of business, culture, travel, and happiness.

My why? Move humanity forward in a positive direction through knowledge and experiences.

By experiences, I mean bucket lists. We all have them. Even businesses have them. After all, growing sales to $1B or going public are just another name for bucket list items.

Please join me on this journey and let’s see where it goes. I don’t have all the answers, but I’ll share my thoughts and resources that I gather along the way.

The three rules to remember:

  1. Human > Tech.
  2. Life ≠ Business.
  3. Experiences > Things.

If the information is useful to you, please share with someone that needs it. Why? We learn by teaching others. Pay it forward is good for everyone.

Culture is human.

Before you can jump into any meeting or planning session about company culture, you must remember the first rule.

Over the past 8 years, I’ve focused in one way or another on the impact of company culture, happiness, and travel. The only constant, in all the research studies (hat tip: Deloitte, Harvard Business Review, and many more), workshops, and client meetings, has been humans.

Culture is set of conscious and subconscious human behaviors.

If you want an awesome and wildly successful business, invest in your culture with all your resources…time, money, and people. There will be much data to back up this statement. For now, know that there are decades worth of qualitative and quantitative data for you to devour. None of it is valuable unless you allocate resources to culture beyond ping pong tables and beer Fridays.

Begin at the beginning

You need a baseline of what IS before you can create what you want. Here’s a Culture Code guide from Culture LABx community that I use with every new client:

I’ll dive into this in more detail later. For some leaders thinking about their business in this way, may be a challenge. If that’s you, no worries. You’ve got this!

Until next time, here’s to marking off another item on your bucket list!

Bucket list of the day! Shenzhen, China 🇨🇳

I’m always open to chat about culture, travel/time off, and business. That intersection is key for all businesses. Culture may eat strategy for breakfast, but someone has to get up and cook everyday. As the CEO of AWare Catalysts, I help forward-acting organizations with 5–500 employees learn how to refine their culture recipes to increase brand value, sales, employee engagement, and have FUN. Let’s connect on LinkedIn or Twitter, and register your company for a 2017 Culture Transformation Bootcamp.

Opening Image: Stephanie Ecate



anthony ware

human being x mental wealth x biz culture // Principal @ AWare Catalysts // ❤️ culture +travel ✈️