Decoding the Alien Dictionary Problem

3 min readOct 27, 2023



Imagine a scenario where you’re tasked with deciphering an alien language. There are no Rosetta Stones or helpful translators in sight. Instead, you are given a collection of words in this strange language and a list of rules that dictate the order in which the characters in this language appear. This puzzle is known as the “Alien Dictionary Problem,” and it presents an intriguing challenge in the world of graph theory.

In this article, we’ll delve into the Alien Dictionary Problem, understand its significance, and explore how graph theory can be employed to solve this linguistic enigma.

The Alien Dictionary Problem

The Alien Dictionary Problem can be defined as follows: Given a sorted list of words, determine the order of characters in the alien alphabet. This problem is particularly relevant in computer science and linguistics, as it can help identify the correct order of characters when processing languages or creating sorting algorithms.

Let’s illustrate this with an example. Suppose we have the following list of words in an alien language:

  1. wrt
  2. wrf
  3. er
  4. ett
  5. rftt

From these words, we can glean a few important character relationships:

  • ‘w’ comes before ‘r’ (from the first two words).
  • ‘t’ comes before ‘f’ (from the last two words).
  • ‘e’ comes before ‘r’ (from the third word).

Using this information, we can create a partial ordering of characters: w < r < t < f < e.

Graph Theory to the Rescue

Now, how can we systematically decipher this problem? The answer lies in graph theory. We can build a directed graph to represent the relationships between characters in the alien language. In this graph:

  • Each character is a node.
  • Each directed edge represents a relationship between two characters, with the arrow pointing from the earlier character to the later one.

Let’s construct the graph for our example:

  • The graph nodes: {w, r, t, f, e}
  • The graph edges: (w -> r), (r -> t), (t -> f), (e -> r)

The graph visually represents the character relationships we inferred earlier. It also reveals the correct order of characters in the alien alphabet: w, r, t, f, e. You can now use this information to translate words or sort them according to the alien language’s rules.

Topological Sort for Character Ordering

To find the correct character order from the graph, we can perform a topological sort. A topological sort is an ordering of the graph’s nodes in a way that respects the direction of edges. This ordering provides the correct character order in the alien alphabet.

In our example, the topological sort would yield: w, r, t, f, e.

The Power of Graph Theory

The Alien Dictionary Problem showcases the power of graph theory in solving real-world problems. Graphs provide a visual representation of complex relationships, making it easier to analyze and draw conclusions from data. In this case, constructing a directed graph and performing a topological sort helps us decode an alien language, but graph theory also plays a crucial role in various other fields, from social network analysis to transportation optimization.


The Alien Dictionary Problem is a captivating puzzle that demonstrates how graph theory can be applied to linguistic challenges. By constructing a directed graph and performing a topological sort, we can unlock the mysteries of alien languages and create efficient sorting algorithms. Graph theory’s versatility extends far beyond linguistics, making it a fundamental tool in the world of computer science and problem-solving. As we continue to explore the depths of graph theory, we may uncover new solutions to longstanding mysteries and enhance our understanding of complex systems.

