When The Dry Spell Lifts !

Spreading the magic of nature’s scent

Neha Sandhir S
2 min readAug 17, 2020


Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels

As I walk through nature
Being a pluviophile that I’m
I yearn for more green
With the healing sounds of rain

The dry spell then lifts
As my optimism ensues
I feel drops and more drops of water
Trickling down my arm
Watching the mizzle become rain

Taking a deep nature sniff
I sing a soulful song
As the Earth releases
The most pleasant scent - Petrichor

©Neha Sandhir. All Rights Reserved.

This poem is in response to Somsubhra’s beautiful prompt- Petrichor, from his wonderful poem, ‘Woolen Balls of Rain !’.

This is a part of ‘The Never-Ending Poem’ challenge from Martin Rushton.
Thank you, Martin, for starting this thread.



Neha Sandhir S

Passionate Mother-Reiki Healer-Entrepreneur-Educator-SeniorEditor-Ayurveda-Yoga enthusiast-Masters in Business/Technology-Journeying through Spiritual Growth🌻