How can i get a personal loan my credit score is 562?

21 min readMar 25, 2019


How can i get a personal loan my credit score is 562?

i have tried prosper never can get my loan funded

Answer : I would recommend you to try this web page where one can get from different companies: .

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I filed capter 7 bankrutcy in 06/discharged 10/06 bank say’s I have to sell property AND HAVE A BALANCE.?
In 06 I filed chapter 7 it was discharged in oct 2006 . One of the banks I had a home equity line of credit with The house went up for sheriff sale it sold,but the buyer backed out the second sale the house did not sale .NOW the bank say’s they charged it off,and it is UP TO ME to sell the property. It is still listed in My name ,and the county is still sending Me the bill for the taxes On top of that it is showing on My credit report an charge off/property loss and showing Me as having a balance on the house as well as a auto loan from the same bank they last reported to the CB’s in Jan of 2008 as having a balance due . I called the bank and was told YES I must sell the house,and I have a balance due .I called a attorney He did a little search ,and I was told the forclosure is still pending . He did not help much at all Please help!””
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“How can i get a personal loan my credit score is 562?

i have tried prosper never can get my loan funded

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Credit score is 743?
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This is just hypothetical question you all. It’s a ‘just in case’ because of the economy. For some, right now is a good investment in real estate because the economy is so low, and then when it raises again, assuming it will and hopefully it will, it will be a good investment. “”

“”What will happen to my auto loan if the bank I have it through goes bankrupt””””?””””””
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Unit owner’s keep re-filing bankruptcy/foreclosure to avoid paying HOA fees.?
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A credit check is required for which of the following financing options?
a) deferred payment plan b) rent-to-own plan c) installment loan d) deferred payment plan and installment loan””
I would like to use my VA Loan to buy a house.?
I am a first time buyer. My middle score is a 588 and my debt to income ratio is about 9%. I have a good income (over 6,000) a month and not alot of bills. Although my income is good my credit scores arent that high. I am looking to put a downpayment down of about 30,000, but will I still get screwed on interest rates because of my credit score eventhough my income is good. And would a VA loan be the best way for me to go? I am looking to buy in GA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…””
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Good Loan Companies For Bad Credit?
I took out a payday loan a few years ago when I was desperate for cash. It was only 200 and I made the re-payments but then I would take another 200 loan because I needed it. The loan has gradually increased from 200 and now I owe 820. I pay 160 a month and I’m not actually clearing any of the debt. I pay it back and then just take out a new loan. My credit rating is awful which is why I turned to these people in the first place. I would like to take out a proper loan so that I’m paying less than 160 a month and I’m actually getting out of debt again. There are so many loan companies online but the apr is really high. Does anyone know of a company I could use? Or any other ideas? Other than winning the lottery. Thanks

Is a 9.50% fixed rate APR good for a credit card?
FYI My bank is a credit union. So I guess I’m doing good there. Also, she said this card is a special offer they give to customers with higher scores. She said in 6 years, the card has not moved from 9.50% She could not say that it would NEVER change. But if it did, it would be a change that would effect the entire bank and all care holders. So from what is sounds like, they wouln’t change it at a whim. It would be a decsion made my bank officials and effect all card holders across the board””
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Can a online payday loan garnish my wages if I am already in a chapter 13?

Will paying off medical collections on my credit report help my credit score?
I have many medical collections that I want to pay off on my credit report. I was wandering if I pay them of and get some of the collections agencies to remove them from my report if it will increase my credit score. I have been told that medical collections don’t affect your score and was wandering if this is true?
Mortgage rates and good deals ??
My mortage with my current provider is coming to an end so I though I should look around for better deals. Im looking for a fix rate mortgage for 10 years. Any ideas of who is offering what at this moment?? Many thanks !!!!

Paying more than monthly payment car loan…?
Can paying more than your minimum”””” monthly payment on a car loan ultimately help you pay it off? Value of Car is $11k — car dealership got them to buy it for $12"”
“”80,000 mortgage loan?””
how much would I pay a month for an 80,000 house with an average interest rate””
How do Visa prepaid cards work?
Do you just buy a 50$ Visa prepaid card, go to somewhere that supports Visa (like Amazon), buy 50$ worth of stuff, then just write down the code on the Vise prepaid card? Or is there more to it?””
“How can i get a personal loan my credit score is 562?

i have tried prosper never can get my loan funded

What credit score is accepted for a 28k auto loan?
How about taking Housing loan from IndiaBulls Housing Finance?
How about taking Housing loan from IndiaBulls Housing Finance?
Where can i get an auto loan having low income?
of course i’m planning on buying a cheap car.. like around 3,000.. but i don’t have that all right now and i don’t have time to save it.””
Free Credit Report question…?
I’m trying to get onto, but it’s asking for a credit card number…it says its needed to establish my account, and won’t be used for anything else. Thing is, i don’t have a credit card. I’m trying to get a credit report because some outstanding things have come to my attention, and want to see my report. Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks in advance to everyone! :)””
“”When one declares Bankruptcy, up to how long can you stay in the house that you live?””
This is not a rental, the house is mine. (For now)””
How long will it take for me to get credit?
I’m assuming it’s being reported, because on the various credit report sites, they are seeing that I purchased a vehicle in Feb. 2009 through SunTrust””
Are there any credit cards that people people a with poor credit history can get?
I’ve had a bad credit rating in the past, but I’ve been working on getting it better over the last 3 years. I understand that there’s credit cards available now for people with bad credit, but I can’t see any advertised?””
Can a debtor still negotiate with his creditors once judgement has been obtained against him?
a writ of summons was issued to my friend and subsequently judgement was obtained by his creditors in court for his credit card debts. He is in the process of looking for a job now and may require a few months before he can really work towards clearing his debt. Meanwhile, he is paying drips and drabs to his creditors like S$50 — S$100 monthly with help from his friends and family. He owes a total of about 40K to 6 banks. Is there still room for negotiation with his creditors? Or will they just proceed with enforcement proceedings such as writ of seizure against him and subsequently with bankruptcy?””
I am getting declined for auto loans?
I have a credit score of 659 and make about 17,000 a year. I am trying to buy a used car 2003 wrangler for 12000 with 1500 down. I have tried around 5 different credit unions etc and I keep getting turned down. I am only 21 and I have paid off a 9,000 car loan in a 12 month term, but that is about it for credit history. I do not understand why I am being turned down now. Does anyone know of some legit lenders that may be willing to work with me.””
I need a personal loan I have very bad credit? I don`t want a payday loan?
I nedd a personal loan in the next 5 five days I will pay back in one year or two years. The amount of loan I need is 15000. If some one can help me to get this loan please E-mail me at
I am looking for a loan with fair — poor credit (small loan not payday loan no processing fee unsecuews?
my boyfriend got me in debt but my payment record is good Please any suggestions (lot an extremely high loan just to get me through some edical bills

Which website is the best to print out s credit report?
I’m looking for a website where I can print out my credit report only. Which is the best, that won’t cost me a fortune?- I want a one time thing, no trials or monthly payments. thanks””
Accounting Journal Entry Help Please?
Additional Info: a. The rental equipment is being depreciated monthly by the straight-line method over a period of 10 years. b. Office supplies on hand September 30 are estimated at $1,200. c. During September, the company earned $12,000 of the rental fees paid by McNomar Construction Company on September 8. d. It is estimated that Walker Rent All is subject to a combined federal and state income tax rate of 40 percent of income. These taxes will be payable December 15. “”
What is a good intrest rate for an auto loan for a young male at the age of 20 with no credit?
im trying to get financing for a 2006 ford f150 that i want to buy. what is the intrest rate i should be looking at for a 4–5 year loan for $13,000?””
“”Why are their so many questions for fast loans, or free credit report lately?””
They ask in all of the sections. Don’t they know that you can’t get a free credit report online that it is all a scam. And the same for the fast loans, just another scam.””
I would like to get my credit score for free but eveywhere I try wants a credit card number where can I get it

How can I start a credit history?
I’m in college and trying to get a credit card so that I can get a good credit history and be in a better spot to start my life coming out of college. The problem is that every credit card I apply for turns me down because I don’t have a credit history yet. I feel like I’m in a catch-22 here. Is there a way to build a basic credit history without a credit card? Or a way to increase my odds of getting a card without a credit history?
Tried everything cant find a personal loan?
Hi I have tried everywhere and i cant find a perosnal loan i know my credit is not good but i have been working on that i also have a really good job just trying to get a small perosnal loan if you have any advise please let me know thankyou so much

Complex decision……for renting or getting home loan?
Hi Everybody, How are you? I have some in queries….i hope you could give me a hand…..:- First of all i’ll be coming to USA with a green card…and i’ll be coming with some money around..10–15 thousand USD,and i was thinking of getting a home loan…! They say i can get home loan with down payment …3.5%…!! i think the amount which ill bring is enough for down payment…for a small house :- around 100,000$ 1-my questions are…:- if we agreed that the house ammount is 100,000$….and am paying down payment 10,000$…..How Can i pay the remaining amount with out paying any iterest amount!!! 2-regarding my credir score….i was told i need to provide 2 years credit report with 680 points score….!!! i dont know about the points score and How can i improve my credit score at the soonest…!! 3-My friend’s…..what would you advice me to do….take a home loan….and pay monthly payment of 800$, or should i rent a home and pay monthly rent 800$…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much””
“”Credit scores, The least inexpensive but most accurate.?””
I’ve got my credit reports from all 3 credit reporting companies but I just need my credit score from all three without the reports. I simply want to know if I can get my credit score from all 3 reporting companies, I don’t mind paying something but I’m looking for the least expensive one but very accurate.””
How long would it take to get a $1000 bank loan ?

What is a payday loan? Is it worth it?


“How can i get a personal loan my credit score is 562?

i have tried prosper never can get my loan funded


Can i take out a payday loan in washington if i already have one in oregon?
I live in oregon where you are only allowed to establish one payday loan at a time within the state. However I was wondering if I would be able to take out a payday loan in washington, where you can have more than one at a time. Since they are not within the same state, would I be able to do that? Please no lectures on payday loans and Their so called evil. I promise I’m a big girl, capable of coherant thought.””

How can i get financed with a 625 credit score?
I’ve recently checked my credit score and it was a 625….this has gone up considerably in the last 10 months. In November of 2008 I was at 455. I’ve spent a lot of time working overtime to pay off debts and my father in law took out a loan for my car and I’ve been paying him $400 a month which is double the car note. It was embarrassing enough to have to ask him in the first place. I went to see if I could finally get financed myself and still got denied. The reason why my score went up is because I paid off nearly 12,000 dollars of my debt and disputed about 4,000 dollars worth that was removed. is there anything else i can do to up my credit score to get this loan.””
If you declare Bankruptcy Will you still be able to get Student loans for college?

Is 619 a bad credit score for an auto loan?
I have a 619 credit score. I want to finance a car that is 21k, but I’m not sure if I have the credit. I make about 3k a month before taxes and I only have one credit card that is secured that I had for only a month. I know I won’t know 100% if I will be accepted until I go to the dealership but I was looking for some opinions.””
Does anyboby know where can i find more information about auto loan tampa?

Whats the best site for free credit score reports ? ?

How do you know if the site is safe for credit card use?
i want to use my credit card. how will i know if the site i am using is safe to use the credit card
Importance or Credit Cards?
1. What are important factors to consider when selecting a credit card? 2. Why is it important to shop for credit? 3. Do you think high school students should have credit cards? Why or why not? Please Explain Your Answers
Why would my credit report look good on Equifax and not Experian?
My credit reports looks good for one agency. I have a loan in really good standing that is being reported by Equifax on my credit report but when I look at the other, it has no history of the loan. Should this loan be reported to all three of the agencies?? Or is it up to them?””
“”I,m a single mum with 7 children on benefits with poor credit history but need a fast loan?””
i,m in desperate need for a small loan but am on benefits with poor credit rating i been on line for 2 days filling in lots of forms then always get let down when they no i,m a nothing its so frustrating whatever i am i will pay it back just need a chance anyone been in this situation and has had success please help i need it now””

Can you be on unemployment benifits and qualify for emerald advance holiday loan through h&r block?
I have recieved this loan for last 5 yrs and 2 of the times wasn’t employed, but was told by tax pro this yr if i wasn’t currently working i would be denied, i worked most of this yr and for last couple months have been layed off and recieving unemployment benifits that taxes are deducted from, can someone help?””
How can I boost my credit score from 600- 622 to like 700 or so?
I need to get a finance for a mototorcycle but my credit score is not the best I’m 20 years old so I need advice. thank you for you co operations and understandings.
“”American Express Blue, or Clear?””
Hi, I currently have an American Express Costco card. I usually spend about $2,500 + on the card each month, and pay the whole thing off before the billing cycle. I don’t travel much. I’m thinking about getting either the Blue or the Clear Amex. Should I stick to my Costco rewards card or go with an alternative Amex? Ideally I’d like to get the most cash back. Any suggestions?””
Help with a chapter 7 & 13 bankruptcies ?
I did a chapter 13 bankruptcies back in 2005. I had my car on there. The last year I went through a hard time & defaulted on the bankruptcies. They put all the fiance charges back on to me for my car (I all ready paid 10 thousand for the car just not the fiance charges) & was going to repo it. But now its 2011 & they never took it. I want to file a chapter 7 now & start all over. Will I lose my car or will they finally give me the title? If so how long will it take for them to take it?
What payments would i make on a 30 year $40000 mortgage?

Where is the best place to get my debt report & credit score online?
For Free. I don’t want to have to cancel a plan and then risk getting billed anyways. Thank you in advance!
How long does foreclosure process take in WA when owner files bankruptcy?

Need a credit card help asap?

Used Auto Loan Question?
Okay i currently have a 99 Grand Prix GT 3mnth old used auto loan that i owe roughly 4000, I am wanting to trade my Cuurent car in for a 05 Dodge Neon Srt 4 that costs 7000 and i was gonna trade him my vehicle for like 3000 then the left over will be like 4000 dollars and i wasn wanting to get another loan for it? Is it possible to do this and its not through a dealership private seller? Or should i just sell and pay off current loan and get another loan later. Bcs of right now i can afford the gas for this car and the mnthl payments are easy to make. Just need a new and More dependle car.””
Why does PayPal ask for a debit/credit card when I have my bank account verified?
I tried to purchase something on When I entered my PayPal credentials, it asked to enter my card details. Why can’t they just use my bank account information?””

“How can i get a personal loan my credit score is 562?

i have tried prosper never can get my loan funded

