How can i withdraw cash from a BPI credit card? and what are the cons of it?

28 min readMar 31, 2019


How can i withdraw cash from a BPI credit card? and what are the cons of it?

how can i withdraw cash from BPI credit card? is it the same as withdrawing from your savings? what are the consequences or interests of it? please help!

Answer : I recommend one to try this site where one can get from different companies: http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=MEDFEBCheihaL6 .

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I accidentally set my credit card to pay in full instead of minumum.The payment is gone out my checking now.?
The bank took the 1500 out of my checking thought I only had 300 which I thought was stupid. So now I’m way overdrafted. I called Home Depot credit services, which who the card is from, and they said it’s done and over. The bank said there was nothing that chould be done either. Do I have any options at all?””
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Auto Loan question..?
I have an Auto loan .. it currently has 39 payments left of 231.84 total being 9041.76 the pay off is close to 8000 i was wondering if i go to the bank and talk to them .. is there any chance to reduce the payoff.. i heard from people that had 9000 dollars loan and they offer the bank 6000 dollars cash and the bank took it.. now i don’t know if that’s true. i would like to find out before walking in a bank and trying to bargain my payoff.. do i have any chances? would it ruin my credit ? please help.. anybody that worked in a bank before or knows this stuff.

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Thank you all for your informative replies. I am getting more worried about the potential mess I am in. A-jones I am having trouble opening the link you posted. You say I should file a police report, Is this something I need to wait to do until I have conclusive proof that there have been accounts opened under my name without my consent, or should I go to the police immediately since, as you stated, these loans or accounts may take months to even show up?””

Why should you avoid bankruptcy?
please explain

I will lose my personal property ( aparment ) chapter 7 if I file bankruptcy in new york ?
my aparment is pay off in new york city cost $ 100.000.00 and i have $45.000.00 debit in credit card ,i will like to file for chapter 7 i will lose my apartment thank you iff i file.””
Tell my parents about pay day loan debt?
Hi, I’ve been very very very silly. I’ve dropped out of uni and managed to find a job however i was using over 500 petrol a month in my new job. I had no money to put fuel in my car at the start of my first month and ended up taking out a pay day loan with 2/3 lenders. Its really spiraled out of control and Im just so depressed and anxious all the time. I’m only 19 years old and its really gotten to the point where I just dont know what to do anymore. I need to tell my parents but just dont want them to be angry, disappointed, ashamed or stressed out because of me? I just dont know how to spill the beans, this is my mess and i need to sort it out but I just cant do it alone, please dont comment about how awfully stupid i’ve been, i do know and I’ve learnt the hard way :/””
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“”I am probably going to lose my house in foreclosure. If so, can I go through bankruptcy to rebuild my life?””
I should have added that my ex wife charged some debt to my name while I was In Iraq under a power of attorney. I am already up to my neck in debt and know that my credit is in horrible shape and will be for sometime. I am already in the bad credit for 7 years boat.””””””””””
“”After bankruptcy can you immediately get new credit cards, and how long does it take to buy a house again?

Regarding bankruptcy chapter 7?
How far back can the courts go on quitclaim deed when filing for chapter 7 in florida? Thank in advance. I know they ask as far as two year’s but what are the chance they will go back futher? Thanks in advance.
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Can my friend get a car loan?
My friend is not even 16 yet, nor does she have a job. She was planning on getting a job that pays 600–800 a month (before taxes) but that fell through. She s really determined to get a brand new Jeep as her first car before she turns 17. When she was trying to get that job she was planning on saving money for a whole year and paying full price outright. Now she is sure she can get a loan for her car on her birthday, which is in 4 days. It sounds unrealistic but is it possible? She has no job, no credit, and even the job she had lined up would only pay $9600 a year before taxes, which isn t even enough for a used Jeep.””
Is there anyway on the internet that i can check my credit for free?
I’m looking for a site that I don’t even have to enter my credit card info
Regarding bankruptcy chapter 7?
How far back can the courts go on quitclaim deed when filing for chapter 7 in florida? Thank in advance. I know they ask as far as two year’s but what are the chance they will go back futher? Thanks in advance.
“”Credit Union, auto loan approved or no?””
Hi (21yrs), I’m trying to buy a car from a private property for 13,000 (2007 350z, with me paying him 3k in cash, that’s why i put 13k). I don’t think i have any credit history, I checked online and no reports were made( I don’t know my credit score…). I do pay my credit card on time, and my limit is 1000 with 800 to pay off. I know it’s way higher than 30 percent, but i pay it off minimum of 25 dollars each month. I have a job making around 1500 or so without the taxes. Will i get approved? or do i need a cosigner? my parent’s have bad credit though… Thanks in-advance! and I will delete spam bullshiet, telling me about insurance!””
Your card company quotes you 17.9% rate. Interest billed monthly. What is actual rate of interest you pay?
the answer choices are: A. 19.72 percent B. 19.44 percent C. 19.57 percent D. 19.21 percent E. 19.03 percent
“How can i withdraw cash from a BPI credit card? and what are the cons of it?

how can i withdraw cash from BPI credit card? is it the same as withdrawing from your savings? what are the consequences or interests of it? please help!

I have less than perfect credit, and want to get a new car. i want to know how low a score can be to get a new car. How low before they say no?””
Need a bad credit loan. My credit score is 643. No payday loans pls. Need 3000 soon or more for debt con.?
Applied with citi, cap one,AmOne no luck only finding payday loans on the internet or pay up front places. Need your all help to find a good lender. THANKS.””
How long does it take to file bankruptcy?
Today the last payment to the lawyer is going out in the mail. So if he gets it Monday, how long does it take? How fast can he do it?””


I have a question about bankruptcy?
i have a question and need real answer. Im going to file for chapter 7 and look at a few other things debit consolidation but it owe too much plus it will take to long, so im going to file and there this program down my way where they have law students filing for free for u all you have to paid for is the court fee ,and the program is for so they can is get experienced and you don’t have to paid for a lawyer. So my question is this a good ideal let law students file for me instead of a lawyer or should i just go and hire a lawyer ? let me know what you think and real answer please””
“”Where can I find a loan shark in michigan? Very serious, please do not respond with payday loan places.?

Where can i get a loan? Any reccomendations?
Ive got myself into a bit of financial trouble lately. Mostly down to payday loans, well overusing them! Im now currently left oweing a payday loan company 600. I also owe my mobile phone company 250. I need to find a loan of 1000 to get myself out of trouble and pay back over 12 months. Does anyone know of any companys? The sooner the better as my phone has been completely disconnected. P.S Uk only. Cheers.””
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what do you do and what happens
What does discharge of bankruptcy mean?

Can you pay your escrow in advance to lower your mortgage payment?
I am about to enter into a mortgage that requires me to escrow my taxes. I’d rather just pay my taxes in a lump sum in order to have more of a cushion every month. If I pay the balance of my escrow, will my payments lower until escrow is due again?””

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Dismissed?
During our seperation, my ex-husband filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. When I was notified of this, I called the court and made them stop the bankruptcy. Now we are divorced and all our debts were resolved. Why is the bankruptcy still on my credit report? I stopped it before it started (so I thought). I dont understand why it is still sitting there when in the report when I decided not to go through with it. It was a voluntary dismissal. What can I do to have this removed?””
Who’s the singer?
in the commercials?
How does bankruptcy work/ what is it?
I do not understand how it works. Let’s say you are $15,000 in debt and you can’t pay. You file for bankruptcy. So, what then? The bank just pays all of your fines for you and you are scott-free? They just pay for you just like that for no reason? How does it work? I understand this probably screws up any chances you have for financing in the future, right? And ruins your credit score? I am confused. Please help. Thanks!””
491 credit score? Help!!!?
I just got something in the mail saying my credit score is a 491! I hardly ever pull my credit report but I recently did from annual credit report… It’s being mailed to me. I have a car note which I pay on time every month! I have a few doctors bills in default and a closed bank I also took out 2 loans for family members and they messed me over didn’t pay and now they are also in default . I never thought my score would be this low!!! Please no rude or mean comments I know it’s bad and I learned my lesson with loaning other people money! I will fix it! So my question is what can I do? How long will it take after I start paying things off before my score goes up ? My goal is a 680–700 with in 2 1/2 years is this possible? Please don’t comment unless you can give me good information and advice! Save the BS!
Can someone file bankruptcy on medical bills that they got before they got married?

Help with BANKRUPTCY questions please.?
Hello, I have been trying to eliminate all my debts that my ex-boyfriend had left me with and its just so overwhelming. I was thinking of filing for bankruptcy but I am unsure how or where to start. Am I suppose to get a lawyer to file bankruptcy? I heard bankruptcy stays on your record for 7 years, is that true? I have also heard that if I file for bankruptcy I can pay for someone to clear bankruptcy from my name/file for about $1,000 or more. Is that true? If so, are there any suggestions as to where I can get started. Thank you for any advice given. Take care””
Buyer wants to return the car after he bought it.(Private seller)?
The car was 1993 Prelude (SR-V) model. It has 200k miles on the odometer. Everything works fine on this car and i take good care of my car.The reason i was selling the car because i dad borrowed a loan from a loan shark and i was just trying to help him pay off his debt. The guys check out the car, look at the engine for a long time, and he even test drove it. The mechanic told him that the motor has been swapped which is bs because he asked me for the vin so he can check it on carfax. The brakes are bad, and so many other things. He told me that it will cost him around 6k to fix everything. He offered me 2400 on the phone but when he got to my house he asked for another 50 off so he can do smog check and i agreed to that deal and now he wants his money back. “”
“”With bad credit, can I refinance my mortgage to the lower rate or will my bad credit prevent me from refi?
So I guess the gentleman on Good Morning America does not have his facts straight. He said even with bad credit your mortgage company will refinance because the lower rate will help you stay current on your house note.
Banruptcy foreclosures?
due to hours cut back @ work & my mothers illness,we have been financially devastated..i have 2 rentals (homes) 1 is 5 payments past due & other is 3 past due,we can no longer afford to keep or maintain, i do not wish to keep..tried short sale on 1 not selling but i do not wish to have to pay taxes on difference due to sale,especially for 2 homes both are extremely upside down.1 has line of credit could i just surrender these homes in a bankruptcy & avoid taxes or being sued by bank for some of balance? i just wish to keep our home & start life over this is a fiasco by have credit card debt having to try to stay afloat & maintain,what a mistake.i’m not rich at all just a simple guy who was just trying to have a lil something for future but that’s all history..would love some help in assisting with some advise..thanks””
Can you apply for a credit card you had before you filed bankruptcy?
Like say I had a credit card with a company but it was included in the bankruptcy, will I be able to apply to that company again after bankruptcy? What are the best credit cards to apply for after bankruptcy?””
Can someone give the Reality of what bankruptcy can do on your on credit?
I do not want to go there.The internet is confusing me on yes/no Tell me straight please I have debt I have credit also
I need help with my bankruptcy situation.?
I owe around 30 grand on credit cards and a car that was repossesed. I have been having alot of financial trouble and havent worked for about a year or 2 due to being a full time student. I know decided to take off school because the stress of owing so much was interfering with my school work. I need help on finding a lawyer in the westchester area and a lawyer thats low cost, obviously i cant afford a pricey lawyer. Also, can someone help me with giving me a little more info about bankruptcy!? thank so much!””
Do you think the guy on the Free Credit Report commerial is cute?

“How can i withdraw cash from a BPI credit card? and what are the cons of it?

how can i withdraw cash from BPI credit card? is it the same as withdrawing from your savings? what are the consequences or interests of it? please help!

“”Bankruptcy question? lawyers, feel free to answer. It’s a legal mess?
My sister borrowed her fiance money to pay for his bankruptcy lawyer. He agreed to pay the money back and she has saved text messages verifying this. Since then they broke up and he has refused to pay her back. He says his bankruptcy lawyer told him that it is a violation of his bankruptcy for her to sue him for the money back. My sister says that this loan was not made part of his bankruptcy. Who is right? And if he is right is their any way for my sister to get her money back? By the way we are mn residents if that matters for state laws
Bank of America Auto Loans require Down Payments?
I go through the online website, and can’t find anything about a down payment. I went in the bank and the lady told me I have to apply online and all information is online and they don’t do loan walk ins, and she THINKS theres a 20% down payment to the bank. “””” has anyone done an auto loan from BANK OF AMERICA that can answer my question from expirence?””””””
Getting an Auto Loan with my financial situation?
I’m looking into getting an Auto Loan, so I visited my credit union to speak with an Auto Loan representative. I know many variables go into getting approved for an auto loan, but my credit union representative said that they usually just put the information in the computer and wait for a response. I would really appreciate some advice on my situation, so the following is my financial information: Gross Income $1800 per month Credit Scores Transunion 684, Experian 702, Equifax 686 Credit Cards $0 balance / $500 limit — Capital One Rewards Mastercard (0%) $0 balance / $300 limit — Best Buy Mastercard (0%) $0 balance / $300 limit — Orchard Bank Mastercard (0%) $0 balance / $200 limit — Macy’s Card (0%) $600 balance / $1200 limit — Chase Visa (50%) $900 balance / $1400 limit — WalMart card (64%) $500 balance / $750 limit — Capital One Platinum Mastercard (66%) $700 balance / $1000 limit — Home Depot Card (70%) ** I DO NOT own any properties or have any loans and my rent is $200 per month **””
Why do people keep asking the same question over and over?
I was just looking at the Credit category and I noticed TONS of the same exact question! Where can I find a free copy of my credit report?”””” And I see the same answer over and over too! “”””Go to and get it for free.”””” So my question is””
Anyone know any good places for loans without credit/bank account?

I need a loan not a payday loan but a actual loan?
I need about a 60–90 day loan. for about 300 dollars to pay for prom. Does anyone no where i can get it with out super f’d up intrest rates. Please dont reply with smart *** comments cause im totally not in the mood for it, itll only be removed and youll be blocked so youll probably just be wasteing your time””
Amount of mortgage based on salary?
I know there are a lot of factors that go into getting approved for a mortgage. Not worrying about credit / down payment / debt is there a general rule of thumb for how much income one needs to make to qualify? For instance, how much would one have to make to qualify for $500,000 or even $800,000? Thanks.””
Can I fire my bankruptcy attorney?
My husband and I live in Alabama and initially filed chapter 13 bankruptcy 2 years ago. We have had to revisit our chapter 13 once to have the payments reduced and surrendered our home and a vehicle in the process. I am no longer employed and we have lost about 20,000.00 in annual income, that puts our total income at less than 35,000.00 per year. I have returned to school under a pell grant and it is just enough to cover tuition and books. I contacted our bankruptcy attorney’s office and sent them the paperwork showing the change in income and a letter from my previous employer. We had to send it certified because they claimed to have never received it by fax or email. We want to convert to a chapter 7. We are renting a home, my husbands work has slowed to a crawl, the bank has yet to take possession of our house that we surrendered, we cannot make our bankruptcy payment and I cannot get anyone from the attorney’s office to call me back with any answers. Would it be a bad idea to fire this attorney and start again with a new attorney? Or is it just the way things are? It took us nearly a year to get our first chapter 13 revisited and at this rate we are going to be in huge trouble if we can’t get something resolved. I might even have to cash out the little 5000.00 I have in retirement. ( I am 45 years old). Any advice. I cry every day.””
Anyone heard of Liberty Collection Agency?
I got a call from a man asking if I was aware I was under investigation for check fraud……I said no and he transferred me to some lady. She said I had a outstanding debt with a payday loan company, which I do have this debt, and I had 60 days to pay or the debt will be sent to California for prosecuting. She said they have in house lawyers who will send it to the DA in cali. I took out this loan 6 years ago and lost my job. The bank I used to take out the loan is no longer valid because I moved. She said since the bank account was not valid anymore it was check fraud but when I got this loan it was my bank account that my pay checks were being directly deposited into. She wanted my credit/debit card number and to set up payments. When I asked if she could send me a letter via US mail with the debt owed and their info, she said they don’t deal with mail because it takes to long. I’m scared to pay this company. Anyone deal with this??””

Auto loan calculator?
which site has the best, most accurate auto loan calculator””
Can you have 2 home equity loans at the same time on the same property?

Where can I get a payday loan with only a debit card account?
I am a single Mom struggling and I do work but only have a debit card where I get direct deposit I am need of a small loan 700.00 where can I go? Credit not so great but I need help, bills overdue. No checking account either I pay all bills with cash.””
Can I file bankruptcy on a judgement and can they take my vehicle? My landlord/ex-boyfriend is suing me.?
My ex-boyfriend is suing me for not being able to pay rent for the past 9 months. My legal lease with him expired after the first year and I have been here for over 2.5 years. I am behind on everything. The only job I have been able to find is working at a fast food restaurant making about $700 a month. I took care of all his property, vehicles, legal paperwork, etc. for all this time since he is overseas making $160K. Now he is suing me for back rent, lawyer fees, and court costs. I can’t even afford a lawyer right now and won’t be able to any time soon. My ex-husband messed up my credit and I was an Accountant. I have been turned down by jobs and recruiters as an Accountant because of this and no one has really been willing to give me a chance because of how extensive my prior career was. I owe all of my creditors and have extensive credit default on my credit report now. I don’t see any way out of this. I think my only resort will have to be filing bankruptcy. I can’t even afford rent anywhere else. Can they take my car, my only asset to appease this judgment? Can I file bankruptcy on this judgment and will I be albe to keep my vehicle? It’s the only thing I have left.””
Where can I get a free credit report?
I’ve never had my credit checked and I heard that you should do so every so often. What are some legitimate credit report websites? I’m scared of scams and fake ones. Thanks!
“”Generally speaking, what happens to someone who files for bankruptcy?””
What’s the difference between chapters 7 and 13? I know for a fact a person’s credit takes a major anal raping. This I know, but what else happens to them? Example: Let’s say a person is sued by a hospital for not paying their bills. They have no income or not enough to pay off the debt, so they file for bankruptcy. What chapter would they file this under?””
Advice on filing for bankruptcy help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I am seeking advice on people who have filed for bankruptcy. what routes did you go and how damaging has it been. what would you have done different. thanks!
Does anyone know where I can get a credit card with bad credit?
I have really bad credit, anyone know how I can start improving my credit, and where I might be able to get a credit card.””

If i use a Gamestop giftcard do i still need a credit card?
let’s say i buy a 35$ game and use a 50$ gift card. But the total sums up to around 45$ for overnight shipping. Do they still require credit card information or am i all set? And let’s say if i use a 40$ gift card AND use an edge card with around 7$ on it, can i use both together to make a payment and will it require a credit card also?””

Fishy sounding Payday loan debt?
I had a online payday loan I took out in 04'. I made 3 or 4 payments b4 I lost my job and forgot all about it. Well, the company quickpayday loans went out of business and another company bought the account. I had that other company call me after over 6 yrs since I took out the loan. I had every intention of paying it but the 2 different reps at the company gave me 2 different info’s as to acct #, the name of the company they were with, 2 different amounts I supposidly owe, and the phone number comes up a man out of Atlanta GA. With Credit Card fraud and identity theft, I couldnt trust the misleading ifo they were providing. When I asked the one rep this morning for quickpayday loans’ contact info, prior to knowing they were no longer in business, she said they were no longer in business, her company bought out the business, and I was not wanting to pay it. I told her that if I didnt want to pay it, I wouldnt have made 3 or 4 payments before loosing me job, of whom I used my work email as contact info, I wouldnt have made 7–8 calls to them in the last 4 days to try to rectify this, that the only reason I am not giving my creditcard info over the phone is being they sound suspicious, identity theft, and I wanted written proof showing I owe this so I have it for my records to pay it. She started threatening me saying they will take me to court, and I was trying to get away with no paying them. I told her ma’m take me to court and I hope you have recorded every conversation I have had with your company and I will inform the judge that you all have diff stories, different info. That I have no problem paying a debt I owe but I want proof and you all have not called me, my # has been the same for 10yrs, mailed me any proof, and you come out of the woodworks and just expect me to give you creditcard info? Fine take me to court. She made it seem like they’re gonna throw me in jail!!!! I figure they cant take what I dont have so….I can only let them take me to court, and pay what I can If the judge tells me to….can you tell me what you think or what ?????””
“”What to do? VA denies house loan based on VA appraisers personal opinion, NOT facts of energy efficiency.?””
10 yr old house appraised $199,000, after deduction of $3,500 by appraiser because it is partially bermed on on 3 sides. Our offer of $179,999 (full price asked) had been accepted. The ‘rotating’ VA appraiser had no comparison of bermed energy efficient house in area and obviously had personal negative (uninformed & ignorant?) opinion, which he stated in one line on VA report. VA won’t even consider exception. We are back at step 1 and rates have gone up in meantime. Also now will negatively impact any other loan we seek. NO other reason for Denial..It is not right for VA to treat retired veteran this way, without recourse. Denied for the very reason we want the house. More efficient and well built with good southern exposure. Any input from any one will be appreciated. Thank you very much. “”
Can I get a mortgage if I’m being sued?

Does ne1 no any loan sharks in bristol?

“How can i withdraw cash from a BPI credit card? and what are the cons of it?

how can i withdraw cash from BPI credit card? is it the same as withdrawing from your savings? what are the consequences or interests of it? please help!

How can I get a free credit report?
All of them advertise ‘Free Annual Credit Report’ but require membership and a credit card in order to give me my ‘free’ credit report. Isn’t there supposed to be a way I can obtain my credit report without having to pay for it? Why on earth are they allowed to advertise that your credit report is free when it isn’t? Isn’t that false advertisement? I also tried Annual Credit Report and they want membership and a credit card just like all the others. Jeesh!
Does a bankruptcy disqualify you from getting a group one insurance license?
Please provide a link if you can. Thanks!
Would this really help to repair my credit after a chapter 13?
I was in a chapter 13 bankruptcy the past 4 years and just finished it 2 months ago. I am trying to repair my credit as quickly as I can. I have read around allot in order to have it go back up faster it helps to get a credit card, even a secured one. My question is…does this really help? I have thought about getting a secured one and buying gas once a month with it and then pay it in full each month. I am pretty sure I can not get an unsecured card, but I keep getting them in the mail. I don’t want them to pull my credit and reject me, because I know that will lower my credit. Do these places just send these to people knowing that they cant qualify for them? I even received one from First Premier Bank, stating that they will refund your 25.00 processing fee if you do not qualify.””
Trying to improve credit score…is my mortgage hurting me?
Okay so I’m wanting to improve my credit score…currently I cannot get approved for anything because of my debt to credit ratio…I just pulled up my report and this is what it says: Account Balance Available Credit Debt to credit ratio Mortgage $141,754 $0 $143,877 99% Installment $14,980 N/A $20,591 73% Revolving $2,441 $2,319 $4,760 51% Total $159,175 $2,319 $169,228 94% It seems like my morgage is having a negative impact on my credit…is this normal? I have never been late or missed any payment…did close 2 credit cards. Can someone please advise me on what to do to improve my credit score?””
Is $1000 a good downpayment for an $8000 car loan?
My fiance is going to be attempting to finance a vehicle within the next 30 days. We are going to our bank tomorrow to talk to a loan officer about getting financed. His credit is pretty bad (dont know an exact number but do know its less then 600) …but the worst thing was defaulted student loans that are now completely off his credit. He’s been at his job for 3 years. We are willing to accept a higher interest rate as we do realize there is no way around it. So, do you think based on the few details you have, that we could finance a vehicle? $8000 is our MAXIMUM price….we found a vehicle for $6500 that we love!! Also, we live in Michigan. Anyone know of any finance companies or dealerships we could contact? Thanks so much…oh and no rude comments please!””
“”If I drop out of college, will sallie mae(private lender) send me the money that is in the loan?””
If I drop out of college, will sallie mae(private lender) send me the money that is in the loan they are going to disburse for me? or do they take it back? Will I owe anything? Thanks in advance. Just in case you’re wondering..I just DONT HAVE THE TIME right now for school, so I am going to enroll in an online one.””
Can I get more than one mortgage pre-approval?
I’m just starting the home-buying process. Can/should I get multiple pre-approvals from different banks to see who would offer me the best deal””””””

Does anybody know the lyrics to the commercials?

“”How secure is, is it safe to pay with a credit card?
How reliable is it to pay with a credit card on amazon. I need to buy a book for one of my classes and I can get it really cheap on amazon. I’ve never used it before so I’m a little unsure about how secure it really is. Has anyone had any trouble with it before.
When facing foreclosure will filing bankruptcy save your property?
A friend of mine said that at one time he was facing the loss of his home to foreclosure and resorted to filing bankruptcy in order to retain his property. He assured me that he was able to keep his home by doing this?
Is there a way to get just one copy of my credit report?
I already used a few months ago. I just want to view my credit report once for a one time fee, but all the services I can find are either scams or want to to pay per month.””
Does it affect a teenager’s credit score if they don’t pay for magazine subscriptions?
I’m a 16 year old and to be honest I have been signing up for the free issues of magazines (e.g. People) and then not paying for them. Usually I wait till the free issues end and then cancel and repeat, but there might have been cases where I just forgot to cancel.They have sent me a bunch of bills but I don’t have a credit card or checks so I don’t really know how to pay for them, nor do I really want to.. But lately there has been a letter from the bill collection agency. So I went to cancel it, but I’m wondering, is this going to affect my credit score later on in life? Do teenagers even have credit scores? And how much is this going to affect me? Thanks!””

How can i know whose online on facebook?
i mean to do i know which of my friends are online on facebook?
Could I file bankruptcy?
My husband has good credit. But we just can’t keep up with these credit cards under my name. Could I file bankruptcy even though he is working and paying off our car under his name? I really think it would help us get back on track!
I think I will have to claim Ch 13 bankruptcy.?
I would like to get an idea if it is a horrible idea or not. I dont have the Ch 7 option. Please tell me what your payment is on this plan & if you would recommed it. I dont think I have many options but am really afraid of the payment. Thank you for your responses!
Do I qualify for Bankruptcy?
I was in a bad Accident over a year ago. I over over $200,000 in Medical bills. I was forced to resign from my job and I have no income right now.””
Where can I get an emergency loan in Hong Kong besides the banks?
just answer the question if you know. I would never email someone on her to get money. sounds to much like the ethiopian scams. or the lottery I win weekly.
“”Looking for a payday loan in Memphis,Tn Where can I go online in Memphis,Tn without credit check From a Lender


What personal possessions can be seized in the event of a bankruptcy?
I know it varies by state. But if you have a paid off vehicle which is your primary source of transportation, can this be taken from you and sold? Also, can your wages be garnished as well?””
What is the process for taking over payments of another persons auto loan?

What is the difference in Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Please give answers that are EASY to read and not the ones that I can search online w/ tons of legal jargon. I am trying to really understand this.. questions I have are: what’s the difference? which one can you keep your cars in? which one would one need to eliminate credit card debt only?
Can I apply for a car loan.?
So im looking to buy a 2007 honda accord ex-l. However I was at the dealership& they ran my credit. I had 755. Wich is wonderfull However they needed a co signer since im already paying for my honda civic i got 3 years ago brand new. I guess you need 5 years at least of credit history.Well I have only 4 years and I have nobody able to co sign at the moment. On the credit check It showed I was at a previous Honda dealer and I didnt take the car(Long Story) So this would be #2 shown on the report I do make enough money to pay both cars off plus extra. However I did need a co signer wich is not possible. My question is Should I try another dealer or would it be all the same? Also Should I maybe try going into a bank directly and asking for an auto loan? What are my possibilities. I really do want this car thank you.
“How can i withdraw cash from a BPI credit card? and what are the cons of it?

how can i withdraw cash from BPI credit card? is it the same as withdrawing from your savings? what are the consequences or interests of it? please help!

