What online payday loans people can i trust ?

22 min readMar 7, 2019


What online payday loans people can i trust ?

i am trying to get a loan and i was wondering who i can trust and who isnt a scam

Answer : I might suggest one to try this internet site where you can get from the best companies: http://finance-solution.us/index.html?src=MEDFEBzoD5chash .

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Capital One Auto loan?
I receive the capial one auto loan Blank Check. The loan is in my name only. I will be purchasing the auto for my son but the loan is in my name only. Capital one web site states you have to make at least $1800 a month before they will give you an auto loan and my son does not make that a month. My question is when we go to purchase the auto, can I just go ahead and put the car, registration and tags in his name even though the loan is in my name only.””
Auto loan information?
hello, i’ve been interested in buying a new vehicle something around 17,000 or so not exactly brand new but new to me i dont have anything bad on my credit but i dont exactly have good credit i have had one personal loan with my credit union and was never late on a payment and paid it off on time so my question is would i be able to get an auto loan through my credit union since i’ve already had one loan or would i need to build up my credit some more before they would give me an auto loan. thanks for the answers””


No one will approve me for an auto loan?
i work a very good job and i need a 3600 dollar auto loan. all the credit unions are denying my applications because i just turned 18 and i have no credit. i do not have time to open a credit card and wait a year.
Are any of those credit repair companies legit?
Like the people on the internet that want to help dispute and repair your credit? I already tried disputing several things myself, went to freecreditreport.com and such and tried disputing things myself but it didnt work.””
Am i entitled to crisis loan?
i made a new claim on 16th of march and got told i got to wait till the 31st of march to sign on i have got no money for living expenses which means i got to wait 3 weeks to receive some money i was thinking of applying for 175.00 loan
Has anyone used freecreditreport.com?
SO my husband wanted to check his credit report and we used the freecreditreport.com website. So on their website we choose to get your instant credit report for $1. right. sure enough we got the credit report..signed up..and let him do the rest. then i’ve check the bank account and got charged for 29.95 from them and then now..another 19.95 from creditreport.com what is going on? I has my husband about it..and he knows nothing about it..or did he get a membership for it? we got charge twice both 29.95, and 19.95 in one month..ok. dont know whats going on..but has anyone used freecreditreport.com for you credit score..NEXT never let husband to do stuff on his own when it comes to paying for it..urgh..frustrating..””
Can I keep my old credit card when switching to a new bank?
Update: I indeed want just one credit card, happy with my current one. So I think that solved my original question. I think I figured out how to set it up on bill pay with my new bank. I entered in the address, and the account number on my credit card statement. Seems to have worked. So do I close my checking and savings account with my old bank, but leave the ‘credit account’ open.. and then will I still be able to sign in to the online banking with the old bank to see how much I owe for my credit card? Because it has a thing in the online banking that says how much credit I spent and how much is still available. When I use my new bank to pay for that balance, will the old bank receive that payment and will the old bank’s credit account update the amount online to to account for what I paid (after it processes the bill pay after a few days, I assume)? “”

Is there any Credit report site that is actually free?
Every website that is advertised as Free”””” wants your credit card number or require you to join their club (which is not free) I never give out my card number on line but whould appreciate knowing if there are any that do not charge for a 1 time report””””””
Where can I find totally free credit reports and scores on line?

Getting Auto Loan with Low Credit History?
My husband would like to get a auto loan with his income only since I do not work. We are pretty unsure as to what his chances are at getting a loan since he has limited credit history. He makes decent income(about 50,000 a year) and he has had the same job for 6 years. However he has a mortgage under his credit that we have had for one year now, a credit card he’s had for 6 years but only 500 limit, and another credit card he just got a awhile ago with a 7,500 limit. He has no credit card debt and he has a excellent payment history on credit report for past 5–6 years.The only debt showing under his credit report is his mortgage. He has never had any installment loan before, this auto loan would be his first. We would like to get a car for 10–13k and we have about 30%-40% down payment. Are his chances any good for getting a auto loan? We know going through a credit union would possibly be a better interest rate but what are his chances of getting financing through the dealer?””

How does a preapproved car loan work?
I’m about to get a new car just dont know what yet. Want to get the loan today because Friday Im going to go look. Want the money with me so I can buy it on the spot.I know for a regular car loan they ask for a VIN number.If I get a preapproved loan and dont use all the money that is on the loan how would i use or return it?
How long it will take for one’s credit score to become available after he/she gets his/her first credit card?
Hi I got my first ever credit card 4 months back (American Express). Then I got a Bank of America credit card 15 days later. So far I have made 3 payments ( full payments and on time )to each of these cards. How long it will take the credit bureaus to show up my credit score for the first time? When should I check my credit score first time? Is 3 months of history enough to get a credit score? Thanks.
“”How much should I expect monthly payments for a $600,000 mortgage?””
I’m thinking of getting a mortgage loan that is worth $600,000. I have $200,000 downpayment. So that means, I have $400,000 that I owe left right? If I go for the 30 year plan mortgage. How much should I expect to pay each month? And what is the normal interest rate there is? I’m new to this mortgage loan so all the help, is amazing! thanks!!!!!!!! My background: I’m an LPN currently studying to be an RN for my associate’s degree & I currently do own my own home outright because I inherited this house. Now I want to buy another house near me for my younger brothers (20s) along with my mom, grandma etc. Thanks so much!””
I made a mistake regarding my annual gross on a auto loan Application. Can i do it over?
I calculated my annual gross incorrectly, and i have a feeling that’s why i got turned down for the auto loan. Am I able to re-submit another one?””

How to get a credit card without credit?
Ok. I am age 19. I need to start building credit so I can someday buy a car or a house. I have an account at TCF bank and a debit card. They cannot give me a credit card so I have tried to get one from many places like Target and Kohl’s. But I keep getting denied. I even tried Capitol One. The weird thing is when I applied for the Kohl’s card I was denied because of my address. When they scanned my TCF debit card my dad’s address showed up which was weird because when I got the account I put in my current address.. So they had my dad’s address, plus my mom’s on my driving permit then my current address on my checks. No wonder why I keep getting denied. So I went to TCF and they told me it wasn’t connected to them and for some reason they told me to call the Social Security Department to make an address change. I did. It was the worse experience. The lady was literally yelling at me! I have no idea what she was talking about. She offered no help and was extremely rude. She made me cry it was redicoulous. I am very confused right now. Can anyone help me at all?? I need to build credit :(“”
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Are there any trustworthy payday loan sites?


Need a auto loan… 18?
I’m 18, I need to get a loan and get a car. I have no credit history, I just got approved for a student discover card but I haven’t even received it yet. I have no co signer… it’s just me and my daughter. Is there any place that will give me a loan? Online?””
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I am looking for an online loan company that would be legit, one that has low monthly payments and one for people with low credit scores.””
“What online payday loans people can i trust ?

i am trying to get a loan and i was wondering who i can trust and who isnt a scam

Is it possible to have more than one payday loan at once?

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25,000 dollar downpayment 30 year loan””

What the best bank to get a auto loan?
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Are deferred payments on auto loan considerd late?
on a auto loan is a deferred payment considered a late payment and after the maturity date can it be repossed if all the other payments are up to date and the the company that held the loan sold all the auto bussiness to another company
“”Can an 18 year old with a good paying job get an auto loan for 4–5,000 dollars with no co-signer?

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Can anyone help me on a good payday loan site? I keep getting the run around from site to site.?
I am looking to get a loan,but can not find a good site. I fill out the form and then it redirects me to another. I want a good loan site thats not a scam. Thanks””
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And is it safe? Or are any of the ‘free credit score check sites safe?””””””

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In what range would my interest rate most likely be for financing a 30k used car? My credit score is……?
My Experian is 634, Equifax 627, and Trans is 620. I have a few late payments that are on my credit report, most recent late payment was in Jan 07. Prior to this the latest late paymt was on Aug 06. I have a secured credit card $200 limit which I use every month and always pay it off at the end of month. A Macys card with a $300 limit with zero balance which I also use often and pay it off at the end of the month. I have two installment loans one for $241 a month which I still owe $4000 on, and one for $93 monthly for $2000 which I still owe $1700 (just opened it). I also have a student loan which I owe about $3000 and pay $50 every month. I do not have any accts in collections at the moment. I always keep no more than 25% bal on my accts. My history is about 3 yrs old. Im thinking about financing a used car for 30k and would like to know based upon my credit details/score how high would my interest rate be? I don’t want to get a high rate. Professl in the field or Persnl Exp Pls Help.””
I’m a student and I need a car?
Hi, I’m 18 years old and a freshman at a state school. I’ve already been awarded a stafford loan for school, so I won’t be able to use a federal student loan for a car. I’ve been looking into private loans, but I have no credit and my parents have bad credit. I was thinking ab applying for a credit card and buying the car with that and then paying off the card, but I know absolutely nothing about applying for cards and credit limits. I’m just really lost because I need a car for my new job. Are there any private loan options that are willing to work with you on this, or banks that are willing to help situations like this? Please, Serious answers only. I need all the help I can get. Thank you for your time! :)””
What is the best way to get an auto loan?
I have kind of a tricky situation. My current vehicle is financed in my fiance’s name. We owe $5,000 on it, but we need a new one badly. This thing is a huge piece of junk. Waaay too many problems to list. His credit is horrible since he got divorced 2 years ago. My credit is pretty much nonexistant. I have a student loan and 2 credit cards… one of which I had defaulted on when I lost my job in November, but is now current. We were looking to get a new vehicle in my name, since my credit is obviously better than his. What is the best way to go about getting an auto loan? If/when I get one… what do we do with our current vehicle? No one is going to want to buy it, and we can’t afford to pay it off if we get a new car. Sorry if this is confusing… much appreciation for all of your help!””
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American Express Cash Advance?
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How do i determine if i need to file bankruptcy?
i have a vehicle reposession a 9 thousand dollar hospital bill from a emergency room visit in july, two credit cards in the amount of 13 thousand in collections and i am late on student loans, my score is about 510"”
Does paying off a car loan early cause the dealer to not get his kickback (dealer reserve)?
I have the cash to pay for a car outright, but I’m thinking of financing it anyway so that the dealer can jack-up the interest rate and get his dealer reserve kickback, and pass the savings to me off the price of the car, which I would then payoff in the first month (so the high interest rate is of little consequence). But if I tell the dealer that that is my plan, will they say no deal, because they’ll miss out on their dealer reserve kickback from me paying it off early? Or do they get their dealer reserve kickback as soon as the loan funds making my payoff plan irrelevant to them?””
Looking for a good bankruptcy lawyer in Orange county?
Has anyone herd of this Bankruptcy lAW FIRM IN Orange County www.oc-bankruptcylaw.com ? Im looking for a good bankruptcy lawyer and suggestions?
Bankruptcy court costs only.?
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Where do I get a free credit report?

“What online payday loans people can i trust ?

i am trying to get a loan and i was wondering who i can trust and who isnt a scam

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What the step i can take now for my other bankruptcy company?
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Best Binary Option Broker?
What is the best Binary Option Broker out there with Iphone app? I use Scottrade for stocks, but I don’t think Scottrade deal with binary options, or do they?””


Best personal loan lenders with bad credit.?

What exactly is chapter 13 bankruptcy??

How can I start a business with no money and bad credit I know it sounds impossible just need some ideas.?
I want to start a buisness, but my credit sucks. Im only making it paycheck to paycheck. I want to work for myself ,and I’ve had a dream of the buisness I want to start ,since I was a kid.Im 30 now, and making good money, but not enough to get me out of debt ,and help make my dream a reality. I really just need some ideas, to guide me in the right direction.””
“”What does it mean in the Monopoly board game: mortgaged, unmortgaged and unimproved property?””
I’m reading the rules of the classic Monopoly game and this is where it confuses me; is under Paying Rent: When you land on a property that is owned by another player, the owner collects rent from you in accordance with the list printed on its Title Deed card. If the property is mortgaged, no rent can be collected. When a property is mortgaged, its Title Deed card is placed face down in front of the owner. It is an advantage to hold all the Title Deed cards in a color-group (i.e., Boardwalk and Park Place, or Connecticut, Vermont and Oriental Avenues) because the owner may then charge double rent for unimproved properties in that colour-group. This rule applies to unmortgaged properties even if another property in that colour-group is mortgaged.””
How long must you wait to buy a home after Bankruptcty?
I just filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I have heard that you must wait about 2yrs. My attorney states that it depends on the mortgage company. Has anyone filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and if so how long did it take for you to be able to purchase a home? What are some good Mortgage companies?
Can you still rent after foreclosure?
If forced into foreclosure or bankruptcy would one still be able to rent?
“”Can we afford an 80,000 dollar home?””
My fiance and I make 50,000 combined a year. We live in the midwest. We have two car loans currently, with payments in the upper 200’s. They set to be done on 2013 and 2014. Those are our only two major debts. Any other debt we have is minor credit card debt and those can be paid off fairly quickly. We carry small balances from time to time, and pay them off quickly to build credit. We currently live in an apartment and pay 525 a month in rent. We pay electricity aside from that…and that’s it. We are getting married in a couple of weeks. We want to buy a house in the next couple of years. I really like the houses at 80,000 dollar range. (I don’t think we should go higher than that…to be safe.) Houses in that range have all the criteria I want: two stories….3 bedrooms (so we can have two kids with each bedroom to themselves,) a nice waterproofed basement that we could also use as another room…a garage…a yard…somewhat nicer neighborhood. Can we afford this? And if we can….how do we go about executing the plan to buy a house? What span of time would it take to make this dream into a reality? Thank you for your help!””
“”Where can I find all 3 credit reports for free…And I mean at no cost at all..I had it before and I lost it,,?

If im on disability/ssi and want to buy a home(first time home buyer) would i get discounts or something?
oh and by the way i dont think its any ones business why im on disability!!! i added that little bit because i wanted to make sure that you didnt think i was missing a leg or something!!!!!!!!!!! So in the nicest way i can say this is its realy none of your business OK!! I didnt come to yahoo answers to get made to look like an idiot and I ALSO DIDNT COME TO TALK ABOUT WHY I AM ON DISABILITY SO PLEASE IM ASKING NICELY NOT FOR YOU TO ASK ME ABOUT IT THANKS!!!!!
What happens to my bussiness after bankruptcy?
I’m putting off filing for bankruptcy for a couple a weeks because I’m in the process of writing a business plan wich should be complete next week. My hours were cut so it’s not like I’m not paying my bills for the business. I’m getting the money from my parents. Should I wait until after bankruptcy or should I start my business right before?
Who has taken out a construction loan recently?
My family and I recently purchased land and we’ve started to get the money together to build a house on it. We know we have a while before we can get up enough money to start building, but we figured we should start now on learning and planning about the different types of loans and what we would need to know or do before going any further. Can anyone recommend any web sites or offer any help?””
Is there any website that I can get a payday loan without a bank account?
looking for x-tra christmas money
What is the statute of limitations for money owed on a car loan?
Had a Honda Civic about 15 years ago, it was repo’d and then sold at an auction. But I still owed $3,000.00 on it, which at the time I did not have. I had forgotten about it until a week ago when they started calling me again. I know I owe them the money, but after so many years can they still try and collect?””
I have a 611 equifax score and would like to buy a car. Would I qualify?
I currently have a 611 Equifax score and would like to buy a car. I have previously paid off two car loans and I have only four accounts open to my name. I have School loans and 3 credit cards, which total monthly payments come close to $150. I rent my home along with my husband and I make roughly $39k per yr. Would anybody have any idea of where and how I should go about getting financed? Thanks in advance!!””
I want to cancel my victoria secret angel credit card.?
i’ve recently signed up for one and heard so many bad comments about it. i dont want to deal with any of that so i just want to cancle it. my permanant card hasnt came in yet, so does anyone know how i can cancle it? also, this is my first credit card, so will it hurt my credit? i only signed up for it two days ago.””
Does splitting mortgage rates into multiple loans on different interest rates create a lower long term average interest rate?

Auto loan deficiency?
I baught a new vehicle in 2009 and soon after lost my job. I was forced to work out of town and ran the miles up on the vehicle so I couldnt refi. I then had the vehicle repossessed and sold with a $17,000 deficiency. I current work part-time and live in debt so my question is will the loan company attempt to sue for the 17k? They have made no attempt to make a deal just asking for the 17k daily as if I’m going to grow it in my yard. If they do sue what actions can they take since I have no disposable income?””

What site do you go to to get your free annual government issued credit report?

Need Bad Credit Loan?
I have tried talking to my lenders, and working with them but my situation is getting worse. I am a single mom, and when my husband left me for his new girlfriend, he left me all the bills, which he had made me put in my name because, I had good credit””””. Now my credit score is in the hole and I do not make enough to take care of all the bills””
“What online payday loans people can i trust ?

i am trying to get a loan and i was wondering who i can trust and who isnt a scam

Does anyone know of any online installment loans for people with less than perfect credit?

Is American Express a good choice for a credit card?
I received an application for AmEx, and it states that one can now utilize a revolving charge account. I thought that was only Visa/Mastercard. I looked everywhere thru the information and nowhere found a credit limit, as all Visa and Mastercard do. Anyone know about this?””
“”I need a personal loan for 8,000 with horrible credit and no one else will help me?””
Okay so here is my story…I am 28, I got married and divorced with in a year, we were together before that for 9 years. He was the main provider and when it can down to having to pay for the divorce and moving cost I took out some payday loans. Well one turn into 2 and so on and so on and now I can not repay them back at all. I am now getting very threating phone calls and don’t know where else to turn. I have tried prosper but my credit is to low and now I am looking for some person out there who does personal loans for honest people. I need to get everything paid off (about 8,000) so I have one monthly payment which I can pay 340 a month with any interest rate. I have been at my current job for 9 years so employment is not a problem. I have looked into debt consoladation but they do not take care of payday loans. Is there any help for me???””
What happens if I don’t pay this loan?
Hi, I have a $100 payday loan. Im thinking I don’t want to pay it back. What’s the worst that can happen? They only have info on my old job — a job I no longer work. I work somewhere else now. When I applied for the loan I was only required to put down 2 references. I gave numbers that I knew more or less were from cell phones that were disconnected. Good thing I went at the last minute and the woman behind the counter was anxious to get the paperwork done and go home. If not she would have called the numbers and found out they were disconnected! Yes, I’m a deadbeat that doesn’t want to pay this loan! I know for a fact that payday loans do not go on your credit report so I don’t have to sweat it there. Ive already changed my cell phone number so they can’t call me. What are they gonna do? Take me to a small claims court? For $100? Sorry, don’t think so. It looks like I got away with a $100 free and clear. Thank you mr payday loan. What do you guys think?””

I make 1476 a month poor credit need loan?
can anyone tell me where i can get a loan with poor credit for 1500. not a payday loan. i realize it will be high interest.
Does anyone know if an auto loan will also cover fees if u dont use all of the given loan?

How much can a payday loan that reports to the 3 bureaus help my credit score?
I recently saw an offer to get a payday loan that reposts to the big 3 credit agencies. How much can getting payday loans and paying them off on time REALLY improve my credit score?
Address isnt mine on credit report?
It belongs to mother in law. She just bought life insurance but have no clue on who. So my question is what reasons would her address show up on my credit report
Auto loan with poor credit?
I live in Houston, Texas and I wanted to find out houw to get an auto loan. I would like to purchase a vechicle that the owner wants $3500 for. Due to my poor credit, I can’t get a loan from my own bank. Does somebody out there know of a campny, organization, loan company, etc for people for poor credit?””

What is the means test for bankruptcy in florida?



Will my credit keep me from getting hired?
I just received a job offer from a large company, which is contingent on a background check that includes credit. I graduated from grad school a year ago and fell on some hard times since I couldn’t find a job right away. I have two credit cards that are maxed out ($4K and $2500 balances) and have had several late payments over the last year. Nothing is in collections and I’ve had no bankruptcies or anything major like that. Will the maxed out credit cards and late payments have any affect on my job offer or do they just look for major stuff? I’m freaking out since I really want the job, but I’d had a rough time financially over the last year.””

After filing bankruptcy can one add a debt later?

Where can i go to get a real free credit report w/o using my credit card no. online?


Is wage day advance a scam payday loan?
Hi I have just applied with wda ltd and gave them all my details they said I was accepted but needed to send them bank statements which I done but I haven’t heard back since just need some feedback on the company if anyone knows. Thanks

What are some good mangas with…?
1)What is a good manga with a masosadist main characters or main love interest? (that isn’t creepy like in Gamble Fish) Like in Madness and others but their name is escaping my mind, I know one was about a mafia/loan shark guy and ends up with his ex lover’s ex lover. 2) What are some similar mangas to… -Red River -Faster Than a Kiss -Black Butler -Tail of the Moon (how does it end?) -Skip Beat! -Beast Master -Oran Bead Club -Pandora Hearts -Deep Love Virus -Kio Hirari -Soul Eater -Akuma to Tsuki no Yoru -Hanatsuki Hime -Ludwig Kakumei -Kanata Kara _________And more 3) mangas with strong female characters!!!!! 4) other things -horror -supernatural -mysteries with murders -well drawn with hot guys -dark/gothic -funny -action 5) ABLE to read them at mangareader.net or mangafox.com””
Nobody will approve me 4 a loan becus my credit. Does any1 no which online loan company does not do credit checks and will approve me?

How to buy something online with parents credit card without them knowing?
I have nook and the charger broke again and she told me not to brake it because it cost to much to buy another one and if i did brake it she not buying another one and she’s going take my nook color away.but it broke by it self i didnt drop it or nothing .i wanna buy the charger with her credit or debit card without it showing what i bought and i want to replace it but how. Helpp
Is it unsafe to get a home loan with no deposit?
I would really like to take advantage of the first home buyers grant but will not have a deposit in time. I have looked at no deposit home loans but have heard they can be dangerous. Is that true?
“What online payday loans people can i trust ?

i am trying to get a loan and i was wondering who i can trust and who isnt a scam

