Hacktoria — Chasing Bigfoot

5 min readDec 9, 2022


Dang… take a bath dude.

For more years than most have been alive, there has always been a story about some fascinating creature that is massive or has an appetite for human flesh, etc... Our challenge is to locate one of those creatures, so let's get started.

SPOILER ALERT: If you read past this point, and you have not finished the challenge you will run into the answer, so as much as I would like you to read — go try the challenge then come back.

SOURCE: https://hacktoria.com/contracts/chasing-bigfoot/

Let the chase begin..

Greetings Special Agent K. After starting our collaboration with Klumgongyn and his species, a lot of the earth’s mysteries have started to clear up. Not being able to share these with the rest of the world but, suffice to say, a lot of sci-fi movies aren’t that far off from reality.

One of such interesting topics is the existence of Bigfoot, or Sasquatch as it the more formal term. These creatures roam the interiors of the American heartland and reach far up north. For several decades, people have had run-ins and sightings with these creatures.

Originally, Sasquatches evolved next to their human counterparts. But after eventually growing apart, due to our new found aversion to the discomfort of sleeping on the forest floor, they’ve taken refuge in the most rugged parts of the American wilderness. While we eventually opted for sleeping in home-delivered Swedish furniture.

As Klumgongyn now taught us, the Klumgon have been using Sasquatches to keep an eye on human behavior over the past decades. Instructing the beasts to probe human civilization for our reaction to a strange and foreign species. Needless to say, the results are still very negative. The best theory would have humans shoot the alien being and cut it’s guts open. Therefor only a select group of humans know about the existence of the Klumgon and Sasquatch.

Now that we got that introduction out of the way…

**During the 1970’s, a Sasquatch was spotted by a member of the US Armed Forces. While heading home from a late night diner, the soldier spotted the Sasquatch crossing the road late at night. After this sighting, the Sasquatch was never seen again. Even disappearing to it’s Klumgon handlers.

This particular Sasquatch was named “Norman” by it’s handlers. What made Norman special, was the ability to turn his nocturnal vision on and off. A genetic abnormality for the otherwise nocturnal Sasquatch. The Klumgon need Norman to reverse engineer this ability, to implement in a piece of biotech for their “Future Soldier of 2030” government program.

Needless to say, given our current collaboration, that would be a very useful piece of bio-tech. Not having to rely on clunky and limited NVG’s, but a simple set of new eyes and a microchip instead.

So, I leave you with your assignment. Find the article where this particular soldier describes the incident. This will be the starting point for our investigation. All we know is that the article is published by someone else, chronicling the story shared by the soldier.

As always. Special Agent K, the contract is yours, if you choose to accept.

For this challenge, the password to the linkfile is a URL and the only things we have to go on are the words of the brief. So what do we have?


intext:”military” + intext:”late night diner” + intext:”bigfoot”

Search for word : diner





Now I will tell you the story, of how I came to find “Norman” the missing Bigfoot.

You see it all started far, far away. (No really, it did) Klum and his kind, on one of their many visits to earth for their little midnight snacks, met the squach species and formed a relationship with them; that lasted until the 70's.

According to the brief, Bigfoot popped out on the road during the 70’s in what can be assumed a military town, and a US Soldier became the last to see him since. So Norm has been missing for 52 earth years…was placed in the position to protect their BBQ or toss and run. Apparently, being fed up with humans and aliens, Norman went walkabout in a way that has obscured him from the prying eyes of our galactic council. So Special K has asked us to find Norm and bring him back into the fold.

So starting from almost nothing, I opened the wild wild web portal and started searching for everything you wanted to know about bigfoot, sasquatch, batatut, ujit, nguoi rung, etc; and more.

As you can imagine, there is a LOT of information out there regarding this supernatural being. I watched videos like this one on YouTube and read countless articles about sightings all over. There was the webpage of Peter C Byrne, (which led to other info) and an article about a sighting during the Vietnam war. Then came across declassified documents from the FBI (1) (2), and a casebook that is the self-proclaimed ‘Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818–1980’.

I first used the ‘Chronological List’ to look for sightings in places where there was a military base within a reasonable distance… This took a while because this list had 967 sightings from 1970 to 1980. Needless to say — I got distracted quickly once the first 300 or so were fruitless.

Eventually, after spending too much time in wonderland with that crazy rabbit, I turned to DORKING THE PLANET.

intext:military + intext:late nite diner + intext:bigfoot

Which produced only more noise and frustrated me. But then I hardwired the search (added quotation marks…):

intext:"military" + intext:"late nite diner" + intext:"bigfoot"

This produced a more refined list that lead me to a few sites; of which one was: https://www.thecryptocrew.com. Here I searched the word ‘diner’ and our friend Brenda.

LINK (a.k.a. PASSWORD) : https://www.thecryptocrew.com/2014/06/driver-has-close-sighting-of-bigfoot.html

And there it was. After a couple of weeks of hacking away at Norman, we finally had the card; which leaves me with one remaining Hacktoria contract to go — But that is a story for another time.


Never forget the power of dorking, or how proper syntax can bring great reward, while poor syntax leaves you scratching at the entrance to yet another rabbit hole.

