Helen Gurney
77 min readSep 24, 2020


Most people reading this document will be very familiar with the term ‘Targeted Individuals’ or TIs. For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with this term, TIs are those victims of covert assaults, perpetrated with impunity by government sanctioned criminal gangs who use directed energy weapons (DEWS) to assault their targets, their victims. TIs may or may not be aware that they are being assaulted. For details relating to my own experiences of being a TI, please check this link: https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/statement-of-british-ti-helen-gurney/

This help guide is intended to help as many TIs as possible to overcome, or at least to alleviate, the suffering that they endure as a result of the assaults. For a help guide, this is a lengthy document, because to explain the various remedies that I have found, I have found it necessary to do so in the context on my own experiences of being a TI. There is however a summary of solutions toward the end of this document. Please note that, being based solely on my own personal experience, this help guide contains details only of remedies that I have found to be effective, based entirely on my own ‘trial and error’ findings, for over six years of being under assault by DEWs. This includes over two years of having endured life with a brain implant, which was inflicted on me by the criminals, or perpetrators (perps) that plague the lives of all TIs. There may therefore be more effective solutions to block or negate the DEW attacks that I am not aware of, or that I have not been in a position to try out myself. I have to admit that I’ve not been all that efficient in identifying effective solutions, given that my practical skills are rubbish and I know nothing about physics. However, what has worked for me, I would imagine is likely to help most other, if not all other, TI’s, but of course I cannot be certain about this.

It is my great hope that the torture that is endured by every TI will soon stop and that we will all become free to pursue the lives that God intended for us. I hope that this help guide will at least go some small way towards that end. If you know that you are a TI, my first piece of advice is NEVER REPORT THESE CRIMES TO THE POLICE. There is a blanket policy across all police forces to refer anyone reporting assault by directed energy weapons, or of the effects of a brain implant, directly to mental health (where the TI is likely to be forcibly incarcerated). DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR A PSYCHIATRIST.


Even if you are not a TI, suffering through DEWS or gang stalking, but just someone that may be considered a thorn in the side of the establishment, the enemy will probably want to get to you. I have no doubt that they have various ways of ‘bumping people off’. It is prudent therefore for anyone to guard against anyone entering your home while you are out. If perps do get in, they may tamper with your food supply, or toiletries to cause illness or worse. By introducing psychotic drugs into food or drink is a means by which they could try to demonstrate that someone is mentally ill, and thus have them incarcerated. Perps could also leave incriminating evidence. Another reason the enemy may have for gaining entry is to have your house all wired up ready as a torture chamber, to better enabling them to harm you with their DEWs. If you are a TI, however, they are likely to have done this before you even move in.

Securing your house

If you can, get a good security system with cameras.

Needless to say, ensure that your windows are well secured when you are away from your home, or sleeping.

If you live in a house that adjoins another, be sure that there is no way for your neighbours to gain entry through the party wall in the loft.

Although you may have very secure locks to your external doors, I believe that the enemy can easily obtain a copy of any key. Judging by my own experiences and observations, a perpetrator merely needs to take a few discreet images of your key, from a distance, to have sufficient information to copy your key to scale. They may even use CCTV in your street, or the discreet cameras hidden in lampposts etc. To combat this, do not let anyone see your key. Keep your keys in a pouch and carefully unlock or lock your door while the key remains hidden by your pouch. I recommend having a secondary lock inside your door. The most secure type of lock, I believe, is the shuttle lock (the type used to lock shipping containers) and you can get smaller versions of these.

To add this secondary lock, Just fix a handle to your inner door and also one next to the door frame, inside the house. When you go out, thread a secure chain through these handles and fix the chain using your shuttle lock (keeping your key hidden from view at all times). If, when you return, you find that the lock has come off, at least you will know that someone has gained entry. Keep your keys about your person at all times and don’t leave them in a draw or on your desk/table if at work or out anywhere. This may seem over the top, but the enemy works in teams and will stop at nothing when they are out to get someone. There is one thing to note about them though, they will avoid at all costs leaving any evidence, or of being seen by any witnesses.

Protecting yourself at night

If the enemy gains entry to your house, that’s one thing. Although it’s not very nice, it’s not necessarily the end of the world. If they gain access to your person while you are asleep, that is another matter entirely, which can have lasting impacts, or may even spell the end of you there and then. Learn from my mistake and prevent the enemy from ever gaining access to you while you are sleeping. It is very simple to do, just put good bolts onto your front and back doors. If you are not able to do so, then put a bolt on your bedroom door and always remember to bolt your door shut before you go to sleep.


Intimate relationships — sadly these are likely to be sabotaged before they even begin. A word here or there to someone, a rumour, especially reinforced by one or more other creatures will usually but paid to any relationship becoming firmly established. If it does your partner may be manipulated in such as way as to create discord within the relationship. The enemy won’t stop with this interference because they want you alone and vulnerable so that they can freely use you for their experiments as though you were a lab rat (these creatures really do believe that humans that are not of their group are less than beasts).

Friendships — sorry to sound depressing, this is not good either, if you do have a genuine friend the perps will interfere with this friendship, or else someone that you have considered to be a close friend may well turn out to be a perp. If this is the case, than your ‘friend’ will have been manipulating you according to a script. They will report back to their team, where they will receive instructions on the next strategy to manipulate you, against your own interests. So if you notice a pattern, such as a friend getting a bit too much in your head, and seemingly driving you around in circles, which has wasted a lot of your time, then pay close attention them and be on your guard. Even if you have known a friend for a long time, try to objectively consider their impact on your life. These people really do play the long game. You may develop a friendship quickly, perhaps at work, but if it is a perp, they will appear to empathise with you, to really understand where you are coming from. If you are a target then you have probably had a lot of hassle in your life, so there will be an almost irresistible urge to off-load onto someone that appears to understand. If that friend is a perp, then they will understand you so very well, because they will know your life history and your in-depth psychological profile, which will inform them on how to ‘work you’. If that person is a perp, the net result of that ‘friendship’, over the long term, is likely to have served to erode your confidence and leave you feeling inadequate, or a failure etc. and you will do much better without having them in your life. Having said that, it is hard not to be suspicious of everyone when you are a TI, so consider carefully, before dumping someone that may in fact be a genuine friend.

Workplace — if you are a TI then it is likely that anything that could go wrong will go wrong. Your enemies want you to fail, to be denied access to the opportunities commensurate with your talents and abilities. They do not want you to be recognised for who you really are. I actually believe that, to some extent, they do this to all of us, thus creating a skewed version of reality, whereby their kind are made to look a whole lot better and more capable than they actually are.

In the case of TIs, the perps want to exploit your god given talents for their own purposes, and to take credit for them, whilst also being in a position to create a false persona around you, in accordance with the nature of the experiments that they want to use you for and/or how they plan for you to end up — e.g. perhaps as a patsy in a false flag.

In the work place, there are a whole host of ways and means that the perps may employ to sabotage your career, including getting you sacked. I have listed some ways and means to protect your interests at work, which are based solely on my own experience (in an office environment). You need to ensure that none of your colleagues can take the credit for your work and/or undermine or misrepresent you. These examples of ways to ‘cover your back’ may not all be relevant to many people, but I am guessing that they are pretty generic and, although, they are all so very obvious, nonetheless, it is all too easy to neglect the following precautions:

· Consider what all of the risks are, if anyone did want to sabotage your work and have a strategy in place for mitigating each of those risks.

· Keep evidence of your work for your own records — whatever means is at your disposal to secure proof of what you’ve achieved. Of course, this includes archiving of all your emails in case you need them as evidence to demonstrate of everything that you’ve been involved with.

· If you’ve had a meeting with someone, summarise the key points in writing (under the premise of clarification or just to confirm your actions further to that meeting) email relevant parties to obtain their agreement — this is so there can be no room for any ‘funny business’.

· Consider your company’s work logging system, and how comprehensive it is at tracking and logging each employee’s activities. If it is not apparent to you what these systems are or how reports are generated, then find out. If you can, generate reports to ensure these seem accurate and use these facilities to prove a point, wherever you need to.

· Don’t be hesitant to copy in your senior boss relating to something you’ve achieved or that you know you’ve done well.

· If something is not right, start keeping a log of events (it might be best to do this from home). This can also be a good way of getting things off your chest, but you may also need to refer to your log, or even present it in evidence if things escalate. Take care to ensure that you present your own arguments rationally and logically.

· Of course if you are experiencing inappropriate behaviour of any kind, then try to capture audio/video recordings, as well as noting all details in your log.

· Even if you know ‘someone is out to get you’, be mindful of it, but don’t go about the place tense and suspicious of everyone. Try to be as relaxed and as ‘normal’ you can’.

· Resist the urge to off-load onto anyone, or if you do, at least don’t name names. Even if you chat to a trusted colleague, things often ‘slip out’ unintentionally. Don’t give your perps any material that can be used against you, or that can be used to ‘fuel the flames’ between you and other colleague. So try not to grumble at work, but if you need to, talk to someone about it that has no connections with your place of work.

· Beware of the ‘smiling assassin’ — they may well not be the person they appear to be. Beware of letting anyone lean on you, or compensate for their inefficiencies because you think they are a mate etc. They could just be milking you, while undermining you behind your back. Don’t do significantly more than your share and challenge where you need to, but always in a professional, diplomatic and rational manner. Don’t assume that it is safe to confide in someone just because they appear friendly, or on your side. If that person is untrustworthy, or simply just a gossip, you could be giving the enemy material with which to make your work place so much more difficult to endure.

· Not everyone is a perp even if may seem so — it is easy enough for a perp to turn a colleague against you, simply with a rumour or by reporting back something you said, but twisted and out of context. People are sensitive and easily upset and their attitudes to others can be easily changed. Sadly this is just a fact of the human condition and the enemy will use this to the max.

· Never get emotional — if you do, keep a lid on it till you get home. If you get either tearful or angry at work, this is the material that the enemy will use against you, to portray you as: weak; easily stressed; not up to the job; irrational; or even nuts.

· Try to always come across as affable, professional and rational. If you need to raise an issue then do so assertively and professionally.

· Get some perspective — if you hate your job then focus on the aspects that you most enjoy, or see if there are any ways to initiate changes that would make life more bearable at work. Also focus on what makes you happy, whether your family or hobbies and try to make sure that you have something to look forward to.

· Have a contingency — consider other options such as: whether you can afford to go part time; whether your skills could provide you with other opportunities, such as self employment; whether you are in a position to change your lifestyle, by reducing your costs etc.

· If you are unfairly dismissed — even in this world of utter madness, there is still such a thing as work tribunals, so use whatever means is available to you to fight for your rights.

Self employment

Again the traps that the enemy may set that I briefly allude to are just those taken from my own experience and there are of course many more to watch out for. These are all very obvious, but nonetheless it is worth taking care not to fall into the following ‘elephant traps’:

· If you looking to become self employed, I would say don’t bother searching for a readymade business opportunity — this is probably a waste of time. You need to create your own opportunity, if you have specific skills with which to create a viable business.

· Have relevant insurance and legal cover to mitigate the worst case scenarios.

· Take the time to have appropriate terms and conditions in place, listing all necessary disclaimers etc.

· Beware of anyone else becoming involved in your self-employment. As far as possible don’t rely on, or lean on anyone too much just because they are already established. A perp could be a business associate with which you believe that you have mutual business arrangement (a loose alliance). If they are a perp they will probably want to get into the nitty gritty of what you are doing and/or persuade you to fit in with their business model. Even if you’ve got clients from them, this may be just to ‘hook you in’.

· Beware of anyone giving you business advice. If it is a perp it will be bad advice, or someone that discusses an issue from one angle, but another time will look at it from the opposite angle i.e. driving you around in circles to waste your time and to build in confusion.

· Don’t let anyone else sort out the hosting of your email accounts — they could be sabotaging your business opportunities by deleting important emails etc.

· Make sure that you don’t work for bad payers. Minimise the risk of this by insisting on being paid weekly as opposed to monthly, or in stage payments etc.

· Of course, keep all records of your all of your work related communications.

· Where feasible, keep your business clients separate so that, ideally, they do not know one another — that way there is less opportunity for a client that is a perp to slip in some discrediting misinformation about you to another one of your clients. Don’t tell your clients who your other clients are, as far as is practicable.

· Don’t spend your resources, nor your time and energy, to cater for merely the promise of impending work.

· If possible, avoid doing any commission only based work.

Local community

Be friendly with neighbours etc, but avoid letting them into your home. If you do need to for any reason, keep an eye on them at all times. If you are a TI at least some of your surrounding neighbours are likely to be perps. As in the work place, perps will be looking to discredit you within your local community, with rumours, gossip etc. Make a point of saying hello or chatting with the people that you bump into in your neighbourhood, but otherwise keep yourself to yourself. If they see that you are a decent person and know a bit about you then there is less scope for false information to be circulated. Take time to chat to people on local shops, if they are open to talk, and have bit of chit chat or banter where you can. You will need some human interaction after all, plus the fact then when people become familiar with you in your community, again, there is less scope for anyone to portray you in a false light.


This has not been much of an avert feature, in my case. There have been people that have appeared to have been following me, or staring etc, also I often see people hanging about on my path to somewhere, for no apparent reason. This may be nothing, or it could be an ambush of some kind. If you feel that there is something wrong, then there probably is — trust your instincts. Before proceeding, gather your thoughts, maybe pretend to look in a shop window or look like you are stopping to check a text message etc while you decide what to do next. Perhaps you could simply change direction, and go on an alternative route, or wait a couple of minutes to further check out the odd looking behaviour. If I see a stranger seeming to recognise me and then immediately use their phone, I will think twice about proceeding in that direction.

If someone hurls insults etc at you in the street, try to just walk on an ignore it — they could be baiting you to draw you into a conflict situation. Then you might just get rude behaviour or someone or a group of people just staring at you — stare back — perhaps say something like “can I help you”, or even go over to them and ask for the time or something, but don’t be intimidated by them. One thing again, about the TI program, the perps will not touch you (at least where there are people around — witnesses). They do not take risks. Just don’t get into an argument or debacle with them.

Seeming coincidences may be put on for the TI to witness. I think that this is designed to sensitise TIs to certain stimuli, or to make them feel paranoid. This is the effect that the perps want to achieve, to make TIs fearful and to start questioning their own sanity. In my case I notice cars driving past me just at that precise moment that I’m intending to cross the road. This coincidence happens over and over, even when I’m in a place that is otherwise deserted, a car will be there just to keep me waiting to cross the road, when there may me not another soul around. It is quite annoying and it is probably relating to my targeting, but I don’t pay much heed to it. What is really annoying is the amount of tax payers’ money that these idiots are probably wasting to play these kinds of daft games. So if 5 consecutive people walk past you wearing a red hat or something like that, they’ve probably all been just paid a tenner each to do so, so think no more of it.

You may however be confronted with real danger signs. For example, on one occasion, my next door perps (son and mother team) followed me into a shop and were whispering together in something of an agitated manner. It was obvious to me that they were up to something, to set me up in some way. I left the shop and they followed me out, so instead of continuing I slipped into a coffee shop. If they had followed me in there, it would have been apparent that they had been following me and not the other way around. I would also say to be mindful of not getting yourself nabbed by the enemy while you’re out and about. For example, don’t walk on the inside of a parked van (where you could be dragged in) and take special care if there are few or no people around.

Many TI’s report acute levels of gangstalking, street theatre and general harassment wherever they go. This has not been a feature of my targeting, so I am not in a position to offer much in the way of advice. As mentioned above, the perps are highly unlikely become violent towards you, but they will be attempting to provoke you into getting angry, even to the point of violence, so never take the bait. Just try your best to block them out and concentrate on whatever it is you have to do. However, do take video recordings of your perps if you can. Body cameras are ideal for this. Try also to maintain a daily log of all of the details of the harassment that you’ve been subjected to. One day we may all obtain justice, but, in the meantime, as already mentioned, DO NOT REPORT THESE CRIMES TO THE POLICE and DO NOT BE PROVOKED INTO CONFRONTATION.


Most TIs have probably been implanted with some form of chip and as a result are likely to be regularly tortured, although the degree and nature of torture may vary. I believe that the purpose of the torture is to render the TI extremely vulnerable and unable to hold down work, so as to impoverish them and/or get them into the health care system, where they are likely to be further harmed.

I am not certain whether it is the properties within the implants that cause the pain, or whether the implants merely serve as tracking points to enable the targeting of microwave frequencies to the TI, so that pain will result. Implants are minute and can be injected using a syringe, to be lodged permanently in given locations of the TI’s body. Implants to the head can be easily implanted by a dentist as he injects a solution into the gum tissues. The upper gums of course are very close in proximity to the brain and temples. Immense pain can result in having these implants and, in my view, could even kill; such can be the intensity of pain. I believe that the pain is the result of interference, by microwave frequencies, of blood flow. So if you are tortured with pain to the head, then (it is my belief) parts of the brain become partially oxygen starved during an assault.

To determine whether the pain one experiences is being induced

It is likely that the majority of people that are being tortured with directed energy weapons are not aware of the cause of their suffering. Indeed, they may not have even heard of directed energy weapons. The more people that become aware of this phenomena therefore, the more victims will have the opportunity to take the necessary actions to save their lives.

If you, or someone that you know, experiences regular occurrences of pain, or becomes suddenly ill, try shielding the affected area of the body with metal to see if this lessons, or stops, the pain. If this makes any noticeable difference in reducing the pain, then it is clear that the pain is being induced by DEWs.

Insulating your home, or room/faraday cages

This is probably something that everyone should do, as far as are able to, given extreme toxicity of the environment we all live in, due to emfs, especially that resulting from 5G. Where people can, they should perhaps insulate their home from emfs. This entails using shielding paint all over the exterior of a building, including the roof, but this is prohibitively expensive for most people. However, it is probably worth insulating at least a bedroom — to convert it into a faraday cage. This can be achieved using the following methods:

· Shielding paint to cover every part of the room, then it needs to be earthed.

· Specialist shielding fabrics to cover all of the room

· High quality insulating foil, attached to all of the walls of a room. Then to earth it simply attach to that foil, all around the room, a thin wire, to be threaded through to the exterior of the building and secured into the ground with a metal peg of some sort.

I have been thus far unable to try the above methods. However I did use insulating foil all over one room and this did largely fend off the DEW attacks (the radiation that caused burning of the flesh). I noted that, for some reason, the perps harnessed the corners of the room to effect these attacks, so I covered these with a lot of mylar. This did prove effective, however it was rendered wholly inadequate when I started being assaulted with laser DEWs. For this reason, I have not invested in these insulating materials since although, in hindsight, it may have been worth by while to at least invest in a sleeping farady cage. As I am not able to do so currently I am unable to comment on how effective these are for shielding against all forms of DEWs, including lasers.

To block the assault (preventing the pain)

If you are a TI with effective shielding, then you can prevent the pain from being triggered, as the shielding will deflect the microwave beam that is being directed at the targeted area of your body. Effective shielding materials include the following:

· Magnets

· Metal (any steel)

· Enamelled Copper wire

· Specialist shielding fabric

· Mylar

Magnets are an excellent means of deflecting attacks and are also extremely helpful in mitigating the pain when it sets in. You will need small, powerful (industrial strength) magnets which can be stitched into fabric. Take care when handling magnets as they can cause injury, as they snap together with a lot of force.

I recommend forming columns of two or several magnets together, then stitching these into cushioned fabric — ironing board covers are ideal for this. Because the magnets will keep sticking together, it is useful to then attach these magnets onto a strip of metal, also encased in fabric) so as to keep the magnets fixed. You can buy magnets that are countersunk (with holes through the middle) making them very useful for stitch onto things. The ones I use are from Abel Magnets, in the UK: https://www.abelmagnets.com/search-result/search_key/countersunk-neodymium). If you are outside of the UK, it is likely to be much cheaper to source your magnets locally.

For assaults to the head, you can stitch magnets into a hat, or onto a headband made from a strip of metal, to wear at night and whenever you feel an assault starting up. If this is not entirely successful at preventing the pain, it is probably because there is a gap leaving part of your head exposed to the assaults. Therefore make sure that the magnets are positioned very snugly against your skin. I would say that this is the optimum solution for preventing pain. This may not be practical for going out however. For outdoors, you can stitch magnets into a hat, or clothing that covers the area subject to torture.

If you are unable to use magnets (due to security screens at work etc) then try using layers of the shielding fabric. First protect this from moisture and wear and tear etc by encasing it into plastic covering — sealed with duck tape. Then stitch this into fabric so that it can be worn against the skin, or to stitch into a hat or clothing. The fabric that I have used is actually intended for pasting onto walls. I folded it over several times so it that it was several layers thick, and then encased this into the plastic covering. The product that I used, again, I purchased from the emf clothing company (https://emfclothing.com/en/9-emf-shielding).

Mitigating the Pain

As mentioned above, I believe that the induced pain is the result of interference in blood flow. The method of torture that I myself have been inflicted with is excruciating headaches. I find that these headaches set in during my sleep, if my shielding is inadequate or if it has come loose while sleeping. Once the pain does set in, magnets may not suffice in getting rid of, or reducing, the pain and a full day of excruciating pain may follow. However, with the right remedies, the pain can be managed, or even ‘nipped in the bud’ completely. These remedies are as follows:

· Magnets in a Tin — if you do feel a sudden pain to any part of your body, especially an eye, immediately hold strong magnets, as a shield, to the affected area, to prevent the attack from causing harm. For this, I keep with me a small tin that is filled with magnets — both the magnets and the metal together serve as an effective shield. If you keep your tin in some copper mesh, this should stop it from sticking so readily to other metal items in your bag/pocket. Be sure to keep your magnet tin handy when you are out and about.

· Focused Heat — when the pain sets in, due to inadequate shielding, or because the shielding has slipped off during your sleep, I find, in these instances, that application of heat to the affected area helps enormously. This may be because, as stated above, the directed energy interferes with blood flow, or else it may simply serve to deflect the beam of energy that is causing the pain, or it could even be a combination of both. I strongly recommend using a hairdryer to focus heat where the pain is felt. This may be sufficient for the pain to completely stop, but if not keep applying bursts of heat to the area of pain, as well as to the surrounding area (as the chip, or whatever it is that is causing the pain, may not necessarily be located directly in the area where the pain is felt). Because the hot air is very drying to the skin, I recommend using Vaseline. You may also be able to gradually ‘chase the pain away’ by having a fan heater, or convector heater, placed close by.

· Muscle rub — use of muscle rub is another way to heat up the skin, and thus soothe away the pain. I strongly recommend a specific one, Chilli Muscle Rub, by ‘Power Health’ (https://www.powerhealth.co.uk/chilli-muscle-rub-hot-balm.html) which is like no other for its potency in heating the skin, and it is comprised of only natural products. Use a liberal amount of this ointment on and around the area of pain — it takes a while to really heat up, but it’s very effective when it does, and can often chase the pain away completely. Like any ointment, try not to get it in your eyes. However, although this product will certainly sting if it gets in your eyes, it will not cause any damage. I even use a tiny bit of it on my eyelids if I experience fuzziness in my vision (which indicates to me that my eyes have been affected by the DEWs).

· Pacing — simply by pacing around your house or apartment can also help to chase the pain away. I think that this must be because it makes it difficult for the perpetrators to maintain the pain causing beam, if you are randomly pacing about the place.

· Alcohol — use small amounts of alcohol to help shift the pain — only spirits such as rum. When you are in a lot of pain, alcohol will not have the same effect of inebriation. It will help to get your circulation going. However, only use alcohol when in a lot of pain (and in small amounts). DO NOT TURN TO ALCHOL TO HELP YOU COPE — YOU NEED YOUR WITS ABOUT YOU AT ALL TIMES.

If the heat and muscle rub do not suffice in at least managing your pain (in my case, fortunately, these instances have been relatively rare) there are a number of other options to try. However, for some reason, in these cases when acute pain will not shift, what works on one such occasion, may not work the same the next. This may be because the frequency being used is different, so the type shielding material that you may need may vary. In these cases, try the following:

· Mylar — if the pain is to your forehead or temples then shield there with mylar and if that does not work then try shielding around the lower part of your head, around your neck and chin. Arrange the mylar so that there is a gap — room for air between you and the mylar. For some reason, that bit of trapped air can be really helpful in warding off the beams of directed energy.

· Metal — because my torment involves excruciating migraines, I have made a hat made of metal, which consists of a strip of metal that completely covers my forehead and temples, with a piece of metal across the top. If the metal that you have is very thin, then use two layers. To form a hat, or body covering, with metal, stitch fabric over each part of the metal used, so that you can then stitch these parts of your hat, or body covering, together. If you have trouble sourcing suitable sheet metal, then simply cut up a steel bin, using metal cutters. Be sure to tape duck tape around the edges of the metal to avoid injuring yourself.

· Enamelled copper wire — I have also used copper wire to shield my head, which has been a life saver on occasion. This, of course, is quite expensive as you will need a large amount of copper wire. Use fairly thin copper, less than 1mm thick, and you can use different thicknesses to clump together, like a birds nest, to form a shield into the shape that you need. I made one large enough to insert my entire head into and this has brought instant relief, after having been in absolute agony.


In my experience, there are two methods of attack that causes specific damage to one’s body. These include: burning of the tissues, by microwave radiation; searing of tissues, with precision, using invisible lasers.

In my case, microwave radiation was initially used to cause damage to my gums. This caused damage to my gums to the extent that some of my teeth started to become loose. These assaults simulated, what was diagnosed as, chronic gum disease. It was this that got me to the dentist, where a series of costly treatments ensued. I am certain that it was the dentist that implanted the chips into me (a very lucrative sideline, no doubt). I believe it was the chips that enabled the torture to my head, but also enabled precision targeting of any given area of my body by perpetrators employing invisible lasers. Using lasers, the perpetrators can do precision surgery on their target. This is the method that they used, bit by bit, to literally carve out some of my teeth.

I would imagine that it is very common for TIs to have their teeth targeted, both to prompt them to go to the dentist in the first place, but also to cause sufficient damage to allow implants to be inserted in specific locations. These locations, in my case, were upper left jaw and lower right jaw, being the path of the vegus nerve. I believe that it is by manipulating the vegus nerve that the perps inflict forced body movement onto the TI. To defend oneself from being mutilated by such DEW attacks, I recommend the following:

For Microwave Radiation (that burns flesh)

If you can, it is probably worth insulating at least your bedroom with specialist emf shielding materials, as these will at least attenuate the DEW attacks. Options for this include the following:

· Shielding paint to cover every aspect of a room — it then needs to be earthed

· Specialist emf shielding fabrics

· High quality insulation foil — which you could earth with a thin wire, by fixing it onto the foil, all the way around the room and threaded through to the exterior of your home, to be secured into the ground with a metal peg of some sort.

I used the insulation foil but I found that I was still being assaulted and noticed that the perps appeared to harness the corners of the room to effect their attacks. Covering these corners with mylar served to address this. However, I found that I also needed to cover myself with mylar when sleeping and also to wear it when I was in another room. However, this protection was wholly inadequate when I began to be assaulted by laser DEWs.

If you are out and about, and feel a sudden pain (denoting that you are being attacked with the radiation) hold your ‘magnets in a tin’ (see above) against the area of pain and that should deflect it.

For Laser Attacks (used for precision targeting of parts of the body)

If your neighbours (in adjoining buildings) start making lots of drilling noises within the party walls, then they are probably rigging your home up so that you can be targeted with lasers. However, if you live in a 5G area, they may not need to go to this trouble! I believe that the perps need to have you chipped before they can perform precision mutilation on your body.

If like me, your gums are under attack, and the method is lasers, you will find that on waking, if you spit out, there will be some blood and, within that sample, small globules of blood — which are actually tiny globules of flesh that have been removed by the laser. The methods that I have tried to protect myself against lasers are as follow:

Metal (the thickness of metal from a steel kitchen bin should suffice) — if you can’t source metal sheet easily just cut up a steel kitchen bin and use one or two layers for your shielding — you can cover this in fabric so as to stitch the pieces of metal together. However it is nigh on impossible to ensure that there are no gaps. Where there are any gaps, the perpetrators will surely find them to bypass your shielding.

Enamelled copper wire with magnets — simply clump up copper wire tightly together then attach magnets around this clump of wire and encase this within cushioned fabric (ironing board cover or oven gloves). This will also block lasers but, again, the very tricky thing is in ensuring that there are no gaps.

Silver hoods for emf shielding, sold by the emf clothing company: (https://emfclothing.com/en/home/10-electromagnetic-protective-head-net.html).

This is the optimum solution that I found after years of trial and error. However you will need to wear 3 x of these hoods to block the lasers (if like me the attacks are to your mouth). This will block just about all of the assaults, provided that the hoods are secured snug against your neck, because if they ride up during your sleep, you are likely to sustain damage. If you try using 4 x hoods, it will be difficult to breath, but using 3 is OK to sleep in if you just pinch them away from your nose before you go to sleep. To note, that if you also experience torture to your head (the headaches) these hoods are not sufficient to block that, so you will also need to wear your head guard made from metal (or metal with magnets).

It may also be worth pointing out that, for some reason, I find that I am less vulnerable if I am not lying down completely flat while sleeping. I have instead been sleeping on a sun bed, so that my head and upper body is raised.

Remedies that I have not yet trialed, but that may be sufficiently effective shielding

As mentioned, although the hoods are a good remedy against lasers, if they are not secured properly, you are still vulnerable to the laser attacks. Also, of course, even if your head is fully protected, the rest of your body is vulnerable to DEW assaults. It would be very nice just to be able to sleep somewhere, where one is guaranteed to be totally protected from these assaults. That would mean, full body protection, which might consist either of metal or of specialist shielding fabrics.

Metal structure — this is one way that I have found to block lasers totally, to sleep within a metal structure, or metal pod, with no gaps whatsoever for any laser to get through. Sheet steel of 0.7mm thick is sufficient. The way to do this is to create a metal cylinder to sleep in (using metal sheet bent into shape) then ensure that the ends are also fully covered over with in metal — overlapping to allow air in. I believe that the lasers can only hit you if they follow a straight trajectory, therefore allow for this if you attempt to make a metal pod. I stopped using this because my cylinder, secured with duck tape came unstuck and also because it is so tricky to ensure that there are absolutely no gaps, whilst also allowing for air. I intend to design such a structure that incorporates an air funnel, in a twisted shape, so that it does not allow for a straight trajectory of a beam between the air opening and one’s body.

Specialist medical shielding for lasers — it would have been prudent of me, at a much earlier stage, to have sourced such specialist shielding materials, such as those used by medical facilities that use lasers. However, due to the difficulty in sourcing these materials, as well as the costs involved, I have not done so.

Emf shielding fabrics — again, this is something I regret not having purchased a long time ago. As yet, I have still not tried these but, given how effective the shielding hoods (see above for details) have proven to be to protect my mouth (although 3 x layers are needed), it stands to reason that layers of specialist shielding fabric, of similar performance, may be sufficient to protect the entire body, even against attacks by lasers.

I admit that my approach to trying to protect myself has not been the best way forward. I have been very ‘reactive’, i.e. always feeling under pressure to protect myself in the immediate term, leaving little room or scope to research other available solutions. For most of us, of course, there is a financial limit regarding the extent to which we can experiment. This is the problem when each TI has to work it out alone, having to desperately try to protect ourselves on a ‘trial and error’ basis. This whole TI outrage is widely known about now and it is about time that we had the help and cooperation of the people with relevant knowledge and expertise.

Remedies for damaged gums

TCP — this is an obvious remedy, yet one which your dentist will not mention. Just rinse the damaged area of your mouth with a small amount of TCP to prevent the infection, as well as to help with healing. It is essential to ensure that infection does not set in — this especially applies when the perpetrators have been burning your flesh. For TIs that have also sustained injuries to gum tissue through DEWS, I would say take great care when cleaning your teeth, because if you brush your gums you are likely to exasperate any damage. To clean your teeth with a brush, use a very soft brush only, with a non-abrasive cleaning agent — try sodium bicarbonate (organic and free from additives if you can get it).

Tumeric — this is now known for its excellent healing properties, including for gums. I have been using this for the last few years and have not used toothpaste. It is non abrasive and I believe this has helped to save my teeth (the ones that have not been carved out). I recommend using this first thing when you get up. Just taking one or two heaped teaspoons or so into your mouth, swill it around for a couple of minutes before spitting out.

Blurred vision/dry eyes

Occasionally my eyes are attacked; there is a sensation of pressure over the eye. Where this happens put your magnet tin over your eye to shield it. The result of such an assault can be dry eyes and/or blurred vision, so the best thing is to get your eyes watering, with onions, or a bit of menthol rub near the inner corner of the eye. As mentioned above, I have found the best way to remedy blurred vision, following attacks to the eye, is to rub a tiny amount of chilli muscle rub onto the eyelid.

For Induced back pain/pain in the joints

If you are fortunate enough to live near to the sea, or a large body of water, take a trip there. As soon as you get very close to the water front, you are likely to find that your pain evaporates (this will amount to certain proof, at least to yourself, that the cause of your pain is indeed being induced). Otherwise, try the muscle rub, as well as shielding fabric, or stitch a few magnets into your clothing so that they sit close to the area where the pain is felt.


If you wake up one horrible morning to the realisation that your perps succeeded in implanting you with a brain chip, this does not mean that your life ends here. You can work around it, and we look forward to the day (maybe very soon) when there is a solution to being freed from these satanic enslavement devices — even if it means waiting for the day when the entire infrastructure that enables it is blown up!

So, first, don’t panic and don’t crumble. This is exactly what your perpetrators want. Be strong and know that you are not alone. Together we will find a way to stop it all. You need your wits about you to protect and preserve your property and your finances. Your perpetrators may have already been able to hack these because they have hacked your brain. In this worst case scenario, of course, never ever state such a thing if you need to report a case of fraud, just state that your computer or device must have been hacked.


If all of your passwords, for emails, bank account etc, are in your head then you need to change them immediately. You will need to use a system, that I call ‘blind passwords’. To do this, use a password randomiser service. Create a word document and insert a table into this with a number of columns to include: type of password (number of digits, type of characters included etc); your user accounts (for which you need a password for); a column to note the details of when a password is in use, and when they are no longer active etc; a column to paste your random passwords into. In your passwords column, use the colour filler feature to block this whole column in black. Then set your text font default colour to black (do not use the auto colour option).

Next, minimise the password randomiser window and also move it to be off screen view as much as possible, so that you can hardly see the password at all (ideally have most of the password off screen). You will still be able to select and copy that password. Next also minimise your world document so that it is small enough that you cannot make out the characters. Copy your password onto the word document on the black coloured column. If the password is visible at all, instantly block it out by altering the font to black and try not to look at the password directly. Use as many passwords as you need and some more for future use. Keep your password document on a flash drive only (not on your laptop or pc) and keep that flash drive on your person at all times (as with your house keys).

Bank account/money

If accessing your money depends on using a pin number, or a pin code through telephone banking, you will find away to transfer your funds into an alternative account that does not. Ideally get out of any type of account that is dependent on a password at all. You will need cash. The most secure bank accounts are those old fashioned ones, where you draw out cash with a bank book (I am unsure whether these exist in the US or Canada). Make a point of chatting with the cashiers so that they will remember you and become familiar with you. This is an excellent safeguard against someone attempting to fraudulently access your money.

If push comes to shove, you could transfer your money to a gold dealer to get your hands on physical gold and silver, so that you can sell this as and when needed. You could buy ingots that you are able to keep on your person at all times, which of course is risky, but it may be your best option.

At home, try to obtain a strong box to store any valuables or cash at home. Make sure that has a good lock on it (again keeping the key hidden from view all times). I use a van vault, which can also be secured to the floor.

Keep an eye on your credit scores and records, so that you can be alert to for any possible attempts being made to fraudulently take loans out against your name.

Preserving and protecting your property

If you own your own home, take all measures available to you to minimise the risk of it being fraudulently sold or transferred. In the UK, it is possible to get alerts on any given property from the Land Registry, to let you know if there are any transaction activities occurring and these are free. You can also get a restriction put on the title of your property, to specify certain conditions that must apply on the sale of that property. For example, a condition that a solicitor (or even two separate solicitors) must verify the photo ID of the seller.

Protecting your food supply

As mentioned above, take special care to ensure that no one has tampered with your food supply. You could, perhaps, put an extra lock onto your food cabinet, fridge etc (or on your entire kitchen).

Preserving your livelihood

Never confide in your boss or colleagues about what is happening to you. With the best will in the world, a trusted colleague may genuinely fear for your sanity, inadvertently leading you into much greater danger. Carry on as normal, as best you can. Focusing your attention on one’s tasks is the best way, anyhow, of dealing with the voice to skull.

If any aspect of your work involves using a computer, for the passwords needed for your work, you may be in a position to use your ‘blind passwords’ (see above). If not it is tricky, but your perps may not necessarily see precisely everything that you see if they are a distance away. To create a password that you need to initially enter your work account, try writing down a password consisting of random letters, numbers and other characters, in such a way that you will not be able to store that information in your head — just write the password on a piece of paper, and refer to it when you need it.

If this is not sufficient, you may need to change your job to something manual, shop work perhaps or a cleaning job that tends not to relay on a lot of security information. Working for yourself, at home, may be another option. Reign in your costs as much as possible, so that you will be in a sustainable position. It really doesn’t matter what you do, so long as you can afford to survive. It doesn’t matter what anyone things about you, because it is now all about staying alive and staying out of the clutches of the enemy.

Keeping your home secure

This is especially important of course for targets. Keep your home as secure as possible at all times. See Information under ‘HOME SECURITY’ above. As per above, always keep your keys hidden from view, and (if you have been implanted with a brain chip) do not even so much as look at your keys yourself. This is because, via the brain chip, the enemy may be able to see everything that you see, because they can hack your sensory data.


Of course this is incredibly disturbing and disconcerting when this occurs, but it can be managed. I found initially, especially during the first few weeks, that the voice to skull was at its most intrusive. The voices are of the perps and they may also use various sound effects to scare you. This is just a sound system that they are messing with that has been wirelessly connected to the tech that they’ve inserted into your brain. That is all it is, so fear not. However, for me, in the initial stages, the voices were very intrusive and continuous, always commenting on everything that I was doing, and trying to manipulate what I was doing. This was so distracting that a couple of times I nearly got run over. This is meant to disconcert you, while trying to hit on things that will get a reaction from you. Try not to engage and put every effort into just keep focusing on what you need to do. Of course this intrusion can also make you feel very self conscious, but you must not allow these creatures to change your behaviour, nor to make your reticent about engaging in any of the activities that you choose to do.

It is in this initial period that, whatever has been installed into one’s brain, goes digging for information. I am aware of this because, on drifting off to sleep, I could hear what sounded like little robots repeating my thoughts, and digging rapidly into my memory banks. Through a given association, the bots could access all of the associated memories. It was clear that my brain was being accessed at all levels, and that the data obtained was being relayed to the perps computers. I think that this was a process, over time, of downloading all of the data within my brain. It appears to me, from this experience, that the brain operates by the same principal as a search engine, with a wide range of information being accessed by any given memory trigger. Through this means, the perpetrators access information that is compromising, especially anything embarrassing or that makes a person feel distraught, relating to the extremely sensitive information, which becomes the material with which to taunt you.

Try not to be too troubled by this, although easier said than done. Yes, the perps may obtain perverse entertainment and hilarity from such information, but Lord knows what is harboured in their own filthy little minds. What are they going to do with that info anyway? They may taunt you with knowing this or that about you, but just dismiss their ridiculous behaviour as best you can — just tell them “whatever, just go and shove it all right up your AI”, or some such thing. These creatures are just a bunch of meaningless, stupid, dickheads with their heads right up their own arses, on a power trip in using this extreme tech against you. This is probably precisely why they’ve been recruited into those roles. So try not to worry about it and carry on with whatever you need to do. If it gets a bit much, just go out for a long walk to put some distance for a time between you and your perps (as some of them at least are likely to be near by neighbours).

Much of the ‘voice to skull’ consists of a lot of chanting, on a loop. Sometimes I can hear a message from a familiar sounding ‘trained monkey’, something like “fu.. yourself off” and, unless it’s clearly on a ‘loop’ pattern, I can’t be sure whether it’s a real dickhead or a simulated dickhead. There is another factor though, because, at least in my experience, whatever the perps have put into my head has integrated with my brain (which has enabled the ‘brain downloading’ as mentioned above) to the extent that it (I assume it is an AI) can read my thoughts at an extremely rapid rate (too rapidly to be a perp). This includes picking up ‘shadow’ thoughts, which have not necessarily been at the very forefront my consciousness at the time. I can hear this AI repeating back all my thoughts, so it is constantly echoing my thoughts. If you are experiencing the same phenomenon, you can test whether, at any given time, you are dealing with a perp (on manual) or with the AI. To do so, just think a series of random thoughts extremely rapidly to see if these are indeed all being repeated- if so, it is the AI. If it can’t keep up it is a perp — they can’t keep up with much!

Regarding the suggestions transmitted to my brain, these are all of course, all designed to be highly destructive, for example: “she will be homeless”, “no money” or “no work”. Another example is: “you will be named, you will be shamed…in the news”. I think the most prominent are “you are a stupid bitch” or “everything you say is stupid”. These come from the primary voices used, being little squeaky voices, which I think is the AI, although sometimes the perps use this same voice effect. The suggestions transmitted consist, not only of those one is intended to hear, but also chanting at the subliminal level. I am aware, at times, of what is being transmitted to my brain subliminally because, in the presence of a background noise, such as an electric fan heather, the voices will then become apparent. If, as an implantee, you hear voices coming from your tap or an electrical appliance etc, it is not because sounds are being sent through your electrical system, or plumbing works, it is because those noises mix within your own brain (your sense of hearing) with those sounds that are being transmitted to your brain by the perps.

It is also worth pointing out that I have noticed that when placing powerful magnets against areas of my body where I know there is a chip, then the audio of the voice to skull can suddenly be heard, whereas otherwise it is at the subliminal level. I put this down to the magnet interrupting the circuitry within my body, the BAN (see below for explanation), through which the sound effects sent via the perps incoming frequencies, are being conducted, thereby enabling those sounds to be interpreted by one’s natural hearing.

I have also experienced having ‘brain apps’ uploaded into my brain. On one occasion, on coming round after sleeping, I could feel something being generated right across my brain. I shortly after heard new voices in my head: a caricature clown type of voice and a female voice with very pronounced English. I believe that the purpose of these voice effects is to give added impetus to the perps repeated suggestions. The rhythm that is used in conjunction with these voices, is to entrain the brain. On paying close attention to the sound effects, I have often noticed that the suggestions are also being played at a whisper level, which is normally too quiet to notice, and simultaneously, another voice at a quieter whisper still. So the chanting consist either of one ongoing type of chant, which sounds like a crowd noise, or the various different voice effects that may be one after the other or simultaneously.

It is important to know that you can alter what these voices say — by just willing them to say your own chosen phrases and suggestions, you can override what your brain hears these voices say.

So, when you notice such suggestions being sent to you, where you can, just override them with your own counter suggestions (turning them into positive suggestions) — it can help if these rhyme with the perps chants — change each voice effect one by one into your own suggestion, including the whisper sounds, if you also hear these. You can also try overriding these voices completely, with a counter rhythm or a tune. I discovered that I could summon music, consisting of different types of instrumental sounds, as though having my own virtual choir and orchestra right there in my brain, which I’ve used to create positive chants, with my own sound effects (I think this all came from the ‘brain app’ uploaded to my brain). So, for TIs that are experiencing the same voices phenomenon, you can override them, to use them for your benefit, rather than for your demise. However, these sound effects have gradually diminished over time, and after a year of feeling these ‘brain app’ effects being ‘uploaded’ into my brain, I can no longer hear them and I really don’t know whether this is by design. However, I am aware that these ‘voice apps’ remain there, buried in my brain, because I can still summon them to verbalise my own suggestions, although I can barely hear them. However, as mentioned, the voices that are transmitted to my brain do become audible when echoed against a background noise, such as a fan heater.

Whatever the nature of the voice effect being used, there are some kinds of voice effects, whether suggestions or chanting (which I assume is for brain entrainment) that are being transmitted to my brain 24/7. No doubt this is the same for all TIs implanted with this technology and these suggestions may well have a significant impact over the longer temp, in terms of influencing one’s and confidence etc. So it is important to remain as positive as you can and to be mindful of your strengths and your talents. After all, those running the TI program are unlikely to go to such lengths to test their kit out on some random idiot, although clearly they do recruit these people to do their perving and perping! There are various things that you can try to counter the negative suggestions: you could use your own mantra to keep repeating in your head. Just as an example, it could be something like “you are with God and you will prevail” (use the ‘you’ instead of ‘I’, because the message is to be conveyed to yourself as if it is coming from another party). You could also record positive messages in your own voice and play this on a loop whilst you are sleeping. Something else you could try is listening to music that is set to specific frequencies, which are designed to have given positive effects on the brain. You can find these on youtube and there are a range of them that also incorporate positive suggestions.

The subliminal transmissions of chanting noises are a constant, as is the AI, which is continuously repeating my thoughts and it will always respond to me. I have noticed that some of the responses that I receive from the AI to any of my thoughts often consist of responses that I have anticipated from them, which means, essentially, that I have been having a dialogue with myself! They say it is a sign of madness if you talk to yourself — well we all do that, what is really a sign of madness is if you answer yourself back, and this technology gets you doing just that! The AI will also appear to report back what I’ve just thought to the perps. I believe that this is designed to get a reaction from me, and to get me to put my attention onto this ‘artificial telepathy’ as much as they can. I think it is through this process that calculations are being made regarding the type, nature and related emotion of each and every thought generated. Tagged to one’s thoughts, is a response, sometimes (if not most of the time) I believe that these responses are automatically generated i.e. there is a response generated to match each of my thoughts, or inner comments. As these thoughts are more accurately calibrated over time, so the auto response will become more appropriate to each given thought or reaction. As mentioned above regarding the anticipated thoughts, this further creates the illusion of an inner dialogue.

This, I think, reflects the learning, over time, of the AI about your inner world, your nature and personality etc. Even being aware of this, is often hard not to fall into the trap of engaging with this dialogue. This engagement however only serves to feed that additional dynamic that has been imposed onto your inner world by this technology. This, I believe, is very dangerous to the integrity of your core being. The more that you engage with these voices, the more habitual the interaction is, then the more that you will acknowledge them, to the extent that they may become a key feature within your own internal thought patterns. Thus, the voices will subtly become an increasingly prominent feature within your own inner dialogue and commentary (the thinking through that we all do, such as about things that have just occurred, or the tasks we need to do etc). So, if you are not careful, your habitual mental patterns may become entwined with the AI.

Although the brain implants trash the integrity of your own mind and inner experience, this does not in itself compromise the integrity of the inner sanctum of your mind, the central seat of your consciousness. It is this, I believe, that is the purpose of the entire exercise; that being to capture that core of your consciousness, or your will, i.e. to override your conscious volition. I have caught myself, when thinking through things, such as my tasks, also mentally pointing to the voices (the AI), or sending those mental notes to the AI as much as to myself. In other words, I found myself pointing my conscious attention towards the voices, as though they were a natural feature of my own mental processes. I have had to make a concerted effort not to do so and to push them back out to the periphery of my thinking.

I think that if this error had continued, then at some point, my brain could have been tricked into being controlled by the AI, as opposed to by my own conscious will. This is the ‘brain-jacking’ I believe that the enemy is after. What would happen to one’s own consciousness at that point, or one’s soul, I really don’t know. Perhaps it would become disembodied, trapped outside of one’s own vehicle. So, don’t ‘feed the beast’ with your mental energy, or your conscious attention. Even knowing that the artificial inner conversation of the voices is probably largely an illusion (automatically generated by the AI) nonetheless, it requires a continuous effort of will to resist being lured into interacting with it. Having considered that worst case possibility, you mustn’t go around being anxious or fearful. Just so long as you are mindful of that potential danger and mitigate it as much as you can, there should be no reason to fear. Just remain as focused as you can, and block out the voices out as much as you can. They will comment on everything that you do, so use music or some back ground noise to drown them out and concentrate on whatever your task or activity is. Don’t forget, though, you still need to have some fun and light relief, so engage in your hobbies, watch films etc.

For many years I have employed a philosophy, or a psychological stance, that is very alike to the Buddhist way of being objectively aware as much as possible. It is this that has enabled me to cope thus far with this intrusion of my brain. It is very simple and, with practice and effort, instils a mental discipline within oneself. This centres on being aware of oneself and one’s immediate environment at all times, to be rooted in the moment, the here and now, and to be in a state of objectivity. This is the fundamental principal of increasing one’s level of consciousness, towards the path, so to speak, of an ‘awakened consciousness’. If you are also suffering from the intrusions enabled by a brain implant, I strongly recommend that you employ this same discipline as much as you can — work at it. It will help you to cope. This, by the way, is good practice for anyone.


I believe that all TIs that have been implanted with a brain implant also have a series of chips throughout their body, which are wirelessly linked together. This is the Body Area Network (BAN) that enables the perps to cause forced movements of the TI’s body, as well to cause the sex assaults. I believe that these chips will be located in the following locations: In the jaw — precisely where the vegus nerve travels from the brain to body; top of spine; base of spine; upper arms; hands; upper legs; feet; possibly around the knees; lower torso (below navel). The methods that I have used to counter the body manipulation are as follows:

Create distance between yourself and your perps (of course this applies if you aware of their location)

The sensation of losing control of my limbs started to happen to me right at the outset, following discovery that I had been implanted with a brain chip. The voice to skull was very loud and unrelenting and I was exhausted. I put some classical music on quite loud to try to counter it and I did manage to get some sleep. However, on waking, I felt my limbs become wobbly and I realised that I was starting to lose control of them, to lose control over the movements of my own body. I instinctively knew I had to get away from the house, because I knew that the perps controlling this tech over me were situated feet away from me in the next door house. I managed to pack a few things that day and booked into the local hotel. It worked. I simply had to put some distance between me and the perps, as clearly the frequencies that they used to manipulate my body are very short range.

Copper wire, secured next to the offending chip

Fortunately for me, I knew the location of the chip — I had felt where it was. It was also obvious because my perps had been working to dislodge a specific tooth, so that they could implant me underneath this. It is probably the same for every TI who experiences the forced movements. I believe that the perps achieve this by hacking the vegus nerve, which runs from the brain and through the jaw into the rest of the body. I believe that the chip that hacks this nerve will either be located at the lower right side of the jaw and/or upper left side. Therefore create a cushion (again oven gloves are ideal for this) and insert into this a clump of copper wire. Then fix this cushion so that you can wear it around your neck, and also try to cover your jaw. This worked for me, and I wore the neck cushion as much as I could around the house. If my limbs came on wobbly, I would wear this copper cushion around my neck, which would remedy the problem.

Magnets, worn next to the chips in your limbs

I am certain that I have chips in my limbs, certainly in my upper arms and my hands because I can sometimes feel induced muscular impulses in my arms and also because I have found that wearing magnets over my hand or arm during the night has helped me to stave off the sex assaults (see below under ‘countering sex assaults’). However, these assaults aside, about a year or so ago, while sleeping, although partially awake, I had a lucid dream, within which was the image of someone familiar to me who was beckoning me to take his hand. In moving my hand accordingly, to take his hand, I suddenly felt my arm being pulled into what felt like some sort of energy field that had tremendous force. I just had the briefest sensation of this phenomenon and, fortunately, I managed to pull my hand away, just in time to narrowly avoid whatever this was.

I don’t know whether I am ‘out of the woods’ regarding this particular form of assault, but (other than one other brief similar incident) this has not happened since. I believe that this may be because of having worn magnets next to the chips that had enabled these assaults. So, if you believe that you may have chips in your hands and/or arms (if chips are in your arms they are probably in your upper arms) then I strongly advise you to wear magnets next to them.


This is the most disgusting outrageous sick aspect of the whole TI torment program, and yet it appears to be key to whatever it is that these sick creatures, responsible for this extreme criminal conspiracy, are aiming to achieve overall. I am fully aware that it also serves as entertainment value for those perps, the very lowest, sickest creatures who, although appearing in human form, are in actual fact, nowhere near mature or advanced enough to qualify as human. Men, they most certainly are not and never ever will be, which perhaps the reason for their compensatory behaviour, in deriving glee from sexually abusing an innocent victim. One day these sick, stupid, perverted, deeply inadequate, ridiculous creatures might well find themselves on the receiving end of their victims’ uncontrollable rage and their thirst for vengeance. It is the rage that naturally emerges from these most disgusting violations and abuses of one’s person that can be most difficult. Try to find an outlet for it (one that won’t get you accused of being a criminal or of being nuts). Pent up rage is toxic, mentally and physically, so have an outlet for it; for example, have a dance to angry music, go for a run, or do some kickboxing etc.

Your rage is fully warranted however, after all this is a direct attack on one’s own temple, which is meant, by God, to be sacrosanct. These creatures trash that sacred principal; these creatures offend the sacred; they offend God. It is extremely urgent that you do all you can to prevent these outrageous assaults, because they are harmful, and I believe harmful to one’s very soul. This is not just a physical assault, but a spiritual one also. These assaults constitute a direct block to one’s spiritual experience, to ones spiritual development and I believe that, at least in part, this is the intention. This really is a spiritual war, and it is as if they intend to pervert and invert the female sexual energies, to denigrate and pervert the divine feminine, and I believe that this has something to do with dark alchemy.

For any TI that has experienced the sensation of your surroundings (whether your bed, or the surfaces you are standing or sitting on) vibrating, this sensation is not in fact coming from your surroundings, but it is actually your body that is vibrating. I have noticed that my body is constantly vibrating, which is evident if I place my bear feet on the floor. Sometimes this vibration effect is very subtle and sometimes pronounced. I do not know what the perps have done to me to cause this effect, and whether it is the result of them having injected me with a DNA altering substance. I do believe that whatever they have done to alter my body, it has caused it to be more electrically conductive. I do wonder whether the substance within the proposed Covid vaccine, which is known to alter the DNA, has in fact already been introduced into my body and whether this has enabled this vibration effect. If so, then the implications of this vaccine are most extreme, regarding the enemy’s plans for humanity. This vibration effect, when pronounced is a key feature in the sex assaults. Although I don’t believe that in itself it generates the assaults, I do believe that it is a prerequisite for them. In my experience, the assaults are generated by the perps manipulating my muscles across my body and/or by generating, what feels like, an electric current through my body.

Given the extent to which the computer interface placed into my brain appears to have fully integrated with my brain, I fear that this has been enabled by the perps having indeed introduced something into my body that has altered it at the cellular level.

Remedies for the sex assaults include:

Air bed — initially I found this provided relief — a partly inflated air bed wrapped around my body provided me with relief enough to get some sleep.

Metal — for a time, I found this to be helpful, in keeping as much of my body as I could manage shielded with metal while sleeping. While I was shielded with metal, I could feel the chip in my jaw pulsate and it really hurt as I believe that the chip was overcompensating to allow the frequencies to be either transmitted out or in. At a later stage, however, this solution became no longer an efficient remedy.

Chill Rub — this can mitigate the attacks because heating the skin, I believe, interferes with the electric pulse that the perps send to your body to manipulate your muscles. By rubbing the ointment over the areas where you feel your muscles are being manipulated — top of the thigh, stomach etc. this can bring the relief you need. However this can really sting, so also keep some cooling gel close by as well.

Tobacco — the very last thing I want to do is to get anyone into bad habits. However I have heard it said that use of tobacco can serve to disrupt this technology, it is something to do with how if alters the blood sugar. I have been an occasional smoker over the years, but have not smoked for a number of years until recently. I now smoke tobacco in a pipe, and I have to say it really does help.

I would say, though, do not use cigarettes as these are full of harmful additives. Do not use hash, or anything mind altering, because the very last thing that you want to do is to compromise the clarity of your mind.

Magnets — Wearing magnets on one of my hands, or on one of my arms has worked, but only for a time. However, I am very glad of doing so because this may well have saved me from another type of assault, one that is likely to have caused me a lot of grief (see above under ‘countering attempts to control your body’). I have also tried placing magnets against the lower part of my spine, as well as a garter made from magnets to keep over the top of one of my thighs. Again, these all worked for a while, but they did not remain effective solutions. However, this does work well if accompanied by wearing magnets and copper on top of my head (see below).

*Magnets with copper* — from my experience, this is the very best solution, if you can get the materials. This has worked well for me over the last few weeks. This involves crunching together some copper wire (fairly thin around 0.4 to 0.7mm) and attaching all around this clump of wire some magnets. Then insert this into some cushioned fabric (ironing board covers). Make it into a shape that will cover the whole of your scalp. I have then stitched this on to a metal rim, also covered in fabric, then with magnets attached. So I have a hat that covers my entire scalp with the copper/magnets, whilst also protecting my forehead and temples from the attacks that cause pain to the head. This solution works best in conjunction with wearing magnets on other parts of the body, including: upper arms; below the stomach; very top of thighs (magnet garter). Wear on just one arm and leg because of magnets sticking together.

A pouch containing copper with magnets held against the chip in one’s jaw this chip hacking the vegus nerve, I believe is the major mechanism by which the perps manipulate one’s body.

*Shielding fabric wrapped around neck and chin* — in addition to the magnets with copper (described above), I highly recommend also using this remedy for sleeping. This is to block incoming frequencies from activating the chips located in this area — those are chips that enable the perps to manipulate the vegus nerve so as to cause the sex assaults.


Hopefully, there will come the day when your perpetrators are put on trial for their crimes, so gather as much evidence against them as you can manage. Take photos or videos of your perps. The name that a perp may go by at any given time may not necessarily be their real name. Therefore to be sure to identify your perps correctly, as well as name, address, car reg etc, also take an image of each of them, if you can. Do this surreptitiously of course. Do not give them an excuse to get into a confrontation with you, because they will be looking for any excuse to get you criminalised.

It is not easy at all to be methodical with anything when you are being regularly assaulted, especially if you have the continuous distraction of voice to skull, but try to record as much information related to your targeting as possible, and gather as much evidence as you can. Try to observe your perpetrators, especially if they are nearby neighbours and make a note of their activities, especially anything odd, such as (in my case, noticing that they go to a lot of short trips in the very early hours of the morning — I think these are ad hoc meetings related to how the targeting is going). Try to get reg numbers of the people they associate with, especially if regular visits. As mentioned above, under ‘gangstalking’, if you have any interactions with your perpetrators at all, then try to film it.

Of course, also try to record the details of your assaults and photograph any injuries that you have sustained from the DEWs. For the last few years, I have saved the samples of blood, which include small globules of flesh, which I’ve spat into tissue. This may one day serve as evidence that I have been mutilated specifically with laser weapons. Write up your account of everything related to your targeting and publish it somewhere. If your name is out there, you can’t so easily be made a ‘patsy’ out of. In the event of the worst case scenario, create a ‘dead man’s switch’ in which the ID details of your perpetrators will be sent out to a wide range of people if anything happens to you.

It may seem incomprehensible to many that the perps would go to such great lengths to destroy the life of any individual, including taking the time and effort to organise gangs to torture and mutilate the TI with directed energy weapons. The whole purpose however is to have the TI implanted with a mind controlling brain implant, in order to test out this technology on the TI, the subject of their long-term experimentation. When one considers the billions that have been invested in this technology — money that is being thrown at it from all directions, then it is no longer so difficult to see why such considerable efforts are made to ensnare the TI with this technology. After all, it is very much looking as though TIs represent merely the pilot study for what the enemy intends to inflict upon all. It is high time therefore for good citizens to take an active interest in exactly who these perps are, and who exactly they serve.

We are advised by numerous sources that at least 75% of TIs are women and mostly single women, many of which are single mothers. This fact serves to demonstrate just how cowardly and wretched these perps are. The men involved are not men and, no doubt, none of them could handle being confronted by a real man. It is important that you remember that you are not alone, you are one of many going through the same plight, and there is hope, because we are not going to go down silently. We are not going to stand for these crimes, so remember:




Please note that some of the suggestions and advice contained within this document may be useful for anyone, even if they are not a TI. This may be especially the case now that, as a result of all of this covid nonsense, everyone else is now threatened by this same satanic technology that is destroying the lives of TIs. The more people that succumb to this technology, then the more vulnerable everyone else becomes to being on the receiving end of it. So we need to resist together, in the spirit of cooperation and care for one another. The technology that is plaguing the lives of so many TIs can certainly also kill, whether by causing aneurisms, heart attacks or by generating malignant tumours in victims. It is my belief that many good people have met their end this way, murdered by the very same criminal gangs that are perpetrating crimes against TIs. Perhaps this is the reason why the whole world was able to fall so rapidly into such a state of utter madness.

Our best chance of surviving is probably simply to look out for one another, so that individuals cannot be so readily picked off one by one. After all, when innocent civilians are abused with impunity, those who are in a position to do so must fight such evil, lest it spread to the point of impacting you, your families and children. So we need everyone to support TI’s and to investigate their perps, so that we can bring them to justice; to stop the unfolding of this most evil obscene sickness, and to prevent these criminals from inflicting these outrages upon all of humanity.











Home invasions.

Keep your keys sheathed in a pouch at all times, including when locking and unlocking your doors. Keep an extra security lock on the inside of your door. I use handles that have been secured to the inside of the door and next to the door frame on the inside, through which to thread a chain, secured by a shuttle lock. Keep your keys on your person at all times.

Although this may seem over the top it has worked for me.

Securing your valuables

Use a strong box, such as a van vault, such as a van vault to keep valuables and cash in. You could secure this to the floor or chain it to a heavy piece of furniture. Of course, make sure that no one can just carry your strong box out. This saved me a lot of potential grief when, for a brief period, perps could enter my home.

Prevent access to your person while sleeping

Put good bolts on your doors, and be sure to bolt your doors shut before you go to sleep. Otherwise, at least put a bolt on your bedroom door. It was the lack of this simple measure is what got me chipped.

Risk of losing home through fraud

If you own your home, mitigate the risk of anyone fraudulently selling or transferring your home. Put a restriction on your title. Keep important documents secure in your strong box.


Sabotage of relationships

This one is nigh on impossible to counter. However, the more people know the truth about the type of person you are the less opportunity that perps will have to slander you.

A perp posing as a friend — don’t let them know your suspicions, if you have them, just consider whether there are any patterns in their behaviour and the actual impact that their influence may have had in your life, whether you found yourself losing clarity about the decisions you make in your life and if they have eroded your confidence etc. If necessary keep them at arms length or lose them from your life — however don’t be too hasty, you don’t want to dump someone that may be a genuine friend.

In the workplace, sabotage of work — these are obvious things that we all need bear in mind, but all too often are, nonetheless, the pitfalls that many of us fall into:

Consider the extent of the risk posed to you should any of your colleagues are perps and mitigate these risks where you can: keep records of your work and achievements; archive all of your emails in case you ever need evidence; ensure that what is expected of you is clarified in writing; where possible, utilise your work place logging systems and recording keeping to prove your input; ensure that people of influence are aware of your contribution. Beware the smiling assassin and gossips: resist the urge to grumble at work, at least don’t name names; don’t assume you’ll be treated fairly by seemingly friendly colleagues — avoid leaning on them to grumble etc. Try never to get angry or upset, but be assertive when you need to argue your case. Always come across as professional and rational. If work is bringing you down, take actions to address the main causal factors; get perspective and focus on the things you enjoy outside of work. If specific things go wrong: keep a log of relevant events; record evidence of any inappropriate behaviour. Use all available channels available to you to protect your rights. Have contingency plans if remaining in your job becomes too difficult

Sabotage of business

Don’t waste your time looking for ready made business opportunities.

Have adequate insurance and legal cover and ensure that your terms and conditions are as water tight as possible.

Beware of anyone interfering too much in your business, or in how you should develop your business. Beware of business advisors (not all of them act in their client’s interest).

Ensure that you have full control of your email accounts and the online services that you use — do not relay on anyone else to do this for you. Keep all records of your communications.

Beware of spending money or your time and effort on the promise of impending work and avoid commission only work, where possible.

As far as is practicable, don’t let your clients know who your other clients are.

Being smeared within your local community

The people you regularly bump see your neighbourhood or in your local shops try to make a point of being friendly and have a chit chat and banter with them. The more that people see what you are really like, the less scope a perp will have to portray you in a false light. However, beware of anyone sticking their nose too much into your business or trying to worm their way into your house.


People staring at you, trying to intimidate you — just stare back, or say something to them (without being too aggressive). Do not be intimidated, but at the same time, do not be drawn into a conflict.

Odd looking behaviour that could be an ambush — always be vigilant and if something looks a bit odd, perhaps change your route. Listen to your instincts, your intuition.

Incredible coincidences — these may include instances such as car of the same type and colour or people wearing the same colour etc.

Make note of it, but do not let it concern you — the perps are putting on a display to disconcert you, make you feel afraid etc. All you have to do is recognise these ridiculous attempts to affect you as being just that.

Acute harassment — this may involve ‘street theatre’, or stalking by relay, with attempts to draw you in to a conflict situation. Ignore as best you can and never take the bait. Surreptitiously film the perps if you can and keep a daily log of events. NEVER BE PROVOKED INTO VIOLENCE. NEVER REPORT THESE EVENTS TO THE POLICE.


The assault of innocent people with DEWs appears now to be so prevalent that, where a person discovers that they have an ailment, causing pain, they should consider whether these symptoms have been induced before seeking any medical intervention. This is simple enough to do, just cover the area where pain is being experienced with metal, or perhaps mylar, to determine whether this reduces the pain and, if it does, you are under assault and will need to take all measures available to you to counter this.

Everyone is now at risk from the level of toxicity in the environment from emfs, especially that from 5G. If you can, insulate your house, or at least a bedroom. NB: if you have a smart meter inside your home, this may negate the benefit of shielding your home. You would need specialist advice to determine this.

Incidental microwave radiation from phone towers, or directed at you via DEWS. Some of the solutions for protecting against emf and DEW attacks are listed below:

Insulating your home with shielding materials, such as shielding paint. It may be worth insulating your whole home, or if not at least a room. You will then need to earth the shielding. Please also note that I’ve not yet been in a position to try this, so unable to comment as to whether this would block DEW attacks.

Specialist emf shielding fabrics — sold by reputable specialist sellers.

Insulating foil — Use a quality product, preferably layers thick, of high quality insulating foil and attach this to all of the walls in the room you sleep in. You can then earth this to create a faraday cage — just use a thin wire to fix all around the insulating material on your walls, then thread your wire through the window, or gap in wall, to take it outside the building. Attach the end of this wire to a sharp metal object that you can insert into the ground. I did not earth my foil but I overlaid it with mylar and this worked quite well, however this proved wholly inadequate for protecting against laser DEWs.

Mylar -attach mylar to all of your walls (perhaps in addition to the insulating foil) and block out the corners of the room with extra coverings of mylar. If specific parts of your body are under attack then wrap mylar around those areas — leave some room for air, as the trapped air should help. You could also try sleeping in a sleeping bag made from mylar. This will block much, if not all, of the microwave radiation that may be being targeted at you. However, it will not be sufficient to block lasers.

Faraday cage — those readymade for sleeping in consisting of shielding fabric. I have not used these, so I’m unable to comment on their effectiveness at blocking attacks from DEWs.

Shielding Fabric, sold for fixing to walls : https://emfclothing.com/en/9-emf-shielding. If using this to insulate a room, to protect from being assaulted by DEWs, you will probably need more than one layer. I am unable to comment on this product for its effectiveness at insulating a room as I used it for body sheilding (see below).

Assaults directed at you via DEWS.

The above shielding fabric (for fixing to walls) used instead for body protection — I did not use this product for walls, but I used it instead to create shielding for my head, and it worked very well against the assaults to my head. Fold the fabric several times so it that it is several layers thick, and then encased this into some plastic covering (this must be robust enough to protect against moisture and wear and tear etc) and seal with duck tape. Then cover this in fabric to create a headband. You could use the same method to create shielding inserts for a hat or for your clothing.

  • Magnets optimum solution for deflecting pain due to torture chips*

https://www.abelmagnets.com/search-result/search_key/countersunk-neodymium. This product example is to illustrate the type of strength that you need your magnets to be. Countersunk magnets are helpful for stitching onto things, although this is not essential. Strong magnets serve very well to deflect the assaults directed via torture chips, as well as DEW attacks that burn flesh. However, they will not help much with attacks by lasers.

These will protect the areas of your body targeted by DEWs. You can stitch these into clothing, but because they stick together, it may be best secure them to a piece of metal. First cover the metal in fabric then stitch your magnets (also to be covered in fabric) onto it. From this you could make a headband, or insert into a hat or clothing.

Magnets in a tin — use a small tin and fill this with small, strong magnets. Keep it with you and if you feel sudden pain in any part of your body — especially head or eyes — then just quickly shield with your magnet tin. You probably only need to do so for a short while to deflect the attack. Have your tin with you when you are out and about.

Assaults directed at you using lasers

Sleep in a metal pod — If you can afford it have one made. The metal sheet should be at least 0.7mm thick (but take specialist advice on this before having one made). There must be no gaps at all, which will be tricky to do. Breathing could be via a funnel, which is twisted so that, for the perps, there will not be any straight trajectory between the air opening and your body. It is probably a good idea to also have your pod earthed.

While I managed to briefly keep a metal structure held together with no gaps, I can say that it protected me from the laser attacks. However, if such a product were to be sold, it would first need to be properly tested.

Specialist materials for blocking lasers — try lead curtains or the specialist materials used for screening lasers, used in hospitals that use lasers. It seems logical that this would be effective. However they are expensive and I’m unable to source these materials currently, so unable to comment.

Specialist fabrics for shielding against emf — you could try these to cover your whole body when sleeping, but to block lasers you will probably need several layers. These are very expensive and I’m unable to comment on the effectiveness of these. However, judging by the effectiveness of the shielding hoods this should be worth trying if you can afford to.

Copper wire with magnets — clump together some fairly thin enameled copper wire 0.7mm or so and attach a number of magnets to this — try to spread the magnets all over your wire. Then cover your wire and magnets with cushioned fabric — use oven gloves or ironing board covers. You could stitch a few of these together to protect parts of your body (use wool to stitch your fabric otherwise it will take forever). This will protect against lasers, however, it is very tricky to ensure that there are no gaps. Because, with this type of attack, just the smallest gap is sufficient for perps to injure you.

Lasers, specifically used to attack gums/teeth

*Protective head nets — optimum solution that I have found so far against this type of assault.

https://emfclothing.com/en/home/10-electromagnetic-protective-head-net.html. However, to protect against the lasers (when sleeping) you will need to wear 3 x shielding head nets. Take care to ensure that you pull the toggle on each one so that they are all very secure against your neck, otherwise parts of your mouth may be exposed to assault. These are fairly expensive but far less so that some of the alternatives.


Acute pain to the head caused by torture chips

DO NOT USE PAIN KILLERS even if powerful enough to alleviate pain, as the pain to your head will be a regular feature of your life, so without taking measures to actually alleviate the effects of the assault itself, ongoing damage is likely to be being done to your brain. The following remedies will help you to manage the pain whilst also (I believe) protecting you from the potential lasting harmful impacts of the assault to your body:

Use your magnets/magnet hat — this may stop the pain, however, once the pain has set in, just deflecting the incoming beam with shielding may not stop the pain, once circulation in specific areas of your head has been interrupted (this being my assumption as to how the pain is caused). Therefore you need measures to quickly fully revive normal circulation.

Focused heat — use a hairdryer to focus heat where the pain is felt. This may be sufficient for the pain to completely stop, but if not keep applying bursts of heat to the area of pain, as well as to the surrounding area (as the chip, or whatever it is that is causing the pain, may not necessarily be located directly in the area where the pain is felt). You may also be able to gradually chase the pain away by having a fan heater, or convector heater, placed close by. Moisturise your skin with cream or Vaseline as the heat is very drying to the skin.

Chilli rubhttps://www.powerhealth.co.uk/chilli-muscle-rub-hot-balm.html. If you can’t obtain this try something similar that is effective at heating the skin. Again to heat the skin. I recommend using this in addition to the heat from a hair dryer. Use a liberal amount where you feel the pain. It is very effective once it starts to heat up your skin.

Pacing/moving around — keep doing this if you can because you may find it gradually alleviates the pain. I believe that this because it becomes more difficult for the perps to maintain the beam that is generating the pain via your chips. For some reason, at times, this can work better than using the shielding.

Alcohol (spirits) — use sparingly if the pain is very severe — this helps to get the circulation flowing (the interruption of which I believe causes the pain). DO NOT TURN TO ALCOHOL OTHERWISE.

Try to have one or more of the following items handy, in the event that you experience acute pain that the above remedies will not shift, as follows:

· Hat with magnets — use about 3 columns of magnets (consisting of 3 or so magnets each) and cover these in cushioned fabric. Stitch these magnet columns into your hat so that they cover temples and forehead (if this is where you experience the pain).

· Metal hat — a hat that incorporates a metal rim to cover forehead and temples and with a metal covering for the top. Cover the metal components in fabric so that you can stitch these together and wear comfortably.

· Mylar — if the pain is at your head, try this wrapped all around your head, including chin and neck. Leave a gap so that there is trapped air, which I believe, helps to deflect the beam being directed at you.

· Enameled copper wire — scrunched up to form a shape like an elongated birds nest, so that it can cover your whole head.

Damaged gums due to assault by DEWs (gradually burning the flesh)

TCP — to prevent infection from setting in.

Tumeric — I believe this is extremely helpful for healing the damaged gums — use a teaspoon or two as it comes, then swill this around your mouth for a couple of minutes before spitting out.

Avoid normal brushing of teeth — as this will exacerbate any damage to gums. Use a very soft brush only and non abrasive cleaner such as organic sodium bicarbonate.


Perps entering your home

See above under ‘home security’, keep your keys hidden at all times from perps. Don’t so much as look at your keys as perps may have hacked your sensory data.

Secure your banking and email passwords

Change your passwords immediately and convert them to ‘blind passwords’, where possible, because these may be exposed to the enemy.Use a password randomiser service. Create a word document and insert a table into this with a number of columns to include: type of password (number of digits, type of characters included etc); your user accounts (for which you need a password for); a column to note the details of when a password is in use, and when they are no longer active etc; a column to paste your random passwords into. In your passwords column, use the colour filler feature to block this whole column in black. Then set your text font default colour to black (do not use the auto colour option). Next, minimise the password randomiser window and also move it to be off screen view as much as possible, so that you can hardly see the password at all (ideally have most of the password off screen). You will still be able to select and copy that password. Next also minimise your world document so that it is small enough that you cannot make out the characters. Copy your password onto the word document on the black coloured column. If the password is visible at all, instantly block it out by altering the font to black and try not to look at the password directly. Use as many passwords as you need and some more for future use. Keep your password document on a flash drive only (not on your laptop or pc) and keep that flash drive on your person at all times (as with your house keys).

Money security

Change your bank account and/or convert to cash as much as possible. If accessing your funds relies on a pin number, you need to change your bank account to one that does not (if you can the old fashioned type where you use a bank book). If you are out of options you could perhaps make a large purchase of gold/silver and sell this as and when you need to — keep on your person or use a strong box (see above under ‘Home Security’.

Guard against fraud

Keep a close watch on your credit scores etc, to ensure that no one is taking out loans using your ID info.

Safeguarding your home — if you own your own home, it may be worth putting a restriction on your title, to make it more difficult for any fraudster to steal your home.

Protecting livelihood

Keep it zipped — don’t tell anyone at work what is happening to you.

Passwords — use ‘blind passwords’ where you can. Otherwise, write on a piece of paper your own random password, that you can’t keep in your head. Keep the password safe and on you at all times. If necessary, change jobs to a kind that does not rely on a lot of security.


Voice intrusions causing fear, disconcertion and accidents — just try to be as focused as possible, block the voices out as much as you can and put your full concentration on everything that you need to do. Use music where you can to block out the noises. Take special care when crossing the road, driving, using machinery etc. If you drive, perhaps avoid doing so — at least until you have a proven coping strategy to live by.

Distress caused by retrieval of extremely sensitive information — just dismiss what you hear as best you can. You are probably an angel compared with your perps. Try to objectify the whole experience as best you can.

Suggestions being transmitted to you that are destructive — you must stay as positive as you can and focus on your strengths. There are a number of things you can do to counter the negative suggestions to hear:

You will find that just by willing it, you can override what you hear to convert it into your own chosen positive suggestion, so that (while doing so) your brain will hear these positive suggestions instead.

You could record your own voice repeating your own positive suggestions and play this throughout the night while you are sleeping.

Try listening to music that is set to specific frequencies, which are designed to have given positive effects on the brain. You can find these on youtube and there are a range of them that incorporate positive suggestions.

Brain processes becoming too entwined with your inner dialogue with voices/AI that could lead to full hi-jacking of your brain — although you sometimes need to hurl insults at your idiot perps, which is good to do from time to time, be mindful of the dangers attached to being lured into dialogue with the voices, most of the time this is probably an AI. Try your best to block this out, and don’t be provoked into engaging, through your anger for example. Try to be aware of the present moment and put every effort into focusing your mind on each given task that you are engaged in.

Countering the enemy’s attempts to control your body — feeling your limbs being taken over — I believe that the perps achieve this by sending energy beams to the chips in your limbs, as well as through manipulation the vegus nerve (there is probably a chip at this main nerve where it runs through the jaw). Things to try:

Walk away from the area that you are in — if you can. This is to move out of range of the frequency (of the beam) that’s used to achieve this, which is short range.

Enameled copper wire in a pouch worn to cover your neck and chin — to make this just bundle the copper wire together and stitch it into cushioned fabric, such as oven gloves. Wear this at home as much as you can (to will deflect the beam from the chips in your jaw and perhaps also weakening the chip itself).

Countering sex assaults — I believe these are caused by perps hacking the vegus nerve via chips located where this nerve travels through the jaw, as well as manipulating the muscles throughout your body -in limbs, hands, spine etc. Try the following solutions:

*Magnets with copper wire* — from my experience, this is the very best solution, if you can get the materials. This has worked well for me over the last few weeks. This involves crunching together some copper wire (fairly thin around 0.4 to 0.7mm) and attaching all around this clump of wire some magnets. Then insert this into some cushioned fabric (ironing board covers). Make it into a shape that will cover the whole of your scalp. I have then stitched this onto a metal rim, also covered in fabric, and with magnets attached. So I have a hat that covers my entire scalp with the copper/magnets, whilst also protecting my forehead and temples from the attacks that cause pain to the head.

*Shielding fabric wrapped around neck and chin* — in addition to the magnets with copper above, I highly recommend also using this remedy for sleeping. This is to block incoming frequencies from activating the chips located in this area — those are chips that enable the perps to manipulate the vegus nerve, causing the sex assaults.

Magnets against chips — try also wearing magnets over where you consider your chips are. I believe that those of us with brain implants also have a body area network (BAN) consisting of chips in jaw; neck, top of spine; base of spine; upper arms; hands; lower torso, under navel; probably also legs feet. So as much as you can, wear a few powerful magnets in those areas (you will get an idea where these are, from where it feels that your muscles are being manipulated).

Enamelled copper wire in a pouch worn to cover your neck and chin — see above. You could also try adding some magnets with the wire.

Other things that may help:

Chill Rub (see above for product link)- rubbing the ointment over the areas where you feel your muscles are being manipulated. This can really sting, so also keep some cooling gel close by as well.

Tobacco — because of how it alters blood sugar it somehow interferes with these assaults (will not block but it can dampen the effect). I recommend tobacco over cigarettes because of the harmful additives.

I have also found shielding my body with metal to be helpful for a while. Also, covering my body with a part inflated air bed helped a lot for a brief period.

Countering the enemy’s attempts to control your body/risk of being pulled into a powerful energy field — this is a scary near miss that I have had on a couple of occasions (and I believe this phenomenon explains the strange knife attacks at London bridge and other similar occurrences). I have been fortunate that this has not been repeated since and I put that down to the fact that I’ve worn magnets quite a lot. Wearing magnets over hands and arms has helped to stave off the sex assaults (see above) and also I believe they may have saved me from this other very scary threat.

Coping with your own rage — avoid shouting at known/suspected perps, but also, do not let your anger fester. Try to find an outlet for it such as: dance to angry music; go for a run; do some kick boxing etc.


We hope to see the day soon, when TIs are heard regarding the outrages that they have been subjected to, and when their abusers, the perps, are put on trial for their crimes. We must bear in mind the real possibility of justice being done. So make every effort, as methodically as you can, to record the details of your targeting. Keep a log book to record details of:

· Your interactions with perpetrators — where possible film this

· Your perpetrators activities, that appear to be related to your targeting

· ID details of your perps — name; car reg; address etc. Try to also take images of all of your suspected pers

· ID details of people that your perps regularly associate with, that appear to be part of your targeting.

· Try to record the details of your assaults and photograph any injuries that you have sustained from the DEWs

Remember, do not give your perps an excuse to get into a confrontation with you, because they will be looking for any excuse to get you criminalised. Write up your account of everything related to your targeting and publish it somewhere. If your name is out there, you can’t so easily be made a ‘patsy’ out of. In the event of the worst case scenario, create a ‘dead man’s switch’ in which the ID details of your perpetrators will be sent out to a wide range of people if anything happens to you.