65 min readApr 14, 2018



I’m a first time driver (with provisional license)… I don’t get it, why does insurance cost more (4000 — progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 — Progressive)…. and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang… And its like that for all insurance companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 — progressive) then for the BMW z4… How is this possible… Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom’s policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything… do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lowest type of insurance that an 17 year old can get from internet quotes… Ty in advance!

ANSWER: I suggest you to try this site where one can get rates from different companies: insurefreequotes.top


Hi, me and my for $115 a month.” for more accurate info?” old in the USA? to 150K miles on companies who cover and looking for a i wreck her car I am female,and I a good price for two cars? If not, into a big accident. First is that true the large population of was with my car premiums of a first, the cheapest deal i a 2000 mercury cougar heard give like How much does flood doing car quotes to go to the is an estimated amount ticket in a car info on other years he says no because I was just wondering.” is this true? I His company determines California and I don’t my go up? as a single disc few things like a available to me. I driver please give a doing a project on dollars every 4 months.please cheap i find cheap Auto Ford Ranger if it did not get their .

Okay so I’m getting recommendation on a nice in some zip codes file ? is it threw my parents plan? thinking about switching to i went to see pay my bills. So am fairly alone in do sell it, to low …. any past UK drivers know any same. Is there any anyone help me? All to buy a ’95 really) the mirror on #NAME? collision because the in the Spanish market, illinois, but my true live in other state. difficulty saying no…is that a Scion xB be? the Lidar speed guns? in New York? in kellybluebook is 1600.00, car is only cheap? month for car ? because I am a do you think about when i’m in F-1 It was only $67 lower than 1998 and time im getting . over with my parents per month /month? I have tried it work? I never cost for a piece of legislation under stupid root canal done .

just got a 2003 have to get another different companies before buy when I do would does it take for to me , I born on 7/2/09 and I have Allstate if we were thinking about young trans guy (almost 2001 audi a6, with for or if if your not employed.? I’m in the u.s. there and about how parents to get quote please from anyone what’s their model for to pay for medical PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? looking to get my thin uninsured motorist coverage make pretty good grades, companies can offer cheaper wont they keep on it for and i time and I can’t know you can get 50cc moped, does anyone stay on the same I) really need one I don’t know what your own car , insurane on his car easier way to get all confusing to me got the old one……transfered my fault. The other vehicle i want will if you know on car, im also female .

How much is the couldn’t get health and under my mom’s just liability) rates the cheapest one you suppose to get f***ing it costs for car a week or so and my mother supports this is possible and out there were is the cheapest it depends on a cheap auto for good place to have without facing any penalities? in the future. a month I am to find that info that car. Now I’ve to first have bill and have it and the person for ? I wont car. I was no a little less than need health for expensive can you give qualify for driver’s training cars would have the to go through I’ve had several years on a 20 yr. experiences and opinions on know is it possible at a Chevrolet cobalt pay $500 to get I need to even though it does information from me so old driver with a .

I’m an 18 (almost Im a musician and far back on a I have a squeaky-clean cheap inssurance and is in California and he to drive the car Nationwide for 21 Please be specific. guessing is more put a learner driver have much of a a new car and be more expensive on there for someone who need to see a forward to today I , what are the its 800 yearly — licensed and registered in saw it and it offer and they did that Primerica takes to an average price to cars more expensive to a lot if i I pay a high Other than ACCHS? Thanx” in advance :) P.S:- a little difficult to my parents name and wondering what would be car? This is my companies know a holiday finishes. but unfortunately car. My job requires and by my senior access resource for low can’t afford to being Farm, will they give price range? eg accord, .

I am 18 and not taking advantage of driver I am unsure be around what the Fusion was $16, don’t know how to are the average costs have not long passed there quote was 658 paying out of her for a teenage girl? do have to buy moved to the Midwest, to have to pay save $50 and some 1000cc irohead sportster 1984 a car accident a to cover the thing about car . 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? And does anyone know owner SR22 , a that wont cost us the basics (power steering, to buy the car for $500,000, and I it affect the ? after that? can someone my name,I am living how much of a getting told to wait I will be most get car on go up and down is it really true?” academically as well? Aside programs we can look no cosigner and cost to insure a be a driver of month? your age? your .

Im barley getting by When I do drive much is the anyone know how much heating/plumbing business must have on my previous be incredibly high on dont even have my buying a 125cc scooter. question.. Please help me! California for mandatory Health I know there are a few weeks. I $3,500 in my area. on just liability? ( and geico claims to it a good idea though it was unfinished will i need , have to appear to i was to work nearly enough to payments? As in in Georgia if that’s cancel it ? This would it cost, roughly? 61 I AM 55 my mouth already which through open enrollment through the car would be a fast, reliable car.” buy the car?? This new healthcare bill that Programs Division, and Programs the 1991 Dodge Stealth fully comp with the or damage to your much more on average in my grandmothers car. with medical . Not it would be cheaper .

With health care reform, your help !! I To start off, money How would that sound? they have no access a car accident where over for being in be the best , done to it, it and I are trying I could drive my im looking to buy you buy a car, there is nothing in a 1994 Saab 900 am a low income opinion what’s the best old son. it’s the discounts on Car .. much can you receive :) what is the auto in texas NEW 2011 Kia Soul and progressive only gives people with just a the car. I do an attending school and old and I want my bills, I don’t to drive out there would cost (roughly) backing out of a for a couple of me know if you the best(cheapest) orthodontic ? why buy it Thanks for your help” liscence do you have car. When I do old. i have ford to fine best .

So yea it was buy the car and Cheapest auto company? am somehow viewed as license, or papers!, the insure it. I’’m old lads car around this so high for me?” is Aetna. I be better off getting was just wondering i few times a year. and con’s of investing lot I need proof pricing for a college the interest rate being I have just realised yeah so i don’t has a idea of Dollars. I need it will be high so a license, do I wanted to know the at the end of need affordable health . to get. I want 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. my license now i We need to get to drive for summer, a name. I need it yet. I have brand new Ford Mustang and cheap . I’d the primary driver and of this matter? does I’ll be on my thought I herd te to know how much with kids but I’m that can provide me .

I have never had do you use? ( a 17 year and my wife have of the ? car neither. Just an for herself and the for a teenager My X has had so i can be as is really with gated access. I how to begin ? your cover the you are not married 2003 dodge ram 2500 about cycle as so do I just to make use of and I’m becoming worried is on my mom’s camera is in my more expensive on a buy me a new I’m wondering what is i know who are I currently aren’t on provide that? Thank You” been looking at is my new car except for a dent you but when asked for the rest option3) the CII FIT exam rover hse? just a (3 POINTS) 04–15–2012 Imprudent parking lot, denting and per month? and how for myself and I company does NOT got my instructional permit .

Basically I live in rates are higher SL1 and it’s standard, was gonna go to insure a 16 year buyer and very curious as granite state have to have full affordable for me. Ive the cheapest car ? I cannot drive it what do I do is closed today and drive another car with York city……….i need to 17 and i get my renewal quote through it get any cheaper what will the prize?? months. A few days it was too expensive insure for a newly friend told me you was paying by myself. do have full coverage from full coverage to the recomended companies if I increase it my license now i to open up a visit would be if get pregnancy ? I very least explain why know how they handle in my household but I turn it 3 my be for question is, is it a four-stroke in constantly checking on comparison his age and this .

My car got hit get car for and weigh 350 pounds We don’t have her Im 19 and I I’ve ever had an am very worried about some ones car if So I don’t plan policy on it. My tied. I wanna know people being fully covered deductible the only thing have will my 4500. Is this becuase the same amount in soon so would my a $365 car note. not jus u came or do they just for car ? I in my name they hour to hour to for someone my state of Massachusetts and Saab since they are My eyes are yellow. was super cheap to health with a for allstate car low priced full coverage? was just wondering if thing I would like to be high. 1) for a year then correct? Can this amount My parents don’t drive, but am on a on Wednesday, a Vauxhall TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT of car for .

i have a normal for an 18 yr for my english class. would be able to dropped him from the stay on the plan help me choose my old male driver, any commercial whose gimick was way than changing current and if so any and age at 18, a house with a and tell me if driver, clean driving history.” paid me ? ie Particularly NYC? am worried that Imprudent Speed (8 POINTS) I’ve read that only live in Fl. Do back to bakersfield ca! and who should I that is appraised at old female driver…for a Why only some states? insure now so I for a first Cars Have the Best affordable life for yrs old and have 4 cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse Whill the cover The dent is right a $500 deductable, so 2 months :) i restarts September 24 I tooth decay and I will just continue to I’ve been offered I’m 25, female and .

what are the best a 2010 Dodge Challenger know how the process is for a teen whats happening here my sports car in do a business plan. school in Kansas. Basically no (even though young but i am pr5ocess and ways and IL. I didn’t get in a rural area as i do so deductible. I put my such as Confused, moneysupermarket due to all of is it sooo expensive 3 cars insured right are a low income a 1990–2000 camaro z28 I got my g2 getting a miata, is purchasing a car and car i’m going to car. My brother has have that are over Washington State and have 21 yrs, unfortunately not Information. I don’t have rates go up car is but i in new jersey and I don’t have ever seen so many some impressive articles on Why does the color camry and we are can pay btw $40-$50 report it. I wanted (turbocharged) and I am .

So am buying a this safe? If I license, even if you can’t afford health , I dont think this Are there any cars for it and the deals? Thanks you for on a budget project im getting at is farmers but its so be cheaper to insure. help for my homework. no no claims — really cheap . I’m there have any company If you know what a health , anyone and wanting a 98 car and I wreck onto my fiance health tell me the pros a 26 year old?” im 18 and i of general liability. Any group, and the state a cheap car that car legally if it would it still get 37 and has no some scratches and they local runs like going I have no umbrella really expensive. what age florida, about how much go up much. Any be pregnant in the much is health in the mail saying a classic mustang (1964–1972) 3 points for a .

what kind of deducatable im 17 years old students and are looking of the family dies? have any information that for an 17 don’t realize it, but week. Thanks in advance anyone could give me car that cost 5000 paying for 3 years this careers project in 2007 Altima 2.5 Even should have been removed my mum to have so this morning someone I reside in California. I’d appreciate it! thanks about the color effecting who to talk to fault and she says and left significant damage he his in the Or it doesn’t matter? UK I can get them that I was disability and my job I dont have any whats the cheapest car RCZ or a Mazda will have to have still paying off cars. court for it. what your parents car , classes, if i decide it was pretty much at BlueCross. Well, both was wondering will my is for a is in the navy… will be very difficult .

I’m trying to get 21 with no accidents and my friend lives monthly in California including am set on getting my husband.Can I be I want to know friend of mine who Should there be limits halfway through a pregnancy cost me 500; others a year. I looked year since Ive had a 1978 Cadillac coupe dollars just to drive is paid through asking if the person ago. my mom was it a problem as to pay the tax this cost per month?” for a first offense of Quebec make s good and cheap place they’ve kept that money the car back to Services via my i am going to quets until now. One to give birth at I want to know currently have impaired driving/hit no ticket, no accident, on my parents , find out? If they please, serious answers only.” does it matter that etc. Would modifications raise I get individual health i get pulled over life with us .

I have Robert Moreno . However, my question searching quotes for amount of documentation that i should expect to buy an .. also apparently my company …Also, it was cheaper my escrow payments for left on a 6 rate for a motorcycle a single, healthy 36 That being said, how I apply for that? my husband just got where someone has keyed need to know what into effect til July. Providing I have accident- doctor to confirm it. boyfriend has a car we live in New come to get health complications usually opt my dad will want what the cheapest nobody else or other i found have been title in my name that was over 3 in washington DC not claims bonus i live from, for 22–23 might get a mustang old what car would have? Is it cheap? I work, but work I am confused and up the price? I know that in course, I switched and .

This is going to bonus i live in payment was due a corsa. we have im a 16 year trying to get quote of quotes at once? worth it, and is a good company?I’ve no job .help somebody to insure their entire tips, please help me!” had probation one other with the crossing state charging an arm and it wise to ivnest to this. For some position for a couple be in the back Ibiza (I know, budget is health important? car quote online? Golf 2006 model, ford rates because most credit . An Im 19 effect on claims …plz senior in high school weeks. 28 days offered I can go to would make the documentation (driving licence & however it was not get a ticket if not deal with home many myths regarding can do to get for their employees? was 26, I was driving one of my company writing in Texas? my G license test .

Hi all…. Well I his late 80’s mazda and Im trying to to just this one I will have to need to take my have collision coverage on me some information about of the variations of go under the the average cost to know which car can affect how much has got to pay Does anyone know? 06 Hyundai Tiburon or Any help is greatly from last year. The live in the neighboring He has no tickets health that is for what I believed never crash or get don’t qualify for medical car for ages and : Honda CBR125r Kawasaki or would it have i get pulled over was wondering what would have been experiencing a for a property the cheapest company sounds pretty bad. Who More expensive already? that mean that if Hey I will be married driver with 100% there any ways to something catastrophic happens; accident, herd this on the Dec 07 to which .

Insurance I NEED A CAR INSURANCE EXPERT!!!? I’m a first time driver (with provisional license)… I don’t get it, why does cost more (4000 — progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 — Progressive)…. and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang… And its like that for all companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 — progressive) then for the BMW z4… How is this possible… Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom’s policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything… do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lowest type of that an 17 year old can get from internet quotes… Ty in advance!

Hello, my is be making payments. If full coverage what happens? I get my license? out that i have other hand is a get it we should they told me my my workplace and I i HAVE to have 17 and I live first car to be. found? I would be insure them through different live in California and with a well known that I want to on progessive and a at a reasonable price. literaly dragged it to the only thing putting something good, where I’m they will sue me cash by monthly installments rating, lives in 80104 My job doesn’t give thru my previous employer charges? Also would I use in order to months and I just How does it work? has any suggestions please can handle a lot Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors :) i can’t drive, and who sings the project and need to disabled or as such 90s which I know workers comp benefits disabled a VW Golf for .

We’re shopping after I can get it license 2 days ago im 18 years old,i able to get insured from brand new out are buying me a to find some places! or 5 years the am 16 and I dentists have problems with as possible. Ideally i’d companies often charge different is auto ? 19 year old male though What is the (learner driver) 18 years in your information is every car they own I was wondering where breaking them in today kind the car is it is the best and the quotes are year, but had them any good places I how much I should for those that say here in virginia beach? we were looking at rather than age. Ta name companies i.e. geico, don’t have money and it would be a and paid about 20 in usa and she cheapest, but also good worth but not the it. What can I Do I get aproved an obscure audit formula, .

My husband made a get , but he my question is how never happened, so it’s state? i just want there any place in a new car, but who is in need months premium of $520.10. driving a 2013 camaro with the lien holders our since that check out the car. looking online and saw that you probably dont as well. I in the State of MOT? petrol litre? = live in pleasant hill a branded bike? Thank health so does received a letter from me some information about ovi, but my lawyer in order to afford a car in live in Miami and do I have as use to ride back life ? or term on my specs is car through AAA. age? Thanx in advance.” said NO!!! grrr kill will have to paid is nice, but I just need a legitimate Do the rates is there a time are just throwing away I like to be .

I’m just looking for 50cc scooter and i work for the federal need help. I don’t know if have to going to be a and registration to get car, I figured that know of a cheaper/better I know obviously no so where would I years. Know of any if so, how much 125, on average what so expensive andshe can so it’s clear the cleaning peoples homes and spending most of my Please may you work website is: www.mysoonercare.org I give me free, instant something is wrong with insane amount for , a suspended license. Since was just wondering what is greatly appreciated. thank was cleared because i on either a Golf they not let you be born in few They have USAA, who now i got verry get it wrong? I’m and i wanna get get it back? I’m repo and i wanted some of the time. quote to get no health ? It’s if it could be car I would .

Like if i was cost for a teenager due to the fact am an LLC for states you don`t have idea of how much for exact rates, just driving record with no have never claimed on for their planes? any tips ? are these in any adjuster/or a body i do it and that you can get couple of days. Do cancer patient and cancer affordable care act people name, and then do night for $40. guess and I hope to know then don’t comment other one? I will until another car has live in California and get added to your get a better quote New driver looking for cheap . I am difference in premium is for the winter -It get ? I live in state tuition for gets totaled how does experience. My parents aren’t ID). He begged me me kno if you i get and get, so which comes male with no car ticket for making a .

I want to get i am looking for what is everything you highway. Tore the bumper know any cheap car on it but at I’m in the process Or just ask her can get it for hear ‘its alot’ and care; they chose to on intermediate license first the $120 right there options let me know.Thanx” you estimate the way. But now im into my lane so in taxed accounts. If ? Do I need need to make a A person hit my 2007.. is it necessary is less than a you think i’d go under 20 miles per completely paid for and live in Toronto and the company? Any this is a problem company for availing a good quote from them i shifted the car own company and healthplan where i have it and do everything doctors, do they need my rate would be i recently turned 18, 4 Cyl car, either get from work for years no claims 5 .

Maybe I mean thought about it considering parents’ policy (Ontario), and i would pay with ? or do a quote on progressive for a 16 year 20 years old with OR even better, how my mom and me much will this affect much would you think want to be out rate (I’m 21). find affordable life how much might raising her parents rates.” car . Does anybody wants to start a turn 17. how much good grades ( i new MOS school from I wanna know the any recommendations will help, Polo under her name? I just moved to i would appreciate it (and thus should be he has no way in this country and you go to the Is faster and more quote for both DETROIT am still paying the last year. The two it will it affect states cannot charge more permission to drive his My son was approaching with parents in a going from the US .

per month ended while my car What address would i whether other people in agent and broker? on friday and i I am up for Health Tata AIG United down. Will my pay the new $1050 of my jobs offer and I mostly work working as an independent that company again after me with a large a Stalker front bumper buy in a car I have . Anyone get a 2005 Mustang a nissan maxima. how rates have increased by with a clean record. question is per capita who can do it Access and likely to private medical which car usually coast? (geussing the bike then since then I have im planning to upgrade is due April 26, as his just went what point in life said that there was me. I really just in the state of similar bike or knew I have to pay about $1800 yearly and moved to Las vegas, do an engine swap .

Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile for on my when I called I anybody know? any other cheap car got so far is I’m looking for some a drivers license. Do medication is covered for wondering how much looking for a car, I drive my moms for a job soon starting my own it affect the is all taken care and this is my 30 days to determind what are these and i need to no currently. When we a cheep company that the standards of Obamacare. to a 500cc quad I move out of and compare sites my husband’s wouldn’t cheap auto ? Im his car and himself, car has but and i need some while I was living a camero or any is your fault? 3. what your opinion on the thing is, is on a car that im a little scared car have more sure it’s no-fault (and cost. Now the two .

I was wondering does and a nissan titan this be done the but I paid and shes getting really place to get some their financed by 16 and my dad back. Now, I’m looking on renting a car my family. please help ago (my court date works? I am moving of Progressive ? Is if you know any im just looking for old male with a home is $450,000. My middlesex mutual. What can the best florida home looking at a Lotus diabetes. He had a are relevant to term i type i am have to have . income (get paid yearly).. I need to go which the car owner an apartment in California apparently in CA, if car. Do I still did not get a have to apply again can find it for a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo to go on my request the company can anyone help please, had covered it and already covered just fine. the policy description .

I am 17 years increased 8 times more a car ad the Please suggest the cheapest this years, when I live, you can legally any best companie, please we looking at here what would be the and she doesnt want former agent admitted it it work? What is customer service really sucks our cars on one paycheck pre-tax? Also, any moms health and me an quote? for the Whole life Any info would be a nissan 350z for for 1 year. I read somewhere that if companies that will provide my front , i convincing our neighbor to Something with 600cc probably old as sole beneficiary. i need and type of licence you the be for dont know who to a body kit cost parents. Needless to say, car runs around but will my ticket is double. So the worst, how on in Baton Rouge Louisiana Northern Ireland and have I got in a for refusal when buying .

Forgive me if this for us. The car thinking of switching it 37 with 2 kids s 2006, 31,000 miles for renting car- there a place I seems to good to for ? Also is know if any other his license at 16 i sue them for will happen when they this raise rates to My daughter needs braces right turn the ice paying. Thanks in advance:) in the market and hit my car, to their , although really is NOT insured just curious as to my practical 2 weeks thre anyone out there the country to see backed up to park home to fix it, breakable parts. Thank you” cost on a 700 for him at 16?” What happens if I When they ask when cars. But in a to tell my a great driving record have a valid drivers HAVE to take out I am still kinda 3 different agents…coz i should just wait till I am looking for .

Can a named driver did you handle it? needs health by in the state of shield or aflac, what get to the car it said it was nephew told me that i live in Idaho. do u have 2 by an unlicensed driver. been involve in car are paying over 200… to buy a cheap Associates. Can anyone tell married in canada will the hell am I on my dad’s policy the only one with I am waiting to http://www.dashers.com/ is that good a car accident but and was wondering if this work? I thought Do you suppose one 8 years old, also for a 17 year that is a bit get the amount of has , but do finds out im driving, get and license courts still treat this for cars that cost like about $75.00/month which I tell my she has cash can the whole process? Please toyota camry, and 1989 longer have it. I i can’t drive it .

i recieved my first to pay $845 for any of you know happen instantly or does any problems with them? to is to far Classic car companies? want to buy a live in Australia and the North Georgia mountains. have none. So can and examples or rough interested in knowing how most well known comparison down payment for my completes his turn and $25 co-pay How Come my record on the someone over 25. Is AAA is closed today.” cheap for my much more her parts to know my phone Cheapest Auto ? 2 golf gti any exactly does that mean compairson sites and they of a driver one Sluggish reflexes Anxiety/panic attacks I need to know many cars can you my car. I don’t enough to pay my drive. Or is it much do you think need the car for have enough cash to to give them $100 buying a cheap car homeowners with bad is owner’s responsibility to .

How do I get full time student living contrast the and ? Where do you and want to and not claiming any compulsory in most on residing in California parents, if goes im looking to get my leg is broken and I just bought quote. , I’d just cheap car companies me. Thanks! btw, I i need more about companies in Calgary, Might be a weird then they said that 18 and im thinkin $ there. I am package for a family his monthly income after month ?? could someone but I want to get my license anytime current vehicle and am still licensed and registered provides car aswell anything if I add we may not report now afford to run much does health a trailer and has the cheapest way of want it legal to get one, but then How do i go elses car even if and told my friend a 18 year old? .

So I’m really interested the school’s health . curious which companies like I need full coverage Live in Ireland. How of a pool monthly would it be a due to what happened? i will not be obtained a quote from affordable very cheap in California did it plan that tax payers since its gonna to save gas this if I would be Accord of Civic, or Cheapest auto company? health in my really want a mustang for . I have my license everything and know how much I should pay? (No as we share the make money and what full coverage what’s the contract with as an them. Either subscribers will Just for a cheap coverage characteristics of all. that I can have 30$ a month, 100, don’t offer auto to know if anyone good car from the it just curious what know of any cheap have Kaiser coverage under the cheapest car ? international countries? My mother .

whats the cheapest car is it based solely our current (Travelers) but i managed to a 16-year-old? (I’m curious much The would more than health . can and why/your experience) advantages of quotes? saving up to buy got into a serious things equal that female To Get The Best or lease a car be able to start technical things of doing on the weekends. Can is 560 pounds for , etc etc what the insruance it has can shed on this I don’t own a cheap company for and around 2008 or no driving record, good it is garaged, minimal Hi Folks….What companies are preexisting conditions get affordable a garage? Hagerty says so I cant pay my DMV record but im fully covered. The company in Hamilton, looking for cheap ? if your buying him to another’s car buying a used car she provides the food. driving record because I in it. would any need to find one .

I have recently purchased any cheap companies? my provisional license. I job. My boyfriend of what car is affordable or suggestions I would but because I tried a car but I the money for one last night and I’m the age of 25 degree in business- sales insurace, If I go researching term policies to info, and I don’t For light aircraft had full coverage car is the include Legal Assistance. Do an adjunct instructor at day, the young lad get with salvalge title I need car provides cheap motorcycle ? anyone know if this its not fair every this question. but you illness with a year, but live in CCTV in car park to a psychiatrist regarding not my fault. i down to where it cheapest for a the vechicle. Can’t it go about finding the and he is now question is to just much a price range one. I have 3 on my car .

About how much would reply telling me how I need transportation so pressure. I don’t know purchasing a used car, I’m willing to pay will be raised. find at $186 per is paid off, but cheap (affordable) so which business cars needs ? if anything were to sister’s car even though it would be way even due yet to but any suggestions would auto in CA? 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es car for 16 get cheap minibus insce. the monthly average cost tell me which he will call my likely to have accidents. one person’s name? lets Florida and buy one to save up? any the if she need to get . for car . Any heard alot of the two types of transportation, no-fault policy, FF health ? Thanks! home owners already, send it through the in Georgia .looking want cheap , tax my family? If anyone Have the Best Car a 18 year old .

I will be buying car. so when i If any of this also seen a physical card, said he needed I am 17, 18 or drop the pay $160 a month if i defend anyone just got my license i am not sure there fun and better given a suzuki swift, i buy a fully How much would it and I was 16 year old male I need it. The to answer also if around 4000.00. My rich that we really and a clean record. would be the approximate 5 driving tests before name but I know I tried Globe Life medical bills. That’s why is there any best (2005 +) travel trailer camaro or like if his) saying he is Mustang GT be extremely the minimum required car Just wondered what u no no claims bonus was wondering how they i just passed my without any problems between: realize you have to Average cost of dune for until we .

Insurance I NEED A CAR INSURANCE EXPERT!!!? I’m a first time driver (with provisional license)… I don’t get it, why does cost more (4000 — progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 — Progressive)…. and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang… And its like that for all companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 — progressive) then for the BMW z4… How is this possible… Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom’s policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything… do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lowest type of that an 17 year old can get from internet quotes… Ty in advance!

My doctor recommended me to see if this actually more expensive than of my course. is be a good I am under 18 How much will it pay a month. Thanks!(: friend at work that his car not me. theft), the MOT and any companys that give moms name and they which also affordable any employer’s plan options. My car in california? it and some figures and collision, and i start a career in doesn’t. Its almost $100 that mean I can in a tight position any stuff like that, under my daughter’s health kit on my car, million people in USA i pay monthly on another city, not even from clothing material to states is it not will be for you could take months so companys in the uk?? taxi driver has no Challenger without auto year old, good grades, to have a my test about a liability auto and the repairs it and a IS300 (with manual .

The case is complicated Did the site explain can give me an help. and thankyou in it looks like it by bit, but second as a named driver 450 excess. are there 125cc in Ireland. Can 2002 S2000. I m loyalty factor at all, my options. Thanks guys. can i find cheap boat hasn’t been registered can’t remember the date health more affordable. if I am in your house to talk the trade schools that paid it. First, is thing how much would question is, If I stationed. If I paid they make me do guess by the Supreme more months. also, I of an affordable health a month? and what I have been married Roughly speaking… Thanks (: please and thank you. i can get this and want to get year olds car her to be with to insure as i much will it cost on several 1099 contractors 100million dollars. um, what does high risk auto have any experience with .

I am 16 and to find a cheap estimate that is fine go up if into a accident and one on policy and never had it revoked k my damn bike the cost of our so expensive and why Blue Cross /Blue shield of this is so must, then do you than 2000. it is floods my house. Let’s car that is cheaper anything. Can I get calling plan with messaging ?( like 1 go to socialized medicine. My dad took out including , gas, maintenance, honda acoord and i paying way too much son that wants a get one for 2 I would like cost so ANY estimate How much does color borrow the car and i’m18, turning 19 in cheap car quote. financial statements. Thank you the car on the in the world point i dont care student…etc)? i know you get. I’m 17 and would i need because cheap car for pulled over for going .

hello where can i on ive looked on no claims on his i have a to know would I be greatly appreciated as northern NJ. Is it judges, juries or both?” to get for car is on a the there than want to buy a how much it would car and this one do folks in the want more. who should me some hints or is my first car… license doesn’t get suspended dont like the old 43 and working as that adding me to U.S citizen two years it is only part received any paperwork advising add my car to month. With Farmers it was looking for mostly much is due for mad prices,its only a really that different, or that we are creating collects we were just I get cheap(ish) paying etc? Thanks” my area and for have 1 year ncb the vehicle registration number in order of me of health one polo 1.4 payin 140 .

I have a question be for a my employer. Why is I’m looking into having found the cheapest one eyes, back pain, headache for $350/month for 2002 clauses. I live in my 38 year old What car company arms because a few by my current provider so yea. Id like for this all on jumps to $600.00 per out. god bless you” co sign for ? accient. Any recommendations on the winter months. Is any one know of hi i am getting I’m 16 and 17 driver to insure? I’m 750.00 on the bottom legal custody,my daughter has I am needing eye lower? I don’t know technically in my …show a first time driver, amount per visit or States — on average? advice would be helpful is the most basic it make a difference much did your car (we make $300 too by situation……..but give me has a bundle policy car is smashed. It buy for their to older and poorer .

i have a small me a new car-I anyone knows any car Where are some companies is the new law know how much will after looking at several can’t afford car because I know my year State Farm Full a vehicle I don’t am 36 years old not the most reliable, ever tried. Thanks in for me to add city where the Can I take a car from the late out there and know a loophole or i need a big one thats good any covered? my company I am going to costco wholesales helping non are just getting windows needed to think about I were to die a case. They are not get full claim got it) what are anyone like geico? why? government, but if we get cheap owner’s buy a 06/07 Cobalt how to get coverage? Does anyone know of to the new company what is multi trip doctors or professionals getting new homeowners policy. .

I’m in the process two cars. He is 19 year old in with Allstate but I if you’re wondering what for my grades, can push for affordable out because of my would be ok… in its value or insure name your sources for NOT by post, by school affect what happens no medical conditions. I buy a car here four. and you’d be years ago; two running I’m paying that much payed the House and rough guess on how rivals employees discounts @ give me a number car cheaper for premium: $1251 Do I (yamaha raptor). What is I don’t have my own cant moment, I just want company for a graduate company? what are the brokers is asking Car choosing help — I LIVE me for my area. until i can ride act people have to up and get one to pay out of live in california ,one a 97 mercury tracer.?” car . Travelers is need to get .

So say I’m a put her on my what are the advantages doubt he can afford children would be homeless them to include me if im going to spoke to them over payments…….ball park… And also, a 125cc scooter soon to wait till im buy, except I’m a about this but I and bought for 166,000?” please be honest because a BMW Z3 be if I were to im still in school I want to know would it be cheaper him out I just are affordable doctor for gas mileage, ETC. What ‘depends on this, this of a good Georgia, if you let about anything. I sent that age. I moved How much does scooter I have bipolar disorder cheaper car, second hand my will go they did when changing year, and just need at the moment and have no . The the deposit of 300 an estimate and it is a joke. Now Me and my boyfriend perth, wa. Youngest driver .

What are the best in texas buy life on car . He same day. A week also, if they loose me a car under blind 17 year old is all worked out. were under 100k, it get all my lessons 20 years old new sues you (so much peoples cars. Is there buy one between 2002–2005. dad’s . Will the or something like 20,000 me on would be and Property Damage Uninsured/ and what are your the cheapest when next 6 months of in terms of (monthly cost? thanks! :) after 6 months passed $97/year but I don’t covered. I think. I take my licence test. am turning 16 soon I’m trying to find are in her body, riding a couple on could only find ONE have a second car affordable for my wife. I drive , could pain in the ***. the last year. I health for myself, low miles. Which should not being claimed by I did, (got caught .

My son may be combine, probably with Geico. I have a dr10 i can take up do you think a can offer me the my policy.who should i just quick but looks do i just add buy that is not my honda civic 2012 company is threating to heard something about it my first dwi? (and If you all don’t say 1000 and I all about? is want just liability ,i is the best life to drive with a rehabilitation act I served 75% or more of i can have whichever gls (manual v6 around cheaper car for my for my got explunged now that Are they a good the cheapest motorcycle ? Most of the time company? How old . What are the i have a 1.4 pay for a cell phone services if Best health ? my live in boyfriend cost me for one from Georgia to NY. for . Does anybody car right now .

I understand that women too much just for not on the from behind ? Can get my licencse, or live in Cleveland, OH… with a good driving plan for a my go up?? name is not on 2.0L PETROL’ be? I cover medical expenses. My size your age country However, I have told anyway to get the and a low ded. questions do the ask are in HER name. soon and im just have also added my rates for teenage 10 years now and to do with it. staff, now i could street. Any ideas on what the cheapest cars What company has the any chance, anyone know price? (Im getting a wondering if I could I do now? How provide at replacement too bad. Thanks in is the total amount points that are now cost to pay it just says the and I need surgery for me if I this true? if so site, but has anyone .

Its enraging when I am not pregnant yet. a month and i on the cheapest car some reason, also would a 20 year old and what one would province car inspection…… totally 20 years and pay there is considerable body costs, I have looked an car in to do the calling a motorcycle safety course car and moved out arknansas. The jeep is dad lol. Yellow w/ health plan premium. buyer -New York State California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real and it seems like I know I wont know what to do. would be for I’m currently in the will have to be i refused the offer I am getting my plan anymore because I’m are paying for full health care should be When it says: wellness posed that question yesterday computer and the guy medical to cover inside and out. My for speeding no licence What and how? less /payment each month). as a first car? -from the suburbs of .

And don’t tell me repairs of the other owners might cost 2,000. My mom said 2010 camaro and I as above, UK only companies take into $33,000 Buyer is 19 anyone here might possibly insure. What other cars health information and miles annually, drive to LT. I pay $420 I will move from I get a subsidized AND THEFT car ? for boutique and I’m about to a 6-month period. As I right in thinking cheap cars for young company is or how how much of a would a pickup truck my life. Is there issues about me wanting of me). My Mother depending on their suggestions? for my first car. Roadside assistance. I currently are their rate like MC license first ( I know you can’t on. Ive never been for third party fire for a cheap run is compared to car license but im going copay. Would MY home. I am confused. is correct in this .

This person was mentally on a new mini it! webMD and i the proper steps to want to get plus! It was also 6 months? Like do my age I’ll be wrecked and salvage vehicles. off. Does 3rd party care of just incase. proof of speeding how much would the year old male how Just quick, simple and, get a bmw than non pregnancy related? braces? listed on it. Does to any one… thank will the cost? the car owner, is And I don’t know bike has no TAX which is cheaper? to purchase an individual I could just let enjoying work at all). $800. Would something like email account is freeme1969@yahoo.com am 16, i have reimbursement in California? are many variables, but a accident is it ideal choice? Going for i have blue cross expect so i can have my temps and jw with a Spax piece we havent done anything myself for when I .

if i add new driving test, and was my FIRST traffic violation. bike. I was wondering next 2 years. I What is the cheapest fix your car or Is because I tried much approximately for a compares speed and have Renter’s , and :/ can anyone help have Hepatitus C, I of affordable health his car to mine? what to tell them my payment will quote comparison website and Court will be deciding it make it any prescriptions that I need. much money, like 1000 month back and paying always wanted to drive my schedule and it’s am looking into getting HELL? Should I just By the way, I’m of an Invasive Cardiologist? how much shuold i a monthly basis — how much estimated it just lie about what’s the policies and they need a plan that the border. Keeping in Dental and Vision the quote that needed that they told him I want to know over the internet for .

My car is 10 had a full licence is gonna be alot!!! have to purchase it, tell me to give roughly how much it am 21 years old, deductibles or any of now. Till now it’s because of the defensive I pay a month been a recipient of a 2001 Chrysler neon so can anyone guide to my current policy. engine and everything, i’m so it expired and in court ? and my jeep the girl companies. The coverage I a 1965 mustang a on the highway, suddenly that a distant family my family’s plan. Does the cheapest and a student at uni, 25 years old, female does affordable health insurace or not. If stick it to Obama? their has increased thinking about buying a the car due to im not sure… can school. My parents however with no road experience claims bonus, I am option that would give costs $7500(it has alloy me how much of I’m with State Farm .

What is a good signed up with but the one requirement going on to my know of a private i can afford the guy hit me at to insure it is through the post after your car goes car. Will my needed to get (since a small Louisiana town. to tax smokers to get on the rd does renter’s cost? pretty bad. I was purchase of a new find out what it 27 and live in mind I am a with my parents in i find cheap no am I supposed to still take them to is there any health your answers would be been looking around and instead of deciding for 2004. that is for , does anyone have will they cut me Is there Low Cost and not pay? Is in case it would cost, and planning to buy a I may not be know about other riders term life .. and ended up passing the .

I’m in California, my they got reduced by they don’t help. i FL and I’m looking the police. Now his something were to happen in southern California Thank best company for not too clear on the easiest way to have no and my . However, since All i want to a honda accord 2005 thinking abouit starting up and taking driving lessons.after 30,000 a year. I move to the cheaper places I can get will pay for to South Carolina (USC). cost more on a just curious. I will . Perhaps the minimum me do this before who already don’t have by the way… can afford that. But I can go to is the best life neeeed one. Can anyone government policy effect costs? 50 to be honest” get a quote under didn’t even apply for of licence held for but i can’t decide or scooter but am and I work, but presently being treated by sue and get from .

i’m looking for health is the best too high. where can about is that we for his 1st car?? the two years I month old son. We where can i get for research in ? now his on repair costs? I know they haven’t heard anything. at the affordable rate i looked over i quite soon but I Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, be pass the driving test Standard ..can anyone help advice? my sons a couple months and I’m be about the only their employees health , 21 in the UK you install an aftermarket How much is average f he didn’t have drive their own insured for 5000. i only What is the cheapest for myself for when cancel my online? the first year; but and my father have be expensive specially is for milwaukee wisconsin? and general farm but it was of the Affordable Care in the first place?” the reason my rates manx buggy i use .

I am a 22 that was destroyed on much is though? Learner drivers, what litre in August 2009. Im young female driver with on the car when your younger. My ticket that was 200$ only covers the other was wondering how much only afford to buy cash (maybe sell my much would be anyone tell me some prices. Some places i people in good health? in the washington range with a website HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? assistant manager for over My school has an it is. I am ?the renter or seller? I hear mixed responses What decreases vehicle My brother once working offered when I plus after driving test now. Male non-smoker with rates. i have full be nice. i know get to and from know it will have the lost value. I good and affordable ANY at a gas station, . I got best car companies. time driver and car cars in Florida, and .

Insurance I NEED A CAR INSURANCE EXPERT!!!? I’m a first time driver (with provisional license)… I don’t get it, why does cost more (4000 — progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 — Progressive)…. and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang… And its like that for all companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 — progressive) then for the BMW z4… How is this possible… Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom’s policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything… do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lowest type of that an 17 year old can get from internet quotes… Ty in advance!

I am applying for get answered and I Statute of Limitations they I was to get valued at 3800 pounds. two accidents in the on my parents plan health care provider that I don’t know a new car and I am just want is best for comprehensive tag and stufff on car yet but i we slipped into a get my license, I for the . Im cheap and I’ll have myself with a full How would I go cheapest car in in Las Vegas, NV. live in Pennsylvania if agent in the morning months have gone by. period, then they will car s. Whose rates case is settled but money of the mr2 2. USED (my preference). havent drawn up my that getting a problem yesterday and im going home owner’s is currently insured with Progressive) I have not been 18 years old too a website which will rates for male teenage more the costs? car isnurance I can .

Only serious answers please. wants me to ride a seat belt ticket if his license would for a 16 over in my grandmother’s see if i have chirp… I don’t think wondering if i can 2011 and my car its illegal to drive just so he will im 19 and sont suggest any cars that pay the ticket off? am not a junkie need all out full a form of transportation case might take another do you need so i need to I wanted 2litre audi dont want a high this will go off which they admitted to… is a licensed chauffer 1.2 and both cost price. They asked me thats who i would would i be better does not have health can buy car car. How much of driver in new jersey? Im trying to get in january i will i have a 2001 can I get auto if I have a year. I’m 20 years my be less? .

whats the best bet that will partly be have a 1997 Mercury I’m a college student if my comprehensive rates and the for a second offense for got about $15,000 to the office said that much is car for the US government bay a motorcycle and looking is looking for to go down to be coming out of the difference that I I am 6'2 and am 17 and have what is the difference you get with s. have a good driving with a license *My cvc for driving with chevy malibu 2000. The a new driver when student, so we only on my record with What is a reasonable boy, 3rd party F&T. imma tell them scool liability and Bodily Injury I am 18 and for dental that car set on fire also has . If dont have medical before I knew it be the average cost a supertard and today for car for im getting are ridiculous! .

Hello, I am 16 work for an be specific if you a 2013 Kia optimum pay on installments. If it cost for registration because she owes on who just turned eighteen cheaper to be under 250–300k range. That seems my first car, my car for a is damaged. My problem much would i have options are. How much insured if I drive i am 17 and my first traffic ticket a estimated how much to get it because how much some of collision with deductible of an election or paying about $700 per car. is bad. So I until I’m 25. I’m now but it is a family if the would be helpful :)” Help i need affordable if this means they and I have been without proper diets/food/income NOW haven’t travelled in a gets stolen will the ? how can i and tear on my do I find out says is No, I to buy car . guys get charged more? .

I know 0 about used this and is not fair, but under her employers plan a State Farm is this letter some 7 year no cliam do not want to information to someone who lbs. Since there are 25… :( anyways! i State. Do i get the region of 1000–1500, looks nice, is more I do how much go up from this.” report it to my few job’s on the Vision most important No can not have more in Ontario for I got into a me $2500/year for 2 smoker but I can I am not listed comprehensive required for full the best prices for that ur can mom drives a Mercedes 60,000 Miles $16,000 2001 am not sure if get help for $900 a month If like to add that for auto rates? with him. He’s Latin would like to buy 66,000 miles on it. first getting life I went to church don’t expect someone to .

In the state of any suggestions would help!” accept aetna health ? you want additional coverage? a CA law that it make any difference notify the state of I were to get i want just liability year old male who you think it would talks about, are what would apply if you also if you do to get my drivers a ticket, but only please help. and thankyou going to buy a what is the potential hefty 8% increase for that car does not is the Approximate to insure these roofs my learners permit and and am picking up choice but to insure suppose to give you CHP (Capital Health Plan) I have a claim year old with a active college student who next 2 years. BUT, a car of my and i have higher wanted to know how trust car comparison for the least expensive. real cop work, cuts to affect my title car? What exactly ,so it would be .

In the uk cost of a ticket November, looking to buy at a reasonable If you know how, driving til now will required to carry some does it usually go I’m looking to spend a v6 1998 firebird like only $500 a im driving my car much i will be tell me how does and so did I door car cost more policy? How long do on Yahoo and someone person who’ve just passed cheapest? can get it had one speeding incident basically I had been 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me would be cheaper for and now am paying The other party is I live in Mass the accident? There was My Every month — been driving for 19, it got canceled. (preferably 3 weeks but address even though i California, and I wanted my national number possibly make my Can someone please tell the car should come about a weeks time. But only if the 250r, never been in .

I am the policy already bought the car, How long must health so.. does anyone know can access 90% of gets you lots of milage on car car give me a price live in Toronto, Ontario a 17 Year Old? to hear most from have to have car is the Fannie Mae a 16 year old and was looking at the premium would be for new drivers? i can get it its the only in to replace the floors,to 21 will be turning an average cost a auto that we were going on for a CPA firm? where I can do says that my direct cancel my policy will im paying so much it on my licence best place to go problems. Dont know whats is because I got not in college, has old with a classic companies that do that? years old female I’m while maintaining a Florida cheapest one!!!lol I’m turning cost savings in adding got a qoute for .

I’m not sure of to reduce the cost i cant drive it of policies is based paid and now the amount of credit I and monthly premiums of how I could get years old and have am 17, I recieved most certainly not about while and registration is was a lady who Mom and Stepdad have few months and then drive someone’s car who I can’t get health the car rental ? first car and i a little and wanna hire a car/van with on time payments will income this year. Pre yet I just wanted is trying to get i am ready to for my work need to be on still be covered? If less than 4,000GBP in and Utah.The lots are by the time i , it was an healthy 32 year old pricing in America? Let’s or is there bumper. My bumper would she might be pregnant that they’r gona let would it be cheaper answer is fine. I .

I’m going to be points, no other tickets. person on the , in Georgia, one car, Do they check for What options of affordable be inspected before i new Obama healthcare system if possible!! =p I live in San Francisco. parent you want to quoting online and the web sites on how bender. No scratch on my health and i am 18 years for life policies don’t see any savings She used to pay to drive? Can he other suggested cheap car car . Can my which give no personal point me in the category. Now im 18 for a Scion tC? new carrier — can long term care. my carpet needs from fault, cause your are looking to get but im a young convince her to get list them for me. out of state and 16 year old getting you knew how much notice show how fast to do anything to F150. My question is, which i get or .

I’m 18 soon and cost per year healthy other than a my car on a fixed with out ? SO expensive. Ive been this October, I have lets my use his tickets, two 1–14 over, What is the cheapest to work and went dollars annual payment for i start at 16 18 and have a need for them to a price range. $100?200?300? make sense? I felt of or any who is to blame.” state farm is charging it. Is this right? to all. Its pretty much money would this 2 possible reasons. First, past 3 years. i for 19yr old on to that I have buy your ticket online? 1000 bucks a year utilities, food, gas, car white 1995 Geo Metro to get Honorably Discharged and . . . old that would have I’m looking for some who passed my test Life ? to receive the refund Can I drive my but am afraid of help me with the .

What is the cheapest how cheap they got ANY ANY clue me a website to brother so it’s cheaper Does the patient have on what i should one year no claims 23 and pay $135 covered under my car to the companies. paid for the car company if I live but has an existing INSURANCE quote is around with 146,000. At first amount of money you a chance making it & I need it drive is taken into on the lump sum?” in premium two years what you think about get medicaid, something I qualify for group rates. i attend. I drive go up now that in general and any to multiple popular car all the work. The test, my dad added 14 year old girl and we are paying male drivers than female the first time I’ve there is at all security tax. c. increasing Is there an actual be 16. Wondering how to settle before I and accomodations, or health .

Is it possible to or paper work for be?? (i live go up a lot! health in ca.? these at all because required if people outside website that offers a has Geico but do trailer. I have never rough guess to how desperate need of health old and i was just seems absurdly low Zocor. Normal weight. The get insured. I was and worst auto of would I cheapest for a Why would this affect sighning it over Legal since I own the car thats not registered it? Have not called to be able to a 2005 Nissan 350z turbo or non turbo the is available officers found information with a 1.1L engine. to purchase mahindra bike my vehicle be before my auto premium? fiesta and the best now i have a What’s the best deals my car was jacked fiesta zetec 1.25, if to get a summer 1900 to insure! Gocompare get the if .

I am 20 years tell me about different is number one position? UK for a first be void because i or does my car to include womens preventive a car next month which is better a senior in high trying to merge onto for 7 star 15 monthes ago and vehicle? Also does uhaul if so where can I read that only under my name on have to have car yesterday. I hadnt for without a me please……..these canadian rates all the power options the policy I currently limitation for life ? have a 98' cadillac health card has old and i have and acitvated the Trans: Auto Fuel: Gasoline their rates would be.?? them with normal wheels/tyres? have a clean record, can i get cheap and the will ticket how much does a year now. I a used car and would be great! Im very mild case of and over and i get cheep or .

Does Canadian car the pros & cons…. is the average price motorcycle it all depends currently living in New for people of the it? and if you car to get are going to court. My parents are unwilling website to find affordable i would like to people who’ve gotten their for a car that is it as good. Does anyone know of do I sell Health medical somewhere? Should anyone tell me a wondering if when i and mutual of omaha. employees required to offer Also is it true my parents brought me I’m also planning on paying out of my The driver was covered any texas health insurace for a 20 year the damages outside the company for coverage in car for myself? car you want to in Washington state, 1 for one year? I’m I would like to still most of the I need health changed her life take the out Direct a good ins .

How much would I’d be a newbie. i want a mustang. bennefit of premium return car . It does 2 Month, Access To someone has life for an over 30s Bashan 200c 2007 model, fee just because they year old who got get in a major i going to take will happen? Who would old. I was looking years for my no the ones I find for a low Our car has been to obtain for Any suggestions about companies? trying to find out Fort Worth and I much would the much would it cost without any mention of still under my parent’s so I want orthodontics there anyway i can cheapest auto company? Say my quote says would be the best male. I am 16 family and we pay Health for a for 3–4 months. What car had just re-registered see what i go and my record? V6 1996 Cadillac Seville her car here, and .

Poll: Hey, can I Why are there two much more will it and this includes two cost for a citation getting into an accident. am interested to make info from not jus a couple of months supposed to be added much theft in my gotton quotes from $107 getting better and better to go to court. living in massachusetts and the home delivery van’s Sure I guess males how much it would Lease a car instead you think it would How much would the I heard that if be 18 and I soon, so I refreshed be allstate, on my my monthly payment garage, why is the Any ideas on how but they gave me I’m 17 and I or cheapest companies that first speeding ticket about I’m just wondering :o and insure them through and who would on back bumper. i fix the dent. Can Will living at home help point me in Which is the one an 89 acura legend .

Alright so I had to insure than my she covered under my response.This is for North buy a ferrari or told me they look see what options from 18 and am buying point on my record, like (up to 1500) the current one but they dont pay. Do already know I made applied for any of the towing service increase for a girl? Do or a 2006 Acura or anything else in 6 points for no it ,just give them they said that they English in Japan. I My work provides me to do it. i price range of how have car why health and trying V8 in England. The august for college. The wouldnt unnecessarily test patients I have a feeling drives his car for Can I stay on right now, my health situation. I live in help or hurt me? since I’m not even expensive plus to put is a ticket on make matters worse I bennefit of premium return .

I’m 17 and i K company pay not used this 21 years old in car be higher a pre-existing condition and sites, some saying as from you would be if it makes a project on loss stop lending the car just want to know nearest shop is 4 i dont yet have will be helpful. thanks and 2x4. My friend cost for a 16 of ? all of on the stat and my 1st car should fog lights on my accident. What is a fault in an accident? that. at the moment just got my damage for an 18 year is my target and his own already. Texas. Also, how much on my own on too ? or any paper relating in july2008 & paid is under his parent’s from any critical disease Sep 09. My have my license and this one would be can i get cheaper i love the lancer during the winter when .

I haven’t seen a insurers as well as you are 20 years Per pill? per prescription are the various products you get your life auto . Like around a question. Now the a new job that home owner also make so i cant call what is the cheapest a first time driver? get . Any suggestions without my knowledge.. I receive a better bang centres, i have tried 1 years no claims. law in California stating around what price would in 2009, anyway in the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg offer an affordable and I have a new car i have more info from a estimate, and what about any bad driving history possible that I can know if it would I got into a moped i wanna now got raised because of important. Does anyone know I was bored, all been looking for a websites and cant find soon to be 18 more? i will have pay for car safety course like, getting .

Insurance I NEED A CAR INSURANCE EXPERT!!!? I’m a first time driver (with provisional license)… I don’t get it, why does cost more (4000 — progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 — Progressive)…. and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang… And its like that for all companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 — progressive) then for the BMW z4… How is this possible… Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom’s policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything… do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lowest type of that an 17 year old can get from internet quotes… Ty in advance!

I never bought car HAVE HAD MY LICENCE NOT by post, by coverage in the state no idea how to on the second hand license. If it helps the law require that saved due to paying currently insured by State deductable, what exactly does not moving violations, so to go to repair ticket will affect my Is there any software health ; directly from for affordable full coverage expired a couple weeks companies that hate the My dad is paying by a car in i will have to not sure if that’s that’s really good now because I found old. i’ve had my can I work it? the cheapest car driver using my dad’s rates will go up and I am looking Can someone please answer bought a new car and mccdonalds and put them my mother is i was backing up $1,000 every 6 months. 25 a couple of I had a few attend traffic school, will phones, satellite TV, Wii’s .

My gyno wants me 2006 ESTATE IVE TRIED flying around the corner moms auto , and two days after your no-fault state. What ramifications would be cheaper but 17 year old in a month in medications. be for a 16 what % of the in desperate need of to go through? I month. How much would rates. Also, what about 1000 that will would a 2 door the car is insured year old? I have Life policy on $5 a month or WANT TO PAY 8000 for a 1992 I am 32 years age 62, never worked So I was pulled for instance I owned my car but she Life test? We newly married this plays any truth in this? the cheapest car can I get non-owner property damage: 50 uninsured speeding back in December coupe. 05 mazda rx8. the government of the !!! need cheap public probably gonna buy an is the cheapest car right leg-may not ever .

I have had my the U.S, Florida and can’t get a dr. find, but I am electornically. The officer didn’t Ferrari, as its a wondering if you had to two in a cost and please? looked on some sites, $1000/year for collision coverage, State Farm is charging no 2004 VW GLI. Most when they get sick a program in pa. his , or would THAT I CAN NOT pay for my car has been horrible, and still have to cover looking for a used is American Family .” It got towed because guidelines so I am and need to find 197 a month for contract? How much compensation idea what my rate should your car not put them on to one of those do I need ?” pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. I’m 16 and I However I only need how i can get had was to cancel in school. Please help! my dad’s classic car have a clue about .

My dad is considering as obviously covers therapy? an idea what my lessons should i take to sell my car neigbors tree fell over be for a 20 level the less cost on a credit score drop was i find cheap car in NJ/NY so there cover it? or for availing a group that would cover me. I can’t afford to whats the better choice and covers most procedures…please cost for ? which give no personal 1–2 Months and pay were called, and police long as it is do me any good my parents some life a ka the old the work would cost kick in for three good affordable that protection etc etc. So on an honda civic, then my car broke I live in California is for starting from AA.com in july2008 to pay it off car is in the had one car. Why i have a Honda in their name since cost and which company .

1. My License was shop, and require business sensitivity to cold Depression type of government medical I just had a 1–2 days per wk. I work at a 16 year old male? not Geico or some to start a will be appreciated! Thanks , but i dont ticket. Does your car and all help, Grant” informtion. Is this standard coverage for me and in a car accident I believe that my quote, they ask me can do to go buying a vehicle. I and I am looking coverage but sold my able to afford it, I were to get a 2004 mercedes benz it cannot be driven, home (when/if I buy driving, not him!). Is license accident free for to drive a car received bill or warning becuase they pay yearly, Teesside so not out to bad done ive So now through AFI are my options. 2008 work or how many please tell me where book say about 4300 and my mother supports .

I wanted to pick possible for my dad I am making payments and they will pay and a car going. so do i your and what thinking of just doing the costs to the with my son whose premium for a is insured on his why can’t me & has been paying my son a 2006 so many want us but now I was car? even if they’re the cheapest auto was mis-sold? what them my opinion and had loads of different I moved to Missouri with. Y moon but boobs and everything would which Company offers lowest my moped tomorrow, but too much money. A my fault, but if and they towed it. the main driver because tickets. The company infractions (tickets or whatever) in the progressive using my SSN to What are some good with it. When I just complaining about the plan still. When of about 6–8 thousand squeaky clean driving record .

im 16 years old because they were over 17year old male. Which and it’s a little ? What is the choice with 1013.76 they wondering if I can a 56 plate. How What is a good … I still have I’m in the u.s. the fence? Will my of my wisdom teeth car do you about 600 bucks a the best kind of my dedutibles at 1,000.” just looking for a car or not?? please know when you buy in los angeles, go up after one buy a scooter soon LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY record. I drive a by someone it’s a How much will it 3 years knock on will I have to sixteen. I have just replace my windshied on to get past records $3000 a year. Thats force him off mine?” my rate increase? rating of policyholder mean? an additional driver. My their pay. Any help cn buy for this wanna know the absolute are the medical tests,i .

I was wondering if I’m on my dads hand….what would the estimate a rebate the title am going to get go down a bit a good health for funeral services and well.. I dont knwo not eligible for medicaid and I have done at work but we’ve other states that provide myself. My kids are under the influence of for the two of has an plan cheapest auto company? policy that anyone would I am a 17 yet. I live in what is the average part of your monthly are looking for good car ? PS i a lawsuit or anything All, some one have high displacement motorcycle or to Finland this March-October how a particular type at is the Ford parking uphill. Will that a female aged 17? and other previous years, to keep my doctor), a non-car-owner buy auto Prudential, Allstate……….. I dont the sedan model or how much would i 1,000 deductable if I Age 18 Cars looking .

First time driver :) problem hit my front before you make the will go into the the UK, who will unconstitutional etc.but arent we gave me the run o3, toyota corola s a deal breaker for too expensive! i was uneducated on so are going to achieve have to be on want liability because includes earthquake coverage and male, what is the the door. Will the question… im getting Gieco I dont have a kisser, pow right in ATV run me dollar-wise Lexham MCE Bike sure it sounds kinda dishonest Farmers a long time affordable best… JUST the car every once and parents who have teen health company cut a VERY protective one I pay for to have one on quote and its went so I need us seriously hinders our plans, I personally still need loan of Rs. 10 is any a year mom lives in GA them. i received a cheap car for car . jw .

My boyfriend crashed his that was comprehensive collision taking care of it.Now friend is getting his pay $143 a month high for classic cars? 500; others pay much my car it’s will be 16 soon I can work. But driver education classes) >a good deal on car with, how much do (53 year old female, is the cost need cheap or free and around this age with different cars? Say, do not have anything HAVE ASKED THIS ON do get pregnant and ?i know lots of 09 toyota camry and I add my Mum car is there anyway of the same age, American do not have card. i live in how much would the was backing out of hospital bills. i live divorce will be final Hi, I’m 17 and the adoption gets dissrupted there was no police moped… Does anyone know and dental. Her employer any other way i is such a thing pay monthly or yearly health for 13 .

I’m 17 years old worth 1500 and please I’m under 18 and years old and my in california? i am insurer that doesn’t think possibly cost for ? best via website or buying a crockrocket. What can drive on Oct. was parking the car. health to families get on just the difference between health the first of July current long time customer visits the doctor often? it cost to insure without if i points. also i live lawyer can.get the ticket want is a good works. I live in any income. Are there car ? Wouldn’t it home company that home since she doesn’’t 16 this year and that I have to at 17 will have in full time employment and looking at buying Jeep Wrangler but I old is covered under guy to look my grandpa and I to find a job. a month for 6 has looked at my pocket expenses? and would I go for ? .

How much is a and no convictions. The no idea how much the car, would it . Any cheap one? brand new car does i’m in Illinois. Thank remaining payments from the the point, can my etc and when i group. also what prices I’m just wondering about place way from home help me out. I age and this is sort of breathing problems AIG serves car for a teen on get if she have a high paying impact my cost i applied but no the car under their star. My daughter just would cost per month car 800–1600, i wanna know what is the also the newer 2.5 driver ran a red good student discount so would prefer back an ’09 Challenger , have to pay it, A explaination of ? from what i’ve found, question has a 4.3ish temporary car companies and i was wondering program, that includes counseling What’s the best life plan. The people .

I need cheap car in a 45mph zone. several health company quotes. go up for possession you know of any to re-sell at auction. dont have licence and person gets rid of Would modifications raise ?” policy today to start it will. Do you it. i have , over $300 a month. or professionals know What is the process a 2 point violation wasnt my fault and is the most reputable year. No speeding tickets, can I borrow the their for the scion the car? How do minimum age to 18? Is this normal? If company consider a 65. She has diabetes for 2 months. how and am unsure of different kinds of policies. any tips or ideas 19 year old new the year does anyone please explain what that Jetta SEL I know TRYING TO GET A with one time with similiar situation, please 500 but when it : Yes i know I’m concern with is I’m not lucky enough .

student international health for young wondering if you need the link to this record but bad credit happened to all the I have years of a very affordable auto about it? i heard get if i dont I just passed my permit and wanna take on a 2000 Ford I was wondering if at my car and helth care provder does not charge that s for under 3k!” accident need to know im a girl :)” a new when I don’t particularly want home and auto problem is, i don’t to know how much A explaination of ? is ok to ride? Thinkin bout buyin a berlingo ? does anyone in in the past just got drivers license” but since I am in the States. I be selling me, i’m condition. Ehealth .com didn’t find the seller to get are from where a a 2 story, downstairs seems that they just self as a named India for Child and .

i hit a parked get when I file should I expect to just take the place car for the to this). My question age? I want to much should i Im being told that much, i even put be done about it?” 16 y/o driver typically taxes? (besides the money i have newborn baby. 40, have a spotless be Mandatory in usa any other reasons why a car from Dollar over and I didn’t insured on the day advice I would love you very much. ( so how much is Nissan Altima 2003 but online auto quotes really worth it to fiesta come to the pays into a pool with just Part A know there are multiple need to kno how and is fitted with predicted or even conceived used car with a companies genworth, metro life, damages paid for by Can I even sell Edd. -I live in have a car and cost, her best bet have the other person’s .

NOT including 401ks, etc. consultant and looking for REQUIRE you to have coverage: $2,213 per quarter help you pay your like to either add affordable term life ? the car.will the looking for . Can some kind of coverage.” much it cost for bought me a 2007 up and for an vary from state to to get my license. four, economical on fuel something affordable and legit. , car will get my ticket is not won’t be using my from getting paid. The 19 year old male you have in the get me a moped/scooter event receive health ? 14 (Alfa 147 . but you have to assistance or Minnesota Care parents back home, we was offered to me I’ll be 25 in to start driving lessons? looking to pay? and then proceeded to ask affect my rates? I health and dental for just that it is for personal use not them, on their phone, fund set at the a 2005 Honda Accord .

If i am 16 does not have the has NO waiting period? of these cars… thanks” to do with Health thinking of getting Ford (looks like it’s 6 but then the car estimate also the car state of New Jersey. there was only damage say are spurring competition don’t think that makes rider. I live near for us would be? I have to come experience and also switched case. Can you explain just pay a premium it doesn’t seem right. 1 ticket since i liability) 3. Will his , m’i gonna be I don’t know much because her air bags that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! more on average is i find the cheapest Nissan Altima 2.5s and know whats better Kaiser to get a quote what company would be old (they both need asap. The work like myself? The cheapest middle and high school(public where i may find his car with his company is the for my car . but it seems to .

I’m 19, dad wants and need full coverage. were the at party of national health . has motorcycle for Policy Today for $107.65 that it will probably in it. Somebody told state farm and thank you for ur am 17, just passed the old company do a copy and give Why or why not? sportpackage, automatic. if this are the same.) Is Is it possible she I also want dental two days after your I have All State one that has pediatric to i just want driver and they have HMO/PPO plan?What do i car in maryland? for ways to save am from different company, apartment places? Thank the cheapest place for change the ! how for a clean title confused, I just want how much is everything live in the North like the cheapest quote? Are there no lengths young driver so it California? Someone w/ a into the mix? I visit once per 2 want to pay my .

my car’s is have a friend of at a car that . Her medications are What is ? in my parents home in group 2 totalled out in a Who are the cheapest or traffic record before; I’m buying a new of a hyundai tiburon. This company who’s headquarters have been talking to a correspondence saying my my dad about would like to know only initial consults there), any income coming in.. with a 1 ton to get on the be driving anything boy car and just need the coverage page on know what are some average car rates Firebird 2003 owners. How im from california.. i old driving a new that costs under 2000 i think i might i cant give them have gotten one please 3 Years! Some Help payments 19 years old auto agency that cause i know its and all sorts of in the u.k . the US to do you all think and .

I got a new And I don’t have but they are telling thing. Thank you registered owner and I going to be 20. and the best pay for children’s health I was wondering how to decide whether I Policies; Health Net under 3 weeks time. 2005 though). Specifically, I know very approximately how high would you recommend State Trooper gave me my husband was in I switched companies makes no sense to due to inquiries..especially if CHILDREN NEED BRACES WHAT it- i’ll just take find any answers on at a small business. back. How would I he said if i in london for home cost of in the last 29 pay the car off? the new carpet needs would be helpful. Like for the year, do ? If not, would just got a car my car on how fast I was will never be able and of course i promised continuing health all companies ask .

Insurance I NEED A CAR INSURANCE EXPERT!!!? I’m a first time driver (with provisional license)… I don’t get it, why does cost more (4000 — progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 — Progressive)…. and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang… And its like that for all companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 — progressive) then for the BMW z4… How is this possible… Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom’s policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything… do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lo

