What is SDLC

Kavindu Gayantha
3 min readJul 8, 2019


Software Development Life Cycle

Simply there is something called SDLC which means software development life cycle. That is used when the software is being built.


There are some parts of software development life cycle . They are,

  1. Planning & requirement analysis
  2. requirements
  3. Design the architecture
  4. Development of the product
  5. Testing
  6. Deployment in the market
  7. Maintenance

Now let’s see the stages one by one.

Planning & Requirement analysis

In this stage, planning is done by the members of the team that is related to the product that is going to be implemented. Planing means, planing whether this system needs a login system or registration process, and then after logged in what is to be done by the user. like that. All the things need to be added to the system is being discussed among the members of the team in this stage.

Mostly the senior member of the team is analyzing the requirement of the system that is going to be implemented. Gathers requirements from the client to know how the client wants this system looks like and what are the functions he or she wants to be included in the system. And also this stage is the most important one among the whole SDLC stages.

requirement gathering methods(https://www.learntek.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/sdlc-4.jpg)

here how the requirements are gathering for making the SRS document. Requirement gathering part is done by a business analyst or by the project manager.

Defining requirements

After the process of analyzing requirements, it needs to be approved from the customer or the market analysts. That is done with the document named SRS document(Software Requirement Specification). SRS document is having all the requirements that the client wants.

Design the architecture

Referencing the SRS document architectures used to design a different kind of design approaches and choose one of them as the best design approach to the product that is being developed. Those design approaches are documented in the documents named DDS ( design document specification ).



The actual implementation of the product is starting from this stage which is done by the developers. They have to follow the instructions, tools and the technology given by their organization to generate the code.
There are a few software development models that developers use.

  • waterfall model
  • Iterative model
  • Spiral model
  • Big bang model
  • v shapes model
  • Agile model
  • Prototyping model
  • Rapid application development model

using these methodologies developers develop the software that they are to be done.



After the development testing is essential to satisfy the system is running without errors as the client wanted. Testing is a subset of all the stages as in the modern SDLC models.

Testing and bug fixing and retesting are being processed until the product is at the end of the development process with the standards which the client needed.


Finally deployment the product once the product is done with retesting and ready to be deployed. Sometimes deployment happens stage by stage according to business strategies of organizations. Sometimes release a beta version and test with the actual users and then fix the issues reported by that users and re-release the best version of the software.

and then maintenance responsibility is up to the developer team after deploying to the market to the client directly.

That is how the software development life cycle is going.



Kavindu Gayantha

Software Engineering final year undergraduate of University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka