The charm, history and tourist attractions of Mt. Fuji

5 min readJul 14, 2023


Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and is registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site. At an altitude of 3,776 meters, the summit is always covered with snow. Mt.Fuji has long been a spiritual base for the Japanese people, and many Japanese people have worshiped Mt.Fuji.

The charm of Mt. Fuji lies in its majestic appearance. Mt.Fuji can be seen from a distance, and many Japanese people climb Mt.Fuji. Fuji is also a mountain with many myths and legends.

Fuji has a long history and is believed to have been formed about 10,000 years ago. Mount Fuji is an active volcano and had a major eruption in 1707. However, Mt.Fuji is currently inactive and can be safely climbed.

Mt. Fuji is also deeply involved in Japanese culture. Mount Fuji has become the motif of many works of art, and many songs and poems are written about Mount Fuji. Fuji is also used as the emblem of the Olympic Games in Japan.

Mount Fuji is a mountain that symbolizes both the natural beauty of Japan and Japanese culture. Mt.Fuji is a special mountain for Japanese people, and will continue to be a place of support for many Japanese people.

There are many sightseeing spots in Mt.Fuji, but I will introduce some of them below.

5th station
The 5th station is the entrance to the mountain trail located at the 5th station of Mt. Fuji. From the 5th station, you can see the majestic view of Mt. Fuji up close. In addition, the 5th station is equipped with facilities such as mountain huts, shops, and toilets, making it an ideal place to take a break while climbing.

Mt.Fuji Hongu Sengentaisha Shrine
Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha is a shrine located on the north side of Mt.Fuji. Mt.Fuji has been an object of Japanese worship since ancient times, and Mt.Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha is a shrine that enshrines the god of Mt.Fuji. Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine is a popular sightseeing spot that many tourists visit every year.

Lake Kawaguchi
Kawaguchiko is a lake located north of Mt. Fuji. Lake Kawaguchi has a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake. Lake Kawaguchi is also a great place for sightseeing as there are many attractions in the surrounding area.

Gotemba is a city located on the south side of Mt. Fuji. Gotemba is visited by many tourists as a sightseeing base for Mt. Fuji. Gotemba has many tourist spots, such as the vast tea plantation at the foot of Mt. Fuji and the observatory where you can see Mt. Fuji.

Hakone is a town located on the west side of Mt. Fuji. Hakone is famous for its hot springs located at the foot of Mt. Fuji. There are many hot spring inns and hotels in Hakone where you can heal your fatigue. Hakone also has many tourist spots, such as an observatory where you can see Mt. Fuji and hiking trails.

Mt.Fuji is one of Japan’s leading tourist destinations and is visited by many tourists. The charm of Mt.Fuji is its majestic appearance and the beautiful nature that surrounds it. When visiting Mt. Fuji, be sure to visit these tourist attractions.

Mount Fuji and Ninja

Ninja is a secret society that has existed in Japan since ancient times. Ninjas used high physical ability, ninjutsu, and resourcefulness to carry out missions such as espionage, assassination, and sabotage.

Ninja used Mount Fuji as a training ground. Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan with an altitude of 3,776 meters, and is characterized by steep mountain roads and a harsh climate. Ninjas trained their bodies and honed their ninjutsu skills by climbing Mount Fuji. Also, from the top of Mt. Fuji, you can see the whole of Japan, and ninja climbed Mt. Fuji to gather information about the movement of enemies.

Ninja worshiped Mount Fuji. Ninjas saw Mt. Fuji as a sacred mountain and believed that climbing Mt. Fuji would bring good luck and succeed in their missions. It is said that ninjas used Mt. Fuji as their base, and that there were many ninja hideouts at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

Ninja loved Mt.Fuji. The ninja was fascinated by the majestic appearance of Mt. Fuji and was healed by the natural beauty of Mt. Fuji. Ninjas also protect Mt. Fuji and take pride in Mt. Fuji as a symbol of Japan.

Ninjas have a deep connection with Mt. Fuji, and Mt. Fuji was a special mountain for ninjas. Ninjas used Mt. Fuji as a place of training, a place of worship, and a base, and they loved Mt. Fuji.

Mount Fuji and Samurai

For samurai, Mount Fuji was a sacred mountain and symbolized the spirit of Bushido. Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan with an altitude of 3,776 meters, and its majestic appearance fascinated the samurai. Also, Mt. Fuji is a mountain with many myths and legends, and the samurai worshiped Mt. Fuji and sought the blessings of its gods.

Samurai trained their minds and learned the spirit of Bushido by climbing Mount Fuji. We also prayed for victory in battle by looking at Mt. Fuji. Mt.Fuji is a special mountain for the samurai and is deeply involved in the history of the samurai.

Here are some reasons why samurai climbed Mount Fuji.
To learn the spirit of bushido, to pray for victory in battle, to train one’s mind, to receive the blessings of the gods of Mt.

By climbing Mount Fuji, samurai learned the spirit of Bushido and prayed for victory in battle. Mt.Fuji is a special mountain for the samurai and is deeply involved in the history of the samurai.

Please try to find your own charm of Mt.Fuji.

