Greek Gods

Sydney Brown
2 min readNov 15, 2019



Uranus was one if the first or older gods. His name means heaven or sky, he was actually the sky. He fell in love with Gaia, or the earth and had many kids called titans. The titans included Cyclopes, and Hecatoncheires (Monsters with fifty heads and one hundred hands).

Uranus was scared of his children because he thought of them as threat to his almighty power. He was also disgusted by the sight of them so he locked them up beneath the earth. Gaia hated Uranus after this, so she devised a plan to overthrow him. Her son Cronus wanted to overthrow his father and have the power. So when Uranus went to see Gaia, his sons attacked him. Cronus used a sickle to castrate him. The then Olympian Gods and goddesses rose from his remains. Uranus could no longer control Gaia, so he just stayed the sky.


Ares, the Olympian god of war, son of Zeus and Hera. He wears a helmet and usually has either a spear, shield, or a sword. He drives a chariot drawn by dogs or vultures.

He was not liked by many, hated by his parents in fact. He was always viewed as too violent. He was only portrayed as war and violence compared to Athena, goddess of military and knowledge.


