Edith The Writer
2 min readFeb 5, 2022


Diary Entry : Excerpt

Me While I’m Writing This Diary

Hi people of the web! Yesterday, I wrote about depression. Now I'm feeling low. I don't have an exact reason but my head is just telling me I'm low. I feel shitty.

My head is all over the place and I can't stop it. I had an awful day too. Honestly the day wasn't the cause. I was feeling down even before my day started. Getting soaking wet from the rain obviously made my mood worst. It is hard to put in words how I’m feeling but I will try.

I feel like this world is crashing on me. It is trying to get me to hurt . It is being mean to me. My body feels weak. Tired. Exhausted. I did not even do much. Fatigued from thinking I guess. I can literally feel my heart sink. My breathing just seems off. I’m looking around my room to find a meaning. An answer. Something to get me off this feeling. Guess that is how people get addicted to drugs. I don’t condone drug usage but to each its own I guess. Back to me though. I can feel a weight on my shoulders. Heavy . My head is heavy too. It is filled with thoughts and concerns that doesn’t even matter. Maybe some matter but who knows . I don’t really care I think. Maybe I do. I’m just a mess now. My room is a mess. It isn’t super messy. Just some things aren’t organized to my liking but I don’t have the energy to put them back in place.

I know there’s thousands or millions of people feeling low too. Probably much worst. I’m not…



Edith The Writer

Looking for hope. I write my thoughts and stuffs. Thanks for reading!