Unidentified Shadow

K Fitzgerald
1 min readMar 25, 2023


Photo by Rene Böhmer on Unsplash

There are times,
when this fickle mind
will wander.
Obsessive thinking?
Preference goes to ponder.
To watch judgements and opinions
pass, no reaction;
could I carry this into
the world of passion?
Stay equanimous,
I hear that’s the golden ticket.
but with effort spent on
“trying to be”,
I end up further out to sea.
Lost the marbles,
out to lunch,
blind in the jungle
and betting on a hunch.
And there are times,
when this body will over-sense.
Has awareness come with
Or made it more intense?
I remember now,
feel it and learn.
Let it pass and
let it burn.
Let the insides tumble
and feel them churn.
What does it mean?
Can we discern?
Usually so,
until it’s our turn.
Then nerves take over —
steel to dust.
The steadfast pillars
now filled with rust.
They creak and moan,
it shows in my voice,
reflections that are neutral,
turned hostile, through this lens.
Let’s just be and allow.
I hope for the best,
do you hear me now?



K Fitzgerald

Trying to stay curious. Avid meditator, gardener, and reader.