How should I improve my credit?

20 min readMar 13, 2019


How should I improve my credit?

So my credit is bad, I think my score is like 540, but I’m not sure if bankruptcy is best or if I should try to clean it up. I’m 25 and I am still in school and have about $30,000 in student loans, but since I’m still in school I dont have to pay them right away. I have about $10,000 in medical bills outstanding, and about $10,000 in collections. i don’t have any credit cards, car loans or anything like that. I don’t have anything negatively going on my credit report that I know of. All of my bad credit is basically accounts that went to collections. What’s the best way to improve my credit? Should I file bankruptcy? Do items really drop off” your report in 7 years? Will credit counseling help?”

Answer : I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can get from different companies: .

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WARNING!!! Read this if you are about to get online loan!?
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“How should I improve my credit?

So my credit is bad, I think my score is like 540, but I’m not sure if bankruptcy is best or if I should try to clean it up. I’m 25 and I am still in school and have about $30,000 in student loans, but since I’m still in school I dont have to pay them right away. I have about $10,000 in medical bills outstanding, and about $10,000 in collections. i don’t have any credit cards, car loans or anything like that. I don’t have anything negatively going on my credit report that I know of. All of my bad credit is basically accounts that went to collections. What’s the best way to improve my credit? Should I file bankruptcy? Do items really drop off” your report in 7 years? Will credit counseling help?”


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If I pay like $4000 on my auto loan, will that lower my regular payment amount or just shorten the life of the loan?””
Financing for a Home…?
My boyfriend a I are wanting to purchase a house that we have found but there are some minor issues. Two years ago he filed bankruptcy and has been slowly building his credit back up. He makes more than enough money and has no debt. So of course he has no debt to income ratio. I on the other hand when I was divorced my ex-husband was suppose to according to divorce decree have the house re-financed into his name or assume the current mortgage. Needless to say he has not done this so I have a mortgage that is showing on my credit and I can do nothing about it. (my attorney is taking him to court and filing motion of contempt). I also just recently located to another state because my boyfriends job relocated us. Therefore, I do not work and will not have to either. But will get a job if it would help us with getting the house. My question is this. My boyfriend has more than enough income to support our debt to income ratio but his credit score is low. I on the other hand have an 822 credit score with this mortgage on my credit and a small credit card balance. We both have 401k and pension plans etc. Helpful and polite Advice would be appreciated. Oh and we do have the money for the down payment.””
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Loan Officer???
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How much will a credit score rise if…(Please read details!)?
My fiance has 3 credit cards that are all over the limit and have been in collections for a long time. When we get our taxes back next year we are going to use the money to completely pay off every single debt of his so he can buy a house. We are wondering how much his credit will rise from doing this? And also do you know what else besides this a person with a low credit score can do to raise their credit score? Thanks in advance.
Which is the best student credit card? Junior in college?
I’m a junior college and looking to build credit — I’m not interested in any gimmicks like rewards or incentives. Just need something simple that will allow me to build credit with them. I (stupidly) applied for a Discover It card during my freshman year of college and was denied because I had no proof of income. Now I have 2 jobs. My question is, should I apply again for a Discover It card now that I’ve improved on what they denied me for? Or should I apply to something else? And which one?””
Good Loan Companies For Bad Credit?
I took out a payday loan a few years ago when I was desperate for cash. It was only 200 and I made the re-payments but then I would take another 200 loan because I needed it. The loan has gradually increased from 200 and now I owe 820. I pay 160 a month and I’m not actually clearing any of the debt. I pay it back and then just take out a new loan. My credit rating is awful which is why I turned to these people in the first place. I would like to take out a proper loan so that I’m paying less than 160 a month and I’m actually getting out of debt again. There are so many loan companies online but the apr is really high. Does anyone know of a company I could use? Or any other ideas? Other than winning the lottery. Thanks
Where can I get information to pay back an old payday loan. Dont know which online lender it was.?
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What kind of Bankruptcy do i qualify for?
Currently we are in debt about 100,000.00 and my husband in the only one who works. we have two trucks we are paying for about 30,000. each. credit cards, consolidation loans, student loans. no mortgage, no air to breath. out of all the paycheck we only get left with less than 400 for a family of 3. We are considering bankruptcy but don’t know much about it. Which is it 7, 11, or 13? How long does it ruin your credit for? Can we fix it later? Help . thanx””
Is there a place (besides where you can get a free credit report w/o a card?
I’m looking for a website (besides where I can print out my credit report. I requested my report from all 3 credit bureaus (via annualcreditreport), but didn’t get a chance to print them (ran out of ink) before my 30 days ran out. Also….I don’t have a debit or credit card either anymore…So I need something that doesn’t require that. I’d really appreciate any help!!! Thanks!!!!!!!””
Should I refinance my auto loan?

Chapter 13 bankruptcy rules how many months to repay my debts?

Can you surrender a home in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Are ‘payday loans’ that charge like 900+ percent interest legal.?
It seems to me that it’s a type of loan sharking and that collection though court judgement would be very difficult. It is my understanding that a contract written contrary to state or fed. law can not prevail. Is this in that arena?
Can someone who has a bankruptcy on credit history qualify for an SBA loan?
I’m part owner of a small business and we recently incorporated. A year ago I filed for personal bankruptcy had nothing to do with any business matters. We are currently looking to get some extra cash to cover the increase in orders that we’re receiving.
Yet another backruptcy question?

My fiance & I are non-working law students and want to purchase a home/condo. Who might lend us the money?
We both have excellent credit and would use student loans to pay our mortgage.
Can you check your chase credit card expiration date online and how?

Does wells fargo give loans for mobile homes?
cant find a lender to buy mobile home on land, already been approved””
“How should I improve my credit?

So my credit is bad, I think my score is like 540, but I’m not sure if bankruptcy is best or if I should try to clean it up. I’m 25 and I am still in school and have about $30,000 in student loans, but since I’m still in school I dont have to pay them right away. I have about $10,000 in medical bills outstanding, and about $10,000 in collections. i don’t have any credit cards, car loans or anything like that. I don’t have anything negatively going on my credit report that I know of. All of my bad credit is basically accounts that went to collections. What’s the best way to improve my credit? Should I file bankruptcy? Do items really drop off” your report in 7 years? Will credit counseling help?”

Does my boyfriend need to check his credit?
He’s 18 and works as a dishwasher. He doesn’t have any credit cards (He had a Rite-Aid card before that he would put like $30 on it and I bought some things with it online but he doesn’t use it anymore. I think he left like $3 on it.) and he always pays for things in full. (usually with him atm card. he has a savings account and might open a checkings account.) Does he need to check his credit?
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When I try to search the net I am just referred to fee for service people searches which I don’t want. I just want police records that are public for a specific day.
Where can i find a loanshark in leeds?
i need a loan asap, iv been messed around and turned down by every leder iv gone to, im at the end of my rope man i need a loan!””

Does paying off a closed account help my credit score?
I also have another account that was closed but paid and just wondering if that affects my credit score. And if it does how do i get it removed. Also what are some alternatives that i can do to up my credit. I already have a auto loan and a secured credit card that are actually credited each month:)
Whats a good credit card after you file bankruptcy?
I’m trying to build my credit after our BK.
Do those pay day loans effect your credit?
I have unpaid payday loans and I would like to know if they are going to have an effect on my credit.
Where do I get a free credit report?
Not please, it’s FLAWED.””

What credit card is better?
I’m applying for a credit card for the 1st time but there so many I don’t really know which one works better…. What credit card do you guys recommend??? THANKS!
I need a personal loan bad but no one would give me one where can i go or do to get a loan fast and easy.?
Where i can pay a monthly payment that is low.My bank will not give me a loloan and i was with them 3 years P.S cerdit score not that bad
Auto Loans?
Hey! Everyone, Im looking to purchase my very first car pretty soon, within a couple of months(december). The car i’ve been thinking about getting is a 2000–2002 BMW (3 Series). I’m also going to take out a loan from my bank with a 5.99% APR rate for up to 36 are 72 months. The price of the car is about $14.000-$15.000. Do you think this is a good idea? And how much would you think my payments for the car would be?””
“”What is the percentage, of americans that have credit cards?

Can one quite online school and go bankrupt?
I have a friend who is talking about quitting school. He currently doesn’t have a job, but he feels like his online schooling is a joke! He wants to find work, but he knows if he quits school he’ll have to pay his loans back. So, he was asking me if he could file for bankruptcy and start-over and find a job. I don’t know if this is possible, so I’m asking this lovely community what you all think.””
I would like informationrmation and tip on how to stop payments on a payday loan.?

Credit card debt!!!!!?
i have 40000 dollars in credit card debt and no job no income what do i do?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Least amount of debt for bankruptcy?
i have a friend who has maybe $5,000 in debt. i think it is dumb to file. for that amount of money she can set up a rpogram and have that paid off quick!””

What is the cheapest and safest payday loan service?


How many times you can refinance your auto loan?
Recently refinanced my auto loan, I was stupid to financed for 72 months which is totally stupid only thing got me was low monthly payment $221.04 for 72 months but not I cut down on term to 48 months but monthly payment is high $307.00 that’s my two week check I’m ok with it but just curious can I again refinance next year because my loan will be Half would that help to lower the payments?””
Property loan on property under mortgage?
The building is constructed by taking housing loan from a nationalized bank. Now they are not prepared to enhance the loan, for the additional construction I am doing, because of my repayment eligibility limits. The property documents are with the bank’s custody. Now the property’s market value, including the building is more than 6 times the housing loan amount. Its earning monthly rent to cover the full EMI. Can I get property loan from any of these aggressive banks in the private sector without closing the existing home loan?. Normally how much they charge the interest for 5~10 lakhs rupees range?””

“How should I improve my credit?

So my credit is bad, I think my score is like 540, but I’m not sure if bankruptcy is best or if I should try to clean it up. I’m 25 and I am still in school and have about $30,000 in student loans, but since I’m still in school I dont have to pay them right away. I have about $10,000 in medical bills outstanding, and about $10,000 in collections. i don’t have any credit cards, car loans or anything like that. I don’t have anything negatively going on my credit report that I know of. All of my bad credit is basically accounts that went to collections. What’s the best way to improve my credit? Should I file bankruptcy? Do items really drop off” your report in 7 years? Will credit counseling help?”

“”Tell me whether current asset, non current asset, current liabilities, non current liabilities and equity?
1) Cash 2) Accounts receivable 3) Inventories 4) land 5) Buildings 6) mortgage note payable in quarterly installment of 100 000 7)Estimated liability for damages 8)Secret processes and formulas
Do People Pay Interest rates or any fees on Debit cards?
I bank with wells fargo, and I am considering getting a debit card and dumping my credit card due to all these absurd fees on purchases. I want to know will I be charged any fee if I get a debit card? Thanks.””
My bankruptcy was discharged in May. Now I can’t access my credit report. Any ideas why?


Is safe to use?
i hear checking your credit score will lower it and im afraid to give out any information especially online

How does the cosigning thing work for auto loans?
im not a kid, i am in my 20's!””
Use money from an Auto loan for personal items?
I wanted to get a personal loan, I’ve been reading a lot about them lately and how hard they are too get. (not so good credit) I read that auto loans are easier to get, so I’m wondering can I go for a auto loan but use the money for whatever I want as long as I am paying the monthly payments?””

601 Credit score good enough for car loan?
Is 601 good enough for a $15,000 car loan? I make $1200-$1800 a month and can put $3000 on downpayment””
Does filing bankruptcy protect from at fault property damage in an auto accident?
I was recently found at fault in an automotive accident, the damages assessed were $25,000 to the other vehicle and my property damage limits on my automotive insurance were $10,000. The insurance company said I will probably be sued if I cannot pay the damages up front, my wife and I are already on a debt management plan for consumer debt at around $10,000,and now we are out a car too as ours was a total loss. Does filing bankruptcy protect me from having my wages garnished? Or does this situation serve as a criminal case which would be except from bankruptcy protection?””

New home buyer? Mortgage rates?
My husband and I live in Ohio and are looking at buying a home (we rent now, and have never owned a home). We found one for $60,000. My credit score is a 550 (not great!!) and he has a bankruptcy filed about 5–6 years ago (we aren’t sure of his score). — therefore, it won’t drop off for another year or so. What are our changes of even getting financed? AND, more importantly, what would an average APR be in a situation like this, with ZERO down? Any idea what our monthly mortgage payments would be, etc. Thanks so much!!””


How long it will take to get my sss loan?


Applying for auto loan?
So I just graduated from University this spring and am interested in looking into getting an auto loan. I never needed a car at school but am now going to be needing one to commute for work. I just signed the papers for a full time job (salary + commission) and am also working part time as an independent contractor for a company. My credit score is just short of 800 I have two credit cards which were just paid off in full and my only debt is a moderate amount of student loans which I’ve consolidated and begin payments on in 6 months. I’ve have $6,000 dollars available for a down payment and have been researching certified pre-owned vehicles between $12,000–15,000 so I’m looking into a loan for around 7 or 8 thousand. My parents also are willing to co-sign if need be. Going to live at home for 8–10 months so my expenses with be very low and the only bills I’ll be paying would be the auto loan payment, car insurance payment and in 6 months my student loan payments. My monthly income will be right around $2,200. My only concern is obviously the short job history seeing as though I will probably only have 1 month at my current job when I try to get the loan. I worked each summer between school years at Nordstrom and part time during the year at a country club so I do have about 5 years of previous work history while I was at college. Realistically will I be eligible to get a decent loan at this point? Also I don’t know a lot about the auto loan process but I for sure want to shop around to get an idea of rates and requirements. If anyone could provide some answers and advice I’d greatly appreciate it!””

Does Best Buy do hard credit checks or soft checks when you apply for their credit card?
dude, I make good money and I employ myself…I have a credit card…I owe $15 a month but every month give them $300 or more…money is not a problem, i just need to build up my credit and want to know…is it hard or soft for best buy?””
Refinance auto loan with us bank/cars inc.?
has anyone ever refianced their auto loan with this company? cars inc. who uses us bank to refi your car loan. it says i may be able to lower my apr% to as low as 5.99% and lower my monthly payments. please check out the web site and let me know what you think if you have never heard of them, or let me know what i should do. my current loan is is w/chase is 10.14% and 539.41 monthly payments for 6yrs (72months).""


How do you get ONE free credit report without signing up for a trial of anything?
I keep seeing offers for free credit reports. But you always have to signup for a month of service that will continue in perpetuity unless you go to them and tell them to cancel. Is there a way you can get just ONE free copy of your credit report and have no commitment for anything else? e.g.

“How should I improve my credit?

So my credit is bad, I think my score is like 540, but I’m not sure if bankruptcy is best or if I should try to clean it up. I’m 25 and I am still in school and have about $30,000 in student loans, but since I’m still in school I dont have to pay them right away. I have about $10,000 in medical bills outstanding, and about $10,000 in collections. i don’t have any credit cards, car loans or anything like that. I don’t have anything negatively going on my credit report that I know of. All of my bad credit is basically accounts that went to collections. What’s the best way to improve my credit? Should I file bankruptcy? Do items really drop off” your report in 7 years? Will credit counseling help?”

