Base Layer 2 Mainnet Goes Crosschain

5 min readMar 29, 2024

Welcome to volume 39 of the “Wanchain round-up series” where we cover all the latest news, trends, tips, and tricks within the Wanchain ecosystem! This series is your one-stop for all the latest happenings within the ecosystem, keeping you always in the loop!

EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!! — Wanchain Takes The Viral Layer 2 Project “Base” Crosschain!

As the bull market continues to rage in full swing, layer 2 protocols have taken the spotlight as one of the most hype ecosystems to build and transact on. With a total value locked nearing $40 billion across all L2 protocols, it is no surprise that the 2024 bull market has been the year of Layer 2s. Seeing how Layer 2 protocols are one of the primary narratives of this cycle, it's important to acknowledge where they fall short and how infrastructure protocols can help progress L2 technology overall.

While L2s have shown great promise in furthering the Ethereum ecosystem, they still suffer from one major shortcoming that's been plaguing the crypto industry for years; blockchain fragmentation. Blockchain fragmentation as explained in prior segments is the idea of how blockchains exist much like secluded islands at sea — completely independent from other ecosystems. This issue isolates capital, Dapps, and projects, from each other preventing blockchain technology from reaching its fullest potential. Thankfully, Wanchain has been one of the main drivers in solving this issue with its cutting-edge crosschain tech!

Yesterday, Wanchain announced its support for the Base L2 mainnet. Base has recently gone viral as one the hottest new L2 to hit the market. Largely fueled by the hype factor as the new kid on the block and its recent memecoin renaissance, Base has recently become the third largest L2 protocol in TVL. Thanks to Wanchain, users can now freely transact cross-chain assets to and from Base with 9 other protocols!

Base mainnet is just one of the many layer 2’s users can go cross-chain with. Currently, Wanchain provides cross-chain coverage to Arbitrum, Metis, ZkSync, Polygon, Optimism, and Astar.

Quick Wanchain Update Roundup

— Wanchain teases potential announcement in early April?

— Wanchain announces Spanish community event.

— Metis-based DEX Hercules promotes Wanchain bridging! Could this signal a potential announcement or event?

— Wanchain CEO Temujin Louie attended a virtual hedge fund summit last week!


Did you catch last week’s Wanbridge flex? 25 ETH was swapped instantly between Arbitrum and BNB chain!

Go crosschain like Cardano! Start, here!

VyFinance (New!)

Cardano-based DeFi platform “Vy Finance” launches farms for Wanchain-bridged assets!

ADA/USDC- TVL: 42.87ADA APR: .01%

ADA/USDT- TVL: 187.06ADA APR: 0.68%

ADA/BTC- TVL: 21.26k ADA APR: 28.09%

Liqwid Finance

DAI has smoothed out its rates with 0.05% APY and 18.19% in LQ rewards this week.

USDT and USDC assets are up from their numbers last week! USDT is up to a 20.65% APY and 18.19% APR in LQ rewards and USDC at 29.45% APY and 18.19% APR in LQ rewards.

Spectrum Finance

Wanchain-powered cross-chain BTC and stable assets are live on Spectrum!

  • ADA/USDC- TVL: 429.03 APR: N/A
  • ADA/USDT- TVL: 28.73ADA APR: N/A
  • ADA/BTC- TVL: 7.35k ADA APR: N/A


The DAI/DJED APR rate is up from last week to 0.920% on Wingriders!

Wanchain’s bridged stablecoin asset pairs are on fire this week:

  • ADA/USDC: 1.43%
  • ADA/USDT: 10.07%

Cherry Lend

Wanchain cross-chain assets BTC, ETH, USDT, and USDC are now available on the Cardano-based lending and borrowing platform, Cherry Lend!

Recent Wanchain Exposure

  • Wanchain CEO Temujin Louie attended a virtual hedge fund summit last week!
  • Altcoinbuzz features Wanchain in a recent video as key blockchain infrastructure project
  • Altcoinbuzz publishes Q1 roundup article for Wanchain

UrDEX (new)

UrDEX announced slight delays in the launch earlier this month. Stay tuned for updates!

ZebraSwap (new)

Did you miss the news? ZebraSwap released a new mini tutorial video on X.


Sound the alarm! Stables are on FIRE this week!

  • wanUSDC 44.29%
  • wanUSDT 40.58%

Don’t forget! WAND emission rates have decreased by 25% as scheduled per their tokenomics.


Don’t forget you can DCA across 13 different assets including wanBTC, wanETH, wanUSDT, wanXRP, and wanUSDC with Steamtrade!


The JacksPot no-loss lottery currently sits at a 135.1 WAN jackpot payout! Winnings are settled at 23:00 UTC on Friday with the next round beginning at 00:00 UTC on Saturday.


wanUSDT/WAN and WASP/WAN are the Wanswap leaders once again this week! APR rates are 17.55% on the WASP/WAN pair and 13.24% on the wanUSDT/WAN pair.


The classic gamified Farming and NFT app ‘ZooKeeper’ remains a Wanchain ecosystem favorite!

ZooKeeper is up since last week’s segment! Currently, ZOO is standing at $0.0064 USD and has a $2.9 million market cap! ZooKeeper TVL this week shows N/A for market cap.

Plyer (ZooGames)

ZooGames has rebranded to Plyr!

ZooRacers is still under maintenance.


The top 3 NFT collections from our previous segments continue to top the OpenZoo marketplace. We’re seeing Zoogenes at $406K, Small Arms Syndicate maintaining the $195K range, and CryptoCacs maintaining $70K.


Watch out! The largest Airdrop on Wanchain is happening! The $REX is coming for you! See here how you can catch your share of the massive 40 million REX airdrop on Wwanchain!!

RexDex staking has increased to 367.48 million in staked REX! Liquidity on the platform increased to 43k this week!

The wolf of RexDex still howels! Hosky leads the APR % yet again!

  • REX/wanHOSKY 140.80%
  • REX/wanXRP 94.83%
  • REX/wanUSDT 91.41%

Don’t forget to follow RexDex on X! @TheRexDex

Elk Finance

Yo Elks! Don’t forget you can swap WAN for Elk and bridge Elk to more than 20 different networks via the mighty ElkNet! When bridging Elk from one chain to another, users can automatically swap their Elk for the destination chain’s native coin!

Check out the WAN/ELK farm if you haven’t yet!

DEGA Realms

DEGA TGE IMMINENT! Stay tuned for all the upcoming news regarding the token launch! Check here for the TGE rundown!

KuPay Finance

Did you miss the news?! KuPay is one of the newest dApps to deploy on Wanchain!

KuPay is a leading payment service provider and DeFi bank account for the main EVM networks.

