Wanchain — Your Gateway To Base L2's Explosive Ecosystem

5 min readApr 16, 2024

Welcome to volume 41 of the “Wanchain round-up series” where we cover all the latest news, trends, tips, and tricks within the Wanchain ecosystem! This series is your one-stop for all the latest happenings within the ecosystem, keeping you always in the loop!

EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!! — Wanchain is Your Gateway to the Base Layer 2 Renaissance

As the crypto bull market continues to rage in full swing, the layer two scene has without a doubt been one of the defining narratives of this current bull cycle. With $40 billion in TVL across the entire Ethereum layer 2 space, it's no wonder that much of the hype this year has been focused on engaging with different L2 dApps and locking in TVL on chain. While the L2 space is ripe with competition, Coinbase's very own “Base” Layer two protocol has taken over the spotlight over the past few days as it quickly amassed $5.4 billion in TVL making it the third largest layer two protocol in total value locked. With Coinbase having the capability of potentially off-ramping millions of new users onto its L2 protocol, Base does have the potential to become a household name in the coming months and years.

So what is your gateway to hot L2s like Base? The answer is none other than Wanchain.

Wanchain is one of the only cross-chain protocols capable of delivering blazingly fast cross-chain swaps with industry-leading security for the cheapest prices. To date, users can transact across 30 different networks including hot L2 protocols such as Arbitrum, Base, ZK Sync, Polygon, and Metis.

Ready to catch the L2 wave? Start your journey, here.

Wanbridge V2 swap terminal.

Quick Wanchain Update Roundup

— Cardano-based DEX ‘MiniSwap’ now supports Wanchain-bridged USDC.

— Wanchain announced Andrej Ulicny as the marketing manager in an AMA on April 12th.

— The VINU memecoin now has a bridge to Base in courtesy of Wanchain.

— Wanchain had boots on the ground at the HongKong Web3 Festival

— Web3M hosts a chat on crypto infrastructure featuring Temujin Louie from Wanchain.


Wanchain’s first Metis L2 to BNB Chain flex! This user bridged a whopping 56,000 USDC from Metis L2 to BNB chain. Wanchain is the best starport to swap in and out of different L2 projects!

Cardano is cross-chain! join in on the fun, here!


Cerra now supports Wanchain-bridged USDC and USDT stable assets! These assets can now be used for loans as well as collateral!

Cerra is a decentralized profit-sharing service built on Cardano. Cerra offers everything from P2P lending, derivatives lending, and copy trading!


Cardano-based DeFi platform “Vy Finance” launches farms for Wanchain-bridged assets!

ADA/USDC- TVL: 44.04ADA APR: 19.62%

ADA/USDT- TVL: 401.63ADA APR: 5.04%

ADA/BTC- TVL: 24.86k ADA APR: 25.18%

Liqwid Finance

DAI rates have increased with 3.58% APY and 14.52% in LQ rewards this week.

USDT and USDC assets are up from their numbers last week! USDT is up to a cool 21.76% APY and 14.51% APR in LQ rewards and USDC at 22.21% APY and 14.51% APR in LQ rewards.

Spectrum Finance

Wanchain-powered cross-chain BTC and stable assets are live on Spectrum!

Spectrum’s APR allstar: ADA/USDC- TVL: 447.73 APR: 93.82%


The DAI/DJED APR rate has simmered to 0.035% on Wingriders.

Wanchain’s bridged USDT stablecoin asset pair is on fire this week:

  • ADA/USDT: 113.14%

Cherry Lend

Wanchain cross-chain assets BTC, ETH, USDT, and USDC are now available on the Cardano-based lending and borrowing platform, Cherry Lend!

Recent Wanchain Exposure

  • Temujin Louie of Wanchain to appear on Episode 90 of the LivingOnTheBlockchain Podcast!
  • Wanchain CEO Temujin Louie attended a recent virtual hedge fund summit!
  • Altcoinbuzz features Wanchain in a recent video as a key blockchain infrastructure project.
  • Wanchain CEO Temujin Louie discusses the state of inter-blockchain communication in a recent article.
  • Web3M hosts a chat on crypto infrastructure featuring Temujin Louie from Wanchain.

Shield DEX (new)

Shield DEX will be among the newest multi-chain decentralized exchanges to hit the market featuring Wanchain! Stay tuned as the platform is nearing its launch in the coming weeks!


Check out ZebraSwap’s mini tutorial video on X.


Be sure to check out the intro video on Wanlend if you haven't yet!

Sound the alarm! Stables are still on FIRE this week!

  • wanUSDC 13.68%
  • wanUSDT 19.99%

Don’t forget! WAND emission rates have decreased by 25% as scheduled per their tokenomics.


Guess what? You can DCA across 13 different assets including wanBTC, wanETH, wanUSDT, wanXRP, and wanUSDC with Steamtrade!


The JacksPot no-loss lottery currently sits at a 127.8 WAN jackpot payout! Winnings are settled at 23:00 UTC on Friday with the next round beginning at 00:00 UTC on Saturday.


wanMOVR/WASP and WASP/WAN are the Wanswap leaders again this week! APR rates are 16.77% on the WASP/WAN pair and 13.43% on the wanMOVR/WASP pair.


Farming has ended on ZooKeeper, after today $ZOO will be transitioning to $GAMR. See here for details. AMA to be held this Sunday for updates.

Plyer (ZooGames)

ZooGames has rebranded to Plyr.

ZooNo version 1.08 available on https://zoo.games/game/zoono!


The top 3 NFT collections from our previous segments continue to top the OpenZoo marketplace. We’re seeing Zoogenes at $409k, Small Arms Syndicate maintaining the $195k range, and CryptoCacs maintaining $70k.


RexDex staking has increased to 370.85 million in staked REX! Liquidity on the platform decreased to 34.9k this week.

The big dog Hosky is still the alpha of RexDex APR again!

  • REX/wanHOSKY 105.11%
  • REX/wanXRP 90.12%
  • REX/wanUSDT 79.02%

Don’t forget to follow RexDex on X! @TheRexDex

Elk Finance

Yo Elks! Don’t forget you can swap WAN for Elk and bridge Elk to more than 20 different networks via the mighty ElkNet! When bridging Elk from one chain to another, users can automatically swap their Elk for the destination chain’s native coin!

Check out the WAN/ELK farm if you haven’t yet!

DEGA Realms

Galxe quests are still live on DEGA!

DEGA has a Limited-time quest going on today! Complete it for a bronze unity NFT.

KuPay Finance

Don’t forget KuPay is now on Wanchain!

KuPay is a leading payment service provider and DeFi bank account for the main EVM networks.

