Does Montgomery Ward Credit Card report to the major credit reporting agencies?

22 min readApr 1, 2019


Does Montgomery Ward Credit Card report to the major credit reporting agencies?

I received an offer of credit form them and wondered if they report to the major credit agencies (i.e., Transunion, Experian, Equifax). I noticed their prices are a little high, but it may be worth it if I could build credit. Thanks!

Answer : I would recommend that you visit this site where you can compare from the best companies: .

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“Does Montgomery Ward Credit Card report to the major credit reporting agencies?

I received an offer of credit form them and wondered if they report to the major credit agencies (i.e., Transunion, Experian, Equifax). I noticed their prices are a little high, but it may be worth it if I could build credit. Thanks!

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“”Can you sell a car to carmax if you owe money, but they offer enough to pay it off?””
I owe 5,000 on my car and they offered 8,000. The lady said I need the title, but some people online said she was mistaken and that they will pay off the loan and once they get the title, give me the rest. Does anyone know for sure if you can sell a car that’s still being financed, but they offer enough to pay it off?””
Auto loan..fico score 631?
im looking to buy a used car (between 10–12k) my fico is 631. i called a place where i had a car loan at before(paid as agreed) when my score was lower. i was paying like 24% or 27% annual with them (i’ve since brought a home) they told me my apr would be much lower. i want to know what rate should i get with them? also should’nt they tell me my rate before i find a car? he’s not giving me a clear rate just saying it would be much lower, then i asked about the amount that i would be appoved for, he said whatever i could afford???????? this does not sound rite to me. i want to know my rate first because my truck was $7999 at a really high rate & i dont wanna get a car for around 10–13k & find out my rate is 20% SUPER HIGH!!!””
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Appealing Financial Aid?
I’m working with him on several scholarship applications. I’m just confused why if all 3 schools received the same tax info, 1 of them interpreted it so differently than the other two. And believe me, I see how much this family struggles, even to send 2 of the kids to college. $20,000 would be impossible for the family. Has anyone else every been in a similar situation? How do you get the school’s financial aid committee to realize that my mentee literally will not be able to go to the school without more help?””
What to do with this payday loan?
A payday loan place (in the state of nm) that I go regularly to get loans (about several and I have paid off each one) might sue me. I got a loan of $1500 made one payment of $220 and then a whole bunch of stuff happened to me in my personal life (financial stuff) that caused me not to have the payment the second time. The contract was to pay it in 6 months. I went in there said I didn’t have any money and that I wouldn’t have the next payment due in 2 weeks either. But I still offered to pay the loan within 6 months. In fact in the month of January I plan to give $1200 cash to them and then the following month another $600 cash. I don’t see how I could be charged the full interest rate since I’m not going to take 6 months to pay it off. The truth is my truck is on the verge of breaking down. I commute to work 50 miles so when my truck goes so does my job. My 20 year old truck has bout 3 or 4 months left give or take that is why I will give them $1800 before the end of February. That is ALL they are going to get from me. Wanna sue me? Go ahead. I have no assets. Wage garnishment? Ha ha garnish what? I will have no job. Raid my bank account? I will close my account after I pay them $1800. Put it on my credit report? My credit already is as bad as it can get. Why do you think I’m at a payday loan place. Have me arrested and placed in jail? Sorry but at some point I will get out. Jail won’t hold me forever. Not for a 1500 loan anyway. None of this scares me. I will go before any judge and say look, I’m trying to work with these people. I’m not trying to skip out on this loan. Am I being reasonable or not?””
Questions about an auto loan?
Im thinking about buying my first car and its going to be within 10 000 dollars. I am a 19 year old college student and i need to take out a loan. im not sure which is going to be better for me a bank or a credit union? If i do take it from the bank do i have to pay a higher insurance coverage for the car? i was thinking a 60 months loan term would be within my range but if i do decide to pay it off before my loan term ends is there going to be any special fees or charges i have to pay? Ive had my license for three years without any traffic violation, if that matters””

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How do I figure out the amount financed for a car. TEN POINTS QUESTION!?
I got everything else I need to figure out the monthly payment except for the amount financed. How do I figure that out? Here are the figures: MSRP is $52,927, dealer incentive is $3700, term of loan is 48 months and the annual interest rate is 8.25%. PLEASE SHOW WORK IF YOU WANT TEN POINTS!””
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I have been made bankrupt however my name has been spelt incorrectly on the register of bankrupts.?
they have omitted the hyphen from my family name so when I search the register under my proper name there is no record for me. Is the bankruptcy order valid? This was caused solely by my local authority taking action for non payment of council tax. at that time i was seriously ill and they should have been applying council tax benefit which they failed to do. I was too ill to attend the court but they went ahead without me. It happened in 2005; do i have any right to appeal given it was so long ago?
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Auto loan help?
what auto loan or personal loan lenders looks over bad or fair credit and also do they guarantee that they will also approve u. also is the bad credit approval guaranteed at them auto sales dealers a sham or do they really approve people with bad or fair credit and they still gets financed at these used car dealerships.

What are some ways I can improve my credit?

Im gonna be filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy should i stop payment on?
the few cedit cards i’ve been paying?
Is unemployment money considered proof of income.?
I was laid off of work after working w/a company for more than a year. I was approved for unemployment. I guess the main question is can I apply for a car loan and use my unemployment money as verifiable income. Thanks!!

I want to keep my home and vehicles will chapter 13 bankruptcy allow me to do so?

“Does Montgomery Ward Credit Card report to the major credit reporting agencies?

I received an offer of credit form them and wondered if they report to the major credit agencies (i.e., Transunion, Experian, Equifax). I noticed their prices are a little high, but it may be worth it if I could build credit. Thanks!

“”How much of a home loan would I qualify for making $40,000 a year?

Low income auto loan?
I have a part time job where I earn around $600 a month (I’ve been working for over 6 months)… I got kicked out of my parent’s house and I live with my boyfriend’s family. They can’t co-sign my loans because they have bad credit. I pay no rent, I have one credit card that I pay off fine but I’ve only had that card for 5 months. I need a car because one of the cars my boyfriend’s parent’s had got repo-d, so now I rely on on other people to take me to college and to work. I have a $1,000 to put down… I just can’t find a bank or some type of auto loan place that could help me out!””
How is income verified when you file for bankruptcy (in CA). Is it just paycheck stubs and prior w-2's? Or..?


Difference between Cap rate and yield?
Hi, I have a presentation tomorrow in a real estate course at uni which I would like to touch on the difference between cap rate and yield, when I look at the formulas, they both seem to give the same output, cap rate= NOI/Value, yield=( net monthly rental income * 12 / Purchase price ) * 100 is it that you deduct expenses to obtain NOI where as you simply take rental income to calculate yield? correct me if I am wrong. Thanks alot Update : Also could you please tell me why I’ve heard people say that you can find out the cap rate of your area from your real estate agent? isn’t that a case by case basis for each house or they are wrong? thanks again””


How do you fix a credit score of only 400?

What happens if someone creates more debt while under ch.13 bankruptcy?

Can i get an auto loan under my name but have the car under my dads name?
I was approved for an auto loan but realized my license was expired. My dad is willing to have it under his name if it’s even possible. Does anyone know if it’s possible.
Has anyone used oasis legal finance?
I am waiting to settle a lawsuit, and then got laid off. I was thinking of using Oasis Legal Finance. Anyone use them? How responsive are they? How long does it really take? and was it a pain for your attorney?””
What is the best payday loan?
With low fees or no fees.Either or..Its for soeone else..Not me so please dont go on about how it isnt a good idea..Blah blah blah
How do I check my credit score?
How do I check my credit score for free without a credit card?
How to go bankrupt?
the accounts are in his name only, he had them before we were married. and I don’t have any bills but my car and it’s only in my name..””
I need help with auto loan information can anyone help?
I have a few questions actually, i want to get a car loan but my credit is horrible and i don’t know what to do i also want a car loan under 10,000, I am looking to buy a car for 3,000–4,000 and i found a lot. I also would like to know what my possible lowest monthly payments might be, no bank or auto loan place has answered these for me I’m having so much trouble. Please help me if you know anything. Thank youu!!””
How long does it take for a delinquent account to come off my credit report if i have paid it off?
i paid off a delinquent credit card a few weeks ago and need to know how long it takes to show on my credit report that it’s been paid off…
Are there any credit report websites that someone can go to without using a credit card at all?

“”If you were to loan a friend $100, what interest rate would you ask?
Explain your answer and compute what your return would be.
CHASE overdraft protection?
I’ve been getting notices via mail stating that there will be a change in my checkings account. I have CHASE, now… This change they’re talking about is an overdraft protection plan””””. They used to have this at WAMU””
Can anybody be a cosigner for an auto loan? Was told has to be in same houshold?
I was told by my credit union that the person co signing (for auto loan) has to be an immediate family member or has to be living in the same household. I have never heard of this before…please help! Is this true for all banks?
Auto Loan No Credit?
im going to be 18 pretty soon and my truck is dieing and i realy need to get a new car well i jeep is what i was wanting… but i wouldnt have any credit woul they loan me a no credit loan? and if they did would there be a catch? and how much could they lend me
Can use my husbands income on auto loan?
i’m a stay at home mom if i tired to get an auto loan could i use our household income or does it have to be money that i earn. my credit score is better and my husband has an old repo from before we were together

Are you still liable for a payday loan if they refuse a payment?

My mortgage lender wants a letter of explanation for inquiries on my credit report?
Please help
“Does Montgomery Ward Credit Card report to the major credit reporting agencies?

I received an offer of credit form them and wondered if they report to the major credit agencies (i.e., Transunion, Experian, Equifax). I noticed their prices are a little high, but it may be worth it if I could build credit. Thanks!

“”In terms of prostitution, what is considered equivalent of money?””
If prostitution is sex in exchange for money or its equivalent — what types of things would be equivalent and what wouldn’t? I can understand gift cards, gift certificates, shares of stock, tangible items, jewelry, all can be equivalent of money. How about services or labor such as mowing the lawn or driving a limo? Or services such as housecleaning or auto repair? My other question is, if I meet a girl for a date and we eat dinner and I pay for it, then we go back to my place and we can’t help it and have sex — is that prostitution because I paid for dinner? What if I met a girl I liked, and she told me she needed a $500 loan, and I gave it to her, and we had sex. Is that prostitution too? What if I was dating a girl who lost her job and she needed money and a place to stay, so I outright gave her $1000 a week to take care of her. And we had sex every once in a while. Is that prostitution too? And what if I get married and my wife refuses to have sex with me unless I pay her money or babysit the kids on the weekends. Is that prostitution too?””
Usda home loan with DACA. C33?
Has anybody aquired a loan thru usda using the ead that was given with DACA? Im interesting in getting a home loan and would like to know before i proceed.
Advance Fee loans a scam?
Has anyone ever heard of Stonesworth Group or have gotten a loan from them? My boyfriend has received loan offers from them and Berkley Lending, but requesting that we send them a collateral payment of $1500 first and they will send us the loan on the same day. I have never gotten a loan before, so I’m not sure how this is supposed to work. I have done some reading online about Berkley Lending and heard a lot of bad things, mainly how they scammed people. I couldn’t find anything on Stonesworth Group, but they seem so similar to Berkley Lending in what they are asking us to do. If anyone has heard of them or could give me some advice as of what to do in this situation, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.””
“”How many days late is considered slow pay”””” on your credit report?””””

Can I stop house payment for a 1–2 months without penalty?
My spouse and me have a credit cards debt and house payments. Now they are over head. I have had a second job and that helped us to pay some bills, and they cut my hours off from the second job, so I lost it completely. Now, am looking for another part time job, so I can find something t supplement our income. My question is if it’s possible to stop payment on the house for a 1–2 months without penalty, so we can pay some credit card debt’s and have some money for another bills??? If it’s possible, how can I contact the mortgage company and ask them?? Is it any form out there to check on it?? Any web site?? I do not want to lose our house and am looking for another part time job so I can have more money for bills and pay debt offs. Sincerely””

What is the fastest way to raise my FICO Score?
I had to file bankruptcy about 4 years ago, and now I see that my FICO score is still low. I am looking into buying a house and need the lowest interest rates.””
Lowest mortgage rates in Fl. for veterans w/ good credit?

Where can I get a free credit report along with a credit score?
Most of the free”””” services require that you sign up for a credit service. Are there any that are actually free with no hidden obligations?””””””
What is my best alternative to bankruptcy?
I have been looking at my options, and Bankruptcy is the most logical. What are my alternatives and why?””
Auto loan question?
I financed a car about 3 weeks ago, one week ago I received a letter in the mail advising me that there may be a problem with financing the car but the dealership would let me know if there was an issue. 30 min ago the person in the dealerships financing dept called and told me everything was ok, the loan went through but I need to go down to the dealership and sign a new contract. Why? Is it going to affect the amount of my monthly payments? Is anything going to change? I would ask him myself but he is gone for the day. Please help!””
Mortgage Rates?
Which mortgage companies have the best rates right now? I am trying to get preapproved for a mortgage and buy my first home. I have been preapproved through BB&T but the rate they quoted me was 6.25%. I felt this is high. I have good credit (score in the mid-to-high 700s) and no credit card debt. Are there any other lenders I should check with?
Will credit card affect auto loan?
I just turned 18 and have been trying to save for a new car, the one i have now is fine but its costing me way too much for gas each month. I have a steady job ive been at for almost 2 years and make decent money, i have no other expenses. Im trying to save up for a downpayment and get a loan at the credit union for around 12000. My question is i was thinking about getting a credit card to start building credit. Im not questioning this decision but i was wondering if i get a credit card and ive only had it for a couple months, would that look good or bad on my credit report when i go in for a loan? or will it affect it at all?””

What does money order mean? does it mean i can send cash for my payment ? ?
THX . ill pick best answer tomorrow .
How do i refinance my car?
loan from bank of america, $350.00 for 7 years. i would like to get the payments around $200.00 or so. anyone know how to approach this?””

Is it better to spend money on debt or to invest?
If someone has a foreclosure and not paid credit cards, is it better to: a) file bankruptcy and mess up credit b) pay off all the debt but credit will still be not the best but at least no judgements or BKs on file c) file bankruptcy and the money that would’ve been used to pay off the debt invest for the future””
Who are the drummer and bass player on the Free Credit Report advertisement?
They seem to be the mystery of the internet and no one seems to know who they are, but, if you will allow me to answer my own question, I asked Eric Violette (the singer in the commercial, who they are and he kindly answered).””
Who does auto loans withborrowers having a Bk discharge?

“”What is a good loan to get if you just want about $5,000?””
First off, I know NOTHING about loans and stuff, I’m 22 and have never been in debt or had to take out a loan, however recently funds have been short. Point in saying that is if this is a stupid question, I’m sorry! My car is on her last leg… errr…. Wheel, poor thing. Instead of throwing more money in a 1991 Pathfinder I’m looking to just buy something else. I am looking at some cars (various makes and models) around $4k. What kind of loan (if there are kinds”””” of loans) would be a good choice if you don’t have many assets. I can absolutely pay it back””
What kind of mortgage is a 360/180 balloon?
What are the terms of this? Actually, just, what does that mean?””

Is it wise to file bankruptcy without a lawyer?
I only have credit card debt. I am also broke. The lawyer I talked with wants $1000. I can do it online for half that.
Where can I find info about the best possible refinance rate on my mortgage without talking to all these banks?
They advertise a low rate but when you actually call, you have to pay a lot of closing costs? Has anyone out there found a good deal lately?””
“Does Montgomery Ward Credit Card report to the major credit reporting agencies?

I received an offer of credit form them and wondered if they report to the major credit agencies (i.e., Transunion, Experian, Equifax). I noticed their prices are a little high, but it may be worth it if I could build credit. Thanks!

