Life is a bridgeLife is a bridge, from birth to death — You pay your toll and you cross. But you dare not stop on the toll way…1d ago1d ago
I Used to be a JugglerI used to be a juggler, but I quit to be a clown. I thought if I could paint my face, it would cover up the frown.Jul 7, 20244Jul 7, 20244
How many ways do you want me to say no?Should I take out a full-page newspaper ad, or would a cryptic message in the personals do? Should I post in on a billboard, or fly it on a…Jun 20, 20241Jun 20, 20241
The garbage truck comes on ThursdayI shake the sarcophagus in the attic heat. A lifeless rustle of paper and desiccated cardboard gives a hint of what lies sealed inside that…Jun 19, 2024Jun 19, 2024
Poised on the ThresholdI’m on the brink — I’m prepared to depart, and yet, I hesitate, wondering why I stand here, taut, like a spring overwound…Jun 14, 20241Jun 14, 20241
Analog ManNo digital magic flows from my hand; I’m an old-fashioned soul; I’m an analog man. A one and a zero are still ten to me. There’s no random…Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024
It’s just the fishI work my way up the run, stealthily, in a crouch, so as not to cast a shadow as I whip my tapered line toward that ripple in the sun…Jun 12, 2024Jun 12, 2024
Fly fishing in AmericaI have a box of caddis flies, vacation time and clear blue skies. I’ve packed my waders, vest and creel, My boonie hat, my rod and reel.Jun 12, 20241Jun 12, 20241
In the bubble…I woke up in a bubble, and it felt pretty nice – all my friends from afar were with me…Jun 11, 20241Jun 11, 20241
My friend the SasquatchI went out and got a Sasquatch To combat the noise pollution When my neighbor threw a party — For that seemed the best solution.Oct 3, 20238Oct 3, 20238