Intermittent fasting guide 2022 — lose weight quickly and healthily with this intermittent fasting plan

Rachel Collins
16 min readOct 21, 2020


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Intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to its time-saving use and potential health effects. So it is used by many people to lose weight quickly.

In the instructions below, you will find our effective plan and learn everything about the 16: 8 and the 5: 2 method.

Finally, I will describe my own experiences and show you the successes I have achieved with interval fasting 16: 8.

How does intermittent fasting work? And what is that anyway?

Today’s forms of intermittent fasting come from English-speaking countries. It is much more of a lifestyle than a diet.

Depending on the method used, people eat “normally” only during certain times or on certain days.

The main area of ​​application of intermittent fasting is still losing weight. However, some people also use intermittent fasting for muscle building phases that do not necessarily focus on fat loss.

Another area of ​​application for short-term fasting is to improve health. Some effects have already been shown here, which are triggered, among other things, by a process called autophagy.

Intermittent fasting is also being used more and more often as a permanent form of nutrition.

On the one hand, this is because slightly weakened variants of the 16: 8 method are very suitable for everyday use. This can save a lot of time, for example. After a short period of acclimatization, most people also feel significantly fitter and more energetic. There are only animal studies on the latter point, but they show, for example, that intermittent fasting improves memory performance and brain structure in the animals examined.

The different intermittent fasting methods at a glance

If you’ve never heard of it, you might be wondering what autophagy is all about. But we’ll go into that in a moment.

First, let’s look at the various intermittent fasting methods, each of which works slightly differently.

In the next few sections, you will find information about the three variants that are currently most popular.

Intermittent fasting 16: 8 is the most effective way to lose weight?

Intermittent fasting 16: 8 means fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours, as the name might suggest — every day.

Most people eat two to three meals within the so-called eating window, i.e., during the time people eat. Ideally, almost no calories should be consumed during the 16-hour fasting phase.

That means: only water, unsweetened tea, black coffee, and other calorie-free drinks are allowed. In addition to this, some sugar-free gum can be chewed if you can’t manage the fast otherwise.

You should only consume a maximum of 30 calories during the fasting phase. However, it is best not to record any, as this activates autophagy the most.

The only exception established by the inventor of 16: 8 is sober strength training within the fasting phase. Then it is recommended to interrupt the fast by taking essential amino acids (EAA) or whey protein before a workout to not damage muscle building.

In the past, BCAA (branched-chain amino acids) were recommended more often for this, but based on the current data, EAAs or whey protein are more recommended.

For an amateur athlete, however, the differences will be relatively small. Black coffee before training and the right amount of protein afterward is also an option if you like it easy.

The 16: 8 method has the advantage that it is straightforward to use. For example, you can simply postpone breakfast and move dinner a bit forward, and you’ve fasted your 16 hours.

For example, your plan for the 16: 8 method could look like this:

Last calorie intake for dinner at 8 pm.

8:00 pm to 12:00 pm the next day: fasting

From 12 pm.: Start of the meal window, food intake for 8 hours, then another short-term fast.

Many in our Facebook group have lost 10 kilograms or even more in 4 weeks with a protocol like this.

Alternatively, you can, of course, have breakfast at 16: 8 and simply put dinner on a later afternoon.

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16: 8 method with breakfast and early dinner

If you just don’t feel fit without breakfast, you can do it like this, for example:

Last calorie intake for dinner at 5 pm.

Fasting until 9 am the next day, the start of the meal window at 9 am, food intake for 8 hours, and then another short-term fast.

Which of the two variants you choose depends, among other things, on the daily routine and personal preferences. Intermittent fasting should always be adapted to everyday life and not the other way around. Otherwise, you can rarely hold out the whole thing in the long term.

Summary of 16: 8 intermittent fasting

Fasting 16 hours a day.

To get started, we recommend a lighter variant that only fasts for 14 hours. For some women, this can make more sense in the long term from a hormonal point of view.

When precisely, the meal window begins or when fasting ends can be designed variably. However, due to possible effects on the internal clock (biorhythm), it is recommended that the meal window always falls on a relatively similar period.

During the fasting phase, consume only calorie-free or very-low-calorie drinks such as water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee should be consumed. If there is no other way, you can also choose soft drinks with one to two calories per 100 milliliters.

A calorie deficit is still a must to lose weight. This means that you need to consume fewer calories than you spend at the same time.

If you do not know your daily energy consumption, it is highly recommended to determine it with a fitness bracelet *.

Personally, I think that 16: 8 intermittent fasting is the best method, so I still use it. You can find out what my experience was a little further below.

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Other variants of the 16: 8 method

In addition to 16: 8, there are also variants such as 20: 4, 18: 6, or other slightly different combinations. However, the basic principle always remains the same.

So the same rules apply as for 16: 8. Only the duration of the fasting and eating phase is different.

For example, at 20: 4, you will fast for 20 hours and only eat 4 hours. At 18: 6, you fast for 18 hours and eat for 6 hours, and so on.

The 5 to 2 Diet — Another method of intermittent fasting

The 5 to 2 method of intermittent fasting is also known as the 5: 2 diet. Here people eat “normally” five days a week and fast with very few calories for two days. Most of the time, only 500 to 600 calories are consumed on two days of fasting.

This variant is also used by most people for weight loss. On the two days when very few calories are eaten, you have to show a fair amount of willpower.

Experienced people usually do this quite well because they know that they only have to hold out two days a week and that people eat relatively “normally” on the remaining days.

For example, a day on the 5: 2 diet could look like this.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: healthy but relatively “normal” diet

Monday and Thursday: fasting days with 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men

Suitable foods for fasting days are, for example, soups with lots of vegetables, salads, quark with berries, or a chicken and vegetable pan.

Your 5: 2 diet plan could look like this:

It is best to fast on two non-consecutive (!) Days. Most women consume around 500 calories on fasting days, while men eat around 600 calories. In the beginning, however, you can start with a little more calories.

On the other days, you eat relatively usually. A healthy diet is, of course, also preferable on fasting days.

A calorie deficit is still compulsory over the week. Otherwise, you just won’t lose weight. To check your own energy consumption, the purchase of a fitness bracelet * is highly recommended.

You will also learn how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates, you should consume to lose fat effectively in our free weight loss course. You will also receive our open diet plan for weight loss there.

Overall, the 5: 2 diet is sure to be the right choice for some people. In the beginning, you have to show some willpower to persevere, but after a while, for most people, this becomes used to, and the hunger is no longer so intense.

Since maximum muscle maintenance with the most significant possible fat loss should always be in the foreground while losing weight, combining this variant with exercise or even strength training for muscle building is recommended.

However, intensive training should not be done on the two days of fasting. The remaining days are more suitable for this, because otherwise there may be problems with regeneration. Also, on the fasting days, you won’t have enough energy to exercise.

Overall, the 5: 2 diet can be a suitable method if you like it and are healthy. However, 16: 8 is more comfortable to perform.

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Fasting every other day — the last variant presented here

This variant doesn’t really need a description. As the name clearly suggests, you fast with 500 kcal (women) to 600 kcal (men).

So the whole thing is an even more radical variant of the 5 to 2 diet discussed earlier.

While this variant can undoubtedly be beneficial in terms of rapid fat loss, it is definitely the hardest to stick with and has the disadvantage of getting too little protein more often. Besides, the frequent low-calorie intake can also lead to a nutrient deficiency.

Fasting every other day is the worst, in my opinion. That’s why I don’t recommend this method to anyone.

The Complete Intermittent Fasting Guide to Weight Loss

The following step by step guide will show you exactly which intermittent fasting method you should choose. Also, I will now explain to you what you should definitely pay attention to with your plan.

1.) Decide if intermittent fasting is right for you:

Intermittent fasting is suitable for you if:

You should lose weight and be healthy.

You like to eat larger meals that will fill you up nicely.

You don’t want to go on a restrictive diet to cut out carbohydrates or your favorite foods.

You want to use the advantages of autophagy for health reasons and have no problems going without food for a little longer.

Intermittent fasting is not suitable for you if:

You have an unhealthy relationship with food or an eating disorder.

You are underweight, barely familiar, pregnant, or under 18 years old.

You are diabetic or have impaired glucose tolerance. Some people have diabetes and do intermittent fasting, but this must always be done under medical supervision. Otherwise, complications can arise.

You have or have had any other medical condition. In this case, you should definitely discuss your plan with your doctor before starting.

You have a very stressful life, or you train extremely hard and often. For example, This includes high-performance athletes who complete 10 to 15 intensive units per week or managers who work 70 hours a week.

The fasting phases are an additional, actually positive stress for your body, but it can become too much here.

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2.) Choose one of the options above:

I definitely recommend you to do 16: 8 intermittent fasting. Which variant you ultimately do is, of course, up to you.

People have also achieved impressive results with the 5: 2 diet.

Not sure which method is best for you? Then just start with the one you like the most and find out if it suits you.

3.) Drink enough, but not too much:

You should drink enough fluids during the fasting phase. Drinks like water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee are best.

But don’t overdo it with fluid intake either. Because there is such a thing as water poisoning that can have serious side effects.

4.) Observe the most important rules for losing weight

If you want to lose weight through intermittent fasting, there are still specific rules that cannot be overridden.

Something that is still required in intermittent fasting to effectively break down fat is, of course, the calorie deficit. As you may already know, the calorie deficit is the most crucial factor in fat loss.

So it doesn’t do you any good if you always fast and then thoroughly go overboard while you are eating. As a result, the whole thing develops into disturbed eating behavior and can also lead to weight gain instead of weight loss.

It should also be emphasized that intermittent fasting is generally not a free ticket for an unhealthy diet. Just because you don’t eat anything for a particular time doesn’t mean you can eat more unhealthy things afterward.

Sufficient intake of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements are crucial for your health. It is also mandatory to ensure that you consume enough vegetables and fiber in intermittent fasting.

Otherwise, it should be said that you can definitely lose weight very well through intermittent fasting. A calorie deficit can often be achieved thanks to the time-limited food intake without counting calories or without carbohydrates.

If you want to be on the safe side, you should keep an eye on your calorie consumption and calorie intake.

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5.) Listen to your body!

If you experience anything like dizziness or other side effects while fasting, listen to your body, and eat something. It may take a few days for your body to fully adjust to the new lifestyle.

The same goes for other warning signs. If you are a woman and have problems with your period, for example, it may well be that this weight loss strategy is not suitable for you.

Always discuss changes in your eating habits with your doctor, nutritionist, or dietician.

6.) Eat enough protein and get enough omega 3 fatty acids

If you want to lose weight, then protein is the absolute most crucial macronutrient. Because protein is more saturated than carbohydrates and fat and also protects our muscles from being broken down. Therefore, you should always include adequate amounts of protein in your diet.

For maximum health, you should also make sure that you consume enough omega 3 fatty acids. Studies have now shown that an adequate intake of omega 3 fatty acids can potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The precious forms of these fatty acids can be found in high-fat sea fish. You should eat at least two servings a week. If you don’t like fish or don’t eat it enough, it is highly recommended to take Omega 3 capsules.

Is Intermittent Fasting Healthy? The latest scientific findings!

You’ve probably heard that fasting can be very healthy. But what about intermittent fasting in detail?

In the following paragraphs, we will look at a few scientific studies that have examined how healthy this weight loss strategy is for humans.

In the first study, men 50 to 70 years old fasted two days a week. Besides, their calorie intake was reduced by 300 to 500 calories every day.

After the 12-week study, there were improvements in blood lipid levels, blood pressure, and body weight. Improvements were also found about DNA damage and markers for oxidative stress.

Another scientific work shows that intermittent fasting is not only useful for losing weight but can also be very healthy. This study’s positive effects included protective effects on the cardiovascular system and key inflammation markers such as the C-reactive protein, or CRP for short.

The third research we’re looking at here also shows how healthy short-term fasting was.

This study found, among other things, positive effects on the cardiovascular system, metabolism, and general health markers.

Animal studies

Overall, it can be said that intermittent fasting has achieved outstanding results in human studies. Unfortunately, there are not very many studies with humans yet.

We know from animal studies that the whole thing probably has a lot more potential.

Here, among other things, disease-preventing and sometimes even life-prolonging effects were shown. So it will be interesting to see what will come next.

However, such evidence will be difficult for humans since you cannot force anyone to fast for a lifetime. In the meantime yet, it has been found that intermittent fasting intensifies a fascinating process called autophagy.

The autophagy

Autophagy is also called autophagocytosis. This is a biochemical process in which our cells clean themselves and dispose of waste.

The Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 to discover autophagy. Since then, there has been intensive research into what significance this process has for our body.

It is now known, for example, that autophagy improves various metabolic processes, inhibits inflammation, and improves the health of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to this, it also appears to slow down the aging process and protect nerve cells from oxidative stress.

Autophagy occurs more intensely during intermittent fasting and reaches its peak after a fasting period of around 14 hours.

It is also encouraged by black coffee and exercise. The intake of calories or too short a fasting phase, however, inhibits this process.

Coffee with or without milk?

Suppose you do intermittent fasting to lose weight and want to maximize the health benefits of autophagy. In that case, you should really not consume anything other than black coffee, unsweetened tea, and water during the fasting phase.

Contrary to popular belief, however, it is wrong that autophagy is entirely stopped by small calories.

This process is always going on in our body, sometimes a little stronger, sometimes a little weaker. To think that autophagy works like an on / off switch is not correct.

Overall, if you consume up to 30 calories during the fasting period, you still get almost the same beneficial autophagy effects.

If drinking your coffee black is not a problem for you, I would advise you to take advantage of the last few percent. If you absolutely cannot do without a small sip of milk, you don’t need to worry about it.

You have 95% of the same positive effects of autophagy with coffee with a small sip of milk. Then just make sure that there are no more than the 30 calories already mentioned in the fasting phase.

My experience with intermittent fasting 16: 8

Finally, I would like to share my own experiences with you with the 16: 8 method.

So far, I have only done this variant myself because I like its applicability more than the 5: 2 diet. However, I can only report positive things about the 16: 8 method.

More precisely, I have had the following experiences with it:

1.) I am very concentrated during the fasting phase and can work better than if I had eaten before. I think everyone has had the experience that one is rather tired after a meal.

With intermittent fasting 16: 8, this effect logically does not occur during the fasting phase, and the increased adrenaline level makes the ability to concentrate even better.

People who want to be as productive as possible have a great tool here, which also positively affects their health.

2.) Thanks to the fasting phase, you can eat more during the meal window, making me more satisfied while losing weight. Almost everyone who tries intermittent fasting has these experiences.

3.) It feels very natural to me. As you may already know, I am rarely hungry in the morning and tend to brunch rather than actually have breakfast. This makes intermittent fasting just feel comfortable for me.

So if you are not hungry in the morning either, then it may well be that intermittent fasting is just right for you. Because breakfast is neither mandatory when losing weight, nor does it ensure more fat loss.

On the contrary!

Studies even know that not eating can boost metabolism.

4.) I was able to lose weight really quickly with it. Now I keep my weight, but the 16: 8 method was also great for losing weight.

Because you don’t eat for a long time, you can eat significantly more calories later and treat yourself to something delicious without any problems.

This is what my plan for losing weight looked like in detail:

8 pm to 12 pm the next day: the fasting phase

12 noon: A small to a medium-sized meal. Mostly oatmeal with quark and nuts or cottage cheese with vegetables and whole-grain bread.

4 pm: Another small meal. Mostly a few eggs, vegetables, and some whole grain bread or legumes like beans and lentils.

7 pm: Biggest meal of the day. That means a normal portion of a delicious meal. Also, there were almost always vegetables or salad. A dessert was usually still inside.

Today I still do a similar thing. The only difference is that I am no longer in a calorie deficit most of the time and thus no longer lose weight, which, however, I do not want either.

Matching recipes

You will find more than 100 suitable recipes on Delicious Weight Loss for the two methods presented on my blog. Namely, our low carb recipes on the one hand and our fitness recipes on the other.

If you decide on the 5 to 2 variant, however, you have to consider that you don’t really consume a lot of calories on the fasting days.

Will you try it?

How about you? Have you already had experience or even success with one of the methods presented above?

Or would you like to try intermittent fasting now to reduce fat and improve your health?

Feel free to leave a comment below the article, even if you have any questions.

If you liked the post, I would, of course, be happy if you share it on Pinterest using the button.

I hope that this guide has helped you and I’ll say goodbye for now.

See you soon and all the best, Rachel.

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