4 min readJun 8, 2020


Gratitude is one of the most common words you hear.

You may think what’s there to write about Gratitude? The same question arose for me also when I started to think about writing a blog. I just want to write about how it changed my life positively and healthily.

We all know that being grateful is simple acts of kindness. But we generally don’t do that in day-to-day life. We take things for granted which deserve our gratitude.

What is gratitude?

The quality of being thankful.

It’s simple to explain to even a kid but when it comes to practice we all lack this quality. On the other hand, we expect others to be grateful for your act of kindness towards them. It sounds strange but it’s true! In my life, I took everything for granted. But once I started practicing gratitude daily I can see the changes in my life.

It’s an emotion like love. We have many things to look around and think. Practicing gratitude is associated with your happiness as you think about the good things.

Gratitude practice I follow:

  • I felt shy to say thank you to my loved ones initially so I maintained a journal to write about them and things which I am grateful for. I didn’t download any gratitude journal apps.
  • If I have no time to journal I practice bedtime gratitude for the things that went well today.
  • Mostly I thank the person directly even if it’s a stranger or a shopkeeper for their act or service.
  • It may sound a bit weird for you but if I like the weather I look up and say thank you.
  • Whenever I say I am grateful for it I do it with all my heart because gratitude is an emotion.
  • Practicing gratitude not only improves your relationship with them, but it also brings positivity into your life as you possess this greatest virtue of being thankful.
  • I had bad days, good days, and even great days but in all these days I have something or at least one thing to be thankful for.
  • Every day I feel happy that my life is filled with good things and I have people to be grateful when I write my gratitude journal
  • I am grateful for not only my present but also for my past which was colorful and my future which will be adventurous.
  • My happiness has increased as I go through the things that went good and positive everyday
  • I even thank my mobile because it’s working for me all the time and I have experienced how I feel when I am without it.
  • Some Days, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I am presented with. I immediately open my google notes and write my journal.
  • Always I start and end the day with thank you.
  • After gratitude became one of my rituals every day I started to notice that they are no regrets in my life
  • My relationship has become stronger even with strangers.
  • I also realized that I am surrounded by many things to be thankful for.

How can you start?

  • Start with little things like your health, your monthly salary.
  • Even if you are going through the bad or depressed phase you have something grateful for in your life like your house, your pet, your loved ones with you or one who speak to you daily
  • You can write or start your gratitude at any time in a day. It all depends upon your routine.
  • If you are busy, keep an app and write about the person who you are grateful for. You can use either journal or gratitude journal apps.
  • Do it daily and watch the change in your attitude. It’s an experience.
  • You can also use gratitude affirmations and gratitude meditation
  • Read books like The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, One thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp to know more.
  • I have heard something called gratitude rock which you keep beside your bedside and hold it in your hand and be grateful for the things today. Try with the rock.
  • Start with thank you while writing in a journal and say why and for what you are grateful in that way you will find more reasons to be grateful.

Thank you for reading this blog.

Let me know How you felt after a week once you started your gratitude practice.

