“What Happens on the Bus Stays on the Bus” — The Hard-Drinking Life of Brett Kavanaugh

Explosive allegations of a sexual assault perpetrated by Brett Kavanaugh have also turned a spotlight on the Supreme Court nominee’s use of alcohol.

Tim Dickinson
6 min readSep 20, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh was allegedly “stumbling drunk” as a teenager at a party when, according to his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, “Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom,” pinned her down on a bed, covered her mouth, and attempted to remove her clothes. (Ford ultimately escaped and locked herself in a bathroom.) Kavanaugh has categorically denied the allegation.

Kavanaugh’s alleged underage inebriation is a side note to the alleged assault, of course. But it fits with a pattern of hard drinking by Kavanaugh — and Kavanaugh bragging about that hard drinking — that continued long after he left Georgetown Prep.

An examination of the public record, below, is not definitive. But it raises serious questions: Does the nominee for the highest court in the land have a problematic relationship with alcohol? Does it impair his judgment?

High School. Georgetown Prep. Graduated 1983.

The allegation that Kavanaugh carried out a sexual assault in a “highly inebriated state” is not the only indication of underage drinking during Kavanaugh’s days at the all boys private school outside of D.C. In his senior yearbook entry, Kavanaugh…

