4 min readDec 20, 2018



It’s been three months since I published the previous update regarding hosting and investing services in this article.
Since then it seems that the hosting sub-sector has evolved remarkably, appearing in the market different solutions for each type of pocket.


To understand the changes we have to know how the market evolved since then.

  • Masternodes market capitalization: -49% Market Capitalization.
  • Number of masternode projects: +13.9%
  • Number of masternodes running: + 6.89%

So, If we have:

  • More projects.
  • More nodes running.
  • Less money invested.

What do we get? A LOT of cheaper and cheaper masternodes.

In this situation, hosting and investing providers must adapt to the current situation.


As is logical, with less money in the market and cheaper nodes, few projects can afford to pay the 10, 12 and 15 dollar monthly fees that appeared before on the scene.

The big hosting solutions providers have adapted to the new situation, offering now different tools that significantly reduce the answer.

Also, new operators and technologies have emerged in the market, now providing technological improvements such as reinvest of rewards or insta reception of them, not needing to wait to mature the coins to receive incomes.

We will enter deeply into these new projects in the second part of this article.

For now, let’s see the changes in the biggest ones.


This is a small comparative about them in the last three months:

As we can see, GIN is growing in the number of nodes and also in hosted projects, but getting these numbers, they have had to adapt themselves, developing new tools that allowed them to host more nodes more cheaply.

The same that happens into the market happens into GIN, more masternodes hosted (+54.56%) but fewer value masternodes -6.49% value.


This is the same comparative about them in the last three months:

The GTM expansion is fantastic.

They grow in all the measured data, even in the average value of the hosted masternodes, despite the clear market situation.
Maybe this is due to the low value of the projects with which they started.
They continue with some pending issue regarding public data and the company creation, although it is public that they are trying to solve it since time ago.


  • The number of nodes hosted: It is incredible how fast GTM has grown in just a few months, having already reached GIN in the number of nodes deployed and with more than 113% growth in the last three months.
  • Nodes value: If we check the data we can see how GIN is clearly above GTM regarding higher value nodes hosted with them:

This is a confidence signal by investors.
People with the most expensive masternodes who decides to host them with 3rd parties are more confident on GIN services, no doubt about it.

Anyway, GTM also plays his game, growing in average value in nodes hosted more than a 10% since three months ago. This may be happening thanks to its speed to integrate new high price projects while they are still retaining a high ROI.


The market is vast; the two more significant providers are hosting about 14,000 nodes, that’s less than 6% of the total potential market.

Masternodes market is decreasing in liquidity, in spite of that there are more and more projects around, so it is necessary to provide profitable solutions for more economic projects, which forces companies to innovate and deliver tools adapted to the current situation.

Both leaders are offering cheaper ways to invest in masternodes than three months ago, but as we know crypto market moves fast, and we can see new tools created by others providers that can make things change soon, we will see them in the next updating article about hosting.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to clap !!!!

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