An Introduction To Ayurveda

An ancient way to a healthy and happy living

Neha Sandhir S
2 min readOct 4, 2020


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Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine system, which believes in the preservation of life and curing ailments through food and herbs .It is derived from two sanskrit words- Ayur and Veda. Where ‘Ayur’ meaning ‘Life’ and ‘Veda’ meaning ‘ Science ’, hence the ‘Science of Life’. It’s roots go back 5000 years ago, when it’s knowledge was first acquired from various sages in India and written down and preserved in the form of scriptures. It believes in rejuvenation of body through proper nutrition, herbs and oils.

All matter is composed of five basic elements:
1) Earth
2) Water
3) Fire
4) Wind
5) Space
Ayurveda’s theory functions on these 5 main elements, since they are the main building blocks and the reason for our existence. According to ayurveda, we all are affected by these elements in various ways. The main objective of this ancient science is to maintain the balance or order between all these elements within our bodies , where balance refers to the natural order and imbalance is the disorder. Keeping ourselves in good health refers to order, whereas disease refers to a disorder within. Hence, its important to maintain this balance and order of elements within our body for a healthy and happy living.



Neha Sandhir S

Passionate Mother-Reiki Healer-Entrepreneur-Educator-SeniorEditor-Ayurveda-Yoga enthusiast-Masters in Business/Technology-Journeying through Spiritual Growth🌻