A question regarding Amscot cash advance service for individuals receiving monthly SSI, in Florida?

20 min readMar 31, 2019


A question regarding Amscot cash advance service for individuals receiving monthly SSI, in Florida?

Guesstimating, what would be the maximum allowable cash advance limit, through Amscot, for an individual in Florida receiving monthly SSI payments of $688.00? I receive no other sources of income besides my monthly SSI. At minimum, do you think I would be qualified for a $300.00 cash advance? Thanks in advance everyone for your opinions regarding the matter.

Answer : I recommend one to visit this web page where one can get from the best companies: http://personalcreditsolutions.info/index.html?src=MEDFEBaey3aew7uTh .

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Only those who file or know someone who has filed bankruptcy?
for those of you who didnt understand my question. I wasnt asking to get rid of my student loan only if i can include it to make monthly payments. I already know i can get rid of it. And over 10000 is alot if you really dont have the mone y and for the person asking bout my husband no i didnt pay his medical bills they got paid off. Why you being so nosiy bout him? Its was only for me and i wasnt asking should i file its my decison to file not urs. Now usless you are going to help me pay it. Dont give advice about something i dont care about. All i wanna know if anybody filed and how did it go?if you havent file or know some one who has please dont answer dont have time to read some thing dats not going to help me.
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“A question regarding Amscot cash advance service for individuals receiving monthly SSI, in Florida?

Guesstimating, what would be the maximum allowable cash advance limit, through Amscot, for an individual in Florida receiving monthly SSI payments of $688.00? I receive no other sources of income besides my monthly SSI. At minimum, do you think I would be qualified for a $300.00 cash advance? Thanks in advance everyone for your opinions regarding the matter.

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“A question regarding Amscot cash advance service for individuals receiving monthly SSI, in Florida?

Guesstimating, what would be the maximum allowable cash advance limit, through Amscot, for an individual in Florida receiving monthly SSI payments of $688.00? I receive no other sources of income besides my monthly SSI. At minimum, do you think I would be qualified for a $300.00 cash advance? Thanks in advance everyone for your opinions regarding the matter.

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Hi, everyone. I am expecting to stay in this area for atleast 5 years and I want to purchase a home instead of renting. I am a single 24 year old female, bringing home about 1700/month. I owe 11000 on an auto loan and 40000 in student loans. How much home can I afford? What are some things I should consider or ask? Any advice? Oh, I live in a rural KY city””

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& im not sure if it matters, but we’re military.””


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If you are or know of any loan sharks”””” or private lenders even if mafia please contact me no spam I know the risk including the interest rates and terms so no responses about not doing it. email me at deandre_nesbit@yahoo.com””””””
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I went in best buy to get credit card with cosigner and he said i wasnt instantly approved?
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What does cash advances mean?
I have a credit card from Credit One Bank”””” They are telling me through an automated voice machine that my credit line is $330.00 but my cash advances is $3.00 does that mean i can purchase anything with $3.00 or the credit line? I never use cash””

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and i do plan on getting a used car under $10,000"”
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I tried to check my credit report online through annualcreditreport.com. They told me they were unable to verify that I was who I said I was. And that I had a morgage in 2005. I have never had a morgage. How do I go about researching this without costing a fortune?
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I am Lithuanian living in USA. I was wondering if anybody knows a credit card which earns fly/air miles with Airlines such SAS, Finnair, Lufthansa, LOT?””

Can I get a loan with a cosigner after bankruptcy?
Can I borrow money if I have a co signer on the loan with good credit?
Where can i get a free credit report?

“”Need a $10000 loan, for school?””
I need a $10000 loan for school. I am a student right now but have no credit and no job the only thing I’m doing is studying. I was financially ok but my family went into debt, because a family emergency. I am in school right now and I need the money for school, or I cant go, is there any banks, private lenders, who can loan me, and it can have very high interest it will be ok, but I really do need this money willing to pay any amount of interest for it””
“A question regarding Amscot cash advance service for individuals receiving monthly SSI, in Florida?

Guesstimating, what would be the maximum allowable cash advance limit, through Amscot, for an individual in Florida receiving monthly SSI payments of $688.00? I receive no other sources of income besides my monthly SSI. At minimum, do you think I would be qualified for a $300.00 cash advance? Thanks in advance everyone for your opinions regarding the matter.

Transferring a credit card cash advance to another card and then back to the original to save money?
If someone had a credit card that charged different interest rates for different types of charges on the card, for example: 8% interest for both purchases and balance transfers and 18% for cash advances. Could that person transfer their cash advance amount that is being charged 18% to another card, and then turn around and transfer that same amout back to the original card so that they would only be charged the 8% interest for a balance transfer instead of the 18% they are being charged for the cash advance?””
How do i find a loan shark?
hiya im wondering how you can find a loan shark…? im trying to get a loan but cos of bad credit caused by my ex im finding it hard to obtain a loan for 15,000. i know what loan sharks are like, and have tried every single loan company possible!! but without any luck. im not interested in scams either, so try not to fob me off with one as this is a serious post!””
Credit score?
I am trying to buy a home and the dude for the house told me I had a score of 535 and another I went on another website annualcreditreport.com and used TransUnion which said I had 632 can’t I just pick that score and show him that one…because when I signed up it gave me 3 choices and I just picked TransUnion…and I need a 570 to get the home.
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I need a auto loan I can afford a payment and have one capital one card, but no one will accept my loan App… Please Help!!!””
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I’m considering buying a car with cash from a private seller, but I would feel better about it if I knew that in the future I could get the cash back out”””” if I needed to by getting an auto loan from a bank. Does anyone know if this is possible?””””””

Student Loan Consolidation?
I have consolidated a few student loans that I have had in the past. I recently pulled my credit report and the loans that I had consolidated are still reporting individually even though they are now all part of the consolidation account I have for them. Should this be correct or is this an error that I need to address.

How will I live on a 60k salary?
I live in Miami FL. & I have dreams you know, on the car I want in the future, the house I want etc. But I need to start being realistic. My goal is to become an RN, I will be making about 60k to start, and if I continue studying I can become a CRNA and make over 100k a year but for now the goal is RN. So lets say 60k. What kind of house do you think I can buy? Price range? Will I be ok financially?””
“”How does PayPal’s Bill Me Later”””” work?””””””
My credit blows and now and then I click on apply”””” for credit opportunities. This time my main motivation was to make it stop asking me to apply for it. To my surprise””
Where can i find a legitimate website to get free credit report ?
please do not post any scammed webs, only SERIOUS ANSWERS or will definetly report you!!””
Taking a mortgage out for a third house?
Hello everyone. I had a question. I haven’t visited a mortgage lender yet because I was just thinking of this recently. I have two houses that I pay mortgages on. My primary home which I live in, and I have a second home that is occupied by tenants. My question is, with all the forclosures out there I was considering a third. Would I be able to get that third mortgage to buy a home for investment purposes? I’ve never been late on a payment and also can afford three mortgages if I can’t find a renter to occupy it. I just ask because I heard due to the defaults on mortgage payments, that it is extremely difficult now to get a mortgage loan.””
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If a person needs leg surgery (broken tibula and fibula estimated cost 50k) without health insurance, is there any chance that they do surgery and person agree on monthly payments and is it possibile after a while to file abankruptcy? (person dont own home or anything like that) how does that works? and is there any way to not pay so much money for surghery if person doesnt have health insurance””
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auto loan.com
“A question regarding Amscot cash advance service for individuals receiving monthly SSI, in Florida?

Guesstimating, what would be the maximum allowable cash advance limit, through Amscot, for an individual in Florida receiving monthly SSI payments of $688.00? I receive no other sources of income besides my monthly SSI. At minimum, do you think I would be qualified for a $300.00 cash advance? Thanks in advance everyone for your opinions regarding the matter.

