Lost In The Library

Lisette palomino
4 min readNov 7, 2022


Rooms that are filled with silence are pretty funny to me. I’m not sure why but there’s something about no one speaking and being so focused on what they’re doing that really gets me thinking.

It’s nice, having silence. This world is filled with so much noice sometimes but when we stop and take the time to really think and be in the moment, I think that can be a really beautiful thing.

I grew up in a two bedroom apartment with five siblings and my two parents. This apartment was never filled with quiet. Even at night my brothers would be up late playing video games and yelling at their screens.

I’m so used to noise that whenever I’m in a quiet environment like an elevator or a library, I can’t help but wanna burst out laughing.

It is so strange to me: growing up I’ve kind of found it difficult focusing when it’s quiet because I’m so used to people speaking over each other all the time.

I think now that I know I could go somewhere where I can have peace and quiet to myself, it feels weird but I am more than grateful that I have places I can go for some me time without any interruptions.

I don’t ever feel like I’m forced to stay in a room with people who are loud. I can leave whenever I want to. I can go to my little happy place. I find joy in book stores. Everything about them is so great to me.

I used books as a way to heal from something I was going through at the time. I never would have thought that I’d get really into reading though.

Now whenever I need some time to think and really get myself to a comfortable place, I can’t help but want to sit down in a quiet room and just read a book.

Books are a hobby of mine, and I am more than grateful to be able to share this experience with other people who feel the same way I do.

We are all sharing and doing something without even talking. We are in each other’s company, and giving each other space all at the same time. I think that is very beautiful in a way.

