And all we wanted was to make good design…

3 min readJan 10, 2019


As you probably have never heard of us, here is a brief presentation of how we got here. We hope you find some use in reading our journal entries because we sure do in writing them! Here we go:

About 8 months ago we realized we weren’t happy with where we were in our lives. We were stuck and didn’t feel accomplished at all, so we decided to take the step forward and start our own project. Something that would truly fulfill us, something that would allow us to live our dream life, doing what we love. What so many dream, but fewer actually do. We know now that it’s not easy, it’s a slow walk, but it’s one worth taking.

We are a digital based creative studio composed of 2 creatives that love to play with the different areas of design and multimedia. We search for creative solutions for communication, interaction and personality problems.

We work with the commitment that we’ll do everything we can to fulfill our client’s wishes with quality. We want to make the client a part of the whole process, working side by side with him in all development phases. Each project we work on is very important for us, whether it’s a big or small one because it helped us move forward. Our main premise is to create good design and good experiences for everyone that works with us and bets on us. And based on this, after only 3 months we got our first client.

We worked hard during those months, in addition to all the bureaucratic part, we defined a strategy, objectives, we set up our website, we introduced ourselves on social media, we created and sent customized solutions to possible (often failed) clients, we signed up and were active on several freelance work platforms, wrote in medium, travelled quite a few km’s and spent many minutes on calls.

We admit that it was not always easy, two young, inexperienced people working alone, without a 9–5 schedule, working remotely, without any guidance on how to build and run a business, to embark on a new experience.

But nothing gave us more pride than, after 3 months, getting our first clients, and doing our first real projects.

Thus began a new stage, and perhaps the one where we grew the most, not only in the number of customers but mainly as a structure. Suddenly, in the months after, we found ourselves with hands full of the number of projects we had. We got to the point where we had more clients than time, but we did not want to waste any of the opportunities that were being given to us, so we made a giant effort to get everything done.

It was not an easy period, but it was a process of discovery and evolution. And all we wanted was to make good design…

We’ll look back on our first year as a studio more deeply in the next story, so stay tuned!

