Reframe, Plan and Experiment

4 min readMay 28, 2019


After this last month, we have news for you… we have become three!
Throughout our work, we have noticed that our predisposition and taste for graphic design has been changing. To fill in this gap, it was necessary to find a third partner, passionate and motivated to do so.

Throughout this journey, we have been exploring different processes and areas of design. Our growth in a technical level has been slow, we have a lack of different visions and ways of thinking to create moments of discussion, and motivation has not been on a constant level.
This way, we hope that Marta, now a part of 96S, will help us fill in some of our shortcomings, bring us new opinions and a fresh vision in order to encourage more discussions. Another reason that brought Marta into this “adventure” was her specialization, graphic and branding design, which means we now have someone with more knowledge and who is comfortable and interested in that area of design.

We discussed our personality differences, one of the things we’ve been working on, trying to figure out how we can make it a strong point. In interpersonal relationships, we identify and try to accept certain characteristics that we do not identify with as much. In a professional context, things are different, we can not simply accept, but rather discuss and align the variables that will make us better professionals.

Also, our tastes, interests, and appetencies are varied and it was in this sense that we began by defining the areas of expertise of each one of us, what we want and what we do not want to do.

It’s not only a question of individual comfort and satisfaction (after all, being our own boss has to bring us some advantage), but rather of perceiving where our investment and intellectual capacity brings us more advantage both in terms of efficiency and in quality.

Following this thought, each one set a personal project to develop internally. The goal is to be constantly evolving and improving our quality. We feel like it will give us room for error, the time and freedom to look for new solutions and get a perception of how others have solved the same problems. In addition, it’s very important for us to develop projects where we have no limits to stimulate our creativity and responsiveness.

One of the flaws we detected and that we are actively working on, is our presence on social media. Side by side with the projects we develop, we want to show our reality, the way we work and what inspires us. Show more of what’s behind, and more spontaneously. Show that things don’t always go well and that for various reasons the results are not what we expected, sometimes positively, others negatively.

Being our own boss has many good things but at the same time brings us an increased responsibility and compels us to think and solve more complex issues. One of those issues that keep us thinking is how to have a fixed monthly income. We have been discussing possibilities for some time, but without success, of finding a solution that fits our goals and values ​​as a studio. One of our certainties is that we bring value to our clients’ projects by finding creative solutions to their problems.

Our fear in addressing this new business opportunity was to lose focus on our goals and in what we want to be. In trying to strike a balance, we decided to create a monthly subscription plan where we help brands finding a language that fits their vision and produce regular content for their social networks. Our goal is to support some smaller projects, where there is still some inexperience in content creation and communication. This way, we can guarantee some recurrence and fidelity on the part of the customer and at the same time, work in an area that interests us greatly, defining the brand. We are still in an experimental phase, but we have already created various proposals for the companies and we hope we have good news for you next month.

You can also check out last month’s story!

We’ll document our journey, and we hope you join us and find it helpful, even if it’s by learning what NOT to do!

‘Till next month,

