Tsardom Of Russia — The last Tsars

Donovan Stricklin
3 min readDec 18, 2019


The last Tsar of Russian Empire is Tsar Nicholas II. He is officially the last Romanov Emperor, Ruling from 1894 till he was forced to abdicate in 1917. His rule was plagued with Social and Political Unrest.

Source: Wikipedia.org

When Young Nicholas II became the Tsar at the age of 13, succeeding his father. He had far too little experience to run a government. With so, causing him to be seen as a weak, and indecisive leader for the Russian people. With later in his Rule causing Political Unrest when he poorly handled the Russo-Japanese war during 1904–1905. Subsequently workers all across Russia began causing a uprising known as Bloody Sunday, after Russian soldiers shot at Protesters after they marched on the Tsar’s palace. This only increased the Public’s resent and distrust of the Tsar in Running Russia.

Source: ThoughtCo

During the public’s dis-ease Tsar Nicholas II married a Princess of the German Empire, Alexandra of Hesse. Grand daughter of Queen Victoria, Nicholas and Alexandra had 5 Children, Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia, and their son Alexei.

With Alexandra being unpopular with the Russian people, for being a foreigner that didn’t enjoy Russian Culture. This part of her didn’t help with the storm she was beginning to brew. Being a deeply Religious woman and her belief in mysticism she turned to Grigori Rasputin. Rasputin was a self-proclaimed holy man who was said to cure her only sons chronic hemophilia.

With Alexei, the only son of Tsar Nicholas II and heir to the throne, he suffered from chronic hemophilia, causing him to be confined to a bed for most of his life. Hemophilia was a disease that ran in many Royal families throughout Europe. It is caused when blood cannot clot Properly causing excessive internal and external cut or bruises. With even a small fall or scratch having the potential to be life threatening for the person affected.

Alexandra kept Rasputin always around nearby. With her unknowingly at first giving Rasputin political influence over the Russian state. This caused The Church, Nobility, and Peasants to be outraged and later killing Rasputin because of how close he got with the Royal family.

Source: Biography.com

With Russia’s failing front against the German army in World War I becoming a big Issue. The Nicholas II himself went to take command of the failing front, further enraging the people of Russia with most Russians losing all hope in 1917.

With Corruption running Rampant and the Economy in downturn, Moderates joined the rising Bolshevik revolutionaries. Of which were demanding an overthrow of the Tsar. Overthrowing what was left of the Government, Most Soldiers Joined the Bolsheviks. Soldiers rounded up the Tsar’s family and executed them all on March 15th 1917. Ending the 300 year rule of the Romanov Family.

Works Cited

“Nicholas II.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 22 June 2019, https://www.biography.com/royalty/nicholas-ii.

“Rasputin.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 13 Dec. 2019, https://www.biography.com/political-figure/rasputin.

History.com Editors. “Romanov Family.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 21 Sept. 2017, https://www.history.com/topics/russia/romanov-family.

