2 min readNov 17, 2021


Staking $COGI is a form of storing $COGI in the wallet to support the operation of Binance Smart Chain, and when participating in Staking $COGI, you will receive rewards through the Proof of Stake mechanism. If you do not know how to do it, just follow the steps below:

♦️ Getting started with Start Pool staking
1. Go to the Start Pools page:
2. Connect to your Binance Smart Chain-compatible wallet by clicking the Connect button (top right-hand side).
3. Click Unlock Wallet.
4. Choose 9D NFT Start Pool.
5. Once you choose the pool, click the Enable button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.
6. The Enable button should now be replaced with Stake. Click the button to bring up the staking menu.
7. Type in an amount choose how much $COGI or $COGI-$BNB CAKE LP you want to stake.
8. Click Confirm. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.
9. The Confirm button will change to “Confirming”, then when the transaction is success, you’ll see your staked amount change and the button will change again.
10. You should now be able to see details on 9D NFT Start Pool.

♦️ Adding and removing $COGI or $COGI-$BNB CAKE LP from a pool
You can easily add more $COGI or $COGI-$BNB CAKE LP to 9D NFT Start Pool, or move some $COGI or $COGI-$BNB CAKE LP to a more profitable pool. Here’s how you can move them.
1. Click the Unstake to take some $COGI or $COGI-$BNB CAKE LP out of a pool, or the + to add more to the pool.
2. A window will open. If you clicked the +, choose the amount you would like to add to the pool. If you clicked the Unstake, choose the amount to take out of the pool.
3. Click Confirm.
4. After a little wait, you’ll be able to see your new amount of staked tokens.

♦️ Details of 2 $COGI Staking options:
♦️ Unstaking fee: 2%
♦️ Unstaking time: 72h

We hope you have all the information you need about staking $COGI on BSCSstation. If so, let’s join Staking pools to receive attractive rewards!

#9DNFT #COGI #COGIVERSE #MMORPG #PlayToEarn #Staking #BSCStation





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