The 888 Inner Artist Initiative — Rules, Guidelines, and Policies for our Weekly Celebration of Art

888 Inner Circle
4 min readNov 30, 2023


Please note that the content of this document was created by humans, but the wording of this document was assisted by AI.

Below is a summary of the rules, guidelines, and policies regarding our weekly celebration of art, where each week, we purchase a piece of art from an emerging artist. If anyone wants more details or has any questions, please feel free to ask us in our Discord Server. The link for our Discord can be found at the bottom of this document.

Please note that the below rules, guidelines, and policies are subject to change at any time, at the discretion of the 888 Inner Artist Initiative (IAI) Team. We will make reasonable efforts to keep the below document updated.

Weekly Celebration of Art (Most Recent Update)


Our weekly celebration of art has four phases: 1) Submission; 2) Curation; 3) Voting; and 4) Purchase.

Phase 1: Art Submissions on Twitter

  • Reply to Weekly Tweet: Every week, generally on a Monday, we will post a tweet that says something like, “Congrats @artist! We’ve selected your art for the week X #888innerartist buy. This week’s 48 hour submission window is officially open. Reply and post your NFT art + marketplace link & apply to be a Verified Inner Artist here:” It may help your art get picked up by the Twitter/X algorithm if you include the hash tag #888innerartist in your reply, along with your art and marketplace link. You may also want to like and retweet your post to help our guest curators locate your piece.
  • Important Note: We have noticed that some artists fill out the Verified Inner Artist application form multiple times, thinking that it is necessary in order to participate in our weekly celebration of art. It is not. The form is only necessary to apply for the “Verified Inner Artist” role in our Discord Server. If you have already received the Verified Inner Artist role, you do not need to fill out the form again. If you want to participate in our weekly celebration of art, you only need to submit your art in the phase 1 Twitter submission step, by replying to each week’s post.
  • Open Submission Policy: Artists are encouraged to freely submit their artwork on Twitter in phase 1, without any restrictions on eligibility for the purpose of exposure. This includes artworks of any price point, reserve-only priced pieces, editions, bundles, pieces from previously featured artists, and collaborative works. However, some pieces may be filtered out in phase 4 as being “ineligible for purchase.”
  • Objective: Our primary goal is to celebrate art in all its forms. While not every piece may be eligible for purchase in the Phase 4 purchase phase, all submitted works are welcome for consideration in the submission, curation, and voting phases.

Phase 2: Curation

  • Curation Process: The curation is now managed by two guest curators each week — typically one Verified Inner Artist and one non-artist token-holding member. Each curator selects 8 pieces, totaling 16 curated artworks.
  • Additional Selections: The IAI Team, with assistance from Chat GPT for an element of randomness, will add 8 more picks, bringing the total curated pieces to 24 each week.
  • Flexibility in Curation: Guest curators are provided general guidelines but have the freedom to select pieces based on their discretion.
  • Changing Curators for Diversity: To minimize bias, guest curators are rotated weekly.
  • Substitute Curators: In the absence of suitable guest curators, the IAI Team will make selections based on their discretion.

Phase 3: Voting

  • Voting Process: The chosen artworks from the curation phase are placed in a private Inner 8 voting channel for the voting process.
  • Curation to Voting: Both guest curators’ selections and IAI Team’s picks are included in this phase.

Phase 4: Purchase

  • Revised Budget: The weekly purchase budget is now 0.2888 ETH.
  • Collection for IAI Project Vault: Purchased pieces will be added to the IAI project vault for varied display purposes, instead of being raffled off.
  • Purchase Criteria: While votes heavily influence the decision, the Team may exclude pieces based on factors such as budget constraints (over 0.2888 ETH), marketplace limitations (we currently only support OpenSea, Foundation, SuperRare, Nifty Gateway, and xHaven marketplaces), lack of a “buy now” price, suspected IP infringement concerns, or other ineligibility considerations.
  • Previous Artists and Collaborations: While we generally avoid repurchasing from artists we’ve already supported, exceptions may occasionally be made, especially for some collaborative pieces.
  • Final Discretion: The Team retains ultimate decision-making authority in the purchase process and strives to adhere to these guidelines, though minor deviations may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.


As a reminder, the 888 Inner Artist Initiative is not just a single program. Rather, it is a comprehensive and ever-increasing set of efforts and endeavors designed to celebrate, empower, and support artists. Our goal is to meet the various needs of various artists, in a wide variety of ways, wherever they may be on their artistic journey.

For more information, please join our Discord server, follow our Twitter, and view our Medium. Also, as a reminder, if you are an artist, we encourage you to apply to become a Verified Inner Artist. No token purchase is necessary, but you will need to join our Server and be verified as a community member (by going to our verify-to-access-server channel) in order to receive the role.

