Different Types Of Termite Infestation, Get Full Information

247 Pest Control Brisbane
3 min readSep 19, 2022


In this recent day, building a house must use woods. That is why the problem of termites will be the main problem of a house. For you who want to prevent termite, there are some types of termites which you must know. If you have known about this matter, you can do such treatment for your house in order that your house can be saved and it can prevent the bad damage caused by the termite colonies living in your house. The types of termites here must be known well by you since it can decide what treatment you must do next. Nonetheless, before talking about termites types, you have to know first about termite.

What is termite? Termite itself is the animal that lives in a colony. This animal is also called a silent destroyer. Why? It is because of their characteristics which can damage the inside part of the wooden furniture or the other parts of the house built with wood. Sometimes, you cannot be aware that there is the activity of the termite colony until you find that the wood is cracked. Indeed, it is very dangerous since if the termite lives in an important part of the house and it is cracked, imagine what happens to your house. That is why you have to know some types of termites as follows.

From the thing above, here is the information about some types of termites that you have to know well. The first one is called as subterranean termite. In this type, the termites will build the homes in soil. In this first type, you can see clearly that there is an indication that the house is infected by the termite. If you find there are the mud tubes in the area of your house, it means that there is the activity of the termites.

After that, there is dry wood termite in which it usually attacks the furniture or the things made of wood. A little bit different from the one of some types of termites, in this type, you need to be more careful since, at glance, all of the things made of wood in your house will look like in a good condition before it will be cracked after several times. Then, if you are not aware of the previous type of the termite, maybe you can find the swarming termites in which it is the matured termites having the swing in which those usually are like to the lights.

I have found there are the termites in your house, of course, what you have to do are doing the treatment for your house. You can do the termite inspection first to know the area of the termites.

Then, you can also do some termite treatment in order that the termite can vanish from your house. In this case, the information about some types of termites will help you much in deciding the best treatment for your termite problem. For more info, call Pest Control Brisbane professionals.

Source:- Tips To Keep Mosquitoe-free Yards

