Antinous and Medusa

Hayley Simpson
2 min readNov 18, 2019



Antinous is a pretty minor person in Greek Mythology. He is the son of Eupeithes. Antinous was one of the two chief suitors of Penelope, while he was absent at the Trojan War. He was one of the meanest suitors and the most disliked. He was killed in the Great Hall when he was killed by an arrow to his throat, that was shot by Odysseus. He is most known for his role in Homer’s Odyssey.


Medusa was the daughter of Ceto and Phorcys. Her sisters were Ladon, Graeae, and Echidna, who were all dreadful as well as fearsome, beasts. Medusa was a beautiful mortal until she acquired the wrath of Athena. You see, Medusa’s beauty caught the eye of Posiden. Posiden sought her out, and Athena was furious. Since Athena couldn’t do anything to Posideon, she punished Medusa. Medusa got transformed into a terrifying monster that had snakes for hair. When you looked her in the eyes, you would get turned into stone. She was later killed by Perseus, Posideon’s son.


“Antinous.” Antinous | Encyclopedia Mythica, 27 Mar. 1998, Accessed November 18, 2019

“ Antinous Son of Eupeithes.” Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Accessed on November 18, 2019

“Medusa :: The Real Story of the Snake-Haired Gorgon.” Greek Mythology, Accessed on November 18, 2019

